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Rescued by the Hero: An Older Alpha Male and Curvy Younger Woman Romance (The Hero Series Book 2)

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by Adele Niles

  Belinda laughed. “Hey, that’s good to hear. I mean, a woman’s worth shouldn’t be tied up in what a man thinks, but… it’s still nice to hear.”

  Her cheeks were almost the color of her hair.

  I liked it. I liked how shy she looked.

  She cleared her throat. “Um, so… you used to live in the city? Why’d you leave?”

  “Burnout,” I replied with a shrug. “I got tired of all the awful shit I saw every day. Shootings, drug overdoses, people getting beaten up. It wore me down. I had to get out of there.”

  “Oh.” She nodded slowly. “I can imagine. I mean, I can’t imagine that kind of violence, but… I’m sure it’s exhausting.”

  “It really is. I couldn’t stand it anymore. So I moved out here, bought some land, built the cabin.” I looked around, feeling a swell of pride. I really had made this my own, out of nothing. “But I wanted to keep helping people, so I got involved with the Search and Rescue squad.”

  “And you found me. So you must be good at it.”

  I laughed. “Chunk found you. He’s the real hero.”

  Chunk, lounging under the table, started to wag his tail.

  Belinda smiled, shifting to peek under the table. “I love him. What kind of dog is he?”

  “Half yellow lab, half pit.”

  “A perfect boy.” She held her hand out to him. I heard him move; he was probably pressing his forehead against her hand. His tail was still going, thudding on the floor.

  “He’s been my buddy since he was twelve weeks old. I’ve been training him to be a rescue dog his whole life.”

  “He’s great. I mean, he scared the shit out of me at first, but when I realized he was a dog, he made me feel so good.”

  “He’s really comforting. He’s great with kids, too. He’s helped me rescue all kinds of little ones.”

  She grinned and looked down at him. “Oh, you really are a hero, huh?”

  Chunk let out a soft bark.

  I leaned back, starting to pack up my medical kit again. “He’s great. I’m lucky to have him.”

  “You’re lucky to have all of this. It’s kind of incredible.”

  I smiled. “You’re not tied to the city. You can still be an Instagram star from the middle of nowhere.”

  Belinda looked away, blushing deeper.

  I was never going to get tired of seeing her blush like that.

  Chapter Seven


  The storm was still raging outside, but I felt safe in Jake’s cabin.

  It was warm and cozy. Chunk was a comfort, and honestly, so was Jake.

  He was easy to talk to. He was funny, and handsome, and the way he touched me while he cleaned up my wounds was so gentle.

  It was a turn-on.

  A big one.

  But still, men like him made me nervous. They made me think of my mom. She had always been a sucker for a handsome guy with pretty eyes, and every single one had used her, left her heartbroken when he walked out.

  I didn’t want to be like that.

  I loved her, of course. I would always love my mom. But the majority of my childhood had been spent comforting her while she cried, taking care of myself while she fought with depression and abandonment issues.

  It was a lot for me to try and move past, and it had definitely shaped me. Maybe not in the best way; I had a hard time trusting men, believing they wanted anything but sex.

  I wanted to be with somebody, but only when I was sure it would last.

  And I’d only known Jake a few hours.

  Still… it was hard to ignore that there was a spark when he touched me. It was hard to ignore how warm I felt when he talked to me, when he smiled.

  It was hard to ignore how much I liked his house and his dog and his simple, rustic lifestyle.

  But it was far away from everyone I knew, and—

  I gasped.

  Jake leaned back, away from me. “What?”

  “I haven’t checked my phone since I got here!”

  “Oh!” He nodded. “Go grab it. If you need a charge, I’ve got cords for almost everything.”

  He really was prepared for anything.

  I went to my backpack, grabbing my phone. It still had a little charge, and I had a lot of missed calls and texts.

  I sat down and sent out a mass message to everyone who’d contacted me—mostly Mom and Audrey.

  Hey! I’m okay! I had a scare and got a little lost, but I’m good now. Safe and sound. I’m staying with the guy who rescued me. His name is Jake Quick, and he lives up in the mountains. Search and Rescue knows where I am. I’ll be home tomorrow, promise. Love you!

  And then I attached a photo of myself, smiling into the camera. Just to let them know that everything was fine.

  No need to worry anybody.

  “I’ve got an iPhone. Where can I plug in?”

  “Over here.” Jake rose and went to open a drawer in the kitchen. He removed a lightning cable and a brick, plugging them into an outlet.

  I plugged my phone in, sighing. “I bought this stupid case that’s supposed to extend your range when you’re out in the wilderness, but it doesn’t work for shit.”

  He leaned over my shoulder, looking at the brand. “Oh, yeah. Those are garbage. If you want a good signal boost, it’s an external device, not a case.”

  “Oh.” I frowned. “I guess the guy at REI was just trying to upsell me.”

  “They do that.” He smiled apologetically. “Sorry.”

  I shook my head. “It’s cool. Not the worst thing to happen to me.”

  Jake didn’t ask what the worst thing to happen to me was.

  Even though there wasn’t anything terrible in my past, I appreciated it. I didn’t really want to get into my mom’s relationship history with a man I barely knew.

  Or maybe I did. I bit my lip, looking at Jake. He was watching me with those cool gray eyes, his expression calm.

  He’d saved my life.

  He’d brought me to his home and treated me with nothing but respect and kindness.

  I felt safer here than I’d felt anywhere else.

  I sighed. “I just… I dunno.”

  “What?” Jake shifted in his chair, leaning his elbows on the table to look at me.

  “I’ve never even dated anyone. My mom… She had a rough time with relationships.”

  Jake hesitated, then gave me a nervous smile. “What, uh… what brought all this on?”

  “I don’t know. You just… feel like somebody I can talk to.”

  “Oh.” He nodded slowly. “Well, I mean, if you wanna talk, I’ll listen.”

  I suddenly felt very silly. I lowered my head, shrugging. “I guess that’s it. I just feel weird, you know? Like, everyone likes my photos and they probably think I have some secret boyfriend, and I’ve never even kissed a guy.”

  “I… I’m sorry.”

  At least he was sympathetic.

  “It’s… It’s okay. Sorry. I shouldn’t have, you know, started all this.”

  “You don’t need to apologize, Belinda.”

  I loved how he said my name.

  And the way he looked at me just… it made me feel hot inside.

  No man had ever made me feel like that.

  No man had ever actually made me want him.

  But I wanted Jake. Desperately.

  Chapter Eight


  Listening to Belinda talk only made me want her more.

  She was a sweet girl. She was genuine, beautiful, and sensitive.

  She needed a man who would love her, take care of her. Make sure she had everything she wanted.

  I could do that.

  I could take care of her. I could love her. I could give her a good life.

  But she wouldn’t leave the city. Not for somebody like me.

  But maybe… maybe we could have a good night together.

  I leaned forward, mouth open to reply, and everything went black.

  Belinda screamed.

>   “Whoa, whoa.” I shook my head, standing up and grabbing my phone from my coveralls. I turned the flashlight on and crossed the house, opening a box on the wall of the living room. I flipped a switch, and the lights came back on.

  Belinda looked around, arms wrapped around herself.

  “It’s okay.” I held a hand up, smiling in an attempt to calm her.

  “How… how’d you do that?”

  I chuckled. “I can go off-grid when I need to. I just switched over to my backup power supply. I’ve got solar panels on the roof of the house and outbuildings, both.”

  Belinda sat up a little straighter. “Really?”

  “Yeah. Lightning probably hit a transformer somewhere, knocked out power. But we’re good. Air, light, working kitchen. Nothing to worry about.”

  “So like… you don’t have to rely on the electric company?”

  I shrugged. “It’s more convenient, but I don’t have to. I’m on well water, too, so no water bill. The only thing I can’t do myself is the Internet, but even then, I usually get it back faster since I don’t have to wait for the power company.”

  “That’s… amazing.” Belinda smiled. “I’ve never, you know, been somewhere that was so… self-sufficient.”

  I chuckled again. “Sustainable living is trendy, but I gotta say… this is the one trend where I’m ahead of the curve.”

  Belinda laughed. “I didn’t realize you were up on the trends.”

  “I am. Way more aware than you’d guess.”

  She looked at me, head cocked. Her smile was stunning. “Next you’re going to tell me you have an Instagram.”

  “I do. And I follow you.”

  “What?” She blinked. “Are you for real?”

  “I am. I just didn’t really put it together that you were, you know, you. Until I found you and it all clicked.”

  Her face went red. “I had no idea.”

  “It’s okay. That’s why I didn’t say anything.” I smiled and held out my hand. “You want a tour of a real off-the-grid house? You can film it.”

  She rose, her smile returning. “I don’t think I’m gonna film this one, actually. I’ll keep it to myself.”

  She put her hand in mine, and I started to walk her around my house.

  The cabin was a source of pride. I’d poured a lot of time and resources into making it perfect, and I could talk endlessly about it. Most of the interior walls were held together with dovetail joinery, making the corners pretty as well as functional; the floor was heated with a system that pumped warm water through tubes under the floorboards, keeping it from getting too cold in the winter. I showed her the root cellar, dug deep enough that it didn’t need any power to keep it cold.

  Belinda asked questions and talked to me enthusiastically about the work I’d done.

  I lingered in the bathroom with her, having shown her some of the features. “I thought you were a city girl.”

  She laughed and shrugged. “I mean… I am. But this isn’t too bad. I know I almost died, but… mountain life could be nice. You’ve got a pretty great setup, at least.”

  “Wow. I’ve impressed an Instagram influencer. I must be doing pretty good.”

  Belinda groaned and rolled her eyes. “Oh, my god. Don’t be like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “That. I’m not really trying to be an influencer, you know. I just started posting and it took off from there.”

  “Well… you’re doing a good job.”

  “Am I?”

  “Yeah. I peek at the comments sometimes. People love you.”

  She shrugged, looking away. “If I can make other people feel good about themselves, that’s all I want.”

  “It’s what you’re doing. You should be proud of yourself.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so.” I smiled. “C’mon. Let me show you the best room in the house.”

  The bedroom, of course.

  I opened the door, and Belinda gasped.

  Exactly the reaction I wanted.

  I’d made the bedroom into my sanctuary. A four-poster bed stood against one wall, piled with handmade quilts. Large windows looked out over the forest when it was light out; tonight, they only showed darkness and the occasional flash of lightning. A hand-carved dresser and nightstand set finished out the room. Potted plants lined the windows and hung in baskets from the ceiling.

  I crossed it, though, going around the bed to where a pulley had been mounted to the wall. I turned the crank, and a panel in the roof slid open, revealing an enormous skylight.

  I turned to look at Belinda. She was staring at me, mouth half-open.

  “Jake, this is… amazing. The most beautiful room I’ve ever been in.”

  I smiled. “I’m pretty happy with it. I wanted it to feel really natural, you know? Like it’s part of the mountains, not a room inside the house.”

  “I think you’ve done it.”

  Belinda moved closer to me.

  I stood still, letting her approach.

  She put her hands on my chest, looking up at me.

  I moved one hand to her waist.

  She bit her lip shyly.

  I leaned down and kissed her.

  Chapter Nine


  Jake kissed me the way I’d always dreamed of being kissed. Slow and tender, his arms around my waist. He held me tight, protectively.

  I wanted this.

  I wanted him. I wanted to get to know him better.

  But first, I wanted to crawl into that big, gorgeous bed with him.

  And I wanted him to take my virginity.

  I leaned into the kiss, rising up on my toes.

  Jake pulled me closer, our bodies pressed together. I could feel every one of his muscles, and it reminded me of how strong he was.

  He was incredible—brilliant and capable, so caring and respectful. Gentle. Passionate.

  He was the kind of guy who could convince me to give up on my distrust of men.

  He eased back from the kiss, looking at me seriously. “Belinda. Do you want this?”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  “You’re sure?”


  “If you change your mind…”

  ‘If I change my mind, I’ll let you know.”

  He nodded. “Okay.”

  I bit my lip. “I just, um… I’ve never…”

  “I figured. You said you’d never kissed anyone.” He smiled, one hand raising to cradle my cheek. “If it helps at all, it’s been a while for me.”


  “Yeah. Hard to get girls to come up the mountain for a romp.”

  I laughed. “So you don’t sleep with every woman you rescue?”

  “Nah. Never done it before.”

  I smiled. “Well… let’s have fun?”

  “We will.”

  He leaned in to kiss me again.

  Carefully, Jake backed me toward his bed. He didn’t lay me down, though; instead, he took hold of the hem of the t-shirt, pulling it up slowly.

  I hadn’t put a bra or panties on after my shower. Jake had taken them to be washed.

  He realized it, too, his hands sliding under the shirt to cup my breasts. My nipples hardened against his hands and I heard myself whimper.

  I knew I was wet already.

  Jake’s tongue touched my lower lip, and I opened my mouth to him willingly.

  He eased back from the kiss just long enough to pull my shirt off, tossing it to the floor.

  His hands returned to my breasts and he kissed me again.

  I reached between us, grabbing the zipper of his coveralls and starting to tug it down. They opened; underneath, he wore a t-shirt and boxers, nothing else.

  I liked it.

  He shifted his arms, shrugging the coveralls off and pulling them down. They fell around his ankles and he stepped out of them.

  Once they were off, Jake pushed me to the bed.

  I fell into it willingly. The mattress was sof
t, springy.

  I wanted to stay in this bed forever.

  Jake leaned over me, looking down at me for a moment before he kissed me again.

  We broke apart again, just for him to take his shirt off. He dropped it, and I reached to pull at the waist of his boxers.

  He let them drop, and I lifted my head to look.

  I almost gasped out loud. I’d never seen a dick in real life, and his looked… huge.

  Really huge.

  I had to admit, I was a little nervous.

  But Jake gave me a smile and tugged down the waist of my pants, too, leaving me naked under him.

  I bit my lower lip, meeting his eyes.

  “Belinda. You’re beautiful.”

  “You think?”


  He kissed me again. My body felt hot, and I rocked my hips just a little bit off the bed.

  Jake reached between us, his fingers finding my clit.

  I’d never felt pleasure like this, not with my own fingers or with a toy. His hands were rough from hard work, but they made me see stars with every touch.

  He rubbed in slow circles. I shuddered, twitched, moaned for him.

  I was already close, just from this little bit of attention.


  “It’s okay. You can finish more than once.”

  That was all the confirmation I needed. I threw my head back against the pillows, heat building between my legs.

  It broke, and I cried out, my legs trembling as Jake worked me through my first real orgasm.

  I couldn’t speak. I could barely think.

  All I could feel was Jake’s hand on me, and his lips as he leaned down to kiss me.

  He pulled his hand away, and I watched as he turned to rummage around in the nightstand.

  “What are you…?” I asked, my voice unusually soft.

  “Condom,” he replied. “Gotta be safe.”

  “Right. Right.” I laughed softly. “You’re so smart.”

  “I try.”

  He climbed on to the bed, rolling the condom on to his rock-hard cock.

  I reached down, giving him a slow, gentle stroke.

  He moaned, eyes fluttering closed.

  “You’re… really handsome.”

  “You’re sweet.”

  “I’m honest.”

  He laughed, shaking his head. “You still want this?”

  I nodded. “I want you.”

  He shifted to lean over me, lifting my legs toward my chest.


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