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Ecstatic (Arcane Mage Series Book 5)

Page 13

by T. S. Snow

  Because Char deserved the world, and I’d make sure she got it, or as much of it as she wanted.

  Blaze nodded, as if he understood exactly what I meant when I said I couldn’t give her up. And I guessed, in a way, he did. He’d tried to leave her, tried to move on, and he hadn’t been able to. I couldn’t blame him for it. Char was the kind of girl who you fell for, hard, and you just couldn’t get over.

  I had no idea how that fucker Theodore had managed to do it all those years ago, but he was a fool, that was for damn sure.

  Blaze was smarter than that, at least.

  “Is there anything you can do to prevent her from being part of the fallout if the truth about you is ever discovered?” he asked instead.

  I grimaced. “That’s where you guys come in, isn’t it? I’m trusting you and Andres and whoever else she picks to be there for her, to shield her. But most of all, to make sure she doesn’t jump head first into a war against all of magekind to try to save me.” I had to trust that no matter what happened to me, Char would be safe.

  Blaze tilted his head. “You’re not going to use Charisma and her connection to the heirs and the Council of Six to try and get the Necromancers to become legitimate again?”

  I almost laughed. “Yeah, right, because it would be that easy. I can’t fight decades of prejudice against my people. The only thing I can hope to accomplish, what I’ve vowed to do, is to keep them out of danger. Who knows? Maybe one day, we can slowly work towards showing the world that we aren’t all as evil as my one ancestor, but until then…until then, we’re happy just to be alive.”

  Just then, Andres walked over from the living room, saw us, and stopped in his tracks, mouth agape.

  “What is this? Are you two having a brother-husband meeting without me? Is this how things will be? You have a new favorite brother-husband, and now I’m what, chopped liver?” Andres kept the theatrics up, going so far as to put his hands over his heart and make a sad face to show how crushed he was.

  “Keep your voice down,” Blaze hissed.

  I just rolled my eyes. His attempt to break the tension wasn’t really needed. It wasn’t like Blaze was holding me against the wall and threatening to kill me.

  “Weren’t you too busy killing off machine monsters?”

  Andres grinned at my question. “Dude, that game is awesome. I can’t believe you never told me about it before. But no, never too busy for brother-husband bonding moments!”

  “Will you stop calling it that?” Blaze asked drily, brows furrowed.

  Unrepentant, Andres threw an arm around Blaze, forcing an embrace of sorts. “Aww, why? Are you too shy to be my brother-husband? Do you want a better name for it? How about compeer? Co-boyfriend? Player four? Because obviously, Char is player one, Bast is player two because he came first. No pun intended. And then there’s me and you. Huh. That might get tricky if Char does end up adding more men to her harem.” Andres took a minute to consider, blatantly ignoring the way Blaze was staring daggers at him.

  Time to intervene.

  “Andres, why don’t you go keep Char company? She’s in bed, all alone, and I’m pretty sure the reason she hasn’t slept yet was because she didn’t want to do it without company.”

  Andres’ eyes sparkled at my suggestion. “Ooh, we could have a snuggle party.”

  He let go of Blaze and started to open the bedroom door.

  “If you wake her up, I’ll fucking kill you,” Blaze warned.

  Andres threw him a wink from over his shoulder and entered the room, closing the door behind him.

  “Don’t worry,” I said. “He acts like a little kid, but he’s actually not that bad. He won’t wake her up. He was just trying to smooth things over between us in his own crazy way.” I rubbed the back of my neck.

  Goddess, I was tired. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d slept the whole night. Between everything that had happened with Char, the whole Andres having to duel his uncle thing, and the everyday crap my people had to deal with, there was just so fucking much on my plate.

  “Listen, I’d planned to answer some of your questions, or maybe even give you some backstory, but the truth is, I’m beat. I’m not trying to kick you out or anything. If you want, you can try to find a place in the bed with us, though you’ll probably end up snuggling Andres instead of Char, or you can take the couch. You can also just go home and come back tomorrow. So long as you promise to continue to keep my identity a secret, you can come and go as you please.”

  An idea came to mind. “Regardless of what you choose, why don’t you ask Char out tomorrow? Take her out to dinner or something, maybe invite her to sleep over at your place. I’m pretty damn sure the two of you will feel more comfortable that way. I’m not…trying to tell you what to do or anything, I’m just trying to let you know that it’s okay to take your time, I guess. Do things at your own pace, with her too. We’ll all figure things out, together.”

  I hadn’t expected this whole thing to feel so damn awkward, but if it was bad for me, things could only be worse for Blaze.

  It would get better, though, I was sure of it.

  “Yeah, I like that plan.” Blaze smiled, and for the first time, he looked almost…approachable.

  If not for the fact I’d seen the way he looked at Char, the way he acted around her, I would’ve had a hell lot of objections against him. But as it stood…well, she could’ve done a lot worse.

  “You really don’t mind if I crash on the couch? I…I’m not ready to be too far from her yet,” he admitted.

  I smiled. “It’s yours. Let me grab you some things to make you a little more comfortable. Shower is at the end of the hall to the left, and if you get hungry or whatever, feel free to eat anything from the kitchen. Welcome to the family, Blaze.”



  I woke up in the middle of the world’s most delicious sandwich...and the hottest, too. As in, I felt like my legs were stuck under the blankets with two heaters. I was pretty sure I was sweating. Or, rather, my legs were sweating. Either that, or they were crying because holy crap it was warm. I tried to move a little, maybe pull the blanket down, or put some space between me and the human heaters, but it was impossible. I felt I was trying to move two damn giant boulders. Like the one the kid from Demon Slayer had to cut through with his katana to prove he had mastered the correct breathing technique.

  Shit was hard.

  Not the breathing technique. I mean, yes, the breathing technique, probably. It did take going through hell multiple times for him to master it, so ya know. But what I meant was that moving either of the guys was damn near impossible.

  Frustrated, I opened my eyes and found Boulder One grinning at me.

  I narrowed my eyes at Andres. “Move.”

  His hazel eyes sparkled with mischief, and he did obey. He moved...closer.

  Andres hugged me tighter, using his strength to his advantage and locking me to him, my head on his neck, his chin on top of my head, and his fucking legs intertwining with mine like some sort of human pretzel dance.

  Behind me, Bast’s arm tightened around my middle, pushing against my very full bladder.

  “You guys, seriously,” I hissed. “It’s too hot.”

  Andres’s chuckle made his entire chest vibrate. “Too hot, huh?”

  Oh my Goddess, no.

  “Not like that, you sex fiend. I mean that between the two of you, I feel like I’m sleeping with werewolves or something. Plus, I really need to pee and if Bast tightens his hold on me even an inch more, I’ll wet the damn bed.”

  If I thought my threat would work, I should really have known better.

  Bast’s arm stayed exactly where it was, and Andres poked my stomach as if to test the theory.

  So I did the only thing I could do in a situation like this.

  I tilted my head, and bit him on the shoulder. Not hard enough to draw blood or anything, I wasn’t a rabid opossum. I just bit him hard enough to show I meant business.
  “Damn savage,” Andres joked, finally releasing me.

  I ran to the bathroom with the soundtrack of the guys’ laughter. I was just about to close the door behind me when I had an idea. Closing my eyes, I focused my magic, coaxing the water to help me out a little bit.

  Thinking about water when I was this desperate to pee was hard, but hearing the guys’ shouts of dismay before I locked myself in the bathroom was worth it.

  I’d have felt bad about wetting Bast’s bed, but it served him right for being a co-conspirator.

  Maybe next time he wouldn’t lock me in place when I had to pee, dammit.

  By the time I left the bathroom—after taking care of business, showering, and brushing my teeth—I was ready to take on the world.

  Or, in this case, tackle whatever the backlash from yesterday was.

  I walked into the kitchen and froze in my tracks at what I saw before me. Sitting at the counter having breakfast were Andres, Bast, and Blaze. I didn’t know what I expected after our whole talk yesterday, and accepting him as a boyfriend, but to see him here this morning had most definitely not been it.

  Also, there was something to be said about a shirtless Andres with messy hair and dimples, Bast with his calming presence and megawatt smile, and Blaze wearing a shirt that was a tad too big for him.

  Was this what I was going to wake up to every morning? Because I could most definitely sign up for that. Three times over, even. And if both Bast and Blaze could be shirtless, too, now that would be a whole party.

  “Uh...morning?” It was more a question than anything, but whatever. I had a lot to take in. My eyes were feasting, and I had zero problems with it, even if Blaze’s presence had thrown me off a little bit. Not because it was unwelcome, just because...unexpected.

  Seeing me, Blaze got up from his seat. “Morning, Little Spitfire.” He walked to me and offered me a mug full of coffee, and I smiled at him even though I was completely dazzled.

  I took the coffee from him and, on impulse, kissed him lightly on the lips.

  Blaze froze, but I sipped my coffee and sat on the stool he had vacated.

  Damn, I had no idea who had actually made my coffee, but it was just as sugary delicious as I loved. Nothing like a mixture of sugar and caffeine to really get the blood pumping.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Blaze looked toward Bast and Andres, gauging their reaction to the kiss, but they just smiled.

  Well, Andres’s grin was big enough to show his dimples, and I could tell he was dying to cause mischief, but one censoring look from me kept him under control...for now.

  I was so concerned about Andres pulling Blaze’s leg, I did not see the threat of Bastille until he was tipping me back on my stool, and kissing me senseless.

  He tasted of coffee and sin, and it didn’t take me long to be so consumed by the kiss, I forgot everything else.

  I kissed him back, biting his bottom lip when he tried to pull away.

  Bast’s lips tilted up even as he deepened the kiss, his tongue clashing against mine.

  I was just about to say fuck coffee, let’s have sex, when he pulled away, leaving me wanting.

  He gave me one final peck on the lips and stood up to his full height, sending me a quick wink.

  “Oh, not fair! I’m the only one who didn’t get a good morning kiss!” Andres protested, even as I turned my head to see how Blaze was reacting to it.

  He looked...conflicted.

  Definitely needed to find time to have a one-on-one conversation with Blaze very, very soon. I wanted to make sure this was really what he wanted, that he was really okay with it. I knew that had been part of the reason Bast had even kissed me in the first place. A test of sorts, and I couldn’t even find it in myself to be mad at him for it.

  Bast was testing Blaze now, before things went too far, to make sure he wouldn’t just up and leave the second he saw some PDA with one of the other guys. He was doing it to keep me from being hurt again by the very same guy who had made me cry more than once.

  In his place, I’d do the same. Hell, I’d do a lot worse.

  Andres loomed over me, his lips puckered up as if asking for a kiss. I just sent him a dry look. “Really? After you almost made me pee in bed?”

  He pouted, and it was unfair that he made pouting look sexy.

  “I thought you had already punished us for that by giving us an impromptu bath and locking us out of the bathroom while you were showering. Think about the environment, beautiful! Showering together is how we save water!”

  I couldn’t stop my grin.

  Dammit, that was only going to encourage him.

  “What can I say? I’m a true monster.” I shrugged.

  “Ha! I knew it. So, how about that kiss, huh?”

  I shook my head and picked up my coffee. “Tough luck, babe. Why don’t you try again tomorrow? Preferably without the whole being a brat thing.” I winked at him before sipping my drink, to make sure he knew I wasn’t truly mad. But I also wasn’t going to kiss him, on principle.

  Andres’s eyes narrowed, promising retribution, but he didn’t act on it just yet. He waltzed back to his seat and breakfast, and I knew I was in for some shenanigans.

  Bring it on, babe.

  “So, what’s the plan for today?” Bast asked, breaking the silly tension between Andres and me.

  I looked at him, watching as he finished a sandwich and placed it in front of me. Boy, was I getting spoiled. I kinda loved it.

  “I’m going to go to the hospital to visit Theo. I want to make sure he’s okay. Then I need to swing by AMIA.”

  Just thinking of going by headquarters had me on edge, though. On one hand, it was one of my jobs and I really did have a lot of fun when I got to play tech overlord. I also loved the people there I’d gotten to know over the years, and how much AMIA helped me get my feet under me. On the other hand...I was pretty sure none of the crap I’d gone through these last few months would’ve happened if I wasn’t involved with the Agency.

  It was definitely something to think about. Not that I’d make any decisions right now, but maybe I should start to consider my options for the future. Especially if the relationship with the guys worked, and most of all...especially now that I had my actual diploma as a Magical Engineer.

  I didn’t need to use my Onyx alias anymore. I could develop my tech with my own name, taking the credit for my hard work.

  For better or for worse.

  “Actually, Little Spitfire,” Blaze interjected. I looked at him and found him putting his phone in the pocket of his pants. “The Director just asked me to let you know not to go to AMIA today. He said to make sure you took the day off to recover.”

  Ohhh, a day off. That meant no pants, and video games.

  Though I did have to design myself a new MET...and a backup MET. And probably get Logan a new MET too.

  Logan. Just thinking about him, remembering his parting words to me, had me blushing big time.

  “Wait. How did he know you were with Char?”

  Andres, asking the important questions.

  I whipped my head to look at Blaze so fast, I almost gave myself whiplash. Good thing too, because I caught Blaze blushing.

  Even his ears were red.

  It was kind of adorable for all of two seconds until I realized why he was blushing.

  Did this mean...that Christian knew about Blaze and I? Or thought he knew?

  Oh boy.

  Awkward. Awkward, so very very awkward.

  Please Goddess, don’t let Christian know I was actually dating three men. He’d probably have a heart attack or something. Hell, I would probably have a heart attack if he found out because while I had no problem with my actual parents knowing about this...Christian was more of a father figure to me than Ian Silverstorm had ever been.

  I wanted to go to my bedroom and pretend I didn’t exist. Like an adult.

  Unfortunately, I couldn’t. I had to put my big girl panties on and deal.

p; “Char?”

  I blinked back to earth and found all three of the guys looking at me, expectantly.


  Not really knowing what to do or say, I finished my coffee to buy myself some time.

  Bast was the first one to catch on to what I was doing, and he shook his head at me. “You have no idea what we just asked, do you?”

  I lowered my gaze, staring at the marble counter as if it held the answer to all of humanity’s questions.


  Blaze snorted, and Andres just kept on grinning.

  “We wanted to see if you’d be okay with one of us driving you to the hospital. After…after what happened, we’re not entirely comfortable letting you leave our sight,” Bast admitted. And all three guys nodded.

  I loved that they actually asked me instead of just demanding I comply.

  “Uh. Yeah. Sure? I mean, since I don’t actually drive, I have zero objections. Besides, I’m kind of…not willing to trust random strangers right now either. So that’s perfect. You guys don’t mind?”

  “I volunteer as tribute to take you, milady!” Andres said, getting up from his chair and bowing at me. “I shall be your chauffeur for the day. Please don’t forget to tip generously at the end of the day and write a review.”

  Bast mumbled something under his breath, and a purple activation circle appeared over Andres’s arm.

  Andres’s eyes widened in alarm right before he started scratching the spot below the activation circle.

  “Hey! What the fuck, man? It was a joke! I was just being silly!” He kept on scratching the same spot over and over, while he tried to get Bast to deactivate the magic.

  Damn, that was a handy trick. I kind of wanted to be able to do that.

  I could get petty revenge on sooooo many people. I’d totally start with Cara.


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