Book Read Free

Joint Venture

Page 21

by Tey Holden

  From the moment Alejandro began to gain on the other horses, the women became hysterical in their cheering. Every time he passed another horse the yelling and the excitement increased. By the time he was next to Thunder, Addy and Karen were clutching to each other as Alex jumped between them. They were quiet all of a sudden and all they could hear was the roar of the crowd and Alex’s words. “Go boy, steady, go, go, like you know you can, like I know you can, go boy Go!” When he crossed the finish line, Alejandro was ten-lengths ahead of Thunder. The minute that happened, Karen picked Alex up in the air and kissed her. “Come on, Addy, let’s go meet them.”

  Everyone around them knew they were Alejandro’s owners, and as they walked down the stands everyone congratulated them. They quickly made it to the winner’s circle where Gyro was waiting still on Alejandro. Melanie was already there when they met Alejandro and Gyro. She had been with Victoria, who was already checking Alejandro for any visible signs of distress. When she smiled reassuringly everyone relaxed. Marshall and Carol were also there. Alex came close to Alejandro and he lowered his head to her.

  “Good job, boy! You were magnificent! Are you feeling well?” She patted and caressed him. The horse enjoyed her touch and made sounds and twisted his head and appeared to enjoy her touch and her words.

  “Good. I’m really happy for you. You are a real champ!”

  “He says he feels fine, Victoria.” Then she turned and talked to Addy. Gyro heard her.

  “M’Addy, he said he didn’t even run as fast as he could. He said he could have run faster.” Addy looked at Gyro and smiled thinking that Alex’s comments were cute.

  “Ms. Addy? She’s right. He was not giving it his all. I think he knew he didn’t have to. Alejandro knows what he is doing.”

  Addy was surprised. “We’ll talk later, Gyro.”

  Gyro smiled and looked at Alex. “I’m glad you let me run your horse, Alex. He is the best horse I have ever ridden.”

  Alex couldn’t be prouder. She patted Alejandro, and the horse leaned in, seeming happy with her touch. At the winner’s circle, Alejandro wore his winning wreath and then there was a call for the owner of the horse to receive the purse and the trophy. The women came forward with Alex in hand. They gave the trophy to Alex. They had already told her that because she was a minor, she could not enter the horse in the race in her name. She understood and accepted the trophy from Addy’s hands. “It’s okay, M’Addy it’s not really mine either. It belongs to Alejandro.”

  After the race there was a brief reception and they stayed to be social and comply with protocol. At the reception, Susan stopped to congratulate them.

  “That’s a great horse you have there, Karen.”

  Addy saw Alex’s face and immediately took her away, leaving Karen and Susan alone.

  “Excuse us, we were on our way to get some food.” Addy politely explained, trying to remove Alex and herself from any further interaction with Susan

  “Mommy, are we leaving Mommy Karen alone with that woman?”

  “Yes, Alex. Mommy is a big girl, and she’ll know what to do.”

  As they walked to the buffet table, they passed by Victoria and Mel. Addy whispered in Vic’s ear, “Vic, go help Karen.” Alex was focused on the food and didn’t notice. Victoria immediately searched the room for Karen. She instantly spotted her, and didn’t hesitate to take on the request the minute she realized what the situation was. “Mel, go get something to eat with Addy and Alex, I’ll join you in a few minutes.”

  Mel was aware that Addy had said something to Vic, and that Vic had immediately reacted. She proceeded to find Addy and Alex much aware that something was going on. She joined Addy and Alex at the buffet table. Addy and Mel exchanged looks, but since Alex was present they remained silent and proceeded to load their plates with food. While sitting to eat, Alex was the one doing most of the talking while the women kept a watchful eye on the developing situation across the room. Addy was ready to take matters into her own hands, if the situation called for it.

  Victoria, who was shorter than Karen and Susan, was wearing a white shirt tucked inside her brown dress pants and a tan blazer over it. As she approached, Karen and Susan looked at her. Victoria gave Susan the twice over look, and settled her eyes on Susan’s overly exposed breasts considering the chill in the air. Karen was surprised with how Victoria had approached them, and even more with the way she was staring at Susan’s breasts. However, nothing prepared Karen for what was about to happen. Still focused on her breasts, Victoria addressed Susan.

  “How about you and I go for a quickie in the bathroom?” Victoria kept as cool a face as if she had just said good morning. Karen was in shock, but her poker face immediately kicked in.

  Susan opened her eyes dismayed with the proposition and looked to Karen for some defensive response. Finding none, she looked back to Victoria. Karen’s eyes danced between Susan and Victoria waiting for the development of the unexpected situation.

  “I beg your pardon! Who do you think you are? How dare you talk to me in such a manner.” Susan seemed disturbed.

  Victoria’s onslaught didn’t stop there. She went at her again. “In answer to your question, I’m the one who can give you what you are obviously looking for dressed like that. So, do you want it or not?” She made a motion with her head urging an answer.

  Susan looked like she was going to explode. She looked at Karen as if insulted. Karen kept her poker face, although she was thoroughly enjoying the situation. Susan didn’t say another word, and in consternation, she turned and walked away.

  Victoria grinned and Karen turned and burst out laughing. “My God Victoria! That was amazing. You are vicious!” She put out a hand to shake Victoria’s. They shook hands and smiled.

  “Addy sent me to the rescue, and I thought to give Ms. St. James a taste of her own medicine.”

  “You did great. She was stunned. Thanks for the rescue.”

  Victoria chuckled. They continued to talk as they made their way through the crowd across the room where Melanie, Addy and Alex were sitting. “What would you have done if she had agreed?”

  “I knew she would have never agreed in front of you. And even if she had said yes, the pleasure of turning her down would have been double what I would have gotten from her.”

  Karen chuckled. “You are a devil.”

  Victoria chuckled. “From one to another? Please, let’s keep this between us. It was just a joke. I’m not sure Mel would find it as amusing as you have.”

  “Don’t worry about it. By the way, Victoria, about Melanie—.” Karen thought this would be a good moment to bring her friend up.

  “Karen, I’ve played the field, and it’s been a long time since I went looking for a quick one. I’ve also been heart-broken. I know what I’m doing now, and I know what I want. I’m not playing, and Melanie knows it. We’ve talked.”

  “Okay, good. By the way, am I right to assume that you and Ms. St. James have some sort of history as well?”

  “Yes, it’s not what you think, but it wasn’t pleasant. I will tell you about it, but not now.”

  When they met the group, they were both smiling. “Judging by the smiles, you two have caused some mischief.” Addy was focused on the face she knew too well. Victoria lost the smile thinking that they’d been caught, but when she looked at Karen she found her still smiling.

  “Vic, after you’ve been with someone for fifteen years, they get to know your every move. Even the meaning of a smile.” Karen hugged Addy from behind and kissed her on the head.

  Addy smiled and commented, “and some come to know how to avoid questions!”

  Karen chuckled. “Let’s get out of here. Let’s have a party in our suite.”


  That night, Karen came to bed and cuddled to Addy as usual, but she did not receive her usual good night kiss. That response meant that the night was not over, and that there would be some talk. Since Addy was silent, it was obvious that she was expecting Karen to start the

  Karen smiled. “Okay, here’s what happened.” Karen proceeded to tell her what transpired with Victoria and Susan.

  “Oh my God! She didn’t?”

  “She did and I swear, Addy, I had trouble maintaining a straight face. If I did, it was out of shear shock. After I overcame the shock, I had trouble trying not to laugh and spoil the deed. Victoria was vicious. You should have seen her.” Karen laughed enjoying her own story.

  “Never would have thought that she had it in her to do something like that! I mean she’s always quiet and reserved.”

  “I know. She asked me not to tell Mel. I guess with their relationship in its early stage, she doesn’t want Mel thinking that this is something she would actually do. So, I hold you to my promise.”

  “Ker, didn’t we agree that whatever we talked about in our bed was always going to be private matters?”

  “Yes, baby. I’m sorry. By the way, there’s definitely some history between Vic and Susan. I still don’t know what, but I’ll find out and let you know.”

  “The plot thickens! Find out as soon as possible. If there’s any bad blood there, we need to know because it may have an impact on Alejandro and us, since Victoria is his vet.” Addy then kissed her and they snuggled to sleep. “You are right. I’ll talk to her as soon as possible.

  The day after the race, they went home as Addy had promised. Preparations immediately began for the winter season. Arrangements were made for Alejandro, Marshall, Carol and Gyro to spend the winter in a warmer, undisclosed location. The first leg of the Triple Crown would not be until the spring, and they intended to keep Alejandro and the crew safe and away from the crowds.

  Arrangements were also made for their winter pilgrimage to the Caribbean. The day after Alex finished that first semester of her third grade, they left for their holiday. They would not be back until January when school started again. In the Caribbean, Laurie and her family would join them, as usual for another family gathering.

  Part 9

  It was right after they came back from their Christmas holiday when the biggest snow and ice storm that had ever hit Scotland, in many years, was forecasted. The weather analysts were predicting several scenarios, but all of them concurred in that there would be plenty of snow, which would turn to ice with the expected severely cold temperatures that were to follow. The weather forecasters were also predicting strong winds with the storm. Everyone in town rushed to the grocery and hardware stores to prepare for the incoming storm. As each day passed the predictions were for even worse conditions.

  “If we had known, we could have stayed in Virgin Gorda. Can’t we go back and wait it out over there?” Alex asked.

  “Nice try, Alexandra. And, yes, maybe Mommy Addy and I will go back while some people stay here and go to school. Plus, it’s too late to leave. The storm is around the corner. The best thing to do now is to be prepared.”

  “You wouldn’t leave me here alone, and you know it Mommy.”

  “Come on. Help me get stuff done, blabber mouth.”

  Karen was already in full gear securing everything, inside and out. She nailed down anything that could come loose, lowered the outside wood shutters, parked the cars in the garage, and made sure that the generator was in good working condition and that there was plenty of diesel fuel out in the shed to keep it working for a long time.

  Alex was helping with all the preparations. She loved to work side by side with them and was a quick learner. Karen made sure to have plenty of firewood for the fireplace, oil for the emergency heaters, and plenty of salt and shovels. She also made sure that James and JP were prepared. The distillery was secured and shut down, and everyone was sent home until further notice.

  Marshall and Carol were still at the undisclosed winter location. They would be staying there until later in the spring. It was better for Alejandro to be in a warmer climate where he could train every day. Since Marshall and Carol were staying with Alejandro, Addy hired new help for the stables and she now had to make sure that all the horses were secured and protected and that everything was in order at the stables. It had been a long time since she had to worry about the stables. She had relinquished all those duties to Marshall, whom she trusted blindly.

  Karen had personally secured the Manor house and Marshall and Carol’s cottage. After the fire in the stables, Karen and Addy made sure that their new cottage was near the stables, but far enough to be safe in case there was ever a fire again.

  Even after everything was secured at home, the three of them went out to check all the properties. Addy thought that Karen always overdid the security matters, but even though she complained about the almost maniacal behavior, she liked the fact that Karen took care of everything and was always prepared.

  Addy made sure that they were well stocked on food, batteries, candles and medical supplies. When Addy came home from her final trip to the grocery store, she was hardly visible behind all the bags she was carrying.

  “M’Addy, more food? How many times have you gone to the store?”

  “When you are hungry, you will be glad that there’s plenty of food in this house. The grocery store barely had anything left on the shelves.”

  Karen looked at her and smiled. “Yeah, because most of it is here! And you call me a maniac?” Karen and Alex came to her rescue and helped her empty the bags and put away the groceries. “What is this? Spam? When have we ever eaten Spam? Ten cans?”

  “It’s food, it’s canned, it does not require refrigeration, or cooking.”

  “And I remember you having said that it’s the last thing on earth you’d ever eat.” Karen said in her sarcastic tone.

  “Well, yes, but if it comes to that, I will be eating my Spam. It’s ‘end of the world food.’ What about you? Have you checked all the nails to see if they are all tucked in, so that none will come out with the wind?”

  Karen grimaced and then chuckled. She came close to Addy and put her arms around her waist. “Mock me all you want, but you know you are safe with me.”

  There was no point denying what was true. “Mock me all you want, but you will never starve with me.” Karen said nothing and grinned.

  Alex smiled enjoying, once again, the moms’ bantering. Alex was not only helping with preparations, but she was also in charge of the entertainment. She was downloading movies and books, just in case the power went out.

  When the storm arrived, it was brutal. The temperature plummeted and the wind howled. The gusts of wind were so strong that the shutters shook. Alex stared at her Mom with a look of panic. “It’s alright, sweetie. This cottage is very strong and has been through many storms.” Karen placed her arm over Alex’s shoulder. “I remember when I was about ten, I came to visit Aunt Charlotte and there was a huge storm. We had a lot of snow and wind and nothing happened. And that was many years ago when people didn’t have generators or anything. Back then, when the power went off, we would sit by the wood stove or the fireplace and tell stories. In the end the best thing to do was sleep. But nothing ever happened to the cottage, nothing.”

  As Karen told the story, Alex relaxed and snuggled to her while Addy observed the enchanting scene from the kitchen. Karen noticed that Addy was missing and looked out for her. From the kitchen, Addy mouthed, “liar!” Karen smiled and waved her hand off in the air. “Come over and join us.”

  The cottage was a strong structure made of stone, and they also had a basement to go to if the conditions really got too noisy, or bad upstairs. The basement was mainly used for storage, but the old sofa and love seat were down there and, in an emergency, they could easily crash downstairs comfortably. Outside, the sound and fury of the wind was relentless and scary. It was not only the wind hitting the shutters, but the sleet and torrential rain, which ultimately converted to snow.

  “Mommy, can we sleep down here? The wind is making too much noise, and Peanut Crunchy is scared. He was under my bed.”

  Addy immediately realized that it was Alex who was actually scar
ed, but she would never come out and say it. Karen was always telling her that she had to learn to be tough. Addy was of the opinion that you can’t make people tough by telling them to be tough. To her the important thing was that Alex grew up to be a self-assured person. The toughness, she hoped, would come from her confidence.

  “Hum, maybe Alex is right and we should camp down here, at least for tonight.” Alex immediately opened her huge eyes, smiled, and hugged Addy. Addy ruffled her hair and kissed her on the head.

  “Well, I’d rather sleep in my comfy bed.” Karen looked at Addy a certain way that conveyed clearly what she meant. “But it looks like once again, I am in the minority, so I’m not even going to open my mouth.” Addy and Alex looked at each other, rolled their eyes, and smiled.

  “Well for the record, the majority would like to state that we love the minority,” Addy proclaimed as Alex chuckled.

  Karen smirked, and Alex smiled as usual. “So, what are we doing for sleeping arrangements?” Karen asked, trying to be a trooper.

  “Let’s camp out in the rec room. It’s right in the middle of the house, and it’s the best place, other than the basement, where we are less likely to hear the wind. We’ll recline the seats of the sofa and use them as beds.”

  “Alright!” Alex was already running. “I’m going to get my pillow and my comforter. Come on Peanut Crunchy!”

  In the midst of moving things around and setting up camp, Karen moved the emergency heaters downstairs, just in case they needed them. One was in the rec room and the other in the dining/kitchen area. They had also closed the door to the staircase upstairs to keep the heat downstairs.


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