You now should be quite tuned into the concept that the thought-feeling you hold in your mind, regardless of what motivates it, becomes your vibration. That, in turn attracts experiences of an equal vibration to you. The more time you spend focused on that thought-feeling, the more it manifests in your life. As you repeat it, it becomes a vibrational belief pattern with more and more momentum to attract equal vibrations to you. Therefore, as you change your thought-feelings and create new beliefs, the world around you will reflect this change. When you have a negative belief with a lot of momentum, it has a strong presence and it takes determined and repeated focus to displace with a new positive one. In that spirit of thinking, to help you raise your vibration and get aligned with your true self, which will attract more of what you want, this week is about choosing things around you that are of a high vibration nature. This will help and support you to do the inside work. Every bit helps, every positive influence will make a difference, especially when there are strong negative currents from old beliefs. It would be wise for you to consciously include in your world, as much as possible, those things on the outside that are of a high vibration, while excluding the ones that are not. Gradually, as you change your vibration, your circumstances will automatically follow, but until then you may need to exercise a little more conscious choice.
If time permits, in addition to this program, it would help to have other sources of reading material that will keep your mind fixed on the concepts of your energy nature, the truth of abundance and the laws of vibration, expression and increase. Just a few pages a day can really make a big difference. You can consult the back of this book for reading references. With the amount of training we have had in fear based thinking, you will want to do as much as possible to increase your faith, confidence, and belief in the truth about yourself. With the truth well in hand, fear has no power and your vibration will soar.
Exercise 1 of 1 – Monitoring and Adjusting the Vibrational Inputs of Your Day
Mind Mastery Area 3
The purpose of this exercise is to raise your awareness about the choices you are making in terms of their vibration value to your daily life.
For the next 7 days, each day document the things that were part of your day and rank their vibration level on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest. Things that are typically part of a persons day are the following: Conversations, self talk, food quality, your exercise experience, social events, movies, reading material, hobbies, leisure time activities (list them), music, your general surroundings, your work environment. Basically you want to keep track of where and how you choose to spend your time, taking note of whether it is providing high vibration or low.
As you start to make even little differences in your choices, you will get a sense of accomplishment and achievement towards moving to a high vibration life. Every little step you take will motivate you to keep moving forward. It also let’s you know that you can do what you set your mind to and that there are feel good rewards with high vibration choices. That is what we are all after, to feel good. When you feel good, it has a positive impact on your vibration and starts to invite more of what you want. Whether you eat a little healthier, become a little more fit, take a little more care with your finances, watch a little less drama TV, or give a little more to others, these things will all raise your vibration. Even something as simple as setting boundaries on what attitudes and behaviors you allow towards you, and eliminating things you have been tolerating. These things can increase your self respect and your sense of value which will increase your vibration. Look for the little victories and celebrate your advancement.
1)While you are doing the things in this program to raise your vibration, what can you do on the outside to help the process move forward?
2)Why is it important to keep yourself immersed in high vibration material on a daily basis?
3)What allows us to make new choices?
4)What happens with each little step you take to live a higher vibration life? And why is that important?
Week 13
High Vibration Review and Reflection
You have now completed 12 weeks of the program, Modules 1 and 2. If needed you can return to the summary of Module 1 to refresh what was covered in that module. In Module 2, you have learned how to keep yourself in a high vibration, no matter what is going on around you. You have learned that you do not have to allow appearances and circumstances to control your feelings and therefore your vibration. That there are ways to look at anything that allow you to maintain a high vibration. The specific topics covered in this module were, the high vibration of:
Doing Your Best
Giving, Understanding and Compassion
Living in the Present Moment
High Vibration People
High Vibration Life Style
If you think in these ways, you will always find the good, you will always feel good, and where you feel good, you are in a high vibration. As indicated in the beginning of Module 2, a high vibration is to your life like fertile soil is to the seed, it simply supports it to grow to its true and natural expression. When you live a high vibration life, it allows you to experience your true and natural expression. In Module 3, we will expand on the work you did in Module 1 and really identify with what is your natural expression and desires.
If you have been doing the work on a daily basis as presented, and applying it to your life, you must be experiencing positive changes in some way. The reason of course is that you would have raised your vibration, and your life always must match your vibration; that is the law. Note however, that the changes you experience will happen differently for you than they do for anyone else because everyone’s path and life experience is unique. Never compare yourself with another, we are all equally and uniquely gifted and with a unique purpose and with unique desires, so you can not be like any other. Just use the work you have done so far to keep tuned into the totality of who you are, what you want, and what feels good to you; finding a way to feel good and look for the little positive changes; building on them each day.
It is very important to remember that if you have faulty beliefs with a lot of momentum, it requires patience and repetition to turn that momentum around. When you start to use what you have learned in Module 2, how quickly and extensively you will see changes in your life depend on how many faulty beliefs you have and how much momentum they have. It also depends on your confidence in the truth you have learned about yourself, about the laws, and your patience to repeatedly turn away from what you don’t want and to something that feels good. It’s like throwing a bucket of water on a fire, sometimes it takes many before it is out. To help you sustain the level of patience and repetition it takes to slow down and turn negative momentum into positive, visit the declaration you made at the first of this program. That will remind you of the discomfort you had that motivated you to seek change in the first place. It will also keep you motivated to keep doing the work because you know you don’t want to go back to where you were.
As you see changes start to happen related to changes in your vibration, it will feed your confidence that you have the power to take charge of your life.
If you feel that you need any additional daily work from the material you covered in the first two modules, this is a good week to review and do that work to make sure it is in good order. If you need more than a week that is OK as well. The stronger your foundation, in terms of the work you have done so far, the more it will support your work in Module 3.
For this week of review and reflection, since maintaining a high vibration is such a critical element in the attraction process, there is one exercise to help further raise your awareness in terms of keeping yourself in a high vibration. One of the best ways to monitor whether you are in a high vibration or not, is to catch
yourself going into a low vibration. When you do this, it gives you an opportunity to turn it around. The more you turn it around, the more time you will be spending in a high vibration. The more time in a high vibration means the more that the road is open for your desires to find you. To put this another way, what you are really after, is to increase your awareness of how you are feeling in any moment and always make sure you are feeling good or finding a way to feel good.
Exercise 1 of 1 – Finding new high vibration responses
Mind Mastery Area 3
For the next 7 days, at the end of each day give yourself a score from 1 to 10 with regard to how effective you were to catch yourself going into or in a low vibration and turning it around. 10 means you were most effective and 1 means you were least effective.
For any situation that you believe you could improve on, identify some different responses (high vibration) that would have been possible using all of your tools. Rehearse it in your mind and in particular, remember the tools of acceptance, detachment, non judgment and defenselessness. You can also use the ‘I wonder statement’. I wonder why he / she / they behaved like that? I wonder what he / she / they would have done if I (fill in the blank) or I wonder what would happen if I (fill in the blank). Be as silly as you like when you fill in the blank, it will open your mind to new possible lines of thinking, and this can help you to break the same old reaction pattern by giving you a new perspective. The objective here is to replace a negative reaction with a positive response and feeling.
Remember, the feeling from a negative reaction goes to your subconscious mind as an instruction, so if you keep reacting the same way and feeling the same way, you are going to cause a repeat of what you don’t like. To cause new results in your life, you will need to choose a new response that produces a positive feeling. Use all that you have been learning and all of the material you have read to find something that will help you to turn away from the negative and to the positive. In some cases being more positive is just to get yourself to neutral, to a more comfortable and soothing frame of mind. Perhaps you just identify with the truth of who you are and the laws. This can really break the old pattern and allow you to reach for a new possibility. You might want to make a short list of the things that you have learned and the exercises you have completed that quickly help you to grab your mind and turn it towards the thoughts and feelings that will change negative momentum into good feeling.
You many want to revisit the article on my website called “The Law of Attraction and Vibration Cycle” at and / or visit the related diagram at You may also want to print the diagram as a mental reminder on how to change a brewing negative reaction into a positive response.
There are two other articles that are setup specifically to help you turn negative feelings and into a feel good place. They are “Why Everything is OK” at and “Using Your Emotional Guidance System” at
1)Why is it never helpful or accurate to compare yourself with another?
2)Why is it important to recognize how much momentum a negative belief has?
3)What does it take to slow down negative momentum and turn it to positive?
4)What is a good way to know that you are not in a high vibration?
5)What is the value of maintaining a high vibration?
6)What is an effective way to put yourself in neutral and a soothing frame of mind when you are feeling negative?
7)What is the value of turning away from negative energy?
8)How can you use negative feelings to help you?
9)What is the process to turn a negative feeling into a positive?
Taking Charge of Your Life – Your Vision
At this point in the program, if you read all of the material, did all of the exercises and answered all of the questions,
You would have a solid understanding about who you are as a human being and the natural laws that govern all of life. If you need a refresher on this information revisit my articles “The Missing Pieces” and “Why Everything is OK”.
You would understand that the only reason you do not live the qualities of your source self and follow your true path of purpose and desires is because you have unknowingly accepted, at a very early age, faulty beliefs about who you are as a human being and how life is to be lived. It is these faulty beliefs that cause you to either be unsure of what you want for your life or have you making choices, usually out of vulnerability, insecurity and uncertainty, that take you away from your true path.
You would understand what a belief is and why your life is about your beliefs (not your wants).
You would understand the process to activate a new belief and make it dominant so it becomes the vibration that causes what is attracted into your life.
You would understand the connection between your thoughts, feelings and beliefs and what occurs in your life.
You would understand and know how to turn away from negative thinking and turn to thinking that produces high vibration feelings.
You would understand that to sustain your thinking in high vibration feelings is what causes good “things” to happen spontaneously, serendipitously and out of blue. Also that it is the “things” that lead you to the realization of your desires.
Now that you have the foundation of
•who you are as a complete human being
•how the laws that govern life work
•how to generally operate yourself in a high vibration life and
•the life you want to live
Module 3 will help you do the following:
1)Specifically identify your natural gifts and talents as well as your passions, desires and interests; the things that cause you to really get excited. When you use your natural gifts and talents to do the thing you love to do, you will do great work. In fact it won’t even seem like work, it will be more like fun and play. Using your natural gifts and talents to do what you love is what causes you to authentically and effortlessly live in a high vibration mind set. Living in a high vibration mind set is of course is the foundation for living life in alignment with source and therefore realizing (manifesting) a life of complete fulfillment.
2)More clearly define the desires related to the life that excites you. The more precisely you know what you want, the more precisely you will attract what you want.
3)Plant your desires in your subconscious mind by holding complete expectancy of their manifestation in vivid detail. It is like planting seeds, if the seeds you select are not properly placed in the ground, the resulting crop will leave you dissatisfied. To get what you want, you need to take care when planting.
4)Nurture your desires to fruition by sustaining focus on your desires and high vibration thought-feelings as you have learned in Module 2. When you do this, it’s like keeping the ground fertile and giving sun and water to the seed, this supports its growth. But be very aware of negative thought-feelings, they are like weeds that steal the nutrients from the seed.
5)Take action in this vibrational universe to receive what you have attracted. What does it mean to take action in a vibrational universe? It means that your actions are inspired actions versus forced actions. Essentially the attraction process is a combination of your vibration drawing what you desire towards you while you are acting with inspiration to move towards your desire.
What seems to be the biggest issues in getting the life we want is 1) to trust it is unfolding, 2) maintaining patience while it unfolds and 3) being OK to act on inspiration rather than feeling the need to act to make things happen. As you have seen from Module 1, it’s pretty easy to describe what you want in your
life. And quite frankly, even if you can’t put your finger on what really excites you, your life experiences, the ones you didn’t like, they caused you to ask for what you do want. And once you send the request, consciously or unconsciously, the law of vibration takes care of orchestrating everything to make it available to you. What’s left after that is for you to maintain the vibration that matches what you want. It sounds easy but as you have seen from Module 1, we have learned to practice attracting what we don’t want through our faulty beliefs which keep us in a low vibration; not equal to what we want. In Module 2 you learned what it takes to practice the vibration that will attract what you do want. To realize the life of your dreams is really about practicing the vibration that will allow it to come into your physical experience. Therefore Module 3 will continue to help you with how to master this practice.
If you have been applying what you have learned in Module 2, you should notice things in your day going smoother, easier, things working out better; experiences just more pleasant and “good” things showing up. This is simply what happens because of the law of vibration. The higher your vibration the better your life experience because you are attracting things that are equal to that high vibration. To put it another way, you are experiencing things that are on the same frequency as you are on. When you give focus, attention and intention to specific desires while in a high vibration, that is when you start to experience the exact life you want. This is what will be covered in Module 3, more specific high vibration thoughts and feelings.
Clarity, patience, trust, repetition, and expectancy as you have seen and will continue to see are very important ingredients in the process of attraction. Like planting a seed, you have clarity about the crop you want to produce. Once you plant that seed you must trust that it is growing even though you cannot see it grow. You must have the patience to let it come to fruition on its own natural course, knowing it will. You also must be repetitive in your nurturing of that seed to foster its growth, all the while holding the expectancy of harvesting a full crop. When you put all of the ingredients together, like baking a cake, you simply allow the heat of the oven to nurture those ingredients into the end product that you desire. However, if you keep interrupting the heating process the cake will not be allowed to become the end product you desire. All you have to do for that cake to bake is basically stay out of the way of the heating process. Negative thoughts would be synonymous with opening that oven door. When you hold negative thoughts you are interrupting the process to attract what you want into you life. All you really have to do is maintain a high vibration and your life desires will unfold into your experience just like the oven will bake that cake.
Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 20