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What Exactly Is Reality?

Page 4

by D.P. Allen

  This allowed for the roofs of the lower level and the front house doors of the upper level to be accessed from the paths and made for patio areas equal in size to the house under it. He noticed that most had a goodly portion of the patio area converted to garden plots with well-tended vegetable gardens enclosed by low walls.

  There appeared to be paths with stairways separating the 6 to 8 house blocks and running up and down the hillside. He appeared to be on the only real road through the town. The roadway and all of the paths that he could see appeared to be made of a white stucco type compound that was as hard as concrete. The 20’ wide main street that they were on went straight to the main entrance of the government center with about 4% uphill grades inter spaced with the flat terracing of each block.

  He hadn’t done any real hill climbing in a while and the temperature felt like it was around 90 degrees with typical 99% Georgia humidity. This and the weight of all of his weaponry made Mike rather happy with the slow pace. He thought it would be very embarrassing for their new savior to collapse with heat stroke on his victory march.

  They passed through one “square” about half way to the government center, which was about 100’ square and bordered with what appeared to be shops. The shops all sported the same construction as the houses, but appeared to be a single large room each with stylized pictograph signs and wares displayed in the windows. The square itself had grassy areas separated from the shops by 5’ wide paths that formed a box around the edges of the square and the main street, which cut, straight through the center of the grassy area. A park it would seem, but without the 20th century statues, fountains, benches or child play areas. The procession continued straight through without hesitation.

  When they arrived at the government center, it was just a scaled up version of the houses with doorways about 6’ high. It sprawled to either side and took up the entire upper level of the town with its walls broken in several places by gates. The path in front was at least 12’ wide and made so that carts could be moved along the front of the center. It actually had doors, which were lacking on the other buildings. They were constructed of the same material as the buildings, but had hand made wooden slide bolts as interior locks. An obvious addition by the Spaniards.

  The doors stood open awaiting the entry of the procession, but when they arrived, the only ones who entered were Mike, Allas, Erman, Marcel, the “bodyguards” and the other servants in clothing that matched that of Allas. Everyone else peeled off to either side and continued with their normal daily business. The carts turned left to what Mike assumed would be the stables.

  Inside was much like the outside with very little in the way of decoration. No tapestries or wall hangings. Just the ever present brightly painted trim. The light seemed to be supplied solely by large skylights, with no hint of any interior lamps or other lighting fixtures. Either they would be supplied as needed or this was a society that was up and to bed with the sun.

  They proceeded through a small inner courtyard and into the inner hall. This looked the same as the outer hall except it had a large table and four Mike sized chairs. One of the chairs was on a platform and appeared to be more of a throne. Probably a place of honor when the boss came to visit. Doorways opened to side rooms and a couple to rooms deeper into the center, but Mike’s escort led him to the table and chairs in the center of the hall. In front of the table were the prone bodies of three much older locals.

  Please stand up. No one needs to prostrate his or her self to me, said Mike. After being assured that it was all right by Allas, the men stood. Mike sat in one of the chairs, intentionally avoiding the “Throne”, while his bodyguard arranged itself behind him and all of the others stood in a row in front of him. Aren’t there any chairs for you? he asked Allas. No, said Allas. The deus don’t allow anyone to sit in their presence.

  Well there must be some chairs around here somewhere for you. Someone please see if they can find some.” Allas motioned to one of the other “servants”, who quietly left and several minutes later a procession of people entered with chairs for all in the scale for their bodies. After delivering their burdens they left, leaving only the original group. Mike pulled his chair around to the same side of the table as the others so that he could see them. The table had blocked his view when they sat down. Mike felt like he was sitting with a room of preschoolers, who sat quietly waiting for him to give direction.

  My name is Mike. Whom do I have the honor to address? asked Mike. Allas made the introductions and Mike thought that he would have to keep an eye on Allas. He seemed to be quite the opportunist and Mike wondered if he could really be trusted. He had changed sides when he saw how things were going once. Mike wondered if he would do so again.

  He’d have to talk to Marcel, who Mike was learning to trust and was showing outstanding natural talent in his new capacity, about the matter. Allas introduced the “servants” first and it struck Mike that Allas might be building a hierarchy out of habit or possibly for establishing the pecking order, with him second only to Mike.

  The servants were introduced as Haled, head of the household staff, Merid, head of the grounds staff and outer buildings staff and Moff, head of the administrative staff, who handled the daily financial and communications duties. Mike had already decided that Allas was probably only the official interpreter for the compound, although he acted as if he were much more.

  The priest, Erman was officially introduced even though Mike had already met him. Last, Allas introduced the three older men as the “Elders” of Tif’n. They were called Gabre’, Samu and Giden and according to Allas were tasked with passing the edicts of the deus to the town’s population and for collecting whatever the deus decided was their due from the town. Mike suspected that they were a lot more, but decided to wait for a better time to speak privately.

  I don’t know your customs, so please do not take offense if I unintentionally do something wrong. Correct me and I will not do whatever it was again, said Mike directly to the elders. He watched the “servants” look at Allas to see how he would respond to being put out of the loop in this matter. Allas was well aware that he had been bypassed in this matter and remained stonily quiet and straight-faced.

  Mike then realized that these four would work together for their own gain and he decided that replacement would be something to consider for each of them as soon as possible. The priest on the other hand showed a slight smile, which made Mike wonder if it was because he had made the servants uneasy or because he had recognized who the properly important people really were and Erman was agreeing with his decision. The jury was still out as to Erman’s loyalties.

  Some of you have heard this earlier, but I will repeat it for the benefit of the Elders. I am not here as a conqueror. I am a traveler who seeks knowledge. Yes I can defend myself when it is needed, but my first choice is to live and let others live. Mike decided that it would be best if he failed to mention that he was a lost traveler with nothing available to him except what he carried in his boat.

  They spoke for a while of the food supply and other needs of the population, with the “servants” breaking in to declare that this was a matter to be handled by their particular department and not something that Mike should be bothered with to the point where Mike decided to halt the conversation until a future time when he could speak with the Elders alone. He did learn that the town was very self sufficient, but due to large amounts of food and manufactured goods being shipped to ‘Acon, the population lived on bare essentials.

  Mike’s question as to any availability of stores available brought a quick negative from the servants. The speed and ferocity with which they said “no” raised the hair on the back of Mike’s neck and rang warning bells. He was very observant of body language, as it was part of any corporate life. He was positive that they were hiding something and he suspected the something was food.

  Mike knew that a good way to control people was through control of the necessities of life. These were the most blatant
control freaks he had seen in a long time and he wouldn’t put it past them to starve the people if it fit their over all plans. He thought to himself how they would have fit in with some politicians of his own time!

  A couple of the Elders seemed to be having trouble staying awake and Mike decided that he’d better call an end to the meeting.

  I hope we can become good friends he told the Elders and find a cure for the town’s problems. Perhaps we can meet again tomorrow in the afternoon, as I need to do some touring of the area in the morning. With that, the Elders and Erman left. Mike saw looks shared that said that they didn’t trust him, but couldn’t do anything about it.

  He hoped to be able to prove to them that he was what he claimed to be, but also knew that court politics were going to have to be played to his favor first. He knew that Erman was leaving, even though he had not been asked to, probably so that he could discuss the situation with the Elders.

  Mike hoped that he had convinced the priest of his good intentions at least to a point where he would recommend active cooperation from the Elders until Mike could prove himself. Mike had always preferred action to words, but hadn’t built a corporation by being naive to behind the scenes intrigues. He could wield a corporate ax as handily when needed as a physical one. Merid and Moff also excused themselves with comments about the amount of work they needed to do.

  Chapter 10

  Available: Cute little house, 96 rooms with a view?

  Allas asked mike if he would like to see the living and sleeping area. Mike agreed. He noticed that Haled started to object, but changed his mind at a glance from Allas. Allas obviously wielded some serious clout if the person who was responsible for the operation of the household staff was yielding his power to the person who claimed to be “only an interpreter”, in this very position conscious society.

  With Allas and Haled leading and his bodyguard following they proceeded through the central doorway in the rear of the hall. As they walked, Mike noticed that the “skylights” as he had thought them to be still illuminated the room as if it were noon instead of the late hour that it really was. It was totally dark outside by now. He also noticed that the light was diffused, illuminating everything with a bright, but not blinding light and not producing shadows or dark corners.

  He also realized that the temperature and humidity inside had stayed very comfortable, even though the outside temperature had changed by a good 20 degrees and the humidity in this part of the country could wilt anything. This technology as well as the construction of the buildings themselves seemed of a much higher level than this, at first glance, simple agrarian culture should be capable.

  Mike was led through a central courtyard with many doorways leading to various wings of the complex. Allas informed him that this had been the home of the previous rulers of the city with as many as 100 living here. When asked what had happened to them, Allas responded that they had fled upon the arrival of the Spaniards. Allas led through a doorway at the rear of the courtyard and into the “leaders” living quarters. These were the largest, with the highest ceilings according to Allas and thus had been used by the Spaniards. The first room consisted of what could only be a private audience chamber.

  It had a smaller version of the table he had seen in the “Great Hall” and several Mike sized chairs. From this, they entered a room with a 6’ square by about 2’ deep pool. To the left was a small room with running water entering what had to be a sink, but with no faucets. There was a large mirror to the right side of the “sink”. Mike touched the gentle stream of water and found it warm.

  To the left side was a platform that had a seat with a hole in it that looked very much like the toilets of Mike’s time. Looking through the hole, revealed a stream of water that had a definite current for removing any waste. The pool must be the local version of a tub. There was no horseshoe shaped trap, but the current was strong enough to remove any odors.

  Leaving the “Toilet” were two doorways that opened into small anterooms and then into two large bedrooms with very large beds. Each bedroom held an open closet area with racks and shelves, a large dressing table or desk and a large chair. At the rear of each room was another door. Allas made no move to lead towards the one in the room he had chosen to let Mike inspect, so Mike walked over and opened it. Beyond was another room with no exits.

  In the room were several small beds, chairs and tables and in a corner, a smaller version of the tub and toilet area. Standing in the room were three beautiful and perfectly proportioned women wearing filmy almost see through gowns that looked more like some form of negligee than sensible clothing. They were all in the 3’ height range, which told Mike that he was looking at the women of this time. At the sight of Mike, all three knelt and bowed their heads.

  Why are they here? he asked Allas. Allas answered, They are for the pleasure of the deus. Are there more behind the other room? No, replied Allas. These three were shared by the deus. When he had first seen the women, he had hoped that they weren’t sex slaves for the Spaniards, but expected that they were. The manner in which they were clothed said, “sex toy” more plainly than a red light over the door would have done.

  He was not happy to be proven correct. The size difference between the Spaniards and these diminutive beauties would cause the women extreme pain if it wasn’t outright dangerous to them. This assumed that all of their body parts were in scale. Allas added with a smile that Mike thought was almost a smirk, and now they are for you.

  Mike told Allas that they should send these women back to their families and that they should never fear that anyone would do anything like this to them again. Allas too readily lost his smile and agreed, but as he started to dismiss them, Marcel interrupted.

  Mike, he said. These women have been defiled in the eyes of their families. To send them back would bring dishonor upon them and you. They and their entire families will live the rest of their lives in shame. Some of their families know that they are here and will sneak messages to them, but in public, these women are treated as dead by all.

  Mike thought about it for a moment as he watched Allas glare at Marcel. Uh huh, thought Mike Let’s see if we can turn the people against the new boss Allas? For what end? Maybe to stay in power yourself you little weasel? Aloud, Mike said to the women, It is not your fault or that of your families that you find yourselves in this situation. I believe the house can always use more hands in meaningful employment, with your own private rooms provided within the house for life. He said this as he looked directly at Merid, who glanced at Allas and agreed with a quick shake of his head.

  I don’t think anyone would say anything if your families should accidentally see you while they were visiting this house. Mike continued to the women. I will check from time to time to make sure you are being treated well. I will take it as a personal insult if anyone mistreats you ever again.

  This time when he glanced at Merid, he saw the tanned complexion blanch to the point that it matched the light panels in the ceiling. I guess that put the fear of God, or at least deus, into him. I doubt he’d be stupid enough to just discard these tortured young women. thought Mike with a touch of disgust at the way politics seemed to work around here.

  Mike noticed that one of his “Bodyguards” stifled a smile, but was obviously pleased with the situation. Stepping close to Marcel, he asked if Marcel knew the reason. Marcel answered quietly and to Mike’s amusement, he noted that the “Servants” almost leaned in his direction attempting to hear what was said.

  That man is Berran. That girl, he said as he pointed to a redheaded woman is his sister Mir’ami. He was sent to the pens when he attempted to stop the deus, through the person of Haled, from taking her away from her family. He hasn’t known if she was alive or dead until now. You have just saved his sister and his family’s honor, as you have the honor of the families of both of the other women. Their families could do nothing to prevent their being taken and your saving them will make their families your friends for life.

  Amazing, thought Mike. A culture that respects kindness and integrity. Most people have lost those attitudes, at least publicly, in the America of my own time.

  Mike walked back into the bedroom and a quick inspection of the bedding proved what he had expected. Please remove the bedding and clean or burn all of it. I won’t share my bed with fleas and any other livestock left by the Spaniards.

  Chapter 11

  Is it soup yet?

  Realizing that he was hungry and hadn’t bothered to eat anything all day, Mike asked if there was food that could be brought out for all to share. They returned to the main hall where soon platters of fruits, cheeses and a very sweet fruit juice appeared. Marcel said that he and the other “bodyguards” would eat after Mike and Allas and continued their silent vigil. As he and Allas prepared to eat, Mike thought of one of the oldest forms of competition removal, poison. He was careful to only eat things that Allas ate first and noticed that Marcel watched Allas carefully and nodded agreement when he saw how Mike selected his food.

  Mike assumed that Allas also noticed and realized that he had been thwarted, because as Allas reached for a particular dish of fruit, he suddenly called for a servant to remove it, stating that it was over ripe and was not fit to serve to Mike. The look on Marcel’s face told Mike that there was nothing wrong with the fruit as far as he could tell.

  Mike couldn’t be sure even what the fruits were, as some things had changed over the years. Some looked and tasted like fruits he knew such as lemon, orange, grapefruit and possibly some form of apple, but others were a mixture of flavors, shapes and colors, some familiar and others totally new. One of the cheeses had a basic mild colby flavor, while the other had a smoky flavor on top of an almost Swiss cheese taste.

  The juice was a very sweet fruit punch with the after taste of citrus. There were several fish dishes, most of which looked like they had been cooked on an open grille, while another looked like it was breaded with some type of cracker crumbs and oven baked. All but one used the sea bass type fish Mike had been catching during his cruise here, but one was delicate steaks that when he tasted it told him a cod had found its way into a fishing boat’s net and the diminutive sailors had been able to get it aboard. That was a feat Mike would have liked to see, as cod were not a small fish.


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