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Iron Age Demons

Page 15

by Eden Redd

  “Come morning, the tribe will be ready to move on. We know the journey will be dangerous, but we are prepared to follow you.”

  Will sheathed his hammer over his shoulder. “My friends will be released?”

  Onika gave a slight nod, “Yes, they will be released, but my followers have told me that not all we hold are your friends.”

  “There are four who are not friends. I'd rather see them left to rot in the cell.”

  “We can have them killed,” Onika said simply.

  “I cannot ask you or your people to do that. I would rather be the one to swing the final blow.”

  “We can discuss come the morning. For now, I must show you your destiny.”

  Onika and Will reached the bottom of the pit where Will had come down hours before. Guards stood, but paid them no attention. The shadow elf priestess moved to a rocky wall and pressed her hand to it.

  “There is a hidden entrance to a lower area. We had to seal it to protect the Idol and ourselves.”

  “Protect yourselves from what?” Will asked, cautiously.

  “From the things that live down below. They do not like the daylight so when morning comes, you will enter the sacred temple and retrieve Vala from her resting place.”

  “And I’m just to do as you say? Something tells me I won’t like what I find down there.”

  Onika stepped closer, dark hands touching Will’s chest as she looked up with crimson eyes. “Vala has whispered your name and deeds. You seek to slake your rage, but you seek to find your tribes as well. I could have everyone in the cell killed with a word. I could have you slain, my people giving their lives until your blood paints the very floor we are standing on.

  “I could have all these things done and more, but we need each other, Lord Asher. My people cannot stay here while a war grows. Vala has spoken to me and I have listened. My people number in the hundreds and just like you, I want to see them safe. Take Vala’s Idol and I will be a priestess for your people and mine. We will blend our tribes until Jova only knows us as one people, under your rule.”

  Will mulled over Onika’s words. She spoke truths and consequences with equal power. Destiny had changed their courses so they would meet. Will could not deny the chance to have another tribe under his banner. Onika was willing, but she held her own power and influence. The player could see this could become difficult in the future, but if he held the Idol, she would have to fall in line just like everyone else who worshipped the gods he controlled.

  “I will consider…” Will was cut off as horns blared high above.

  Onika’s cool expression shifted into hardness as she looked up. Shadow elves emerged from caves as guards looked down to the high priestess, shouting in their language. The shadow elf shouted something back before turning her attention back to Will.

  “It seems we cannot wait until morning. Luna Elves are advancing upon us,” Onika said before pressing her hand to the wall once again.

  Fingers touched hidden spots along the rocky surface until something clicked. The wall began to slide away, a stairwell leading down into a foreboding darkness. Will looked down the dark entrance as Onika moved to a nearby torch, pulled it from the wall and handed it to the young man.

  “Take this to light the way. I will gather my people.”

  Onika pointed to a lever just inside the dark entrance, “Pull that lever when you come back to seal your escape. It will grant us some time.”

  “And my people?”

  Onika stepped away as she spoke, “Your people will be released and rearmed. I will keep your enemies in the cell.”

  Will watched as the shadow elf moved to a group of shadow elf warriors approaching. She gave commands and they nodded in agreement. The group moved to the stairs and began to ascend as shouts filtered down from higher levels.

  Will took in a deep breath as he turned toward the tunnel entrance. With a new resolve, he made his way to the stairs and began to step down into the waiting shadows.


  Val pressed her face to the bars, her nose taking in scents as chaos bloomed. From her point of view, several dark elves stood at the edge of the pit across the way, pulling arrows from quivers and firing them at an unseen enemy just beyond. One dark elf cried out as several arrows hit his chest and he fell into the pit, his body smashing against stone steps.

  Dark elves charged upstairs, weapons at the ready while families moved along the higher levels, huddling to the sides to let soldiers past. A cloud of violence grew as the dark elves fired at the approaching enemy.

  Faye’s long ears twitched as she looked up from inside the cell, “I hear the Silver Queens soldiers approach.”

  Thorrin smiled. “She sent them to save us.”

  Morgan stood to his full height, black eyes on the four on the other side of the cell. “This is the perfect time to kill them,” he said with a grim tone.

  Bridget and Faye were to their feet, fists up.

  “Try it,” the green-skinned woman spat.

  Morgan and Sil watched them, an eagerness in their bodies.

  “With the Queen’s troops advancing, we all don’t have much to lose,” Morgan said with a menacing stare.

  Dark elves approached the cell. One pulled out a primitive key and stuck it in the lock. Turning, the cell lock clicked and the door opened. Several dark elves rushed in, spears pointed at Thorrin and his group while other elves stepped in with weapons for Will’s group. Morgan took his sword. Stella helped Jessica up, the blonde shaking off the unnerving display she screamed before. Jessica grabbed her crossbow and pack of crossbow bolts.

  Val ushered her people out. The dark elves retreated until they were outside the cell. An elf locked it.

  Renner was the only one who didn’t move as he sat by the edge of the bars. The rogue’s gaze turned up to Stella as she was a few feet from him. The witch looked down at him with a blank stare.

  “I will always remember how we met, you masturbating as I walked in.”

  Stella gave the rogue a warm grin. “Oh honey, when you die, come see me so we can talk more.”

  Renner smiled. “It’s a date!”

  Morgan looked up to the pit edge, “Stella, Sil, and Jessica, you’re with me. We’ll help defend the pit. Val, go find Will. Once you find him, we’ll meet on the southern edge.”

  Everyone nodded but Val, the pale beauty looked back into the cell to see Bridget’s face showing traces of fear.

  “I’ll come back for you,” Val said before turning and jumping, her body soaring down to the bottom of the pit.


  Will made his way down, the torch flames burning away ancient cobwebs. The stairs seem to continue on with no end in sight. The player found himself holding his breath with each step into the darkness. The torch kept the inky darkness at bay but when it flickered, Will thought the foul place would swallow him whole.

  Faint light touched the bottom of the stairs and Will let out a relieved exhale. Hammer in hand, he made his way to the stone floor. A massive chamber opened up as dim light touched the high, rocky walls and ceiling. Pillars ran along the grand chamber. A gentle pull on his senses caused his head to turn to the row of pillars. A decayed stench filled his nose. If there was anything down here, he was at a complete disadvantage. He was allowed to keep his enchanted leggings, boots, and leather armor, but he only had a normal iron hammer and sword for weapons. He could call upon his wolf form if he needed to, but if he fought for too long, he would be weakened when he turned back to normal. It would not help him if he had to flee in a hurry.

  Will took another step when torchlight touched hunched forms. Will’s senses dialed to eleven as he waved his torch across the air to get a better look. A chill ran along his digital veins as the shapes stretched on into the dark.

  Will approached one of the shapes, hammer ready. It sat, hunched over, back expanding and contracting as if it was still breathing. Torchlight painted it, features becoming more defined. Horns graced its head while pale p
urple skin drank in the dim light. The creature’s muscled body flexed with every breath as a pointed tail coiled along the base of it. The face was hidden behind arms and knees, but Will could still make out what it was.

  The demon did not stir as Will stepped past it. The player looked around to see hunched bodies sitting, spanning out across the cavernous chamber. Male and female demons sat in the same position. They appeared asleep as Will made his way among them, not getting close enough to touch them.

  Draygon’s words haunted the young man, remembering what the god said about demons and pits. The god warned him and he didn’t understand what he was saying until now. A chilly acid burned along his stomach as the glimmer of leaving here alive dimmed. It didn’t take much to make the connection. The moment Will removed the Idol, the demons would rise up. Even at a glance, Will lost count at what seemed like hundreds. He wasn’t sure how far the cavern extended and this only made the situation more dire.

  Light touched a structure beyond a set of pillars. Will made his way, eyes on the hunched demons as they sat. Dais steps appeared and the player reached them. With careful steps, he made his way up. No demons sat on the dais or the small stone platform. Will took another step and light touched on a dust covered statue of a woman in a dark robe, the bottom of her face exposed. The statue sat on a small altar, a faint blue aura appearing around it.

  Will noted the way he came. He knew he would have to fight his way out. The power of the Idol would help him grow stronger and he hoped it would be enough. Stepping closer to the Idol, he put the torch down and reached for the small statue.

  “Here goes nothing,” Will whispered before his fingers touched the Idol.

  The dark world fell away instantly and was replaced with an airy temple with wide arches. A crescent moon hung high in the night sky as mountain tops filled each archway in the distance. Will spun around, taking it all in. When he stopped, a robed woman stood, a glass of wine in one hand and a faint smile on her ruby red lips.

  “Welcome, Lord Asher,” the woman said with harmonic grace.

  “Vala,” Will said and looked to his hand to see his hammer was gone.

  “There is no need for violence here in my temple. I’m happy to know we have this moment to talk.”

  “You manipulated me to come here, why?”

  Vala took a small sip before she approached. “We influence in our own ways. However, I did not manipulate your journey here, only the ending of it. I knew with time; you would seek out other Idols and prepared the shadow elves to welcome you when you arrived. Draygon on the other hand wanted you to find my Idol so you could lock it away.”

  Will’s eyes narrowed, “I can still lock it away.”

  “And lose so much? We know you’re smarter than that. The immortals of this world are so interesting. Death is but an inconvenience to you, but to many others, it is truly the end. I respect and admire that you have chosen to lead those who would simply be slaughtered, but your rage will burn across Jova.”

  “You had Onika tempt me to lower my guard.”

  “Onika showed you something you haven’t felt for a long time, trust. She gave her body and her life to you. She trusts you and we know you are beginning to trust her.”

  “I trust my friends,” Will said with a hint of anger.

  Vala stood before the young man, swirling the wine in her glass, “You don’t have to hide here. You mistrust Val’s motives. You mistrust Stella’s loyalty. You have a sliver of mistrust towards Morgan after he spoke to you about his darker impulses. You have concerns about Nova and Sil. Your heart mistrusts Milly as she seems to push you in certain directions. Trust appears to be something you do not have.”

  Will’s brow hardened. “What of it? Why trust when everyone has their motives? Onika wants me to save her people and bring them to a new home. She did not give anything I could have taken.”

  Vala kept her small smile, “I wish to show you something before I grant you your gifts for finding me.”

  Vala waved a hand and a hazy picture began to form. Will watched, his brow softening as the image took shape. It was him, sitting on the edge of a bed. Electronics were piled on the floor by the headboard. Pictures on the wall changed into forests, rivers, and mountains. Will stared as his other self sat on the edge of the bed, elbows on knees and staring blankly at nothing. The room had an eerie darkness, the light from the flashing pictures providing the only illumination.

  “This is you from your previous life,” Vala stated simply.

  Will looked away. “I don’t want to see it. The past will poison me.”

  “It only serves to teach,” Vala said with an understanding tone. “As the world was dying, you isolated yourself. You became nothing as people died from cancers or suicide. Your rage was the only thing keeping you warm.”

  Will’s shoulders began to tremble as something within him cracked. Memories dripped from the crack, deeper meaning taking root. Lifting his head, he glared at the goddess, heat crawling up his neck.

  “They…destroyed everything. I can feel it, the depraved indifference, the hollow hope, the cloak of death as it cast its shadow over my world. How can I trust when every intelligent creature is out for themselves, manipulating everyone else for their own gain?”

  Will jabbed at finger in Vala’s direction, “And now you want me to what? Trust and be kind? Find peace? There is no peace! There is only a moment of life before we all return to the void! I came to Jova to get away from a world bent on controlling me until I died. I may be immortal, but even I know deep down that one day, I will be alive again and my immortality gone. And all of this bullshit will mean nothing in the scheme of the universe!”

  Vala bowed her head slightly as Will seethed with rage. “Draygon and Yir have spoken to you, telling you of what is happening here on Jova. They are gods of darkness, but I am neither of the light or the darkness. I am the neutral force that balances each side.”

  Will let out a sarcastic laugh. “It means nothing in the end. You, Draygon, and Yir have told me about some cosmic war, but I know this is just a virtual simulation. You’re nothing more than a storyline to give me a sense of purpose. As amusing as it has been, I could burn this world down and start again and again and I could do it just for laughs.”

  “And when the world burns, who will be at your side to witness it?”

  Will’s face contorted into a scowl before he looked away. He had enough and wanted to be done with the conversation.

  Vala continued to look to him, darkness covering her eyes. “Whether you believe it or not, the stakes go beyond your perception. There is more to life than existing and not existing. There is hope and love, two things that can change the fabric of spacetime.

  “Take my Idol. Lock it away or display it for all to see. It matters not what I want. But it can give you something you have always wanted, but never admit to yourself.”

  “What’s that,” Will sneered.

  Vala bowed her head again, “A chance to change worlds, for the better.”

  Will stood, her words gliding over his heart like a gentle touch of a lover in the middle of the night. Brow softening, he looked to the goddess with a glow he couldn’t understand.

  Vala smiled. “I grant you fifteen points to improve what you wish.”

  Will turned away, ignoring the goddess as he brought up his stats. Eyeing the points he already had, he began mentally tapping each one, funneling each one to a stat. Power coursed through his body as he felt he had reached a new tier. When he was finished, he looked over his new stats.

  William Asher

  Hearts: 12

  Armor: 6

  Primary Weapon: Iron Hammer

  Secondary Weapon: Iron Sword

  Tunic: Stone Protection

  Leggings: Swiftness

  Boots: Leaping

  Strength: 21 (Intermediate)

  Intelligence: 21 (Intermediate)

  Agility: 21 (Intermediate)

  Will: 15 (Apprentice)

bsp; Mana: 17 (Apprentice)

  Path: Beast (Intermediate)



  Will watched as alerts filled his gaze. His Hearts rose by two points for a total of twelve. Strength, Intelligence, and Agility had risen to Intermediate status, the player feelings himself getting better and stronger in the appropriate stats.

  “Now for your rewards,” Vala said with a breathy whisper.

  You have gained Holy Shrine Core Stone! You may now build upgraded Shrines so divine followers may become priests and priestesses.

  You have gained Monastery Core Stone! You may now build monasteries to house the faithful!

  You have learned, Intermediate Gem Crafting! You may tap greater mystical energies of gems!

  You have learned, Intermediate Slot Crafting! You may add two gem slots to weapons, armor, and tools!

  Will watched as the updates scrolled across his vision and faded away. He turned to the goddess.

  “Thank you,” Will said reluctantly.

  Vala smiled. “Take these gifts with my blessing. When you’re ready, pray to me so we can talk further.”

  Will simply nodded before the temple melted into a swirl. The player felt light as air for a long moment before his boots touched solid ground.

  Will looked to his hand, Vala’s Idol in it. Voices began to mumble and whisper, their vibrations echoing off the vast chamber. Will looked out from the altar to the demons sitting by the hundreds. Heads began to lift as eyes focused. Horns shined in the dim light as limbs unfurled. Tails uncoiled from bodies as the entire cavern began to writhe like one giant creature.

  Will looked to his other hand, iron hammer in it. He turned his gaze back to the horde of demons as one by one, they began to rise.

  “Shit,” Will said as dozens of eyes turned to him and a hungry growl filled the stale air.


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