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Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony

Page 23

by Brian Withers

  There are all kinds of ways for you to home in on purpose and your true self. For example, if you find yourself envious or jealous in any way, you can use this to your advantage. These things can be indicators about things you are interested in or want to do. Once you get the gold nugget, you will quickly want to release those thought-emotions on the basis of the work you have done up until now. In fact, anything that you have a strong feeling about, investigate it, check if it might reveal something about your inner identity. What are the things that make you get out of bed everyday with zest and leave you fulfilled at the end of the day for a peaceful nights sleep, and looking forward with zest again the next day? What would really make you jump out of bed and do the happy dance? Is it about doing something, visiting somewhere, moving somewhere, obtaining something, studying, engaging, serving in a new way, contributing something different, travelling etc. And why, the why is so very important because it will link you to a fire of passion within you where the thought of doing that thing will light you up, not just a quick light like a match but a long term light like a light house.

  You also want to be aware of your creativity. What natural creative ideas come to you. In what areas of life do you find you have natural creativity, ideas just seem to come into your mind without any effort. What ideas do you get excited about? You may also think about this as daydreaming. What are those dreams you get lost in? You actually have those for a reason and you really need to bring them out, listen to them, let them have life, they are seeking life through you. We often think to find our dreams but when you catch your dreams finding you then you know you are on to something. When thoughts of doing something just seem to dance into your head and give you a feeling of joy, pay attention to this. That does not happen for nothing, that is a signal for something for you to express with your gifts and talents.

  You can also go to a site called and there are many questionnaires that can help you to feel around for the things that resonate with you.

  What have you done in your life that you really enjoyed, what have you done that you really did not enjoy. What jobs have you worked at and why did you start them. Which ones felt good and why, which ones did not and why? These things can give you really good insight as to your true identity and purpose. How about school, which subjects most interested you, which ones did not, again why? What memories about school make you feel good?

  A further action you can take to identify your purpose is this, each day for the next 7 days, when you get up in the morning, first thing, ask yourself a question like the one below or some variation that captures the spirit (you may want to write this question down and put it somewhere you can see it when you first wake up. Write down your answer each day. This can bring out your purpose and passion).

  What incredible and amazing thing would I love to be part of my experience today? Use your imagination; do not base this on what is happening or has happened or what your beliefs tell you can happen, or what you think you can or can’t have, but on what you can see in the unlimited movie of your mind.

  Another idea is to collect pictures that represent the life you see for your self in all areas. You can collect them on a computer; assemble cut outs from magazines etc. This is a very interesting exercise and can really help your true self to emerge. In doing this exercise you will see lots of pictures and it will open up your mind to think outside of your paradigm, beliefs and the proverbial “box”. You may be afraid to dream because you think “I can’t have that” and it will just disappointment me. By this time in the program you have all of the tools necessary to deflate such a thought, if you have not firmly embedded in your thinking that you can have anything you want, you need to spend more time on the material you have covered until it is your truth. In the meantime, do your best to imagine you are sitting in the field of all possibilities, everything is open to you.

  You can also use the concept of making a list of things you don’t like about your life simply as a way to help you know what you do like. If you do this every day, over time you will narrow down, by process of elimination, where you can see yourself, where you would be that feels good.

  If after doing all of the things mentioned in this exercise you still do not feel any fire for anything in particular, then you can use what you learned in Week #4. Make a statement, “Show me my true place in life”, or “Universal energy and intelligence guides me to my true place in life”, something to this effect. Go to sleep with it, meditate with it, wake up with it, and carry it around with you. Give the universe a target of 24 or 48 hours, or what feels comfortable, to show you a sign. Write down the deadline date for this sign to come. The stronger the amplitude of your intention, the quicker and more clearly you will see a sign. Again, this is simply the law of vibration at work. You give your subconscious a clear and definite vibration and it will attract it to you. Further more, it is your birthright for success and the universe supports you, constantly wanting to express this success through you. If you do not see a sign, reset the deadline; turn up the vibration (feeling). The answer will come, the deadline really is to give you a sense of anticipation and expectation; these are high vibration feelings which boosts the attraction process. It may be subtle and can come in any way, so be on the look out. You may want to even add something to your statement like, “Show me my true place in life by giving me a sign that is so obvious that it makes me laugh”. Chill out and be easy, that’s when it will come, not when you are tense and anxious, those are low vibrations. You must be in a high vibration to receive the answer because the answer is a high vibration (it feels good).


  1)What is the natural urge for every living thing in nature?

  2)Is this natural urge in isolation? Explain.

  3)What causes us to lose touch with our identity, direction and purpose?

  4)What most influences our decisions once we loose touch with our true self?

  5)What do we seek once we loose touch with our true self and the laws that govern the universe?

  6)What road do we follow once we loose touch with our true self? And how does this affect our vibration?

  7)What are examples of things that happen in our life as a result of having a low vibration?

  8)What are things you can take notice of, to help you get a full connection back to your true self?

  9)What prevents us from following our heart?

  10)How is a fragmented light like our life?

  11)If we have things in our life that are unsatisfying and fulfilling what does it tell us about our self?

  12)How does being disconnected with your true self affect abundance in your life?

  13)Does working hard, being kind and pleasant guarantee you a “good” life? Why or why not?

  14)Why does the universe not allow you to live away from your true self and how does it influence you to stay connected?

  15)What makes it “tricky” to connect negative feelings with our life circumstances?

  16)How do we typically attempt to change dissatisfaction in our life and why is it not effective?

  17)What is the true test of living purpose?

  18)Why is competition absurd?

  19)Why can fear not exist when you operate 1) in alignment with the truth about your total self and 2) by the laws and truths that govern the universe?

  20)When we start to get physical or mental health symptoms is there anything wrong with our mind or body? Why or why not, what is really happening?

  21)What is the true cause of getting well?

  22)What is your first and foremost job in living, why?


  Week 14s

  Waking up to Your Purpose Supplemental Information

  Getting in touch with your true self, knowing who you really are, which includes your purpose, is such a
fundamental piece to taking charge of the quality of your life that I have included supplemental information to Week 14.

  To be clear about what purpose is, essentially, it is your reason for getting out of bed in the morning. It’s using your gifts and talents to express your passions. It’s not to make money, not to please people, not to struggle and strain to survive but the thing you look forward to doing, get excited about, to being part of, to express your ideas and creativity, to have fun with; the thing that even when you are not doing it, it is alive in you, it is calling you, it never rests, and it feels good to think about it and to have it present in your mind. I heard the phrase, “forget about money and just be wonderful and you will find out how much money being wonderful brings”. The fact is we are all wonderful in our own way, we simply need to free our self to express it.

  To be clear about what your true self is or I could say what your total self is, you can see the diagram on my website entitled Self Alignment at Firmly knowing all of the components of who you really are as well as your relationship to the universe and the laws that govern the cause and effect of your life will really give you the confidence to take charge of your life. You have read about this in detail in my article called “The Missing Pieces”.

  In knowing who you really are as a human being, you will understand the significance of alignment as it relates to the quality of your life. In fact, what really drives the quality of your life experience is the degree of alignment of your subconscious self and your conscious self with your source self. What does degree of alignment mean; 1) It means how much of your daily conscious life is lived with thoughts, feelings, and actions that are in agreement with the qualities of who you are at source. 2) It means the degree that you have identified with those things that get you excited to get out of bed in the morning and hold those thoughts or ones that produce the same excitement. And once you have identified those things, how free do you feel, and how confident are you to express what interests and excites you. How trusting are you to follow the road that is unfolding, leading you to your desires.

  What you must understand is that you can only live in alignment by living the life that you feel compelled to live from within you heart and soul, and by choosing thought>feelings that are agreement with your source self. This is the only way you can live a balanced and fulfilling life where you experience all of your desires. Why, because only by living your passions and engaging in high vibration feelings can you sustain the frequency level of your desires. Only by sustaining the frequency level of your desires can you attract them.

  When you are not living the life you feel compelled to live, you are holding yourself away from your desires, your health and your overall abundance. What is meant by this is that your desires, health, and abundance naturally reside on a high vibration but when you live a life that is not compelling (low vibration) you will experience, to some degree, a lack of fulfillment. This will cause you to have low vibration thoughts>feelings. When you are in a state of low vibration you will not be a match for what is at a high vibration and therefore will not attract or experience it. So, the greater the difference between the natural high vibration frequency of health, abundance, desires, and your chosen vibration, the greater the impact you will see in these areas of your life.

  You can only really live in alignment when you have the confidence and knowing that your life is setup to unfold as easily and effortlessly as a flower. This means knowing that if you follow your passion, you trust that your life will be OK, that you will have the resources to look after yourself and experience the things you desire. Without this trust you are very unlikely to live your passion and purpose, and instead you will do what you believe will allow you to secure your life. This unfortunately is the way most people live and the associated lack of fulfillment and dissatisfaction explain our vibrational imbalances. These vibrational imbalances explain the attraction of things we do not like and why our health deteriorates. You can see how critical it is to the quality of our life that we live our purpose. Of course to do so we must know what they are.

  When we lack the knowing of who we really are and that we actually have a true path that is totally supported by nature for our success, it is virtually impossible to live in alignment. What happens then is that we tend to live in a state where worry, fear and doubt influence our decisions. This causes us stress and to go out and “make” things happen or force things to happen because we are unsure and afraid they won’t happen. In other words we don’t trust in our subconscious mind to orchestrate the details. The truth is, you no more need to worry about your life unfolding than a flower does. Just as rain, sun and ground nutrients are provided to the flower as needed to sustain it, the support you need for your life to unfold is also provided, just by being a human, it’s your birth right. If you allow yourself to think and feel in agreement with your source and live by the laws that govern the universe, your life simply will unfold as beautifully as the flower.

  To really know your source self, it affords you the high level of self worth, image, love and respect that you truly are. When these self elements are in tact, it means you are seeing your physical self in a very powerful way and this keeps you in alignment. To lack the knowledge of who you really are at source, it tends to deflate your level of self image, worth, respect, acceptance and love, and that causes you to look to the outside world for them. When you do that, it means you are giving the outside world the power to control how you see yourself and how you feel about yourself, and therefore, the destiny of your life. It is virtually impossible to live in alignment when how you feel about yourself comes from what is going on in the outside world because much of what is going on in the outside world is not in alignment with your source self qualities. So if you get emotionally engaged in what is going on in the outside world, you will continue to cause yourself to live out of alignment due to the low vibration emotions from unsatisfying situations. You must choose your thoughts and feelings from what you really want your life to be about and based on the qualities of source, regardless of appearances, if you want to live the benefits of alignment.

  Without an understanding of who you are at source, not only does it impact your confidence to follow your heart and live your passions but you will most likely lack the confidence and conviction needed to overcome the faulty and fear based beliefs that are keeping you out of alignment, it is a major and serious paradox. Think about what you just read, why would you change your beliefs about how you conduct your life and then change your life by venturing down a new road if you didn’t know and understand who you truly are, what your power is, and the support you have from the universe for your success. It would be just way to scary to let go of what you know because at least you have some level of certainty and security in what you have established in the outside world. Taking your life down a new road where you are uncertain of the outcome and feel you have little control of the outcome can leave you paralyzed with fear. The thought of loosing everything or being left out or not able to look after yourself … your life would have to be in a desperate state to take such a risk, unless you knew the truth, then of course there would be no thought of risk. This is the way out of the paradox; study and understand who you are and prove it to yourself. Then you are ready to follow your heart, your passions and live your desires. Those faulty beliefs can actually keep you away from the truth about who you are, they are essentially like a prison. You absolutely must put your beliefs to the test, and if they are not in alignment with your source attributes then you must displace them in order to live the full life you came here to live.

  The fact is, when you allow your faulty beliefs, and what is going on around you to dictate your thinking and feeling, you are literally using your power against yourself. To clarify this point, faulty beliefs and buying into circumstances will cause you to use your imagination to picture what you don’t want, don’t like, and what you fear r
ather than what you do want, do like and have confidence about. Faulty beliefs and working with circumstances can also have you using your mental will to force things in the outside world rather than using it to hold a high vibration on the inside to attract what you do want – which is the proper use of mental will. Faulty beliefs and appearances can have you seeking security rather than know that it is inherent in you. So there is a high price to pay for the lack of knowledge about our true self and how to use our powerful mental faculties that cause what happens in our life.

  Something to be aware of is that you can be in alignment in one area of your life but be out of alignment in other areas. If you express the qualities of source self in your career then you will be very successful, however, if you do not express the qualities of source in your relationships, they will not be successful.

  When we live our life strictly from the physical plane, we tend to work with circumstances, we try to change them, we allow them to take over our emotions and we realize that all in all, we are not really that effective in changing circumstances and certainly very ineffective in changing others. The knowledge of source self and alignment allows us to release circumstances as mere manifestations of our vibration. Rather than something to get emotionally engaged in, we can use them to gauge our degree of alignment with source and shift our vibration as needed to regain alignment.

  To illustrate how our circumstances, our vibration and our state of alignment all work together, consider the following: Let’s say you are critical about yourself and pick yourself apart. This is very much out of alignment with your source because you are perfect as outlined many times in this program. You are a powerful creative being with all of the support of the universe for your success. When you pick yourself apart you are going to feel a low emotion like unworthy, worthless, shame etc. What these emotions are telling you is that your thinking is faulty about yourself and to start thinking thoughts that are in alignment with the truth of who you are. If you do not make this correction and carry on with being hard on yourself, the associated low vibration emotions are going to attract unwanted circumstances, equal to their frequency, into your life. It may come in the form of someone criticizing you, taking you for granted or disrespecting you. Or it may come in the form of your body breaking down but it will come, it’s the way the law works to help you know that you are out of alignment. The thing is, if you are unaware of who you really are, what it means to live in alignment and the laws that govern you, then you tend to take things personally, get hurt, harbour more low vibration emotions and cause more people or your body to bring you unwanted circumstances. Between your hurt and self criticism, that is a lot of invitations to be mistreated and feel ill. The cure for unwanted circumstances and ill health is simple. Learn the truth, practice the truth and live the truth then your life and body will shine in the brightest of ways. As soon as we are OK with our selves on the inside, that is, in alignment, others will be OK with us on the outside because we will attract only people that are on that OK frequency. Be aware that if you are living one area of your life out of alignment it can start to push other areas out. Did you ever have a job you didn’t like affect a relationship or a relationship that was not going well affect your performance at your job? Once there is one imbalance it can really have a domino effect so be sure to work on alignment in all areas of your life.


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