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What Exactly Is Reality?

Page 5

by D.P. Allen

  When they had finished, Mike motioned for his bodyguard to eat and with Marcel in the lead, half helped themselves to sufficiently large helpings that Mike got the impression that they had not been allowed more than a meager portion of food until now and were taking advantage while they could.

  When they had finished, the other half ate. Mike noticed that more than one of them stowed a little snack of cheese and or fruit for “later”. He also noticed that even as they ate, they remained vigilant, remaining standing at their “posts”.

  Mike suggested that since his room would need a thorough cleaning and fumigating before he’d dare sleep in it, He’d spend tonight on his boat. He knew that his bodyguards would do all they could to protect him while he slept, but locking himself in his steel encased boat would keep him far from any harm the locals could do. There was room on board for his entire security force, as the spare bunks and couches could sleep twice as many of the diminutive bodies and he doubted that all of them would sleep at the same time.

  With that, Mike and his entourage set out for the docks and the security of his boat. He noticed that Allas had not suggested accompanying him. Probably had plots to hatch and knowing that Mike was suspicious, wouldn’t want to be anywhere where an “accident” might befall his precious little hide. The down hill walk was much easier than the earlier up hill parade had been.

  Very few people were out, but faces appeared in almost every window as they passed. Word had spread and the people were curious to see the giant who had proclaimed himself their friend and protector, while remaining cautious until they could decide if he was being truthful or had some sinister agenda.

  Chapter 12


  As they walked, Mike asked Marcel to walk beside him so that they could speak. Mike asked. Is there anything that I need to watch for that I’m not aware of Marcel? I noticed that you and your men were very vigilant and I don’t think you were only worried about Spaniards bursting in while we were eating.

  There are dangers other than the deus. said Marcel. With them gone, you will have the wrath of the Royals upon you. They were our real owners before the deus arrived. When they hear that the deus are gone, they will return from where they have been hiding to take possession of what was once theirs.

  Won’t my presence here keep them away? asked Mike.

  They may feel that your statements of freedom for all peons might cause them problems in those cities that they still control and your wanting to be friends with what they consider “inferiors” will make you weak in their eyes. Stated Marcel with complete candor.

  What about Allas and his friends, the three servants of the center? asked Mike.

  Those are vipes who will do what they need to have their own power. For the first time, Mike actually detected open hatred in the tone of voice of one of these so docile people. Marcel continued “They would become the new Royals if they were allowed. They actually inflicted more cruelties against our people than the deus, but in the names of the deus.

  They imprisoned several fathers because they objected to the servants taking their daughters as inner house servants. No one has seen some of the girls since Allas himself took them away. He doesn’t remember me, but I was sent to be a peon because I tried to stop Moff from taking my sister away.” Allas is not the person of lowly rank he claims. He quite possibly has some royal blood as a result of some royal dalliance.

  What about Erman? He asked.

  Marcel paused as if deciding which words he should use and how forthright he could be. Erman is more than he appears as well, but for the opposite reasons than Allas. He wears the clothing of the Hermano and spouts the “padre’s” words, but always he uses the “padre’s” own words to protect the common people of the city from our oppressors. He is a good man and would be a great friend and help for a person who was honest about their support for the city. He would be a very dangerous enemy to anyone who attempted to deceive the citizens and use the city for their own gain. He has the full support of the citizens and is more their leader than any would admit.

  And do you doubt that I am what I say I am and think that I might have my own designs upon the city Marcel? You can be honest with me. I wouldn’t hold it against you if you did.

  Once again Marcel chose his words carefully before saying. I believe that in your heart you would do no intentional evil to the city or its people and I will support you fully in all that you do. I believe also that anyone could be tempted by the power of leadership and that they might do things unintentionally that would benefit them at the expense of the people.

  You are a very intelligent person Marcel. Please, if I appear to take the wrong path, tell me. I need advisors who will be honest with me. I may have a good reason for doing something that isn’t apparent at first glance, but leads up to something that will improve the peoples’ situation. Ask me to explain anything at any time and I will. If you still think it is wrong, tell me so and we can find an alternative.

  Be assured that I will Mike. I have chosen to follow you, but my first loyalty must be to my people. It is what I and most of us in the city hold above all else.

  Thank you for your honesty. said Mike I had come to pretty much the same opinion about them, but didn’t know the facts. We will have to do something eventually to remove the “Servants” from their positions and I hope to secure Erman and the Elders’ support by proving my good intentions.

  Your Protectors will kill the “Servants” if you wish. We all hate them, but will not do anything without your approval, said Marcel

  My Protectors? asked Mike Is that what you call yourselves?

  Marcel seemed a little embarrassed when he answered, Yes. We consider ourselves to be your protectors to whatever degree we can. Even if it is only to be able to call out a warning before dying for you.

  Mike said with total sincerity in his voice. Marcel, I am honored that you and my other Protectors are so dedicated. I pray that it will never come to giving a life for mine and I will do everything I can to avoid that. Perhaps we should start by preparing you and the others to defend yourselves. A person who can defend himself can defend others much better and I see a future in which we will need to work together, you, the other Protectors and me to defend the rest of the town’s people from Royals, Spaniards, or possibly sinister forces from within. We will start as soon as I have handled a few other situations, hopefully without violence.

  Well carry on your good work troops,”said Mike and let me know if you spot anything that could pose danger to the people of this city. By the way, that includes me, my friend. I’ve made a promise to your people that I will do everything in my power to keep. Mike then made a formal salute to his “troops”, which was returned with varying degrees of competent imitation. It looks like I’ve picked up some dedicated friends here,” thought Mike. “I hope I don’t disappoint them. The thought made him feel much better and more relaxed.

  The knowledge of an additional possible enemy called a Royal wasn’t news he really wanted to hear right now, not with the court intrigues he could see, the Spaniards and who knew what else. How to handle the situation of the “servants” without open bloodshed? Perhaps older or should he say religious and elder heads with knowledge of local law and custom would be able to help. Tomorrow was going to be a long day he knew and there would be many more to come.

  Chapter 13

  A lock is a device used to keep honest people honest.

  With that, he locked his door, shed his weaponry, which had remained within easy reach all of the time he was on shore, and without even removing his clothes, collapsed on his bunk. As he drifted off to sleep, he could hear the muffled voice of Marcel setting the sleep and guard schedule for the night. Mike would have to teach them some basic hand-to-hand techniques and see if there was anything better for arming them than the simple crossbows he had already encountered.

  Sometime during the night, Mike dreamed of old friends at home. The dreams changed as he watched a Spanis
h Galleon open fire with a broadside at his home and rows of banners announcing the arrival of an army of “Royals” appeared beyond the fence in his backyard. As he looked for a way to defend his home from the attack, he found he couldn’t walk.

  Looking down, he saw the “servants” holding his legs and Allas approaching with a large cup of some steaming liquid. Awakening in a cold sweat, it took a few moments for Mike to separate dream from reality. He soon drifted back to sleep and dreamed of 3’ tall naked nymphs dancing seductively in a moonlit square.

  Come morning, Mike awoke feeling completely refreshed and after cleaning up, dressed, as he was the day before. He added a small digital camera so that he would have a photographic record of the terrain for planning defenses. He decided to leave the Spanish sword belt, as it was heavy and cumbersome. He figured his .357 and Sten were adequate for any perils he might encounter and his 6” survival knife could handle any situations requiring an edged weapon.

  As he went on deck, he found his Protectors waiting. They had armed themselves with crossbows “liberated” from the boat he had captured and that was tied to the same pier as his own. They also sported new outfits. Someone had come up with a “uniform” and sometime during the night they had found a way to produce it. All now sported mottled cammo shirts and tan shorts, with “boonie” hats.

  Their sandals had been replaced with a low shoe that looked very durable and they wore belts with pouches of extra bolts for their crossbows. Each also sported a small, but very dangerous looking knife in a scabbard on his belt.

  They looked very professional and confident in their new roles. They had also multiplied in number. There were now 25 counting Marcel. When asked, he replied that they had also been paddlers on the boat, but had had to make arrangements for their families’ welfare before they could free themselves to join the Protectors.

  I appreciate the gesture mike said, but let’s keep this as the maximum. I don’t want an army following me everywhere I go. It wouldn’t look right to the citizens and I’d feel like I was leading a parade. Mike thought that they would also look very dangerous to the “servants” and smiled to himself.

  Mike broke out some bread and cheeses from his supplies and brewed some coffee. He shared with his Protectors, all of whom enjoyed the foods, but turned up their noses at the smell of the coffee. One ran across the pier to the other boat and returned with fruit juice for them.

  Chapter 14

  Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work we go?

  They soon set off for the Government Center. This trip had a completely different aura than the previous. This morning the street was lined with smiling men, women and children. Word spreads fast in a small town, thought Mike. All of these innocent people trying to get a look at their new benefactor. Ding dong the witch is dead, whispered Mike to himself. Now how do I protect all of you from her evil sister?

  At the Government Center, Allas, the other servants, Erman and a serious young man met them. Erman introduced the youngster as Hue. Hue had been a Watcher under the Royals a Watcher it seemed was a cross between a scout, guide, explorer and general police officer for the city. He would be their guide, as he knew the area better than anyone.

  Advising Allas and the servants that he would return by afternoon in a tone that told them they were not invited to come with him, Mike asked Erman if he wanted to accompany the group. The priest smiled as he accepted the invitation and with Hue leading, the group started the long climb to the ridge over the city.

  Glancing back, Mike could see the glares on the faces of Allas and the other servants as they angrily stormed into the building. He noticed that Erman was watching him watch them with almost glee in his eyes.

  You don’t like them either, do you Erman? He asked.

  Erman replied, I am required by Deus to love all men, Mike, but there are some that I love much less than others.

  Mike laughed quietly as they continued their climb. There are some matters that we need to discuss soon in private or as a small group including others who you feel should be present. I see some serious problems brewing with our ah “friends” back there and I’d like some local input as to the proper way to handle the situation before it comes to a head.

  I think a small meeting with the Elders and the masters of the various craftsman guilds would be a very logical way to introduce yourself to the citizens. I think they would be very interested.

  Again Mike smiled at the little priest. I’ll bet you could tell me exactly when and where they’d like to have this meeting too.

  I couldn’t say for sure. Not everyone confides in a mere priest, but I’d be willing to guess that about evening meal time, they will be assembled at the metal crafting guild hall in the lower city. I’d be honored to lead you there. Said Erman with his head bowed low enough to appear pious, but high enough for Mike to see the glimmer in his eyes of mischief and humor.

  I think that a guess by you is better than a formal invitation by many others I’ve met. I believe I’d like to take you up on your services as a guide this evening humble sir.

  Hue gave very detailed descriptions of each bit of terrain as it came into view with an inflection in his voice that showed that he was proud of and dedicated to his city and its environs. Mike was impressed with the young man’s intelligence and attention to detail. This would be a very good leader for a city defense force, thought Mike.

  They began their tour by leaving the city and climbing a steep road to the top of the hill to the northeast of town. This hill had a commanding view of the city, harbor and all of the inland areas around Tif’n. The hill showed an almost sheer drop of several hundred feet to the harbor mouth and sea side and about 150’ cliffs to the north above open marshes and plains.

  The west side created a ridge behind the city that ended at a 100’ cliff over the swamps that made up a goodly part of the river delta. The entire hilltop looked like it had been smoothed to make it unclimbable. The only way up and down without a helicopter was via the road from the city.

  Skirting the base of the hill from north to west and into the city itself was a road. This looked like it was cut into the side of the hill about 20’ above the swamps. The 30’ wide roadway with a short wall on the swamp side appeared to be made of the same stucco-concrete as the streets in the city. There was a junction directly west of the hill, which opened into a plain about two miles long and a mile wide. The plain appeared to be raised the same 20’ above the swamp and was walled in the same manner as the road.

  On the plain were orchards and cultivated fields as well as some browsing herds of the “pigs” and what looked like hornless goats. The branch road ran straight through the center of the plain with many small dirt roads branching off. Using his binos, which he had hung around his neck this morning, he could see at the far west end what looked like a narrower continuation of the road on stilts, that was flanked by a line of wind mills. This seemed to continue until it met the river perhaps three miles upstream from the delta. That area looked like it had a long expanse of small waterfalls and rapids.

  Hue confirmed that this was the source of the city’s fresh water supply and said that the wastewater was directed through pipes under the plain to supply fertilizer for the crops. As the main road reached the side of the cliffs directly opposite the city, it turned north and marched off across the marshes and plains and disappeared in the low hills in the distance.

  To the south lay another slightly lower ridge with a steep road connecting the top to the harbor at a single dock opposite those of the city. Hue advised that the other sides of the ridge were sheer, dropping into swamps and ocean depending on side. The road was for the watchers who maintained the signal lights that Mike had seen that first night along the coast.

  Their job was to signal the city if any boats were seen. There was a watcher post and signal light on the ridge where Mike stood as well. Between the two watchers, the entire expanse of surrounding ocean could be observed. On the edge of the horizon to the east could
be seen some of the Tif’n fishing boats at work. “Business as usual”, thought Mike.

  He watched a closer fishing boat deploy a net in a straight line supported by net mounted floats. The floats pointed straight up, which indicated that the net had bottom weights and was vertical under the floats. It appeared to be about 10’ tall from what he could judge as it was let out over the stern.

  The pedalers continued driving the boat forward until the entire net was out and only connected to the boat by a stern mounted line. Then the boat circled to its right and continued until its arc ended at the other end of the net. The now almost circular shaped net was hauled aboard using a pedal powered winch obviously with an excellent gear ratio for power.

  Four pedalers worked the pedals and the net was reeled in with many rotations of the pedals for every foot of net movement. As the net cleared the deck, other fishermen with some sort of boat hook would hook any fish and pull them towards a holding area below deck and between the paddle wheel pedalers. Mike asked how they handled any large fish caught.

  Hue responded that if a fish was too large for them to manhandle into the storage locker, they would cut the net along the side of the fish and let the fish fight its way overboard. A few boats had caught big fins and lost some crew members before the sharks escaped and one boat actually sank with all hands when the shark smashed the side out during its thrashings.

  Mike asked Hue where the north road went and why it didn’t appear to be in use. He replied that the road connected to others that connected all of the cities at one time. He didn’t know if they were all still usable, as no one had traveled them since the Royals ran from the deus. To travel them was very dangerous due to “gats”, “Vipes” and other wild creatures that would occasionally find their way onto the roadway from the marshes. Unwary travelers could very easily become a meal for some terrible creature.


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