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Iron Age Demons

Page 16

by Eden Redd


  Screeches and growls grew into a deafening chorus. Will eyed the demons as they began to stand, salvia dripping from sharp, open mouths. The stench of sulfur rose up like a deadly cloud. Claws clicked against each other as glowing eyes stared at the lone man on the dais, a large hammer in his hands and eyes taking on a defiant fire.

  Will called up his stats.

  William Asher

  Hearts: 12

  Armor: 6

  Primary Weapon: Iron Hammer

  Secondary Weapon: Iron Sword

  Tunic: Stone Protection

  Leggings: Swiftness

  Boots: Leaping

  Strength: 21 (Intermediate)

  Intelligence: 21 (Intermediate)

  Agility: 21 (Intermediate)

  Will: 15 (Apprentice)

  Mana: 17 (Apprentice)

  Path: Beast (Intermediate)



  “It will be enough,” the young man said as his muscles tensed.

  The closest demon let out an inhuman roar before it charged. Will narrowed his eyes before the enchantments in his leggings and boots glowed. With a burst of power, the player leapt into the air, a clawed hand missing his boot by an inch. Will soared over the demons as many jumped up to grab him. The player arced over the crowd, bracing himself as demons came together in the spot he was aiming to land.

  “Bad move,” Will shouted at the demons as he came down, swinging his giant hammer.

  A demon screeched as the hammer cracked its horny skull like a grapefruit. The force of the blow knocked back the gathered demons, giving Will enough time to plant his feet, lift his hammer and swing it hard across. Demons were thrown from the strike in all directions, some crashing into their fellow kin. The roars echoed off the walls as the monsters charged at once.

  Will growled his contempt as he took a step forward and swung his iron hammer again. A demon yelped as the hammer smashed an arm, breaking bone. Another laughed as it jumped, only to be rewarded with a hammer strike to the side, sending it sprawling into the advancing horde.

  Iron hammer gleaming in the small light, it became a comet, swirling and striking without remorse. Demon blood spurted and bodies fell away but more took their places. Will took slow steps forward, his body a tornado of iron might. The horde gathered its strength, pushing away dying demons as they tried to inch closer. When the crowd had become overwhelming, Will bent his legs and launched into the air once again.

  The player looked to the stairs leading up, needing only one more jump to make it to the stone steps. A curse hissed from between his lips as he was coming down into a massive horde of demons. Gritting his teeth, a boot smashed into a demonic face while his hammer swung with power. Jagged teeth flew with drops of blood as a demon fell away, clutching at its face. Will powered forward when claws came down, glancing off his armored back. Sparks flew, but he didn’t take damage. Hammer up, he crashed into two demon chests before driving his boot into an exposed stomach. The demon grunted as it was thrown back, but other demons quickly filled the spaces around Will.

  Pain flared across Will’s arm and the back of his neck, demon claws drawing blood.

  You have taken two damage! You have 10 Hearts remaining.

  You have taken one damage! You have 9 Hearts remaining.

  Will roared as he swung his hammer in a wide circle, knocking away demons. The weight of the hammer and the power in his arms sent demons crashing into each other. When he had barely a second to regain his balance, his legs bent and he launched himself up once again. Air flowed over his body and his wounds as he kept his eyes on the prize. The staircase shined like a beacon of freedom in his mind’s eye. An image flashed of his friends and brought hope.

  Will landed at the bottom of the steps, legs filling with power before he ran up the stairs. The player didn’t look back as the howling horde rushed after him, calling for his very blood.


  Morgan, Stella, Jessica, and Sil emerged from the edge of the pit, eyes drinking in the controlled chaos. Dark elves fired arrows on the approaching white army. Pale elves with white hair and leaf-like armor advanced. Many held up bows, unleashing arrows while others followed along the sides and covered the front with shields and curved blades.

  Morgan grabbed Stella and Sil, pulling them back onto the stairs as arrows sank into the ground they stood on just a moment ago. Jessica sank down, crossbow in hands. The grunts and cries of dark elves filled the night as some fell from the storm of arrows.

  Morgan peeked over the side, looking to the advancing army. Ghouls rushed out of the darkness from the sides. There weren’t many, but it was enough to have the elves guarding the archers to ready themselves. A ghoul rushed in and was quickly cut down, as were others as the archers pulled arrows from quivers for another volley.

  “They’re being methodical in their approach,” Morgan said to his companions as they hunkered down on the stairs. “The dark elves don’t have the discipline to hold them off for long. We have to break their ranks long enough so the ghouls will have a chance to overtake them and the dark elves have a chance to counter attack.”

  Morgan turned his attention to Sil, “I’ve seen you use air elemental attacks. Can you attack them at this distance to add some confusion?”

  The kobold looked away for a second before looking back to the black-eyed man. “I can, but my new abilities only work one at a time. I cannot protect myself with any armor if I’m using air to attack.”

  Morgan gave her a wry smile,” I’ll defend you as you launch air attacks.”

  Morgan turned his attention to Stella but the witch was answering his questions before he asked.

  “My ghost fire works best against the undead. If I use it on the elves, they will simply fall asleep.”

  Morgan nodded. “That’s what we need. Cause enough damage to break their ranks for a counter attack. What’s your ghost fire range?”

  The witch shook her head, “I’m not sure, but they have to be closer if it’s going to work.”

  “Then we have a chance. Sil will lob attacks from long range. Stella will cover medium to close range if they get any closer. Jessica and I will defend you both when they are in melee range. The important thing is to keep them busy long enough to break their attack. The night should do the rest of the work.”

  “Will this work?” Stella asked.

  “Begin your attacks,” Morgan said, ignoring Stella and looking to Sil.

  The kobold nodded before she lifted her small, clawed hands. Elemental energy powered along her spirit. Oval eyes looked over the edge of the pit, dark elves falling and the white elven army approaching. Claws up, energy swirled. White bolts of condensed air formed and blasted out. At first, six bolts blasted across the battlefield. Elves spotted the approaching bolts and lifted up leaf shaped shields. The air bolts slammed into them, causing the elves to stumble, but remain upright. Sil’s eyes narrowed as she summoned twelve air bolts. With a flick of her hands, they blasted out like cannon fire, rushing the front line. Elves braced themselves again, the bolts slamming into them and several bodies knocked back. Other elves grabbed hold of their fellow soldiers, pushing them back onto feet and adding their strength to the front line.

  “I can’t break through,” Sil hissed.

  “Can you control how the bolts fly?” Morgan asked.

  Sil nodded, claws up once again. Air bolts formed at random points above the advancing elf army. With a flick of her claws, bolts rained down from different directions. The white elf army adjusted, shields up and blocking air bolts. One elf cried out as an air bolt slammed into its neck and blood spurted up. Morgan watched with distaste as a fellow elf soldier healed the wounded one. Bows up, arrows launched.

  Dark elves pulled back to staircases, some falling from the hail of arrows. Morgan watched, studying the battlefield as the elf army marched in step, closing the distance. Morgan calculated they would be in melee range in under ten minutes.

�Hunker down,” Morgan commanded his two companions. “When they are in melee range, we attack.”


  Thorrin watched from behind bars as dark elves rushed along the stairs. Female dark elves and their children moved to caves just below the southern rim of the pit. Soldiers rushed along to the northern edge, staying just below the rim and holding spears to their chests. Thorrin eyed Morgan, Sil, Jessica, and Stella as they waited, arrows flying over them and falling into the massive pit or sinking into walls. The chaos unfolded like a poisonous flower, but the holy warrior saw they were no longer guarded.

  “Faye and Bridget, I think it’s time for us to leave,” Thorrin said in a low tone.

  The two women nodded. The tanned elf and reanimated woman moved to the cell’s bars. Energy arced along Bridget’s fists as Faye closed her eyes and held up a palm. Power hummed from the two as Thorrin backed up. Renner had moved to the back of the cell, hands at his sides and fingers flexing.

  Faye’s oval eyes opened in a flash before her palm struck an iron bar. Power swelled as the bar bent before shattering into pieces. Bridget rammed a fist into a bar, energy exploding and the bar cracking. Another punch and the bar shattered. Faye and Bridget aimed at a single bar, driving their fist and palm into it, shattering it instantly.

  Thorrin smiled as the elf and reanimated woman stepped out into freedom. Thorrin and Renner followed, stepping into chaos. The cave with their weapons glowed in Thorrin’s mind as he rushed to it. Stepping in, eyes widened as a female dark elf was already inside, holding Will’s hammer, sword and spell book.

  “Don’t fucking move,” Thorrin said as he stalked toward her.

  The dark elf gave him an evil leer before charging. Thorrin braced himself as she came at him, lips moving silently. When she was close, Thorrin’s eyes widened as he reached for her and something clamped onto his boots. The dark elf ducked and ran past him out into the walkway. Magical light faded from Will’s spell book as she turned to see Renner charging her. Dropping Will’s hammer and sword, she opened the book to another spell. Renner was nearly on her when air swirled and struck his chest like a cannon blast.

  Renner was hurled back and slammed into a rock wall. The rogue fell to his hands and knees, gasping for air as blood bloomed against shirt. The dark elf gathered the hammer and sword up as Bridget charged and Faye fell to Renner’s side.

  “Bridget! Stop her!” Thorrin shouted over his shoulder as he tried to free himself from the stone engulfing his boots.

  Onika turned and bolted to a staircase. Bridget ran after her. Faye placed a hand to Renner’s chest, channeling her chi into the wound. Renner smiled as the small wound healed. Thorrin grunted as he tried to pull his feet away. Stone cracked and a moment later, shattered. The paladin stepped deeper into the cave, gathering his hammer and Renner’s short sword and daggers.

  Faye and Renner stood up as Thorrin approached. The paladin handed the sword and daggers to Renner while speaking.

  “Bridget will stop the dark elf. The three of us are going to end this conflict once and for all,” Thorrin said as he looked to Morgan, Sil, and Stella’s backs.


  Will rushed up the stairs, demons following with maddening screams. Legs pumped as he spotted the entrance above him. Snarls and screeches followed after him as he could feel the demonic energy licking at his boots. Legs moving in a blur, he burst up to the entrance, hand falling on the lever and pulling it down.

  The player threw himself through the entrance, hitting the floor as the rocky hidden door slid into place. A clawed hand reached out before the door closed on it. Other hands reached out, grasping at the air as the door couldn’t close shut.

  Will was to his feet and drew his iron sword. With a quick slash, hands separated from wrists and the door slammed shut. Foul ichor marked the side of the entrance, oozing down the wall as Will sheathed his sword and held his hammer with both hands. A relieved sigh fell from his lips before the hidden door shuddered. The faint screams of demons sang on as the door shuddered and a small crack appeared.

  “Fuck,” Will said as he could see the door wasn’t going to hold for long.

  A shadow touched Will’s senses and as he turned around, a grin appeared. Val somersaulted off the stairs and landed a few feet away, cloak billowing around her. Looking up, she made eye contact with Will.

  “I came to rescue you, but it seems you’re doing okay,” the pale beauty said as she slowly stood to her full height.

  “Not for long,” he said as he stepped closer. “There is an army of demons trying to break out. We don’t have a lot of time. How did you…”

  “Dark elves set us free. The Silver Queen’s army is approaching. Morgan, Stella, Jessica, and Sil are trying to help while I came down here to come looking for you.”

  “They are Shadow Elves and we need to get everyone out of here. Onika is their leader and they are coming home with us. They can’t stay here any longer. I have a new Idol so our priority is to get everyone out of this pit and start heading home.”

  Val looked to the trembling hidden door, “We have to unleash them. They can keep the Silver Queen’s army busy while…” Val was cut off from a grunt above.

  Val and Will turned to see a dark elf rushing down the stairs with a large hammer, sword and book in her arms. Behind her, Bridget launched from a higher step, fist raised in the air and energy arcing.

  “Onika!” Will shouted, but it was too late.

  The shadow elf looked to Will with crimson eyes when a fist rammed into her back. Energy blasted out as Onika’s arms opened. Hammer, sword and book went flying as Onika crumpled onto the stairs, her body hitting them hard and sliding down. Time slowed as Val turned and launched into the air. Will dropped his hammer, unsheathed his sword and threw it aside. Hands up, anger and fury drove him with defined precision. The Iron Fire sword fell into an open hand. In a blink, Will sheathed the blade before holding out two open hands. The oversized Iron Fire hammer fell into one open palm and his spell book fell into the other. Will sheathed the spell book first before gripping the hammer, flames bursting from the hammer head.

  Bridget charged as Val landed on the stone steps. No words were exchanged as electric fists flashed. Val dodged and contorted her body, avoiding each punch like a dancer. Bridget advanced, attempting to ram her shoulder into Val. The pale beauty launched into a flip and landed on her feet at the bottom of the stairs.

  Val took hold of Onika and pulled her away as Bridget stormed her way down. With a powerful pull, the shadow elf slid across the floor to Will’s boots. The player knelt down to help the shadow elf as Val stood between them and Bridget.

  “Bridget, you can’t take us on,” Val stated with a pleading edge.

  The reanimated woman remained silent as she approached, both fists arcing with electricity.

  Val kept her stance, eyes wide. “Bridget, we’re friends.”

  Bridget stopped, sparks erupting from the bolts on the sides of her neck. “Stop saying that! We are not friends! He is a monster lord and your just one of his slaves! I kill him, the war is over.”

  Val lowered her hands to her sides, “And when he is dead, are you going to kill all of us?”

  Bridget gave Val a shrewd gaze, “The Monster Lord and his followers must be wiped out before they grow too strong. The Silver Queen has decreed it and I will follow it to the letter.”

  “This isn’t you!” Val said with sad edge. “We used to be friends. You were so gentle. Even when you were angry, you didn’t want to take a life. We were like sisters, helping each other when the rest of the world saw us as monsters. Don’t follow the path of a crazy queen who wants us dead.”

  “Then we must not be as good as friends as you say. You follow an abomination and I’m not going to let him or any other monster lords try to destroy us! You have chosen your side and now you have to pay the consequences.”

  Val lowered her head, shadows covering her eyes and Draygon whispering deep into her mind. “I’m sorry
you have to be taught this lesson.”

  Bridget’s brow hardened before she charged. Val stood her ground until the very last moment. An electric fist flashed forward as Val turned, power gliding over her cheek. A knee rammed into Bridget’s stomach, causing her to bend forward slightly. Val closed her hands into fists, each one connecting, one to the stomach and one to the chin. Bridget stumbled to the side, eyes reeling as she turned, but Val was already on top of her. A fist crashed into the green woman’s face, but before a second one could connect, Bridget grabbed Val’s arm and power blasted nerves.

  Val cried out as electricity burned at her arm, leg up and striking down on the side of Bridget’s knee. The force of the blow caused Bridget to let go and stumble again before a flurry of fists slammed into her unguarded face. The blows were enough for her to take a step back, power humming louder from her neck bolts.

  Will saw what was happening and threw his body down on Onika to shield her. Energy exploded from Bridget. Val was hurled back as energy struck Will dead on his back.

  You have taken 2 damage! You have 7 hearts remaining.

  Bridget turned to Val and stalked forward, the vampire clutching at the side of her head in confusion.

  “It’s over,” Bridget seethed as she stood over Val and pulled back a fist.

  “You will understand,” Val whispered as a fist came roaring down.

  Val moved her head just enough for Bridget to miss and strike the rocky wall by her head. Stone shards blasted out as Val was launching herself up. A claw extended from Val’s left hand and cut across her right palm. Bridget was pulling her fist back and turning her head to see blood spurt from Val’s cut palm. The vampire landed behind Bridget, whipping her bloody hand out and the spurt of blood shot out, wrapping around the reanimated woman’s neck.

  Bridget grabbed hold of the blood tentacle, electricity blasting along it. Val cried out, but didn’t let go, the tentacle squeezing Bridget’s throat. Will looked up and watched in astonishment as energy arced and a blood tentacle squeezed tighter. One woman gasped for air while the other screamed in burning pain. The onslaught on each other reached a numbing level, each side not giving in to the other. Energy died as Bridget gasped, eyes slowly rolling into the head. Val screamed, the blood tentacle constricting Bridget’s throat.


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