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Rescued by the Hero: An Older Alpha Male and Curvy Younger Woman Romance (The Hero Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Adele Niles

  I watched him as he pushed into me.

  For just a second, it hurt, but the pain faded quickly and was replaced by only pleasure.

  I gasped as Jake moved, thrusting slowly into me. He felt enormous inside me, his body moving against mine and drawing out moans, whines, whimpers.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into another kiss.

  He wrapped one arm under my shoulders, lifting me from the mattress. I kissed him hard, my hips grinding against his.

  He was so good at this, it wasn’t fair.

  “Jake, please—”

  “Shh, just enjoy it.” He turned his head, kissing my neck.

  I was enjoying it. Every second of it. Jake was amazing. He knew exactly what to do, how to move, and I was in heaven.

  I could feel my second orgasm coming fast.

  And if the way Jake was groaning was indication, he was close, too.

  And then it hit, and I threw my head back again, almost shouting with the pleasure running through me.

  Jake thrust into me a few more times, then pulled me closer, burying himself inside me. He shuddered, pressing his face against my neck to muffle the sound of his own cry.

  And then we went silent, both of us, just breathing together.

  I lifted my head, looking up at Jake with a smile. “Can we… can we do that again soon?”

  He laughed. “Give me a few minutes. And then we can do it all night.”

  I nodded, kissing him again.

  We lay curled together in the morning, holding one another, both exhausted.

  Jake turned his head, looking up at the skylight, and he smiled. “Storm’s passed.”

  I looked up, too.

  He was right.



  One Year Later

  I smiled into the camera as I walked back in from the porch. “So that’s the house tour! I hope you guys have enjoyed it. I know this video has been a long time coming, but I really wanted everything to be perfect for you guys before I filmed anything!”

  From the kitchen, Jake chuckled. “It’s been fun settling her in.”

  “You hear that? Jake says it’s been fun!” I laughed, shaking my head. “And he would know. He’s the one who had to help me sort out my furniture and move it up the mountain.”

  Not that I’d been useless—I’d done my share of heavy lifting and been sore for days afterward. I’d brought a modern touch to Jake’s home, but it was overall still a rustic, handmade paradise.

  We’d definitely kept his bed and sold mine.

  My presence on the Internet had changed drastically; I was focusing a little more on natural living, rather than my life in the city. I spent more time hiking—always with Chunk, and usually with Jake, when he wasn’t busy—and I was learning how to cook with fresh vegetables from the garden and venison.

  It was a big change from getting food delivered every night, but it was a good change.

  I managed to turn the camera and catch a quick shot of him cooking. “But really, guys… I know I don’t talk a lot about Jake on my videos, but I’ve just gotta say that he’s amazing. He’s smart and strong, like… did you see those arms? Whoa.”

  Jake looked over his shoulder, snorting. “Please.”

  “Um, excuse me! I’m the one who gets held in them, I know if they’re good arms or not!”

  Jake laughed, shaking his head. “Whatever you say.” He turned toward me, leaning back against the counter. “Hey. Turn that camera over here for a second.”

  “Oooh, he’s going to make an appearance!”

  Jake looked at me for a moment, then looked seriously into the camera. “Hey, uh, y’all. Belinda’s friends. Followers. What do you call them?”

  “I mean, I start my videos with ‘hey, lovelies,’ so…”

  “Okay. Belinda’s… lovelies.” He paused, glancing at me. “I wanted y’all to see this. Since you’re a big part of her life and what she does.”

  I laughed. “What are you doing?”

  “Can I have the camera?”

  “Um, okay?” I handed Jake my video camera, looking into it and shrugging. I had no idea what he was planning, but he seemed very serious.

  He focused the camera on me, holding it with one hand. With the other, he reached into his back pocket and removed something.

  He opened his hand.

  A ring.

  “Belinda Bell, will you marry me?”

  My jaw dropped.

  I had no idea what to say.

  Jake looked at me expectantly, his eyebrows raised.

  I moved forward and kissed him hard.

  He slid the ring on to my finger, putting the camera down on the island.

  He turned his head to speak to the camera. “She said yes!”

  “I’m saying yes!” I agreed and started to laugh.

  “Don’t post this today,” he murmured. “I want to celebrate right.”

  “I hope you mean in bed?”

  “I definitely mean in bed.”

  “Good. Because that’s the best way to celebrate anything.”

  We laughed, he kissed me again, and I reached to shut off the camera.

  Autumn’s Coming

  Seasons of Seduction

  Book 4

  Chapter One


  This wasn’t going to cut it.

  I’d busted my ass at the pub last night, and then I’d only walked away with fifty bucks in tips.

  It wasn’t my fault when people didn’t like their food, but they still took it out on me. Did they know they were affecting my ability to make rent?

  Or did they just not give a shit?

  Sitting on the floor with Jessie while she counted stacks of tens and twenties next to my crumpled-up ones and fives, was even more disheartening.

  I sighed, watching Jessie arrange her bills into neat stacks.

  It had to beat least five hundred.

  She lifted her head, looking up at me with a tired smile.

  I’d spent a lot of my life looking down on strippers, but now that I lived with Jessie, I understood—sex workers busted their asses, too, sometimes in less-than-ideal conditions. They deserved the money they earned, every cent of it.

  Honestly, if I had the body for it, I would’ve turned to stripping, too. But I was too curvy, and probably too tall, and definitely not a good enough dancer to turn anybody on the way Jessie and her coworkers probably did.

  She was so gorgeous, anyway—petite, with long brown hair and eyes that were almost black and a stunning tan complexion. And her face was cute. She drove men wild, and even though I wasn’t into girls, I could see why.

  She sighed as she put her last bill in the stack.

  I couldn’t help it—I was a glutton for punishment. “How’d you do?”

  She nodded. “It was a pretty good night. Five hundred and twelve.”


  I looked at my own pile of money and sighed. “I made fifty-three.”

  Jessie’s eyebrows shot up in concern. “Holy shit, Autumn, really?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. I’m—fuck. I’m gonna have to ask my mom for help again.”

  Jessie reached out and touched my hand gently. “Listen, if you need to borrow some money…”

  “No.” I shook my head. “Thanks, but no. I’m already borrowing enough from my mom. I don’t want to be a leech off you, too.”

  “You’re not a leech. You’re just having a rough time right now.”

  I opened my mouth to reply, but my phone started to ring. I looked down at it.

  My mom.

  It’s like she knew I needed her.

  I smiled weakly. “It’s Mom. I’ve gotta take this.”

  Jessie nodded. “Yeah. Go for it. I’ll be here.”

  I turned and went down the hall to my room before I answered. I flopped down on my bed with a sigh. “Hey, Mom! Morning.”

  My mom sniffled on the other end of the line.

  I sat up imme
diately. “Mom? Hey, what—what’s wrong?”

  She sniffled again. “Autumn, honey, I’m so sorry.”

  “What—what is it?” I frowned. “Mom, are you okay? Are you hurt?”

  “No, no, I just lost my job, sweetheart. Layoffs. Company-wide. My position was marked as unnecessary. So they let me go.”

  My heart dropped.

  Not just for myself, but for Mom. What would she do without a job? She didn’t have anyone to take care of her. Hell, she was still taking care of me, even after I’d moved out.

  Now, she couldn’t even take care of herself.

  She didn’t need to know I was still struggling.

  “Mom,” I said gently. “Hey. It’s okay. You’ll find another job. You’ll be all right.”

  She let out a sob. “I just—I said I would help you, and now…”

  I wished I could give her a hug. “Mom, don’t worry about me. I actually did pretty good at work last night. I’ll ask to pick up some more shifts and it’ll be okay.”

  “I just feel so bad, honey. I hate leaving you hanging like this.”

  “You’re not leaving me hanging. Not at all. You’ve been going above and beyond to help me. Now you just need to worry about yourself.”

  But how the hell was I going to make rent?

  I couldn’t say anything about it. Not while she was already crying and beating herself up.

  I shut my eyes, fighting my own tears. “Mom, just focus on yourself. Okay? Find a new job and settle in. I’ll be fine.”

  “Are you sure, honey?”

  “Positive. I’m all right.”

  She sniffled. “I love you so much. I’ll call you later, okay? When I’m doing better.”

  “Okay. No worries. I work tonight, so if I don’t answer, that’s why.”

  “Okay. I love you, honey.”

  “I love you, too, Mom.”

  We said goodbye and hung up.

  I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling.

  What was I going to do now?

  Maybe ask Jessie to cover my half of rent, just for this month.

  It was the only option I had, really.

  I pulled myself together and came out of the bedroom.

  Immediately, Jessie looked up at me, frowning. “Is everything okay?”

  I shook my head. “My mom just got laid off.”

  “Oh, no.” Her voice was quiet. “If you need help, seriously…”

  I swallowed.

  “I might. Let me shuffle some stuff around and see what I can do, okay?”

  Jessie nodded. She hesitated, then spoke again. “You know…we’re still looking for waitresses at Bounce.”

  I bit my lip.

  Bounce was the strip club where Jessie worked, an upscale establishment where beautiful girls wore beautiful costumes. Most of them were trained dancers—Jessie had done ballet for most of her life, until she broke her ankle and had to quit. Still, she was good at it, and apparently very good at stripping.

  But I was sure that it wasn’t for me.

  At the same time, if Jessie was suggesting it, then maybe there was a spot there for me.

  “Waitressing, right?” I asked.

  Jessie nodded. “Yeah, like…you’ll have to dress sexy, but it’s not like what me and the other dancers wear.” She smiled. “Short skirt, tight top, sexy lingerie underneath? You’ll make bank.”

  I blushed. A little bit of discomfort, and I wouldn’t have to mooch off of Jessie or my mom anymore. It would be worth it. “You know what? Yeah. If your boss is hiring, I’m in.”

  “Great!” She smiled. “Do you work a double? He might want you to start tonight.”

  “Nah, I’m off at five.” I hated the lunch shift—most of the people who came in were grumpy old people who stiffed their waitresses over the dumbest stuff. I remembered being told not to expect a tip once because there was no artificial sweetener on the table, even though I was able to bring some over. “I shouldn’t have to ask for anything,” the old bat had shouted at me.

  I hated my job.

  It was all I could think about as I drove into town. I hated my job. I just wanted to be done with my degree so I could start a career and not have to worry about money anymore. I wanted to live on my own, and be able to take care of myself.

  I wanted to take care of my mom.

  I sighed, pulling into the parking lot and sitting in my car for a moment, head bowed forward.

  Just get through this. See if the strip club works out. If it does, go from there. Hopefully make lots of money.

  I sighed and walked into the pub.

  * * * * *

  The day was dragging.

  I needed more tables than this, but I’d only had ten in my entire shift. Two of them had left nothing; one had left me a ‘tip’ that looked like a $20, but was actually a pamphlet for their church.

  I’d made thirty-five dollars.

  This wasn’t going to cut it.

  I sighed and took a look around. My manager was at the back, playing on his phone. No surprise there.

  I went to him, smiling. “Hey, I was just wondering, are there any other shifts open this week? I could use the—”

  “Nope. No extras.”

  I hesitated, then tried again. “Please, I’m not making enough to cover my bills, and I—”

  “I said no extras. If somebody calls out, I’ll let you know, but we’re not looking to put anyone else on the schedule.” He looked at me and frowned. “Get back to work, Allison.”

  That wasn’t my name.

  I frowned at him and turned away.

  It took another hour for my phone to buzz in my pocket. When it did, I excused myself to run to the bathroom, locking myself in a stall.

  It was a text from Jessie.

  You’re on! You start tonight. Be at the club at nine. Dress sexy, wear makeup and heels. I’ll meet you there babe! xoxo

  I owed her. A lot.

  Jessie was saving my ass, whether she realized it or not.

  I just hoped I didn’t fuck it up. What if the men at the club thought I was gross? What if the owner hated me?

  I was grateful, but I was also scared shitless.

  I just had to make it work for one semester. That’s all.

  Continue Reading Autumn’s Coming by Clicking Here

  Also by Adele Niles

  No Regrets Ink

  Just a Little Prick - Bradley

  (Now Available)

  I Did Before I Do - Ryker

  (Now Available)

  Three Little Words - Benny

  Never Again, Maybe - Garrett

  (Coming August)

  Something on the Side - Logan

  (Coming September)

  Slippery Curves Series

  Stay For Me


  Bet You’re Mine

  10 Days

  Seasons of Seduction




  Autumn’s Coming

  Stand Alone


  To The Top

  Stalk Adele...






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