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Joint Venture

Page 20

by Tey Holden

  Melanie started to tickle her and Alex laughed as she ran to get her charts to show Mel. Victoria liked the interaction of the two and couldn’t help smiling, even though she was worried about the appearance of the St. James woman.

  In the bedroom, Karen pulled her phone out of her pocket. As she waited for the call to go through, she spoke to Addy. “I’m calling the security company. I want extra security around Alejandro. And I think we need to have a group talk. I don’t like Susan’s appearance here. She’s trouble, and I don’t know how or why yet, but Vic seems to know her and is aware of trouble. We need to talk to her.”

  Addy pursed her lips. “Okay, let me create some distraction ordering the dessert and then send Alex to bed, so that we can have the group talk. I think we should keep Alex out of the loop on this matter. We can talk to her tomorrow morning.”

  Karen kissed her on her forehead and then her lips. “Okay, I just wanted to let you know about my concern, and what I’m doing. I agree about keeping Alex out of it, and talking to her tomorrow. Let me get on this the call.”

  Addy left the room and Karen waited to talk to the security company. All eyes were on Addy when she came back into the room. “Karen will join us in a few minutes. She had some business to resolve. Why don’t we order dessert?”

  “M’Addy what about Thunder’s owner? Why didn’t we stay to talk to her?”

  “Young lady, do you want dessert or not?”

  Alex knew Addy well and knew when to take her cue. “I’ll get the menu. I want ice cream. I saw this brownie thing with a lot of ice cream on top and it looked yummy.” Alex ran to get the menu. Addy smiled pleased with Alex’s response and speed. She then whispered to the women. “We need to reconvene after Alex goes to sleep. There are adult matters to discuss.” The women nodded in agreement.

  Karen rejoined them when they were eating the ice cream. She ate but did not appear to be very animated, and neither was Victoria. After they had ice cream, and all the talk that came with how good it was, Addy gave the order to the young one. “Alex it’s late and you are past your bedtime. It is time to put on your jammies and go to bed.”

  “M’Addy, but everyone is still here!” She liked the women’s company and thought herself older when she was around them.

  “Yes, they are, but they are not eight-years old, only you are. Come on, off to bed, kiddo!” A not too happy Alex said good night and went to her bedroom. After Alex left, they ordered coffee.

  “Alright everyone. There are some things to talk about. I need to explain certain things and there are some questions to be asked, and some of you may want to share some information as well.” Karen looked at Victoria when she made that last statement, but Victoria looked away. Karen took her gesture as an indication that she might not be willing to share information at this time. Her attitude intrigued her even more.

  “First of all, I think everyone here knows that Addy and I keep no secrets from each other. What I am about to tell you, she already knows and was there when it all happened. In fact, I should say she was the reason why nothing happened.” Karen proceeded to tell them about their history with Susan St. James and also told them about Alana, just in case she made an appearance.

  Addy also had her say. “So as things are, this woman hates me. Karen is the woman she couldn’t have, and she hates me because I was the reason. She tried to meddle in our lives once before and failed, and now she has once again crossed our path, after so many years. We are concerned that she might try something again. We don’t know what she might do this time to try and provoke us. Karen is concerned that she might try to take it out on Alejandro, but really our major concern is Alex. I don’t know if you noticed but I pushed Alex away the minute I could. Although it doesn’t take a very smart person to see the resemblance and put two and two together, I’d have preferred if she hadn’t seen Alex and know for a fact that she’s our daughter. Susan is a very cunning and devious woman.”

  “Is she that evil?” Carol asked.

  Karen responded. “From our past experience, she’s capable of most anything, if she thinks it will help her to get between us. The bottom line is that we don’t like, or trust her at all.”

  Marshall immediately spoke. “We should go. I need to put the crew on alert.”

  “Yes, Marshall, but be aware that the call I just made was to the security company. There will be additional security around Alejandro. They are aware of the situation and the surveillance will be a covert operation. In other words, no one will know there are people there watching Alejandro. And it’s not just a simple watch. I’ve requested preventive protection and instructed him to spare no expense in carrying out whatever he needs to do.”

  Marshall felt alarmed and relieved at the same time. “The security extends to anyone dealing with Alejandro.” Karen spoke directly to Marshall. “I’d like you guys and Gyro to move to this hotel if possible. I’d like everyone to be close, and secure. You are our family. The same applies to all others here. This floor and our rooms will be under surveillance. I’m sorry that you are all in this situation. Also, from this moment on, Alex will be with us at all times and please, if you get any type of direction or request from anyone other than us to do or not do anything in our name, please disregard and call us. We will not use third persons to communicate with any of you. Whatever we do, we do in person.”

  “Wow, Karen. You told me about this woman, but I never dreamed that you thought her capable of harming anyone,” Melanie commented.

  “She’s no friend,” Addy added.

  Karen and Addy held hands. Marshall got up. “Needless to say, and I think I speak for Carol as well, we are family, and we will do whatever is needed to protect our family.”

  “Thank you all. This means a lot to us.” Karen spoke because Addy was all choked up with Marshall’s comment. Karen tenderly wrapped her arms around Addy and kissed her on the head. Everyone smiled and gathered their things to leave.

  “We’ll see you tomorrow.” Marshall added. “I’m calling Gyro, and don’t worry Karen, I will only convey the necessary information.”

  Karen looked at Victoria, as if expecting her to come forward with some information as to how she knew about Susan being trouble, but Victoria didn’t say a word. Karen suspected, that she might not want to speak in front of Melanie.

  “Victoria, I have a few questions about Alejandro. Maybe we can talk tomorrow?”

  “Yes, tomorrow will be good.” Victoria gave her a look that definitely conveyed a second message, and Karen was pleased with her response.

  “Good night.”


  When everyone left, Karen talked to Addy. “I’m sorry, babe.”

  “Why? Why are you blaming yourself for this one also? It’s not your fault that she’s crossed our path again.”

  “True, but it was I who brought her into my life years ago.”

  “And you also let her go. And because of her I went to Vegas to rescue you. She has reason to dislike me, but it is the hateful look in her eyes that bothers me. You are all she ever wanted, a beautiful, sexy woman, a nobility title, a business, a career, a position in the community, a daughter and a winning horse. I’m the one who stands between you and her.”

  “Is that how you see me?”

  “No, I see a throbbing heart, which by some miracle of the universe, is mine and forever will be. A heart I love more than my own because I need it as much as I need mine. I also see the fragility of the tough woman you portray to the world, and I see my need to love you and care for you against all threats tangible or otherwise.”

  “Stop!” Karen held her and kissed her fiercely. “You are driving me insane.” She kissed her again and held her. Addy pulled out and caressed her face.

  Karen had been holding Addy, but as Addy caressed her face. The truth hit her. Addy noticed the fear on Karen’s face. “What is it?”

  “You are the one at risk here. I need to protect you.”

  “Why, what are you thinking?�

  “It’s you she would like to see out of the picture. In her wicked mind, she probably thinks she has a chance with me.”

  Addy spoke as she combed Karen’s hair behind her ears. “I’ll be fine.” Inwardly, she felt awful thinking that she had put her foot in her mouth with her comment and that now Karen was even more worried.

  “Addy? Promise me that you will be careful and not do anything crazy.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know, baby. All I know is that I’m afraid she’ll try something to harm you. Please, forgive me if I’m acting like a lunatic again. Please, say that you’ll be careful.”

  “I will. But what kind of lunacy are you thinking about?” She cocked her eyebrow.

  “I want you with me all the time that we are here, and Alex too, the three of us together, all the time. And then after the race is over we’ll go home immediately.”

  Addy pursed her lips. She couldn’t complain, they were there because of her and Karen’s request was not all that unreasonable considering the circumstances. “Okay, the Guineas is not until May. Things will quiet down when we are at home. Then when it’s race time, we can arrive the day before the race and leave immediately after.”

  “Thanks, that works for me. The less time in vulnerable places the better. I want us safe at home.”

  “Ker, maybe you are right. Maybe we shouldn’t be here at all.”

  “Addy, don’t feel guilty now. The truth is that neither one of us would be here if it weren’t for Alex and Alejandro. That’s why we are here, to let our little Viking see her dream come true. It’s her vision and we are allowing her the opportunity. It’s not about us. It’s about her. We are now literally ‘on the horse’ as you say, and now we must ride it. Let’s just make the best of it. I know I get nervous at times and bitch, but you know better than anyone. Let’s get this out of the way and go home after.”

  Addy smiled and caressed her face. “This is why I love you. You have the ability to hook and reel me in like a dead fish.”

  Karen laughed. “I’ve never heard that analogy before and there’s nothing dead about you, but I sort of like the idea of reeling you in.”

  Addy smiled. “Baby, I’m all reeled in and have been for a long time.” She kissed her, pulled out to look at her and kissed her again. The second time, Karen put her arms around her and held her in a tight grip.

  “I think this fish is about to come off the hook.”

  “Is that so?” Addy replied smiling.

  “Yes. All of a sudden, I have a great appetite, and I would like to feast on my fish.” The green eyes were that intense color of green.

  The brown ones were captivated, and the wicked smile appeared. “Like I said. I’m all reeled in.” Karen grinned and led her to the bedroom.


  A few doors down the hallway, there was another conversation going on. Melanie was trained to observe people, and she was very good at interpreting the subtlest reactions. She had noticed Victoria’s guarded demeanor when they had met the woman on the street and her silence after the meeting. “Vic, I sense that you know Susan, or the woman with her.”

  Victoria’s eyes were fixed on Mel. Melanie noticed her hesitation. “Vic, the past is gone. It’s the present and the future that matter.” Melanie spoke in her usual calming tone. “We don’t have to talk about it now.”

  “Thank you. I don’t know her, but I know of her. I’d like to tell you, but not now. It’s not the right time.”

  “Okay.” Melanie replied the best she could, but Victoria noticed her disappointment.

  “Mel, I had nothing to do with her.” Victoria tried to explain

  “Okay.” Mel replied and went into the bathroom to change. When she came out, Victoria was already in bed.


  Early on the day of the race, the women had a chat with Alex. “Alex, we need to have a grown-up talk with you.”

  “Fine, at last! Does it have to do with that woman? Thunder’s owner? Because I didn’t like the way she looked M’Addy up and down. I also know that you didn’t like it either, Mommy. I can tell. I know you don’t like it when people look at M’Addy like that.”

  Addy looked at Karen and smiled. Karen cleared her throat. “Yes, Alexandra, it has to do with Thunder’s owner and you are right, I also don’t like that woman, or the way she looked at Mommy Addy either.” Karen paused and looked to Addy for approval as to how she was conducting the conversation. When Addy nodded and smiled, she continued. “Mommy Addy and I met her a long time ago, and all you need to know is that she is not someone we want as a friend. She is not a good person, and we don’t want anything to do with her.”

  “Was she mean to you?”

  “Yes, it was something that happened a long time ago. So, we would prefer if you don’t talk to her at all, even if she talks to you,” Karen pleaded.

  As much as she always asked questions, Alex also knew when not to ask. She looked at Karen, then at Addy, and then back at Karen. “Okay.” The women looked at each other, surprised with Alex’s reaction.


  The day of the race was a magnificent October day. Karen was wearing a light grey pantsuit with a navy silk blouse. Alex was wearing a beautiful red skirt with dark blue tights and a dark blue sweater. Addy wore a green tight-fitting dress with a black fitted short blazer and black tights.

  “Wow! I haven’t seen you in a dress in a long time.”

  Addy smiled. “You like it?”

  “I do, but I don’t think it’s the dress I like the most, it’s everything under that makes the dress look good. You look stunning. This one reminds me of a certain blue dress—.” Karen was interrupted by Alex’s appearance in the room.

  “And how do I look, Mommy?” Alex asked.

  Karen inhaled and exhaled. “You look like the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” She bent over and kissed her daughter. Alex smiled.

  “Alex, and what do you think about the way Mommy Karen looks?” Addy smile wickedly, forcing a glorious smile from Karen.

  Alex chuckled. “M’Addy I can tell you like the way she looks, I like it too.”

  “I think Mommy Karen is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen or known.”

  Karen swallowed and looked at a very happy Alex. “Wow! M’Addy!” Then she looked at Karen. “Mommy, I think M’Addy wants to kiss you.”

  Karen turned red looking at her daughter and then at a smirking Addy. Addy chuckled. “Come on, Little Bit, before Mommy Ker implodes.”

  Alex laughed and took their hands. “I have the two most beautiful moms on earth!”

  Karen pushed them out of the room and exclaimed. “Come on, my gorgeous ladies, we have a race to watch!”


  The day was perfect. The temperature was mild and the sun was out. The racetrack was filled to capacity, and the excitement was palpable. People came and went in gorgeous outfits. The most prominent people in horse racing and English aristocracy were there. The grandstand was crowded and people were at their best. A lot of women were wearing hats. Alex was wearing one because she looked great with a hat, but neither Karen nor Addy were fond of hats. Alex asked Addy why she would not wear a hat.

  “Not everyone is as lucky as you to look good in a hat. When I wear a one, it looks as if someone has put a nest over my head. It flattens my hair and I look awful.”

  Karen looked at her. “I seriously doubt it. I don’t think you could look bad, even if you had a trash bag over your head.” Alex laughed.

  “Thank you, but I’m not convinced. No hats for me, thank you.”

  “How about you, Mommy?” She dared asked.

  “I’d look ridiculous in a hat.”

  “I don’t think M’Addy would agree that the prettiest woman in the world would look ridiculous in a hat.”

  “Little one, you are the official hat wearer in the family and that’s that! No hat for me, unless it’s a cowboy hat!”

  Addy looked at her trying to imagine Kar
en in a cowboy hat. She bit her lower lip and smiled. Karen caught her looking and smiled shaking her head. She could see that cowboy hat already coming.

  Alex and Addy looked at each other when they saw Susan approaching them. She was wearing such a huge hat, Addy later joked that she could have allowed three people to stand under it if it was raining and no one would have gotten wet. Alex laughed when she heard the comment. The blonde next to her was in a tight black dress obviously not wearing anything underneath since everything was very apparent.

  “Good luck with your horse.” Susan said looking at Addy in the same appreciative mode as she ran her hand down her bimbo’s ass as she motioned for her to go ahead of her. Alex continued to look at them as they went up to their seat. Then she turned and asked. “Is touching someone’s butt like that in public legal?”

  There was laughter from the row of men behind them on the grandstands. Addy coughed and it was Karen who replied. “Alex there are always inappropriate people everywhere.”

  All the fanfare preceding the race was done and then it was time for the race.

  “I talked to Alejandro earlier and he said he felt good. I think he is going to win.”

  “Let’s keep our fingers crossed.”

  The race began and unlike other races, Alejandro was not immediately ahead.

  “Oh no,” Karen commented, “what’s going on? Why is he staying behind? It’s not what he has been doing. I’ve seen him practice.”

  “I wonder what is going on?” Addy added.

  “He is measuring the opposition.” Alex commented. “He told me he was going to study the other horses.”

  “And you said that was okay?” Karen asked.

  “He knows what to do, Mommy. I can’t tell him how to run. Running is his thing.”

  Addy looked at Karen in wonderment. Did Karen all of a sudden think that Alex could actually talk to Alejandro? Addy rolled her eyes, shook her head and looked back to the racetrack.

  Alejandro was in fourth position. Halfway through the race he began to gain on the other horses. Thunder was leading the pack, followed by Prairie Pride and Kingman. He quickly overtook Kingman, a few seconds later he was passing Prairie Pride and before they knew it he was head to head with Thunder. Then it happened, as if propelled by an unknown force, Alejandro took off, leaving so much distance between him and Thunder that it would have been hard to believe for someone not watching the race.


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