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Embers: A Dark Romance Love Triangle (A Special Agent Novel Book 5)

Page 8

by C. P. Mandara

  “Relax. He’ll be okay.” I’m treated to another brush of his lips and I almost swoon.

  “You’re not going to let me come this morning, are you?” It’s a rhetorical question, but I might as well accustom myself to the disappointment of denial. After yesterday, you’d have thought I’d have been grateful, but I’m not. My body is humming with unspent energy, and I have a feeling that by the time I leave this room, I am going to be howling with misery.

  “For a novice, you learn fast, Thirty-Eight.” Adie’s eyes narrow and his gaze travels up and down my body. Grabbing one of my hands, he places it on his cock. “Your job is to get me hard enough to fuck your mouth. Be gentle, Thirty-Eight, or I’ll whip your ass afterwards.” The sexy Spanish lilt is back. One of these days, I’m going to be able to come by listening to that voice.

  As my fingers wrap around his cock, which is already semi-hard, I moan. It’s soft, warm, and silky in my fingertips, and I can feel a rush of saliva invade my throat at the thought of fucking him. For years I’ve been almost impervious to sex, and now I crave the stuff. Go figure. Before I start moving my hand, though, I want to know the answer to my earlier question.

  “So, have you ever been in my shoes before, Sir?” Smearing the remnants of Adie’s last orgasm around the tip, I begin to stroke him gently.

  “Your size fives? Nah, women’s shoes don’t interest me. I have plenty of fetishes, but that isn’t one of them.” He smirks at me. Fine. I deserved that.

  “Will you answer the question, please, Sir?” I’m in no position to give out orders, but I’m curious. I hope he’ll take pity on me.

  “You’re like a fucking elephant, Thirty-Eight.” He shakes his head, and then, placing two hands in my hair, brings his face close to mine. “How could I live under Alain’s walls and not be the one squashed under someone’s shoe? Yes, I have been submissive sexually. It’s how you learn to be a better dominant. You need to experience it, to dish it out. That way you’ll always have a rough idea of what your sub is feeling.” It makes sense. “These days, though, it’s only Alain who’s allowed anywhere near me – and that’s basically because I can’t do anything about it.” His tone is hard. I know he hates Alain as much as we do, but there’s nothing we can do about that at the moment. It will come to me, though. Every problem has a solution, and I’m going to find the answer to ours.

  I nod in understanding. Maybe I should have expected that answer. Adie continues to surprise me, and the more I learn about him, the more I respect him.

  “Offer me your mouth, Lo. Show me which hole I’m going to fuck next. At Il Piacere your body is one of your most powerful assets. Use it to your advantage wherever you can. Everyone wants to see soft, moist, weeping holes – and if you play your part right – they’ll be eating out of your hand. You can be the darling of the show, or the sodding misfit. There is no in-between.”

  I use my tongue to lick my lips, and then open up my mouth as wide as I can, exactly as James instructed. I then thrust my tongue towards him and give him Bambi eyes. I’m hoping they say, ‘Please feed me your cock.’ If they don’t, I’m going to have to work on that look.

  “Oh, fuck. You’ll do just fine.” Adie’s cock, which had been stiffening nicely in my fingers, chose that moment to shoot forward, escaping out of my hand. Reaching for him again, he brushes my fingers away, and places my arms by my sides. He then rests the tip of his cock on my tongue, and I wait there patiently for his next order.

  “Hands behind your back, Thirty-Eight.” I obey instantly. I am so wet by now, my pussy is weeping onto the floor beneath me, and I suspect I’ll be doing a lot of that before the day is out.

  “Brace yourself. I’m not going to be gentle.” This is all the warning I receive. Adie grips the hair on either side of my head and feeds me his cock in long, powerful bursts. I can’t breathe, can’t swallow, can’t think. All I can do is flatten my tongue, giving him as much access as possible as I look up at him, admiring that beautiful face as it becomes lost in pleasure. At the moment, the man is at his most devastating. He has half a day’s growth on his face, and his eyes are shooting dark, caramel sparks at me. It turns me on something fierce as he hammers himself down my neck. My throat makes little, wet, sloppy sounds as he murders it, and I gag over and over, but not once do I lose eye contact with those beautiful eyes. They eat me alive.

  When he’s finished, he instructs me how to clean his cock, and then slips slowly out of my mouth, patting me on the head as he does so.

  “Thank you, Sir,” I whisper, as I swallow down the last of his come.

  I can tell my words please him, for he smiles ruefully.

  “You’re almost too good at this game, Thirty-Eight,” he says. Standing up, he runs his fingers through his tousled hair and stretches his legs out. I want to devour him.

  “It’s too easy with you, Sir,” I say softly. It is. I only have to look at him to want him. I have a pussy like a leaking tap whenever he’s near me. It won’t be the same in Italy. It will be stilted and difficult. James and I will be petrified of getting too close to one another, especially considering what we’re expected to be doing. Not to mention the fact that we also have an assignment to complete while we’re there. Will it even be possible? I wouldn’t put it against Alain to send us into a death trap. There is a reason he hasn’t sent his own men in. He doesn’t want them killed. We are expendable in his eyes.

  “Up on the bed, Lo, on your stomach with your ass hanging over the side. Stretch your arms straight up. I’m going to restrain you.” All of my thoughts instantly disappear at those words. Adie is going to take my ass, and it will turn me on something fierce, but he won’t allow me to come. After this, I will go around like a Viagra-filled zombie all day, desperate for every touch, while these bastards use me for their own amusement. The idea is incredibly arousing and humiliating. Il Piacere is going to kill me.

  Adie uses soft, nylon rope to restrain me in position, with my legs and arms splayed wide. When he’s tested his knots, to make sure I’m secure, he gets on the bed and sits down in front of me.

  “Are you hungry, Lo? Should I make us both some breakfast?” His grin is evil. It’s a good job I’m tied down, else I’d have slammed my fist somewhere unpleasant.

  “No, I’m not hungry, Sir.” I haven’t been hungry for days. My body is jacked up on adrenaline, and I can’t eat when I’m nervous. My anxiety has been fuelled by thoughts of the tank, and the fact that James and I will soon have to spend three days together in a sex club. If that wasn’t bad enough, Alain Dumortier wants to fuck me, and he also wants to kill me – really fucking slowly. I’m surprised I’ve managed to hold it together this long.

  “That’s too bad. Fucking makes me hungry. I’m just going to make myself some bacon and eggs, and I’ll see you in half an hour, or so.” Adie taps my ass and gives it a squeeze.

  “Adie, you bastard. You can’t leave me like this,” I wail petulantly. I’m wasting my breath. He absolutely can leave me like this, and he’s going to.

  Jumping off the bed, he then rummages around in a drawer, before positioning himself behind me. Uh oh.

  “Tsk, tsk,” he admonishes. “Who’s been a naughty slave? I’m going to paddle this ass until you remember,” he purrs.

  Remember what? I get no chance to consider that thought before the paddle is crashing into my backside, pummelling my ass. I alternate between yells, whimpers, and shrieks of pain, all the while trying to figure out what I’ve done to displease him. It doesn’t take long before my ass begins to burn. Adie is turning it a fiery shade of red and I can't stay still. He’s got a hell of a wallop going on back there. Remember what? I need to remember quickly, or I won’t be sitting down for a week. Then it comes to me.

  “Adie, you bastard,” I scream, “You can’t leave me like this, Sir.” The paddling instantly stops. Two warm hands then rub the globes of my reddened ass, and I whimper into the bedcovers.

  “This is what I mean, Thirty-Eight. You can’t forg
et. Indiscretions like that will be immediately punished. This is what will happen to you, and you’ll embarrass James in the process. He’s supposed to have trained you for years. A mistake like that is going to look bad. You need to get yourself into character, and you have to be able to stay there. If you’re too much of a risk, he’ll need to make sure you’re gagged as much as possible, but he can’t do that all the time.” Adie digs his fingernails into my ass, and I whimper. “You need to try harder, Thirty-Eight. This isn’t a game.”

  It’s all a fucking game, I think sourly, with one man as the puppet master. “I’m sorry, Sir,” I whisper.

  A ball gag suddenly appears in front of my face, and I want to plead with him to take it away. I don’t want to be gagged. I hate those things. I know better than to argue, though, and to be fair, I earned this. He’s right. I can’t slip up. I’m not paying attention.

  “Open wide,” he purrs.

  My lips are only just opening before he shoves the red ball into my throat and buckles the straps tightly behind my head.

  “See you in a little while,” he says, tracing a line around the stretched outline of my lips. My hips buck in frustration, and he laughs. Landing a firm spank on my left ass cheek, he then strolls from the room, chuckling to himself as he does so. My playboy is thoroughly enjoying himself.

  Adie leaves me to stew on my own for over an hour. The inactivity drives me crazy. I’m left with a hot, stinging ass, a clitoris that has a life of its own, and I’m trapped inside my own head. It’s the last place I want to be.

  Where is James? Is he okay? Will we be able to work together? It’s going to be really awkward, I know that much. Is Alain setting us up? Probably. He wants to watch James suffer, so maybe he’s hoping that I’ll embarrass him dreadfully in Italy. I am determined not to. Somehow I will pull my shit together and be the best damn submissive there ever was. We can do this. While we’re away, we’ll also have to put our heads together to form a plan of attack because we can’t go on like this. Someone is going to get killed before long, and it would be really nice if it was Alain.

  When the door finally opens again, I moan like crazy, letting Adie know what I think of him. There is no response. When he comes to stand behind me, I feel him put his fingers on my back, and his touch is so light I can barely feel it. His hands then stray to my ass, and suddenly his fingernails rip into me and I yell as loud as I can, tears forming in my eyes as I struggle like mad.

  “My brother should know better than to fuck you. You’re mine now. I don’t like to share.” That sentence doesn’t make sense. The voice is now dark and deadly, and the Spanish has been dropped in favour of a French accent. His hand then reaches for my pussy and he pushes four fingers inside me, painfully hard, making my breath seize in my throat. It’s as if he wants to get his hand in there, and it freaks me out.

  “Make no mistake, Lois. I own this cunt. As soon as you’re back from assignment, you’re mine. James and Adie can play with you for now, but when you return, that’s the last you’ll see of them. I’m going to lock you up and throw away the key.”

  It’s Alain. Oh shit. My mind runs riot. I’m trussed up, gagged, and helpless in every way that matters. He can do whatever he wants back there and there’s not a thing I can do about it. Somehow I manage to stop my body from dissolving into a fit of tremors, but it’s a close-run thing.

  “I wouldn’t have let you die in that tank, Lois.” His fingers push harder, trying to worm their way into me, but my flesh is tight and unforgiving. This doesn’t seem to bother Alain. He’s good at breaking things and seems to take my resistance as a challenge. “James didn’t know that, of course. I was just getting ready to shoot the tank, when he finally managed to finish you off. Quite impressive, that. I didn’t think he had it in him.” The fingers push harder and harder, and I bite down on my screams. I am overcome with revulsion and terror, every muscle stiffening in panic, but this probably turns the bastard on. “You’re the first woman to ever come out of that little stunt alive.” He seems a little in awe of the fact. You sick fuck, I think.

  When he realises he’s not getting any further inside my pussy, no matter how hard he pushes, he withdraws his hand and comes to stand in front of me. He then begins sucking his fingers, one by one. I want to retch.

  “Drowning would have been too easy. When I kill you, I’m going to draw it out for two whole weeks, while James watches every move I make. That’s the least he deserves for killing my sister.” His black eyes are chilling as he gazes up and down my body. I now realise my death warrant has already been signed and we’re just wasting time until the event. Alain is toying with us both. Killing me has always been on the cards, and no matter what we do, eventually I’m going to end up under this bastard’s knives. That’s been the plan all along. James is kidding himself if he thinks there’s a way out. Alain is already ten steps ahead.

  “I have to confess I never thought James would fall in love with anybody. I became almost despairing of the fact. When I first saw you two together, I figured you were just another woman in a long line of conquests. He hasn’t come this close to anyone in years. For a few days, he almost convinced me he didn’t give a fuck about you, but after yesterday, I know that’s not true. He’s fallen for you, hasn’t he, Lois?”

  Alain sits there on the bed, dressed in a perfectly pressed navy-blue suit, looking mightily pleased with himself. He doesn’t know how wrong he is. Adie might care for me, but James is just going through the motions. He can’t wait to be rid of me. All I see is loathing and disgust when I look into James’s eyes, and I want to tell Alain that, but I know it won’t make any difference. Now that his mind is made up, the plan will run, and I’m just a little cog in his grand scheme.

  “Do you love him, Lois?” I roll my eyes. Is this speech designed to try and oust my feelings for James? Is everything he’s just said a lie? I’m pretty sure the part about my death isn’t, but I’m damn sure he’s fishing. He wants to believe James is in love with me because he wants to do maximum damage to that poor man, but in reality, he’s still not sure. It’s probably why he wants to thrust us together for the next few days. The evil fucker will do everything he can to try and make James care about me, so that when he does stick the knife in, it’s going to tear an artery or two. I don’t think James will be able to cope with my death. That’s not because he’s madly in love with me, I’m not that stupid, but I don’t think he can live with the guilt of another death upon his conscience. Although he comes across as cold and unfeeling, I know that’s an act for Alain. He destroyed that air of indifference in the tank room, though. Alain now knows he can get to him.

  “The thing with you lot, is you rarely wear your emotions on your sleeve,” Alain grumbles. “I always have to go to extreme measures to get anything worthwhile out of you – not that the tank experiment wasn’t fun, of course.” He then runs his hands through the hair on top of my head and I brace automatically, knowing he will pull it, and pull it hard. He does. Bringing my eyes up to his, he then says, “Do you think James will mind if I fuck you?” I don’t bat an eyelid. I have no idea how James feels about that little scenario, but I know how I feel about it. “As soon as you get back from your assignment, I’m going to have you, Lois. I’ve been waiting patiently, but I won’t wait much longer. I have so many plans for you, I hardly know where to begin.” My breath stops in my throat. Although I know in the back of my mind that this has always been waiting for me, having a timeline attached to it has shrivelled me up from the inside out. I feel physically sick at the thought of Alain coming anywhere near me, and I have a feeling he knows it. It probably turns him on. “That’s when I’ll know whether James really cares for you.” He sucks his thumb into his mouth, biting down on it, as he considers something. “It’s going to be very interesting finding out.” He stands up abruptly as his phone buzzes in his pocket. Walking towards the door, I hear the handle twist, before his voice addresses me once again.

  “Enjoy your last moments w
ith James and Adie, Lois. Once you get back here, you’ll be mine, and you’ll never see the light of day again.” With that, the door opens and closes, and after waiting ten long seconds to make sure the evil bastard can’t hear me, I finally break down. Even though I’m mightily sick and tired of crying, Alain’s released a storm of emotions that I can’t keep bottled up. Tears are becoming cathartic for me these days. They will hopefully allow me to continue putting one foot in front of the other until this awful charade is over and done with. While they’re a miserable inconvenience, at least I know someone who will be pleased to see them on his return.

  Chapter Nine – Adie

  Trying to eat breakfast while thinking of fucking Lois’s ass is nigh on impossible. I’ve just had her twice, and already my mind is fixated on taking her again. Since when have I been this crazy about a woman? Since never.

  I prod at my sausage (the breakfast kind), and frown. It’s been ten minutes since I left her and already I want to sink my sausage (not the breakfast kind) into her again. Over and over, with a side helping of hair yanking, dribbling, and screaming. Pushing the plate away from me, a frown darkening my features, I wonder where my control has gone. I’m not hungry. I left the bedroom with thoughts of her suffering uppermost on my mind, but I’m going to suffer just as much sitting here, twiddling my thumbs. My plan was to leave her for an hour while I recovered, and then go back and fuck her brains out, but that seems like an intolerably long time. I’ll be lucky if I’m gone ten minutes at this rate.

  As if sensing my dilemma, in walks my brother, and he’s all business as usual. I can already tell, without looking at him, that he intends to spoil my fun and what little food I’ve eaten curdles in my stomach. My face dips into a glower, as I brace myself for something unpleasant.

  “Adie, I need you to attend to a couple of girls in the basement.” Alain cranes his neck around the corner of the kitchen and gives me an impatient look. Jesus. This is the last thing I need.


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