Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony

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Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 19

by Brian Withers

  Exercise 2 of 3 – present moment thinking satisfaction indicator.

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  For the next 7 days, write down how satisfied you are with the experiences in your day, are they what you want? Do this on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being most satisfied. You can do this by different topics, job, relationships (each type), fitness, self care etc.

  Exercise 3 of 3 – replacing fear with faith and trust

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  When you give focus to your visions and desires, if you hear that voice of fear giving you some reason why you can’t have what you want. Listen to it; ask yourself, what am I afraid of? Let that voice tell you all of the things it thinks is going to happen. It may drag you into the past and into the future, just hear it out. Then turn away and know that it is the voice of the faulty and erroneous beliefs that came as a result of the missing information. Reacquaint yourself with the truth and the laws and know that what you hold as a vibration is what you must experience. Know that the more you intentionally turn away from the negative; you are building that muscle of mental will. As you do this, and you see the change that occurs, you will have more patience, and you will have confidence and trust in your power to take charge of your life. The key is to use what you are learning in this program everyday. If you start skipping days, you will almost surely fall in to old ways until you develop the new habit of thinking about what you want to think about.

  Over the next 7 days, record how many times per day you felt the fear and what you did to calm it and move your mind to faith, trust and confidence.

  How much time are you spending in past (negative) memories and / or thinking about the future in a negative way. How much does your mind jump around amongst what you don’t have, how you are treated that you don’t like, the economy, the weather, the internet, and to crises, internal negative self talk about yourself or someone else, low vibration conversations, inputs and conflict? If 50% or more of your mind activity is wondering amongst these things you’re probably not getting much of what you want and finding you’re kind of stuck in the same old cycles. Again awareness is everything, to actually see how you are using your mind and how it relates to what is happening in your world is an incredibly valuable observation for self change. Are you setting yourself up to attract what you want or are you sabotaging your life? Take a good solid honest look at your life; it will give you a very clear indication of how you are using your power in the present moment.

  Although I mention 7 days, you will want to carry on practicing present moment thinking until you make it another one of your high vibration habits. Until it becomes a habit you are always at risk of the present habit taking over. Once you make it a habit it will take no mental energy but until you do it could take considerable mental energy on any given day.


  1)How can the past and future affect your vibration?

  2)Does your subconscious know if your feelings are based on thoughts about the past, present or future? Why or why not?

  3)When your subconscious registers a vibration, what is the time frame it registers it as having occurred?

  4)Why is what we choose to think>feel, like recording a movie? How does this concept empower us?

  5)Are you deceiving yourself and being unrealistic when you use your imagination to see a picture that makes you feel good, rather than feeling badly (about what is happening in your life)? Why or why not?

  6)What are the two reasons our thought>feelings get hijacked? What are the consequences of this?

  7)Explain the relationship between momentum, thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

  8)What is the only way out of negative momentum?

  9)What does it take to completely stop negative momentum?

  10)How do you know when negative momentum is changing to positive?

  11)What can make it a challenge to switch negative momentum to positive?


  Week 11

  Fertilizing the soil - High Vibration People

  I suggest that on this journey of mastering your mind and taking charge of your life, that you have a support system. It will be much easier and enjoyable to have one or more people to do it with, or at least have some people in your life that are on the same wave length that you can talk with about it. In addition, I highly recommend having a coach you can call on. Your friends and family can provide support and encouragement to help you, but a coach is trained specifically to help you pull out the strength and abilities inside of you, and to keep you moving forward.

  I can almost assure you that you will have days and moments when all of the old junk wants to take over, some days more than others. It has a lot of momentum and it takes persistence, patience and repetition to make the new thoughts more dominant. You many think, what’s the use, but it is in those moments that any help you can call on is so important; be that people or putting the tools to work that you are learning here. With support and practice, you will keep exercising the muscles of your mental faculties. As they get stronger it will get easier and easier to keep your self on track and bounce back from any issues that arise. Along with your own efforts, the more wind at your back in the form of support people and coaching the better, because those old influences, at times, can be very strong as you work on displacing them with the new.

  You must understand that we are vigorously taught to base our emotional state on what we “observe” going on around us, the appearances of our life. Also, we are taught to react to the observations, appearances, conditions, and circumstances that surround us. We allow our five senses to be the sole input on how we feel towards just about everything. For this reason it is so easy to be drawn into the happenings of life, it can be like “quick sand”. For example, someone just said something to you about (fill in the blank) or you just got some news about (fill in the blank) or your flight just got cancelled and what happens; so often we get totally hooked into negative energy without as much as the blink of an eye or even realizing what is happening. Allowing our selves to get hooked (into low vibration) has a very high price; it literally causes our life experience to remain in the cycle of things we don’t like and prevents us from attracting what we really want – that’s a really high price. Our whole life can pass before us and we never get off of the ride that keeps us going around and around, the one we don’t like. Does this sound familiar? For this reason, having people that can help pull you out of the proverbial “quick sand” versus those that will jump in with you, is very important to you fertilizing your soil and living in a high vibration.

  Be sure to sort out how people are helping you on your journey. What I mean is that some people are helping you like a good wind at your back, others may come to you as wind resistance, but their presence is equally as important because they are helping you to know that you still have work to do to release “old” patterns of thinking and believing. They are also helping you to get clearer about what you want. These people are extremely valuable to you, just as valuable as those who are the wind at your back! As you recognize the message and shift your vibration, you will notice they will disappear or change to match your new vibration. Their work is done and you have taken one more step to get in alignment with your true self. How radically different is that from viewing people as tormentors and antagonists. Those who you are most at odds with are the ones most helping you to be clear about what you want and therefore aware to attract it. Can you think of anyone in your life that tempts you into negative feelings or even a voice in your head? They are gold, get the nugget and advance your life.

  Be aware of what people bring to you and what they are contributing. If negative, stay only long enough to get the message and then keep your distance if possible. If it is not possible for you to keep physical distance you will have to use what you are learning here to keep emotional distance. You do this by focusing on positive aspects, but
seeing the source within them, by looking beyond the circumstances as they are by using those circumstances to identify the way you want it be and thinking those thoughts. You can be grateful for the clarity they helped you discover about what you want. It may be a case where you cross paths with that person any number of times, but each time just look for the message (the feedback about your vibration) and keep shifting your vibration. Sooner or later they will change or you will have loved them out of your life because your high vibration of love will not be a match to their low vibration. Love someone out of your life, how much better is that then trying to push them away, or change them or avoid them and they won’t go nor change. Of course they will not go or change when you remain negative about them because your negative energy about them keeps feeding the kind of presence they have in your life. To say it another way, you keep attracting what you don’t want by focusing on what you don’t like. Get the gold nugget and release them by loving them, then you will be free.

  Some people in your life will be very good support but they may cast some fear, worry or doubt towards you once in a while. Just realize it is yours; that is, they are presenting a vibration of yours. Make the shift and guide your conversation with them to the positives where you connect with them. You can thank them for their insight and continue to enjoy their support in other areas. The point here is, don’t chase away truly good friends, just neutralize topics that are unhelpful, and as you do this they will stop raising those topics and be of even greater support.

  Exercise 1 of 3 – The people in your life, interpreting the message.

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  Each day for the next 7 days, take note of who is in your life and record any situation where you felt like you were being drawn into a negative vibration and what you did to hold yourself in a high vibration.

  Look at how each person is helping you on your journey. Who helps you to stay in a high vibration and who is giving you a message that you need a shift somewhere in your vibration. Who seems to “press your buttons”. What is each messenger (person) bringing to you; that is, what is the message about your vibration, beliefs and self image. The feelings that arise in you from what people say to you and how they behave towards you, can be very helpful in alerting you to some limited or faulty believe within you. Just be aware of your feelings, they help you so much.

  Also be aware if you are taking things personally and being defensive. That would indicate that you are being hooked by appearances rather than standing back and looking for the good, identifying what you really want and for the opportunity to identify a faulty belief and displace it. Keep an open mind and be very objective to what helpful clue is being offered in a situation or by a person no matter how challenging it may seem. In the moment of feeling you are falling into a negative vibration; this is the critical moment to break the negative reaction cycle and stop supporting the attraction of the same old situation from happening. When you do this repeatedly a new situation will occur, one that reflects the new vibration you choose. Sometimes it may take a little more determination to stand back to see the helpful element, but it is there just like the word you look for in a word search puzzle.

  Remember to consult the lists and tools you have accumulated to help you turn your emotional state to one that will move you to where you want to be. Exercise 5 in Week 5 is an invaluable tool to avoid taking things personally. Also Exercise 2 in this week is specifically to help you find a new positive response rather than the same old negative reaction. Its the new response that will cause your mind to be focused at a higher vibration. Once your focus takes you to a higher vibration, you cause what you want to manifest in your life because now your vibration equals the vibration of what you want. When you react negatively, your vibration is not equal to the vibration of what you want and therefore you cannot connect with it.

  Exercise 2 of 3 – Responding versus Reacting

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  Every day for the next 7 days, identify which one of the following strategies that you used to help you turn away from being drawn into a negative reaction.

  Four words that can really help you to stand back from a situation and take stock before you respond are:



  Non judgmental


  Accept the situation simply as a condition that came to you because of your vibration. This will help you to detach and not take it personally. When you judge you are not really judging another; that judgment energy can turn into a vibration within you such that you become the energy of that judgment and attract it to you. That is definitely not the objective here, so by practicing acceptance, you will help yourself to stay away from judgments. To be defenseless also means that you are not taking it personally, you are not attempting to prove or justify your point or how their point is incorrect. There is no right or wrong. There is nothing to defend, nothing to prove, nothing to justify. There is just cause and effect, with vibration being the cause and condition or circumstance being the effect.

  In conjunction with these four words, here are 6 more strategies that you can put into use to diffuse and divert negative energy (low vibration) into positive (high vibration):

  •Apologize to help neutralize negative energy even if you didn’t do anything to apologize about. It is a challenge for anyone to pursue an issue once you apologize.

  •Be thankful, if only in your head for that person alerting you to a vibration in you. Then affirm what you would like the situation to be, what do you want

  •Show understanding and compassion to sooth the situation.

  •Show mutual respect by making a statement such as I can appreciate that. This will affirm your acceptance of their point whether it is the same as yours or not. Your realization that differing points of views are OK and natural will keep you and them in a high vibration as everyone can feel good about their view without feeling threatened or challenged or needing to prove or defend anything.

  •Ask a question such as, “why do you feel that way” (you can use this with #3 if helpful). You can ask “how do you feel about that”. This shows concern and also raises their awareness about their feelings which can help them be aware of what they are thinking about and perhaps entertain a new perspective that will feel better.

  •You can help them identify what they would like instead of what is happening that is stirring up negative energy. Get them to focus on the wanted. You could use phrases such as “wouldn’t it be nice”, “how would it feel”, “what would it be like if”.

  These strategies will all allow you to neutralize negativity, detach from taking anything personally and have a clear mind to state what you want. When you do this you have just taken over your mind to attract what you do want as there is an absence of the vibration that causes you to attract what you don’t want.

  Exercise 2 of 3 - Your support team

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  Come up with a list of people who can really be your support circle and contribute to your success. Where applicable, you may want to mention what you are doing to see if others are interested to join in as it pertains to their journey. Whether they participate or simply support you, either way it’s going to help you.

  Be acutely aware of who may be in your life as a “habit” or for “security” or for some reason that is related to some type of fear in you. To really live a high vibration life, you must allow your vibration to orchestrate everything in your life. If you allow the fear based beliefs and related thoughts in your conscious mind to run the show you will be allowing your thoughts to attract what you don’t want. When you do let fear rule your life, the good that you want will not find you because while in one corner of your mind you are thinking about what you want and using all of your tools to impress that vibration, in another corner of your mind you are sabotaging it with the fear based think
ing. If the fear is your dominant vibration it will be your attractive vibration, and further, what you tend to act on, either doing or not doing because of fear. You must unify the focus of your conscious mind on what feels good. Add faith and gratitude and surround yourself with as many people as you can that encourage and support you on your journey. This will allow your conscious mind to provide a very strong instruction to your subconscious mind, and this will generate opportunities that you can simply then act on.


  1)What is the value of having like minded people to support you in this process of mastering your mind?

  2)What can a coach offer you?

  3)What is the value of the people that bring you negativity? What is the effective way to handle those situations?

  4)Why do we base our emotional state on what is going on around us? What other option do we have?

  5)What is meant by the “quick sand” effect and how can we counter it?

  6)If someone casts doubts on things you want to do, does that necessarily mean you should keep your distance from them? How can you use this to your advantage?

  7)How is life like a word search puzzle?

  8)What are four words that can really help you to stay away from taking things personally and why?

  9)What is the result of your energy flow as the result of holding negative feelings?

  10)Which feelings will be your attractive energy?


  Week 12

  Fertilizing the soil - High Vibration Life Style


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