Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony
Page 24
Sometimes when things change on the outside it causes us to shift our vibration and it looks like what happened on the outside changed our life but do not be fooled by this. The outside circumstances can be a catalyst for our vibration change but ultimately it is our choice of how we interpret things that causes the change. This is powerful to know because when things are not as we want on the outside, we can set our vibration independently and attract what we want instead of attracting more of what is.
In this process of waking up to your true self and your purpose, I am not saying to recklessly leave your responsibilities; you are not going to wake up the next day to a completely new life. Do the work you are learning about here to connect with the qualities of your source self, this will raise your vibration and you will find your life starts to unfold as it was naturally intended to, according to your desires.
Another cause for misalignment is that we tend to get trained that financial security is our life security and so we make decisions around obtaining financial security. This of course is false security and for the most part leads us off our true path and away from living in alignment with our purpose and passions. The only true currency of life is vibration and we can choose as much high vibration as we like in every moment. When we do, we are living in alignment and when we do that, the doors of abundance naturally open. So if money has been your primary motivation for what you have been doing with your life and you find that one or more parts of your life are not as you would like, you may want to consider letting your heart be the driver using the strategies in this program rather than money and see what changes in your life.
What happens when we don’t understand that our vibration is the cause for the unwanted conditions in our life is that we often feel powerless to change things in our life. In this state of disempowerment, we look for ways in the outside world to get relief from dissatisfaction and lack of fulfillment. This is when people may turn to substances like alcohol and drugs. They may resort to gambling or other activities that artificially give that feel good. They may use, relationships, vacations and leisure time as a way to fill what is missing or to avoid what they do not want to face. They may also experience obsessive behaviors and any behaviors that help fill the void. If they can’t find a way to fill the void they may feel depressed or some other emotional condition and start taking prescribed drugs. You can see where this leads us, we have a low vibration situation because we are in a place that does not feel good, and we are attempting to cover it up with no idea that we are setting our self up to attract more of what we don’t want. As we unknowingly attempt to cover up natures calling to get back in alignment, our vibration goes lower, but instead of getting the message and increasing our vibration, we up the drugs, legal or not. Now we are in a downward spin literally to our demise. It may take months or it may take years but we are in the process. All of this happens simply because we continually make choices out of ignorance of our true identity. We want a good life but our scope of knowledge about life causes us a great deal of self destruction. I suggest that you read my article called “The Missing Pieces” and any other material to connect you with the truth about yourself. Make them your Bible, your human beings user guide and your first aid kit, you must embrace the truth about who you are.
As you can now see, all of the troubles in our life, whether it has to do with job, relationships, health, finances etc, are just simply the result of a low vibration caused by our lost identity and therefore living out alignment. If you watch a person with life issues and you watch them bring their life back into alignment with source you will see every aspect about their life improve and you will see them living their desires. It’s simply what happens when we live in harmony with our true nature. So when the job isn’t working, the relationship isn’t working, the health isn’t working, what are you going to do, work on it from the outside (the effect) or go to the inside and get into alignment (the cause).
You may feel that your life is in pretty good shape, but every day you go in a direction that is not following your heart, living your purpose, and generally living in alignment with source, you are paying a price in some way. It may be small and unnoticeable at times but other times it will come out in different ways, through strained relationships, through unsatisfying work, through your physical health, or your mental health but it must come out, it does so to help you wake up. This is the wonderful workings of the universe to push you back to your true self and purpose.
1)What is the most fundamental aspect of taking charge of your life? Why?
2)Who are you?
3)What is the result of not understanding the relationship between your life experience and your degree of self acceptance?
4)How can understanding the relationship between your life experience and self acceptance help you.
5)What is the cause of people treating you in some unpleasant way?
6)How do you cause people to treat you in pleasant ways?
7)Why is change unpredictable when we seek it in the outside world?
8)Is walking away from your life an effective way to change something you do not like? Why?
9)How does the universe get your attention so you get on track with your true self? What can happen if we don’t understand what is happening?
10)What do all of the troubles in our life have to do with and how can you use them to your advantage?
11)What are the laws that help you to get your life back and take charge of your life?
Week 15
Preparing to Attract Your Desires – Selecting the Specific Seeds for Planting
What we want to accomplish this week is for you to identify all of the desires that allow you to express what gives you joy, what you feel passionate about.
Exercise 1 of 2 – Creating statements to attract what you desire
Mind Mastery Area 2
We are going to take your work from Week 4 where you created statements about what you want and add a little more precision to them. A crystal clear image will do 2 things. 1) It will increase your excitement (high vibration) because it will cause the 5 senses in your imagination to kick in as you see yourself experiencing what is in the image and 2) it will give a clearer picture to the subconscious mind. Between the excitement and the clear image, the subconscious really has a strong vibration to work with in terms of attracting to you exactly what you want (and the quicker you will attract it).
One thing to keep in mind is that in every day life you are constantly, but mostly unaware of, identifying what you want. How do you know this, because when you experience things you don’t like, that experience can only be relative to something you do like or the way you would like it to be. To experience what you do not like is to think about the way you would like it to be, even if momentary and with no awareness. So in this exercise we are really mining for the details that you have already established as what you want.
Look at the desire statements you have previously written down and fine tune them as needed using the information below. You want them so clear that you can describe them to someone who could draw a picture of them. That they are just like a wonderful memory you can recount in all of its detail to the point where you can feel the feelings you had when it happened. You will also want to set a target date which could be now or a future date. Just remember it has to feel believable, conceivable and achievable. For example if you wanted to take a trip in 6 months you would specify that time frame. As you write your statements, be sure that they are written in a way that says what you want but DO NOT include how it is going to happen. The law of vibration takes care of that. The universe has multiple ways that your desire can manifest and for the most part it happens in a way that is beyond your imagination. The orchestration and synchronicity or resources and components are just beyond your conscious mind logic and reasoning. So let the unive
rse do its part and you do your part.
If you attempt to figure out how your desires will come to you, you are using the conscious mind to do the work of the subconscious mind and you will cause a delay in the attraction of your desire. Getting involved in the ‘how’ creates a vibration that you ‘do not have it’. Think about it, if you are spending time and energy figuring out how you are going to get it, you are essentially saying to your subconscious mind that you don’t have it, why, because if you had it, you would not be figuring out how to get it! When you are attempting to figure it out you are in a vibration of not having. Your job is to find a way to keep your conscious mind in a high vibration and notice the thoughts, the ideas, the manifestations that come and then act on those.
The subconscious mind only brings to you that which you are in the feeling of having. This is why faith and gratitude are so important in deliberate attraction. Being grateful for what is in your imagination produces the feeling of having. Holding the faith that it is already yours brings it. Remember your subconscious mind does not know the difference between something in the physical world and something in your imagination, it just responds to the feelings (vibration). You must impress the image and hold the feelings as though you are experiencing it now. If you are tempted to start figuring out the how, just ask a question to yourself like how can I …, what will it take to … Not from the perspective that you want to think about the answer, but you are sending that question to your subconscious mind. You see, the question contains the essence of your attention, intention and expectation. This is the recipe that will invite the answer or attract what is needed to resolve to the answer. Those questions are as much figuring out as you need to do. You figure out the question to ask, get in the vibration of the answer (feel good) then listen for the answer and observe what is going on in your life, your answer will come to you. It’s very different from what we have been taught, but if you want to master your mind and your life, you must learn to allow the conscious and subconscious mind to do their respective jobs.
If you go back to the analogy of the ship in the introduction to Module 2, to use your conscious mind to figure out how your desire is going to happen is like the captain going into the engine room and taking over the job of the people there. Essentially the captain will only be in the way of those folks doing their job and the ship will not end up going where the captain has instructed, it will just be a situation of confusion. Use your conscious and subconscious mind accordingly. Use your mental will in your conscious mind to hold to your vision or any positive aspect or positive feeling thought about anything. All of these things are at the vibration of what you want and will allow the realization of it. Leave the rest up to your subconscious mind. It will probably take practice to get in the habit of using your two areas of mind correctly because we have been thoroughly trained to figure out (with our conscious mind) how the thing we want will come to us, but you must realize that all of the power that attracts what you envision lies in your subconscious mind; it simply needs clear and precise instructions and we give those instructions with our vibration; our feelings.
Be very mindful when fine tuning your desire statements, the conditioning we received can put limits on what we think we can have. Really reach into your heart and beyond all limited thinking. Don’t think about what is probable, what might happen, what you are afraid of, but what is possible, the possibility of health, the possibility of happiness, the possibility of wealth, the possibility of a fulfilling career, a house and property of what suits you etc. If you can imagine it and you will take charge of your mind as you have learned in this program then you can have it. Let your imagination sore, think big, and expect great things. Think outside of the box; take your mind out of what may have become your “normal” line of thinking. Move your mind to think of the unlimited possibilities available to you. With what you have learned so far, you now know that what you attract is simply a matter of the vibration that you plant in the subconscious mind. It’s an open field; you can think anything you want. You can set your vibration to any frequency you choose, and it will attract the experience that equals that frequency.
To help you make sure your desire statements are as clear as can be and fully expressed, here are some guidelines.
•Be stated in the present tense (you are in the picture now, describe it like you are doing it, have done it for years)
•Have positive phrasing (gratitude and thankfulness)
•Create a feeling of possibility (it must have a feeling of being real)
•It must be believable, conceivable and achievable
•Avoid resistance (feeling the absence of it or why you can’t have it - you deserve it, you are worth it)
•Resonate with you (feels natural, captures you, a purpose to realize it)
•Create feelings of eagerness, joy, expectation, excitement, enthusiasm and love
•Have a target date (create expectation) – it could be now or identified future
Basically, think about something in your life currently that you really enjoy, really appreciate and are really thankful for. Now create that same energy in the realm of your imagined reality.
If the desire statement and image conjures up resistance in the form of doubt or fear, or if you find that voice making up excuses as to why you can’t have it, that is OK. Any time you reach outside of your comfort zone and beyond what you feel worthy of or what is possible according to your beliefs, you are going to have those feelings. What is important is that your faith and expectation exceeds your fear and doubt. If you find that fear and doubt are stronger, there are three ways you can address that, 1) break down your desire into smaller pieces 2) increase your trust and faith in your power to attract and 3) identify any faulty beliefs and replace them. Let’s take a closer look.
1)You can change your desire statement to one that feels more attainable, where faith and trust are dominant over fear. That being said, be sure that the desire statement causes you to move forward towards your purpose, even if a small step. If you don’t reach at least a little beyond your present life you will not move beyond your present life. If you have a desire where you are feeling resistance, just break the desire down into steps and achieve them one at a time. You may not even know all of the steps but just get started on the first one and they will unfold. The step by step approach can be very helpful to reduce the resistance that comes with making a big change. Big changes can many times send you running back to the old familiar. The step by step approach allows you to raise the faulty self worth ceiling in your subconscious mind little by little until there is no ceiling at all (that is the way you were born – no ceiling). So choose a step (desire) where feeling confidence and trust is dominant and you will have started the attraction process. We will go into nurturing the process of attraction in the next week; that is, how to keep the desire moving until it appears in your physical life. Note this, if you attempt to force a desire, in other words, your fear is greater than your trust and confidence it will be like forcing your way through that faulty ceiling and you will most likely experience disappointment, frustration and give up. That ceiling has to be moved bit by bit. If you use the step by step approach, you literally move that ceiling up each time and experience a new reality. Once you move it completely out of the way, then you are open to being comfortable and accepting anything, the field of all possibilities.
2)Increase your trust, faith and belief in your ability and birth right to attract your desires. You can do this by continuing to spend time internalizing the article “The Truth of Abundance”, “The Missing Pieces”, and “Why Everything is OK”. Read them everyday until they become part of your fibre. Once they get firmly planted as your true powers and identity, your confidence, expectation and belief in your abilities to attract your desires will increase. Your subconscious will be more readily accepting of your desires and you will experience far less resist
ance to your dreams. Another source to help you identify with and accept your true power is a book by Pam Grout called E squared, 9 Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality. Two further resources are the Secret Science of Getting Rich program by Bob Proctor, Michael Beckwith and Jack Canfield and the book Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. Essentially, you want to constantly associate yourself with information that affirms your true value and power, and internalize it until you have complete acceptance of it. The only cure for fear is the truth because fear can only exist where there is lack of truth, in other words, ignorance of the laws.