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Embers: A Dark Romance Love Triangle (A Special Agent Novel Book 5)

Page 7

by C. P. Mandara

  Ripping the duvet cover off her sleeping body, I wrap a hand around each of her thighs and spread her legs wide apart. She mumbles something in her sleep but doesn’t wake. This gives me ample opportunity to feast my eyes over her naked pussy and what a glorious sight it is. Everything is pink, plump, and pretty, and my tongue aches to taste it. The ‘plump’ part refers to her clit which is still swollen – although not half as much as it was yesterday. It will still be very sensitive for a day or two before things gradually return to normal. I’m going to take advantage of this.

  Licking my fingers, I transfer the moisture onto Lois’s clit and stroke it gently. I don’t want to wake her just yet. I want to pull her from the clutches of dreamland slowly, but surely. When she finally opens her eyes, I want her to be a raging mass of hormones, with desire running rampant through her body. So much so, that she can’t fight it. If I know Lois, she’ll put up a token resistance, but if I do my job properly, she won’t put up much of one.

  Tormenting her softly with my fingers for the better part of five minutes, I watch as her clit darkens in colour and enlarges under my touch. Deciding that it’s way past time my assassin woke up, I then latch my mouth between her legs and begin to write out the letters of the alphabet. It doesn’t take long for Sleeping Beauty to arise from her slumber after that, and I can tell you right now, that my princess is not a morning person.

  “Oh, my fucking god, Adie. Get off me right this instant.” Her hands are on my head, trying their best to push me away, while her body bucks underneath me. This actually works in my favour. My tongue gets to lap at her clit while she’s rocking up and down, increasing the friction, and she quickly realises her mistake.

  Making a long vowel sound that sounds like an ‘O’ but goes on for much longer, she tries to still her body beneath me, but by now the damage has been done. My tongue is a hungry beast between her legs and it’s not letting go. I need her begging for release before I do that, else I risk having to pull one off in the shower by myself, and I’m going to be pissed if that happens.

  Pressing her body back into the bed, I put my hands on her elbows to hold her down. This action is purely symbolic. If Lois doesn’t want to be held down my arms aren’t going to contain her, but I think the lady protests too much.

  “Look at me, Lois.” Releasing her cunt for a second, I stop what I’m doing to let my face linger on hers, giving her my most devilish grin. It’s guaranteed to melt the pants off any woman, even lesbians. I know this because I’ve converted a few of those in my time, too. “Good girl,” I say, as her eyes connect with mine. They then get sucked into my retinas as she loses herself in the beauty of my perfect fucking face. It’s both a blessing and a curse. I can have any woman I want, but the sensible ones avoid me like the plague. This face says playboy, and for the most part, that’s right – or it was up until a few weeks ago. It also means most men hate me because no woman is safe around me.

  “Adie get off me,” Lois whines. There’s not as much conviction in her voice as there was before, though, and she’s now sounding rather breathless.

  “You don’t like this?” I purr. I lick my lips, tasting her cunt which is smeared all over them, and sigh. I then blow gently on her sex and she squeals. “Tell me you don’t like this, Lois, and then maybe I’ll go away.” There’s no way I’m going anywhere, but she doesn’t know that. Taking her back in my mouth, I let my tongue flick her clit repeatedly, which is almost guaranteed to drive her mad.

  “I.” Her breath hitches as she tries to remember what she wants to say next. I would grin, but I’m too busy doing other things. “Don’t.” You’ve got to admire Lois’s self-control. There aren’t many women who could speak while I’m doing this to them, and it makes me love her all the more. “Like.” That word erupts on a squeak as I pull her hips upward to fuck her with my tongue. I’m going to make sure she doesn’t say anything else for a while. Sliding three fingers inside her, I then go back to tonguing her until she’s moaning so hard she’s forgotten what planet she lives on. When her moans become so loud I can barely hear myself think, I release her with a wet, sucking slurp, and slowly withdraw my fingers. Now I have her exactly where I want her, but I’m going to confirm it before I start talking.

  Looking up at her face, it doesn’t take me long to discover that all the right signals are there. Her eyes are hooded and glazed, filled with a dark, sultry heat that makes my cock pulse and my heart pound. There’s a flush that travels up Lois’s neck and steals into her cheeks, making her look like she’s just run five miles, while her chest rises and falls heavily as she tries not to pant. The fingers of both hands are clutching at the bed sheet for dear life, and her hips seem to have a life of their own. The woman is hot for me, and she can deny it all she wants, but the evidence is as clear as day on her face.

  Pulling away from her, I sit up on the bed, and say, “So, tell me more about this nunnery? Are you joining up today?” I give her my most evil look and wait patiently for my reply. I don’t have to wait long.

  “Adie you bastard,” she screeches, lunging for my waist as she tries to pull me back where I was. I pull back, just out of reach and stand up, waggling my finger at her.

  “Tsk, tsk,” I admonish. “I think you need to say at least ten ‘Hail Mary’s’ after that. Mother Superior is not going to be impressed with that filthy mouth, young lady.”

  Lois glares at me. “Adie, come back,” she wines. “Please come back and finish what you started.” When I make no move to do as she asks, Lois screams and flies off the bed. She’s after my head, which she probably wants to mount on a stick, but that’s not going to get her what she wants either.

  “On the floor,” I bark. “Now.” The command stops her instantly and she stills. James and I have discovered the first ever submissive assassin, and it’s rather entertaining – especially since Lois seems to struggle terribly with the knowledge.

  “Being submissive in the bedroom turns you on, doesn’t it, Lois?” She doesn’t answer me. Walking up to her, I grab a handful of her hair and pull her off the bed. Lois doesn’t take this lying down, but I can handle her kicking and screaming. Giving her hair another firm yank upwards, I then push her down until she’s on her knees. I am so fucking turned on, I’m about to set fire to all I touch, so the woman had better do as she’s told.

  “I could take you out, right here, and leave you unconscious on the floor,” Lois threatens, but she doesn’t lift a finger to retaliate.

  “You could, but you wouldn’t get what you want. So, what’s it going to be?” I twist her hair backwards, so she’s looking up at my face and wait. “Are you going to fight me or are you going to do every single fucking thing I tell you?” I pull her hair so hard she yells out loud and stare her out. I already know the answer to my question, I just have to wait until she admits it. Things will be a lot easier from then on in. For the next week, we need Lois in submissive mode, and she needs to work her way back into that role immediately. There’ll be no room for fuck-ups when she’s in Italy, which means she’ll need to be on her best behaviour.

  We stare at each other for what seems like ages, but in reality it is no more than a heartbeat or two before she answers.

  “How can I be of service, Sir?” Her voice is now soft and her eyes are demure, even though there’s a fire burning inside them that demands attention.

  “We don’t look directly at our dominant, Lois.” I push her head to the floor, putting her firmly in her place. She lets out a little breath as I do so, but it’s not in annoyance. She’s disappointed she didn’t get it correct the first time. Lois knows all of this stuff.

  “You need to get used to looking at feet. Sins are punishable from now on in, and I don’t want you black and blue before you get there, so you need to get it right first time.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she moans, and I watch as tension ripples through her body. Perfect. I need her nervous and on edge but aroused to hell. It looks like we’re almost there.

��Show me how you present yourself when your owner enters the room, Lois. Has James taught you that yet?” Releasing her hair, I wait to see what she comes up with. I assume James has made some kind of a start, but I’m not sure. The last few days have been intense.

  Lois then dips to her haunches, rests her chin on the floor, and spreads her legs. Her arms come up to spread her ass cheeks, and it’s all I can do to hold in my groan as her pretty little cunt is revealed in all its naked glory. Fuck you, James, you bastard, I think.

  “Magnificent. Absolutely magnificent,” I eventually purr, running a finger from the nape of her neck all the way back down to her ass cheeks. She holds her position, but trembles beneath it. I’m not sure which Lois turns me on more, feisty Lois or submissive Lois. I’ll have to think upon it later, when my cock doesn’t want to spontaneously combust.

  “Where would you like me to fuck you, Lois?” There’s only one right answer to that question, so she’s sure to get it wrong, but I’m itching to spank her anyway, so I don’t care.

  “Anywhere you want, Sir. Anywhere that pleases you.” I frown. Someone has been reading up on their shit, apparently. Never mind, it won’t be long until she fucks up.

  “Good answer. I want you in every single tight, juicy hole you possess.” I spank her ass, this way and that, just because I can, and fist my cock. “First in your cunt. Then in your mouth, so you can taste yourself, and then over the bed in your ass, as you scream out my name. Think you can take that?” I don’t care if she can’t. She’s getting it, and she’d better hope she can last the distance. My balls are blue from lying next to her all night and I need a good workout.

  “Yes, Sir,” she moans. I watch her cunt clench as she replies and smile. Letting my finger trace a path down the valley of her ass cheeks, I get on my knees and then dip myself inside her, bending down to appreciate the beauty of those tight, wet holes. I can’t wait any longer to have her, so I don’t. Sliding myself in-between her legs, I begin by tormenting us both. Giving her shallow thrusts, of no more than an inch or two, I watch as she whimpers beneath me.

  Leaning down to whisper in her ear, I purr, “As of now, James and I own your body. You are not allowed to come unless you have our say so. Do you understand, Lois?” The shallow, teasing thrusts continue, as I grab hold of a fistful of her hair.

  “Yes,” she whimpers, and then as I pull harder, “yes, Sir.”

  “Better,” I respond. “You need to think of yourself as our toy from now on. If we say jump, you jump. You don’t get to ask questions, you just have to obey. Think you can do that?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she moans pitifully. Even with these pathetic, tiny thrusts, she’s already aroused to bursting point, and it turns me on so much, I feel like a bloody teenager.

  “When you want to come, you have to beg for it. You need permission to get your rocks off from now on in. If it’s granted, you get to climax. If it isn’t, you hold back. The rules are simple, and they must be obeyed.” I tug her hair again to let her know I want a response.

  “Yes, Sir. I understand,” she cries out, as I begin to thrust my whole length into her, one hard, solid thrust at a time. I’m not gentle. I pound into that tight little cunt and sink into her as deep as I can.

  “I don’t think you do, sweetheart. The repercussions for failure at Il Piacere will blow your mind. Think Henry at Carte Blanche, and you’re not far wrong.”

  “Oh, God,” Lois whispers, and I’m kinda hoping that’s for me, rather than Henry. Around these parts, I am the Almighty and she’d better not forget it. I yank her hair again. “Oh, God, Sir,” she repeats, biting her lip.

  “Mmm. It’s fuck-ups like that which will get you into trouble, Lo. You’ve got two days to get your act down pat. If you can’t remember what you’re supposed to be doing, you’ll be made to suffer, and James in turn, will suffer while he watches those vultures torment you. Entiende usted?” I shake her and I know she understands me. I always revert back to Spanish while I’m fucking. English is hopeless. It sounds like I should be teaching school children. French is okay, but it lacks the rough, abrasive tone that is so evident in my native tongue. It’s perfect for sex in every way that matters.

  “I understand, Sir,” she whispers, and that tiny voice is music to my ears. Grabbing hold of her tits, I handle them roughly, before my fingers slowly work their way towards her nipples, pinching and pulling the tips. I am rewarded by heated groans of pleasure. She is so damn sensitive this morning that I barely have to touch her, and while I wouldn’t wish a spell in the tank on anyone, it does have its advantages.

  “You need to learn Spanish,” I grumble, before twisting her buds so tightly, I make her scream out loud.

  When she’s got her breath back, she says, “I understand Spanish, I just don’t know how to fuck in it. They don’t teach you the slang part with Rosetta Stone, Sir.”

  I laugh. “Is that how you learnt?” I can’t imagine Lois sitting still enough to learn a language. I give her another three brutal thrusts with my cock, before my fingers dip to her clit once more. By the time I’m finished with her, she’ll be on fire.

  “It’s how I learn all my languages. I put them on in the car and listen to them whenever I… drive.” Her last word ends on a squeal as I squeeze her clit. I’ll forgive her for missing my honorific, but just this once.

  “I’m assuming you got better training later on in the job?” For the things she needs to do, only a native would be able to help.

  “Yes. We get intensive lessons later on, if we need them. Depends what the job is, Sir.”

  “Remind me to give you intensive lessons on how to fuck in the Spanish language, Lo. I don’t think you could possibly turn me on more than you do already, but I’m not going to put money on it.” I imagine that sexy face, and those pouty lips saying all kinds of filthy things to me in my native tongue, and I suddenly realise this woman just might make my head explode.

  “Permission to come, Sir?” Her voice sounds ragged and frayed at the edges. She’s close.

  “Permission denied. I’m going to come in this sweet little cunt, though, and you’re going to thank me. Brace yourself, Lo, and if you fucking climax, I’ll make sure you regret it.” With that said, I slam into her, over and over again, until I feel my balls blast off. The crushing weight of desire has finally been lifted. For about ten seconds my body freezes as intense pleasure washes all over me, tearing down my defences as sweet shards of bright light take over my vision. How the fuck does this woman do this to me? I’m not complaining, though.

  When I can move again, I slowly pull out of her and help her upright. Turning to face her, I grip her chin in my hand and smile. “Good work, Thirty-Eight. Maybe you won’t be as difficult to train as I think.”

  Lois tries to smile back at me, but the pain of withholding her pleasure is evident in her strained face. She doesn’t know it’s about to get a whole lot worse, before it gets better.

  For the next two days, James and I own her ass, and oh boy are we going to let her know it.

  Chapter Eight - Lois

  “Thank you, Sir.” My voice is hoarse, and it sounds odd, even to me. I wonder if Adie has any idea how difficult it is to thank someone for shooting their load inside you, when you’re left desperately aroused and wanting. Although I know he’s no stranger to pain, I wonder if he’s witnessed this kind of torture.

  “I know what you’re thinking, Thirty-Eight.” He squats down in front of me and taps my forehead. It enrages me, but I don’t let it show. I don’t let a flicker of emotion cross my face. This is something I’m getting better at. Since arriving here, disguising my emotions has become a full-time job.

  “With respect, I don’t think you do, Sir.” Adie then tips my chin up with his finger, so he can look me in the eye, and he brushes his lips against mine. The contact is fleeting but heavily charged with anticipation. I ache with the pain of unfilled desire. It seeps out of every pore while my body clamours to be sated, but this is all part of the ga
me. I’m ready for it. Yet again, I’ll be the one they want to watch suffer.

  Adie pulls back from me slowly, running a hand through his hair. “You’re wondering if I’ve ever been in your shoes before.”

  Hiding my surprise at his astuteness, I say, “You haven’t, Sir. They’re a size five, and there’s no way your big tootsies will fit in them.” Take that, asshole.

  Adie shakes his head and rolls his eyes. “Don’t try any of that in Il Piacere. They’ll flay you alive. If you can’t turn it on and off, just stop it from now on in.” He gives me a firm look.

  “I can turn it on and off, Sir,” I reassure him. “Besides, James can’t stand me. I don’t think we’re going to be cracking too many jokes.” Add that to the fact that I’ll probably be scared witless, and I don’t think my humour is likely to surface much.

  “For someone that can’t stand you, he did an excellent job of getting you through a really nasty ordeal yesterday. Be fucking thankful it was him and not my brother. If it wasn’t, you’d be dead by now. You’re incredibly lucky to be alive.” His words are heavy, and I nod. I know all of that. I need to see James today and check if he’s okay. I hate to think what he’s going through right now. As soon as the thought enters my head, I voice it aloud.

  “Can we go and see him?” All thoughts of sex are suppressed for the moment. That can wait, and it is the object of the lesson, in any case.

  “Not just yet. He’s sleeping off something nasty. If we wake him before ten, he’s liable to chew our heads off.”

  “You drugged him?” I blink. After all that happened yesterday, I can’t believe Adie did that. I find it even harder to believe that James let him.

  “He wasn’t in a good way when I found him, and he needed to sleep. He drugged himself.” That makes me feel marginally better, though I’m still worried about him. When my eyes droop inwards, Adie takes pity on me.


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