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Rise: A Second Chance Rockstar Romance (Rock God Book 1)

Page 26

by Cassandra Robbins

  And in love with Rhys Granger.

  She pushes me and I start to walk, not even looking at the flight attendants as they wish us a good day.

  “I’m in love with Rhys,” I say to Julianna under my breath as we walk up the ramp out into the madness of LAX.

  “Of course, you are. Keep moving. You hired us a car, a limo, right?”

  I look at her. “Did you just hear me? I felt nothing for Jax Saddington. I’m doomed to be alone for the rest of my life. At least last time I rebounded with Sebastian. This time…” I grab her arm to stop. “This time I don’t want anyone but him. Oh my God. I’m never gonna have sex again.” Stunned, I wonder what the hell I’m going to do.

  “Car? Where are we going?” she demands. Her slacks and white button-down shirt are a wrinkled mess.

  “Axel sent one of the guys to pick us up. He didn’t trust us after we missed the flight yesterday.” She freezes.

  “Relax. It’s not Ryder.” But what if it is? Yesterday, bringing Julianna seemed like a necessity. Now that we’re walking out into the hot morning sun of Los Angeles, I’m rethinking everything.

  A black SUV honks and maneuvers into a spot a couple of cars away. A blond woman jumps out. “Gia.” She waves.

  “Who’s that?” Julianna stares at Eve.

  “Eve, Blade’s wife. I know, she’s gorgeous, right? Welcome to my world. Wait until you see the others.” I start to pull my carry-on over to her, and thank God it’s Rip who gets out of the driver’s side.

  I’m not even at the SUV, and Eve throws her arms around me. “You’re in soooo much trouble.” We sway back and forth as my eyes pool with tears. I love Eve. I’m actually super close with her, and she’s one-hundred percent supportive.

  She pulls back and her blue eyes look at me, shift to Julianna, then back at me.

  “Oh wow. Um, Rip.” She snaps her fingers. “Get their bags.”

  “Eve, this is my best friend, Julianna.” I’m wearing Julianna’s clothes, which are ten times more conservative than any of mine. But when I left London, I only had my purse and what I was wearing. It’s not like I’ve had time to shop. Besides, I have a closetful at my house.

  “I’m so happy to finally meet you, Julianna. Gia talks about you all the time.” She smiles and I want to put my head on her shoulder and sleep. I’m fucking depressed.

  “Okay. Well, let’s get going.” She looks at me rather unsure.

  Rip walks over and hugs Julianna. We all go way back. He used to be my pot dealer at Berkeley.

  “Did you finally realize that we’re meant to be?” He kisses the top of her head. Secretly I think Rip has a thing for her. Too bad she can’t like him instead of the six-five, dark-haired enforcer.

  “Ripper, you never change.” She smiles up at him. He takes a step back as if her appearance surprises him. His blue eyes laser in on me and he scowls.

  What the hell? I know we look a little haggard, but our hair is still holding up well.

  “Okay, Eve’s right. We need to get going. They moved the wedding an hour earlier because of the heat.”

  “What?” I climb in as Eve gives me an encouraging pat on the shoulder. He slams the door on my question.

  The SUV has the air on, thank God. As Rip pulls out, Eve turns to me. “Listen, it’s been a little tense lately.”

  I look out the window as we pull onto the 405 North. “Do you have a cigarette, Rip? My head is pounding.”

  He looks at me through the mirror and hands me the pack laying on the console.

  “Thanks.” I offer Julianna one, but she shakes her head no.

  “What’s the drama?” I light up and roll down the window slightly, making it sound like we’re in a wind tunnel.

  “Just club stuff, so they moved the wedding to a secret place. Dolly and Doug are doing our makeup at the clubhouse.”

  I turn and look at her. “What the hell, Eve?” My heart starts to race in fear. Ever since the day Axel said he was getting patched in, I’ve hated this feeling. I’m always on edge, worrying something bad could happen.

  “Don’t panic. They’re just being careful. No one wants unexpected guests today.”

  I rub my forehead and try to let the nicotine calm me. “I can’t really handle anything, Eve. So if you need to tell me something, spit it out.”

  She looks at Rip, then back at me. “Axel’s not happy for numerous reasons. So maybe wait until after the wedding to like, hug him.”

  I blink at her. “Aren’t we doing pictures before the wedding?”

  She just stares right back. “Do you need to borrow a dress?”

  “Julianna packed me one.” I wave my hand, then glance over at her. “Maybe. What time is the wedding? I need a nap.”

  “Three hours.” Rip looks back at us. “And what Eve’s not telling you is that Axel is pissed about everything. Starting with you, and ending with the fact that Eve and Dolly got Antoinette a stripper for the bachelorette party.”

  I’m not exactly listening because I’m either getting car sick, or everything is catching up with me. I need to sleep or drink because I’m starting to sober up. Julianna must feel the same way because she takes my cigarette.

  “Three hours?” I take off my seat belt and slide to the middle so I can talk easily to both of them. “What happened to a dusk wedding? What’s going on?”

  “Relax, Gia. Everything is fine.” Rip holds up his hands. His mellow pot-grower attitude is getting on my nerves right now.

  “It’s been a fucking nightmare.” Eve turns sideways. “Something’s going on. None of them will talk about it, but at the last minute, everything changed. Then you, and whatever is going on with Granger…” She points at me, and I slap her hand down.

  “Sorry. Anyway, I thought it would be fun for Antoinette to have a stripper. Sue me.”

  She looks at Rip who shakes his head. “Don’t bring me in on this.”

  “You would have thought I had murdered someone. They freaked.” Eve rolls her eyes.

  “Knowing how my brother is with Antoinette, he probably would have been happier if you had murdered someone.” I sit back.

  “Probably,” she huffs. “And Jason went all Blade on me…” Her face starts to flush as a small smile crosses her lips, and I think I might throw up. This is why I need Julianna. I’ll never make it through today without her.

  “Anyway, I just texted Dougie. He’ll fix you both up.” She smiles and continues texting.

  Eve is gorgeous. With golden-blond hair, blue eyes, and legs that seem to never end, she commands the room. She also did the impossible. She got Blade McCormick to fall for her hard. I remember my brother feeling so sad for him. Jesus, look at him now.

  I lean my head back on the cool leather seat and close my eyes. They’re so swollen, even shutting them hurts. I have to pull myself together. I’ve cried myself and drunk myself into an emotional mess. Considering how physically exhausted and torn up I am, a short nap or a moment to rest my eyes might help.

  “Eve, what the fuck? Who is with her?” I groan at the deep, angry voice that dares to wake me.

  “Jason, I’m at a loss. Look at her. Our beautiful Gia. Fucking Granger, that’s it. I’m no longer a fan, no matter how much I love The Stuffed Muffins.”

  “This is fucked. Axel saw the article on them today.”

  I blink my eyes a couple of times and sit up as Blade comes into focus.

  “I’m jet-lagged,” I say, turning to wake Julianna. Her spot is vacant.

  “Where’s Julianna?” Jumping out the open door, I look around the clubhouse and cringe as the sun bounces off the shiny bikes.

  It looks pretty much the same. Grass and play area on one side, gravel and firepits on the other. Lots of bikers walking around, but no Julianna.

  “Give me your arm.” Blade and his large body tower over me, his eyes going straight for my veins.

  “What are you doing?” I pull my arm away. “What is wrong with you?”

  “Nothing. You look like s
hit. I’m taking care of my family, and that includes you.”

  I’m completely mortified. “So, you’re saying I look like a junkie?” This week has been hell, but Blade checking my arms for needle marks might be my breaking point. He cocks his head at me, his green eyes dissecting me.

  “Christ.” He grabs me for a tight hug. It’s strong, warm, and secure, and, of course, I start to cry.

  “It’s okay, Gia. Just get it out. Fucking piece-of-shit Granger. I should put a bullet in his head,” he growls as he strokes my hair and I try not to get snot on his cut.

  “Sorry.” I wipe it, the smell of leather strangely comforting. “I’m just tired. I hate to fly.” I shake my head and reluctantly pull away as I wipe under my eyes and try to laugh. When I glance over at Eve, she looks concerned.

  “This is not because of Granger.” I motion to my face as I take the elastic from around my wrist to pull my hair back into a low bun. “Where’s Julianna?”

  “Gia, do you think I’m stupid?” I shake my head no at Blade.

  “I never forget a face. Especially when one belongs to the woman who fucked with my enforcer’s head,” he says. “Why would you bring her?”

  I sniff. “I have zero idea what you’re talking about,” reaching back inside for my large purse.

  “Wait. Please tell me you’re not saying that Julianna has a past with Ryder?” Eve looks at Blade who simply stares at me.

  “Oh God. This is bad.” She swings around to look at me, her long hair hitting me in the face. “Do you get that Cindy is… Cindy is here. She’s supposed to be with Ryder,” she whispers as if we’re passing around CIA secrets.

  I sling my purse onto my shoulder. “Well, if we want to get technical, Julianna saw him first.”

  “What?” Eve’s voice rises.

  “Just take her inside, Angel. Get Dolly to work her magic. Axel will lose his mind if he sees her like this.” Blade stares at me, along with Eve, both of them seeming to forget that I’m standing right in front of them.

  “And, Gia?”

  “What?” I snap, over this already, but that seems to be my new normal.

  “This is Axel and Antoinette’s day. I don’t want drama.” He nods at me. Fantastic. That’s code for I shouldn’t have brought Julianna. They want Cindy. She’s part of the group, or at least the old lady group.

  Screw it, Julianna’s part of my group. That being said, I’ll try to seat her in the back. Eve loops her arm through mine as we start up the stairs to the clubhouse.

  “You need to tell me everything,” she whispers as a prospect opens the door for us.

  “I need booze. I’m never going to make it through this. And stop looking at me like that. Ryder is a grown man, and I have a feeling about them.”

  “Do not, under any circumstances, tell anyone any of this. If Cindy finds out, even gets a whiff of this, I can’t be sure what she might do.”

  I look over at her, and she looks serious. “Are you being honest? I thought they weren’t together?”

  “They aren’t technically. But with the wedding, it hasn’t been easy for her.” Great, now I feel bad for her. I can relate to not wanting to be around them. Jesus, even Doug is madly in love.

  “Julianna is not a threat to Cindy. I think they had a small fling years ago. If it was going to go anywhere, it already would have. I needed her to come. I’ve had a rough week.”

  She smiles and rubs my arm. “Do you love him, Gia?” God, leave it to Eve to just come out with it.

  “I do. But I can’t handle the women. Constantly looking over my shoulder. Now another groupie says she’s pregnant.” My stupid eyes fill up with tears. I try to move around her, but she stops me at Blade’s door.

  “We read the article. But it’s not his kid. Does he fuck around on you?”


  “Does he? Because I’m trying to figure out what you’re crying about? He’s a rock star who looks like a god. What the hell’s wrong with you?”

  I’m about to open my mouth to defend myself but close it because I have no answer for her. When Sebastian said all that stuff, it sounded right. But now?

  She shakes her head at me. “You need to make this right. You want him, then do what you’ve always done. Make it happen.” She throws the door open.

  “Finally.” Doug grabs me for a hug. I look over his shoulder as Dolly looks up from doing Cindy’s makeup.

  “Hey, Doug.” I smile up at him.

  “Jesus Christ.” He looks me up and down. “They weren’t lying. You look like shit. Go take a shower. And Eve, get her your red strapless dress.”

  “Thank you, Doug,” I state dryly. “I need to find my friend.”

  He arches a dark brow at me. Whatever, Doug has zero filter.

  “She was here. She had to make a call,” Cindy says. Her eyes are closed while Dolly applies her eye shadow.

  “Oh, thank God. I’m exhausted. Where’s Antoinette?” I go over and hug Dolly. Eve trails behind me as if I’m on suicide watch.

  “She’s with Charlie.” Dolly puts her hands on her tiny hips. Everything about Dolly is small—she truly does look like a doll. She’s fucking fierce though. A couple of years ago, she stabbed Edge. Tried to slice off his dick because she thought he was cheating. Crazy, yes. Unfortunately, I understand how that could happen. It’s one of the reasons I don’t own a gun.

  “Go. Take a shower. I’ll get coffee.” Doug shakes his head. He’s already dressed in a conservative black tuxedo, which is very un-Doug. But Antoinette made it clear that she wanted an elegant wedding.

  Besides me and Julianna, everyone is a bridesmaid. Their beautiful lavender gowns hang on a rolling garment rack to my right. A pang of guilt shoots through me. I should have said yes. She wanted me, and I used the tour and film as my excuse. I’m a shitty soon-to-be sister-in-law.

  “I’ll be back.” They all nod. What the hell? Something is up, but I need to get cleaned up. Julianna will need the shower after me, and I’m determined to sober up at least enough for the wedding.

  Yes. This is about my brother and Antoinette. I flip on the bathroom light, strip off Julianna’s clothes, and step in.

  This is it. I’ll shed no more tears for Rhys Granger.


  Present – Thirty-five years old

  Rome, Italy

  “Five minutes,” Rafe announces as I sit in the corner, feet propped up on the table. We’re in Rome getting ready to play the Stadio Olimpico, an enormous venue. I should be joining in with my brothers and preparing to bring down the house, yet I sit alone. My bottle of Jack Daniel’s is my faithful companion as I close my eyes and smoke, hearing music in my head.

  It’s been a week since she left. A week of shit. Like the fucking dick that I am, I’ve had woman after woman brought to me, maybe to remind me I’m fucked. One after another they come to me as I try to use them to block out her smell, the taste of her lips.

  But your heart knows the truth. It knows when it beats for another, and my heart has been taken by Gia. Torn out of me as it hemorrhages on the floor, yet somehow it continues to beat.

  A loud scream should make me open my eyes, but I don’t. I ignore the mayhem and stay where I am.

  “Granger? Let’s do this, brother.” I open my eyes to see Ammo, Jägermeister in one hand and his guitar in another.

  I drop my feet with a loud thud. My limbs feel weighted, as if cement has been poured on them. “Fuck it.” Tossing my cigarette onto the floor, I step on it and run my hands through my hair.

  While I walk toward the stage, BT is by my side, along with Rafe and the fucking film crew. This will be the last concert on the tour. After this, it’s a lot of interviews. I have nothing left to say. I can barely stomach Hunter and his pushy attitude, and fucking Sebastian is lucky he can walk. His sanctimonious attitude makes me want to beat the shit out of him over and over.

  Rafe worked it out. Sebastian’s not suing, but he gets to finish the film. I don’t give a shit. My interest i
s at zero. All the gossip rags want are details about whom I’ve fucked. The sexiest man alive has only added more to the hype, and since I’m not talking, they find a story no matter who they dig up.

  Our boots pound the long hallway as we head out to the arena. The noise of the crowd filters in as I hold out my hand for my ear monitor.

  Nuke is always the first to go on, but again, I give zero fucks. My fans, this crowd is my lifeline. So I take the stage.

  The noise and love that vibrate out of them as they see me makes my cock come to life. Stepping onstage, I motion for a confused Tim to hand me a bottle of Jack. Nuke’s drums come to life.

  “The fuck you doing, Granger?” he yells. I laugh at his pissed-off expression.

  “How you all doing out there?” I walk up to the microphone and crack open the bottle of Jack. The thousands of adoring eyes stare up as if I truly am a god.

  “Yeah, that’s it. The Rock God is here.” I lift my hand, step back, and take a drink as I let the world call out my name.

  “Rock God. Rock God,” they chant and I smile.

  “Ammo? Ace of Spades, you here, man?” There’s a loud weep from his guitar while he walks up to me, and the crowd gets louder.

  I’m numb.

  Cash’s bass follows suit as he walks out, and the band is complete.

  We’re four guys who started out in a garage and did the unthinkable. Yet with the whole world in our hands, all I can think about is her.

  My muse. Nuke pounds his drums, and Ammo and Cash start to play “Untouched.” The words that never desert me pour from my lips. I used to question how that is. How half the time I can’t remember what day it is, but every word, verse, or tune I’ve written or sung is like a faithful lover.

  Always with me, never gone.

  Our hits flow out of me as if I’m crossing off a to-do list. The only difference is the crowd’s worship and enthusiasm.

  Dallas walks on and hands me a towel and my guitar while I tug off my shirt. The sounds of crying and screaming make me smile as I scan the sea of faces. “Don’t mind these cameras.” I motion at Sebastian and the other guy they brought in to shoot the crowd’s reactions. “We’re doing a movie, but pretend they don’t exist.” I snicker as I look down at the screaming masses.


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