Book Read Free

Joint Venture

Page 19

by Tey Holden

  Two weeks before the Racing Post Trophy race, Melanie called. “Karen, I’m just calling to let you know that I’ve arranged a sabbatical in Edinburgh. I’m going to be doing research to publish and working part time at the hospital.”

  “When are you coming? For how long?” Karen sounded excited. Addy immediately looked to see what was going on. Karen waved her to come closer.

  “Well, it’s a six-month sabbatical, which can be extended for another six months. I’m going to take a couple of weeks off before starting, but it looks like I will be there for Alejandro’s showcase race. I’m really excited.”

  “I suppose the doc already knows, right?”

  “Of course, my dearest, she’s expecting me.”

  Addy took the phone. “Are you staying with us, or have you moved to greener pastures?”

  Melanie laughed while Karen rolled her eyes. “Addy, I have to be frank, you guys are my back up plan. I have been invited to greener pastures, so if you see me at your place with my bags, it’s because the pastures are no longer green, and that would not be a good thing.” She laughed.

  “I don’t know, something tells me that there are plenty of pastures there, and that they are very green.”

  Melanie was again laughing. “From your lips to God’s ears!”

  “Oh! Give me that phone. I can’t take this anymore!” Karen took the phone from her hand making Addy laugh.

  Melanie was also laughing at the other end. “You guys will never change, I love both of you! Tell Alex I can’t wait to see her.”

  “Just remember to bring a present. You got her used to it and now she expects it.”

  “And she should! Aunt Mel would never fail her. So, I’ll see you soon.”

  “If you need a ride from the airport—.”

  “Nope don’t worry about that, I’m being picked up.”

  “Yes, looks like you really have been picked up!”

  “Bye, devil woman!”


  Addy was listening and watching Karen. “I hope everything works out for her. She sounds so happy.”

  “Yeah. I hope so too.” Karen took Addy’s hand and kissed it.


  Victoria was at the airport when Melanie arrived. Both women were excited and the minute they saw each other they hugged and kissed. “God! I’ve missed you!”

  “Me too. How’s everything since last night?” Melanie laughed. They had just talked for over an hour the night before.

  “All is great. The main thing now is Alejandro’s race and you, of course.”

  “Not going to ask the order of importance of the events. I’m afraid I’ll lose.”

  “Don’t be too sure of that. I know my priorities. Been thinking about you for too long.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  Victoria said nothing but had a huge smile on her face. “I hope you don’t have any plans for tonight.” Melanie commented.

  “Honey, I only have one plan for tonight, and I hope it’s the same as yours because cold showers have made my skin very dry.”

  Melanie laughed. “In that case, I’ll have to rub lotion all over you and get you all moist. Hurry up and drive.”

  “I already feel moist! When do you have to report to the hospital?”

  Melanie laughed. “In two weeks.”

  “Are you going to be staying with me?”

  Melanie was a bit startled by the question and took her time to answer. All along her plan had been to stay with Victoria. The fact that she was asking this question now made Mel wonder if Victoria had changed her mind about her.

  Victoria noticed the silence. “I only ask because, well because your friends might want—.” Victoria hesitated. “Oh, what the fuck, I’ll just say it! I want you to stay with me, but if you feel like you need to stay with Karen and Addy, I—.”

  “I came to stay with you, but if you have other plans—.”

  “Other plans? I have no other plans. You are my plan. I also needed to know because I want to make some arrangements, so that I can drive you to the hospital.”

  “No, you must be kidding, if you think I’d let you drive me to Edinburgh every day. There’s no need to inconvenience you, but thanks. I’ll rent a car for now, and then I’ll buy one. Don’t worry about me, I make good money, I can afford a car. Oh, Wait! What am I saying? I have to learn to drive on the other side of the road!”

  Victoria laughed. “Don’t worry about that. I’ll teach you, and if I have to drive you to Edinburgh, it wouldn’t be a problem at all.” Melanie was glad to hear that Victoria was all there for her.

  They drove home and five minutes later they were in bed. Victoria had not seen anyone since she had been with Melanie because she already felt committed and didn’t want to take a chance and risk spoiling a good thing. And Melanie was too excited about the prospect of a relationship with Victoria to be thinking of anyone else. Abstinence led to desperation, and now there was no holding back.

  Three days later, Melanie called Karen and Addy.

  “Hi, Addy, it’s Mel.”

  “Mel! How are you? Where are you? Are you here?”

  Melanie always loved Addy’s excited attitude. “Yes, I’m here at Victoria’s. Been here since Friday.”

  “And you call now?” Addy chuckled.

  “I’ve been busy.” Melanie’s tone was playful.

  “Yes, one could get lost in very green pastures.” Addy laughed.

  “Very lost and very green!” They both laughed. “How are you guys doing? I can’t wait for the big race.”

  “Yes, we are all excited and nervous. I suppose Victoria has told you about all the fanfare, and the security concerns as well.”

  “Yes, it’s a price of fame, even for a horse. She’s also told me that he is awesome and that he wins with ample margins. I think it’s very exciting. Alex must be thrilled.”

  “She is. She loves that horse. The thing is that he’s been winning so far, but not up against any of the really good horses. That’s why this coming race is so important. Now we’ll see how he does in the big leagues. Of course, if you heard Alex’s statistics, you’d run and bet on him.”

  “Maybe I will! Does Alex still think she can talk to him?”

  “Yes, all the time. Should we be concerned?”

  “No. I think it is her way of showing that he is her horse. By being the only one who can communicate with him, she feels in control. Listen, why don’t you guys come over for dinner on Friday?”

  “We’d love to. Is it okay if we bring Alex?”

  “You better bring her! I can’t wait to see her.”

  “Okay. We’ll be there then.”


  The Post Trophy is one of the most important races in England, which routinely attracts the best two-year-olds in the country. It’s run in October on Doncaster’s racecourse in Yorkshire and it is over a mile long.

  They arrived to Doncaster two days before the race. Addy had booked two rooms in the same hotel. one for them, and another for Melanie and Victoria. Marshall and Carol were in a nearby hotel with the rest of the entourage because they had arrived earlier to prepare Alejandro.

  For as much as everyone was on a high cloud regarding Alejandro, Karen always kept it real. “Addy, Alejandro has made money, but he’s also costing an arm and a leg. In fact, we are spending more than he has made. The truth is that I’m not so much concerned about the money as to Alex’s expectations. I know she’s got all her statistics to show, but he may not live up to her expectations. I don’t want to be the party pooper, but if he doesn’t do well in this race we are going to have to reconsider his racing career. Maybe he will be worth more as a stud than actually as a race horse.” Karen finished her full financial report.

  “I understand what you are saying, but let’s see what happens in the Post Trophy. If he wins, he might just cover his expenses and would already have assured himself stud value, according to Victoria and Marshall. Anyway, the Guineas Stakes is not until May.”
r />   Karen looked at her in awe. “Are you serious? The Guineas Stakes is the first leg of the Triple Crown. Do you realize what you are saying? What we would be getting ourselves into? Sometimes I don’t know whose dream feeds the other, yours or Alex’s! Are you really thinking about all of this seriously?” Karen got up and began to pace in her customary way when she was worried.

  “Ker, look at where we are! He’s won, consistently and by a large margin. We are now running the Post Trophy. Who would have thought! If he wins this one, he’s an asset, a huge one! Why wouldn’t we go for the whole nine yards?”

  “You mean the full Triple Crown?” Karen asked in astonishment.

  “Yes, that’s what I mean.”

  Karen sat down almost in shock. “I don’t know, Addy. Somehow, we have gotten ourselves in the major league of horse racing, and I don’t know if Alejandro is ready for all of this, or us for that matter. We are amateurs. For God’s sake! We know nothing about horse racing, and yes, we are here. I don’t know how, but we are here. Is it a coincidence? A miracle? Having run against bad horses? I don’t know. I don’t know if we are good enough to even be at this level. I think this is a gamble. Gyro has won with Alejandro and in other minor races with other horses, but even our own jockey has never been to the Triple Crown. I think we are too inexperienced. I don’t think we know what we are doing! I don’t feel prepared for this and you know how I am. I’m nervous about this.”

  “But just running those races, would augment his worth and our return on investment. Ker, Let’s see what happens. What if after this race we go home and talk about our chances for the Triple Crown? How about that? And even if we decide to enter him in the Triple Crown, afterwards we go home and he becomes a stud. How about that?”

  “Do you promise me that this is going to end, at the latest, by October of next year with the last race?”

  “Yes, I promise and I will work it out with Alex so that she will agree to it.”

  “Okay, but I will be collecting on that promise.”

  “Why are you worried? I know it’s not just the money issue, right?”

  “No, Addy. It’s not the money. It’s the fact that we were already living in peace, after all we went through in the past several years, and now it makes me nervous that we have to deal again with security issues around Alejandro. I want to go back to the peace of our home and have a normal life.” Karen had never gotten over her security concerns completely. She sat next to Addy on the sofa. “I’m sorry. I should be enjoying all of this, and instead here I am making you miserable.”

  “No, you are just stating how you feel. I hadn’t looked at it that way. Because you worry and take care of a lot of things, I can take care and think of other things. All of this wouldn’t be possible without you. I sometimes get carried away. I will admit it.”

  “Sometimes?” Karen raised her right eyebrow in an inquisitive cute smile.

  Addy pursed her lips and then pouted. “I know that I do go overboard here and there, and that you put up with all my nonsense because you love me.”

  “With all my heart, baby, but occasionally I need to put my foot down and call to order. I need to protect you, sometimes even from yourself. We will give it one more year, in October of next year, no more racing.”

  Addy smiled. “Okay, Blondie. You’ve earned your privilege. I agree to your terms. Now let’s go. We need to meet the rest of the gang for dinner in town. I’m going to get Alex.” Alex had stayed with Melanie and Victoria because Victoria was checking Alejandro and Alex wanted to be with them.

  Addy got up from the sofa and headed to the door. “Hey!” Karen took her hand as she got up to leave. “Are we okay? You are not mad at me?”

  “No. I think it’s a fair deal. You get what you want, and Alex and I get to see Alejandro race and maybe win. Just the fact that we’ve made it this far is amazing. Let’s go now.”

  After they met Alex and their friends, they exchanged a few glances in the elevator, which definitely indicated that Karen was still preoccupied. Addy winked at her, and Karen smiled. At the restaurant, they met with Marshall and Carol who were already there waiting for them. After dinner, they stopped at the different shops in town to browse and buy some memorabilia. They had a bunch of packages with them.

  “Let me go get the car, we bought too much junk,” Karen said.

  “I’ll go with you,” Marshall stated.

  They exited the store and as they stepped outside, Karen stopped on her tracks when she came face to face with no other than Susan St. James and her companion, a very sexy blonde about fifteen years her junior. “Well! Hello there! Look what the cat dragged in!” Susan exclaimed.

  “Hello.” Karen replied almost reluctantly. Marshall immediately picked up the tone as a sign of oncoming trouble and remained quiet by Karen’s side.

  “What brings you to Doncaster? Is Alejandro your horse? I thought that McGill name was familiar.”

  “Yes, he is my horse.”

  Now Marshall was sure there was something odd going on. Consistently, Karen and Addy referred to Alejandro as Alex’s horse. Karen’s claim to the horse now totally excluded Alex from the picture. Knowing Karen’s protective nature, Marshall assumed a guarded position as well. Marshall also thought it rare that Karen had not introduced her. Karen was always a very courteous person. It was obvious that Karen was not thrilled with the encounter, and that she wanted to keep the conversation to a minimum.

  “Are you still with Addy?” Susan asked, while giving Marshall an appraising look.

  Marshall was not aware of the history with Ms. St. James, but it didn’t take her long to dislike the woman pretending to be above all. She also didn’t like the tone of the question, and the fact that it was an inquiry on Karen’s status. Marshall began to suspect that perhaps the woman might be an ex-lover. Just when Karen was about to reply, the happy bunch emerged from the store. Addy and Alex in front, followed by Melanie and Victoria.

  “Speaking of the devil!” Susan looked at Addy, then at Alex, and then at Karen. It was obvious that she had made the connection between Alex and Karen since the twosome were a replica of each other.

  “My, my! Is she—?” Susan seemed in disbelief.

  She was not able to finish. The always talkative and friendly Addy immediately responded and interrupted her. “Hi, Susan, it’s been a while. What brings you to town?” Marshall remained vigilant next to Karen.

  Susan looked Addy up and down appreciating every one of her assets. She knew that her scrutiny would unnerve Karen. “I have a horse in the race. Thunder,” Susan replied dryly.

  Filled with the excitement of having met a fellow horse owner, Alex immediately opened her mouth. Knowing all the statistics of all the horses in the race, she regurgitated Thunder’s numbers. It was remarkable how well informed she was considering she was just eight years old.

  “Amazing! She must definitely be related to you.” Alex smiled and was about to proudly say that she was her daughter when Addy, again, very timely interrupted.

  “I think we need to head for the car, all these bags are very heavy, come along.” She pushed Alex and was careful not to even say her name. “Have a good evening Susan, and good luck with your horse.” She continued to walk and push Alex with her bags as she was still talking preventing Alex from opening her mouth again. When they were a bit farther and could not be heard she spoke to Alex. “Move it, and move it fast!”


  “I’ll tell you later, keep moving.” Alex did as she was told.

  Melanie had followed them at a distance after Victoria asked her to go ahead with them. Carol also left, when Marshall nudged her. Victoria and Marshall had picked up the hostility and remained by Karen. They all got in the car except Addy. She remained outside looking back and waiting.

  “Well, we better get going also. Good luck with your horse. Good night.” Karen immediately started to walk.

  “Ta, ta, darling. See you around the track.”

y was relieved when she saw the threesome approach the car. Victoria and Marshall followed a very quiet Karen. They figured Karen would speak in time. As they reached the car, Marshall got in on the sidewalk side, but Victoria went around with Karen to the other side. In the back of the car Victoria stopped her. “Karen? How do you know that woman? She’s trouble.”

  Karen gave her a stare. “Looks like you know her.”

  “She’s no good,” Victoria replied in a very serious tone.

  “Let’s talk at the hotel.”

  In the car, Melanie, Carol and Alex continued to talk about the race, unaware of the history with Susan. They were talking about Thunder and about Alejandro having better statistics and they also talked about the items they had purchased at the shops, and about how full they were from their dinner. It was noticeable, though, that there was an overwhelming silence from the rest of the group. When Karen pulled into the hotel’s valet area, she spoke.

  “I’d like everyone to come over to our suite for some dessert.” Addy and everyone seemed surprised with Karen’s unexpected invitation, but somehow there was a tacit understanding that they needed to talk. Alex was overjoyed to continue to be in the company of all of them. No one asked any questions, everyone agreed to come up to their suite and when they did, they gathered in the living room area. Once inside Karen spoke. “If you’d all excuse me for a minute, I need to make a phone call. Addy, can I talk to you for a second?” She walked into the bedroom followed by Addy.

  “What are they doing? What’s going on?” Alex asked.

  By then everyone knew that something was happening, and that Alex was to be excluded from whatever it was. “I don’t know, Alexandra, but what I would like to see now is that chart that you have with all the stats. You sounded so impressive out there. I can’t wait to see what you have correlated. You are sounding like some kind of whiz kid to me.” Melanie always liked to praise Alex’s accomplishments, and Alex loved to feel so special. Besides, it was obvious that some distraction was necessary.


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