Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony
Page 26
As you practice repeatedly turning away from negative thought-emotions, and intentionally choose to focus on the thought-emotions related to a high vibration life, little by little, you cause new dominant beliefs that support your wants and therefore your wants will start to be what you attract. If you hear that voice saying “where is the money going to come from?” or “I can’t because … “, “what if …”, “what will they think …” ignore it, it’s the old programming, the old faulty beliefs at work. Come up with a belief (a thought to repeat) that is in alignment with the truth about who you are and the laws. This will shift you into a positive emotional state as emotion follows thought. Remember also to keep your conscious mind focused only on what you want and let the subconscious mind take care of how you will get it. Money and anything else including other people are simply resources that the universe will orchestrate to bring your desires to physical life.
Here is an illustration to highlight how your beliefs hijack your focus and cause you to attract what you don’t want. Let’s say you have a glass of pure water and then you put a few drops of red dye into the water which tints it red. When you look through the glass at any object, the object appears red. This of course is a faulty or distorted representation of what you are looking at due to the red dye effect on the water; you are not seeing things as they truly are. Now I say to you, the glass must stay right side up and you cannot alter the glass in any way but I need you to make that water pure again. The way to do this is through displacement. By pouring pure water into the glass, the red dye goes away and you are left with pure water. If we compare this scenario to what happens in our life, the glass of water is our subconscious mind, the drops of red dye are faulty thoughts and the red tinted water is faulty beliefs in our subconscious mind. So looking at life through a subconscious mind with faulty beliefs is akin to looking through the glass of red tinted water, everything we experience is a representation of those faulty beliefs and our responses tend to be faulty which perpetuates the belief. This leads to a cycle of being stuck in what we do not want. With faulty beliefs in place, we are not seeing life as it really is, we are seeing it as we are, that is, as we have setup our reality according to our faulty beliefs. We react to everything in accordance to these faulty beliefs which means our reactions, our decisions and behaviors are to some degree faulty. But just like purifying the water so we can see things as they really are, we can displace faulty beliefs with truth based beliefs and see our self as we really are and life as it really is. Once we do this, then we simply respond in a high vibration to everything, and since our truth based beliefs would be supporting our heartfelt wants, we would attract the experiences that we desire.
It would be convenient if we could just empty out all of the faulty beliefs and images we planted in our subconscious mind but that is not the way it works. The only way to do it is through repetitive displacement as has been reinforced many times in this program. The important thing to note here in terms of the glass of water, and thus our subconscious mind is this, the water color is not static, every choice you make either makes it darker red or more pure and clear. Thinking about what we don’t want and the negative feelings makes the water darker, thinking about what we do want and what feels good makes it lighter. The net effect is that our life stays in pretty well the same place until we make more deposits of pure water then red dye, that is, we choose to feel good more often than we choose to feel “bad”. When you choose to react to the things in your life in the same old way, you are more or less injecting more of that red dye into the glass of water which keeps you seeing things in the same old way and stuck in the same old cycle of getting what you don’t want. By choosing that same old reaction, you are feeding your subconscious mind a vibration that causes you to keep that same old result alive. As long as you feed your subconscious the old life you don’t like, it will give you the old life that you don’t want. If you use an internet search engine to look up the story of the two wolves you will see this point further illustrated. Ask yourself, what kind of wolf am I feeding? In other words, what am I focusing my thoughts and feelings on.
As soon as you start feeding new vibrations (thought-feelings) to your subconscious mind it starts to take hold. But it is not just fleeting thoughts and casual desires that get you what you want. It is the desires that are backed by purpose and with a solid and unwavering commitment, conviction and repetition to realize them. It is the desires that no matter what challenges you face, no matter what the circumstances around you look like, no matter what that voice in your head is telling you, you use your mental will and imagination to hold what you want in your conscious mind like you hold your hat on your head in a wind storm. This is why it is so important to strengthen these muscles of mental will and imagination and build your trust in the laws and the truth about who you are. Strengthening these muscles and building your trust is what enables you, inspires you and motivates you to hold your focus on what you want and what feels good.
Imagination is so vital in attracting your desires that I want to give some attention to it here. Imagination allows you to be “in” the life experience you want, complete with the 5 intuitive senses and right now as though it was really physically happening. In fact you can use your imagination to play a memory or something imagined in such a way that you could bring tears to your eyes. In other words, your body is reacting as though that thing is really happening. The feeling of “now” is very important because it is what generates the feelings of gratitude and excitement. These feelings cause a vibration that put you on the same frequency of the thing desired. Once you achieve the same frequency, then that desire shows up in your life, virtually out of the blue.
We come to believe that physical reality is reality, but it is not true reality. Living it in your mind is reality, reality is vibration. Vibration causes the manifestation of physical reality. If you desire a bicycle, don’t just see the bike in your mind, be on the bike riding it, feeling the joy of riding it, and visualize the complete experience, right down to reaching for the water bottle to get a drink. This is called imagined reality or imagined experiencing or you could call it virtual reality. When you have repetitive strong joyous emotions coupled with this kind of detail, along with expectation, you are setting yourself up for this specific attraction. But note this; if you think of your desire as something that is coming, something you will get, what you are most likely transmitting to your subconscious is that you are not ready for it yet. If you do not see and feel yourself in the picture (in your conscious mind), your subconscious mind is not receiving the needed instruction to put you in it. In other words, if you don’t see and feel yourself in the picture then you are not at the same frequency level of that picture and you won’t experience it. When something has the feeling of being “out there”, it typically does not have the heightened level of emotion that it is yours and you are not on the same frequency. That means you have no match to your desire and therefore it will not show up in your life. When you feel it as now and have gratitude, your feeling is going to be at the vibrational level of happiness and that is the sustained vibration that will allow it to come into your life.
Last week we talked about setting target dates with your desires. Remember, the date is only to create enthusiasm and anticipation to ramp up your vibration for the manifestation of what you desire. You must know that as soon as you hold the image as now with attention, intention and expectation, it is reality, it is a vibration. The only thing that has to happen is for you to sustain that frequency so it can move into your physical world. The date only describes the time to move into form. It’s like ordering a book online, once you order it, the book is yours, all that is left is the delivery time. You expect it at a certain date but don’t think about the process by which it will show up at your door. It may be a day early or late but you know its coming.
Be sure to give attention to all aspects of your life, remember that you can be in harmony in some parts o
f life but not others so it is important that your desires and focus include complete balance.
Exercise 1 of 2 – Giving momentum to the attraction of your desires
Mind Master Area 3
You want to have as much of your mind time, all day, every day, in a place that feels good. Your desires, if they capture the spirit of passion and purpose, they should definitely be a place that feels good. There are many other thoughts and activities that can cause you to feel good as well. You would have listed those on your feels good list from Module 1. The more focused time you fill your mind with what feels good, there is less time for low vibration feelings. This means you are allowing yourself to be at the frequency of your desires. When you think of something you want, I mean really want, it naturally feels good, it makes you feel the high vibration emotions of happiness, joy, excitement, love, peace. So when I say “increase your vibration to the frequency of your desires”, I mean maintaining the frequency of those high vibration emotions. It is like if you throw a ball up a hill and it lands on a ledge. The only way you can get it, is to go to that level. The throwing part was quick and easy, now you got to do some work to climb and get to that level. Same thing with attraction, you got to get to the level of frequency of the thing you want to attract.
A very effective way to maximize your time in a high vibration, and in fact train yourself to stay in a high vibration is to take some time in the morning, upon waking and at night before sleeping, to fill your mind with your dreams and desires and really, anything that causes you to feel good. In the morning, after sleep, you have an opportunity for a fresh start in terms of what you will think about, you are essentially in neutral and you get to pick which direction you will take your thoughts. A great option is to take some time and visit with your vision board, vision statements, and / or pictures. Read your affirmations and even write a few. Listen / watch something of inspiration or simply find an object to appreciate or write out a list of things you appreciate. After you have visited with these items, simply sit quietly in meditation for 5 to 20 minutes to allow yourself to feel your visions, and receive any guidance from your intuition about inspired actions to take. If you find thoughts that you don’t necessarily want come to mind, allow them to pass like clouds rolling by in the sky and just focus on your breathing to distract your mind back into peace. There are other methods to enable this distraction as well. Essentially anything that is neutral, has no associated negative meaning or not associated with anything negative, or cannot take you to a negative place is a great distraction tool to reach that quiet silence within.
This process can really cause your day to start moving in the direction of high vibration momentum and this will cause things to flow more easily in your day, moving you in the direction of your desires. As I mentioned earlier, 17 seconds focused on high vibration thoughts>feelings will cause momentum to start and lead to more. As you practice this, you will carry it further and further into your day. Like starting to learn anything, it may not seem like you are very proficient but with practice you will improve. This is learning to master your mind, which means to master your thinking and feelings. This leads to you taking charge of your life to experience the life you choose.
You will need to keep up your practice daily because the old negative thought patterns and beliefs won’t wait for long into your day to start inviting their low vibrations into your thinking and life. While you engage in high vibration thoughts, the idea is to keep it going to gather momentum and that makes it easier to stay there. That means there is an absence of negativity in your mind. The more you do it, the easier it will be and the further it will carry into your day. Identify with your passion felt desires, identify with the truth about who you are, identify with the laws that support your success, identify with a universe that put you here to live a happy and fulfilled life. These are the high vibration items that will get your day flowing easily.
At the end of the day, you can repeat the process from the morning. This is also very effective because after a day where you may have indulged in some negative vibrations and you are generally tired, you can refresh your emotional energy before you go to sleep and set yourself up for a more peaceful sleep and a positive start to the next day.
Through out the day, even if you take 60 second mind breaks to run through your visions, affirmations, or just go to a place in your mind that feels good. It will refresh your momentum, it will mean that your mind is attending to what you want rather than what you don’t.
The idea of meditation is to take your mind to a place where you can detach from everything in your life. A place you can feel no resistance to anything; that is, freedom of just being at one with the concept of an infinite field of energy, looking out over a field where anything is possible. Whatever you can imagine appears. You can make up whatever scenario resonates with you. You could see yourself walking through a portal and into a field where dreams sprout at your request or going into a den or sitting on a cloud; something that lets you detach, in your mind, from everything in your physical life. When you do this it will cause you to relax. It may even seem a little strange at first; this simply tells you how far you have been removed from your true nature; to be in the silence with the movie screen of your mind, to record the reality that we feel is in our heart. Our internal recording and broadcast studio is the most important place we can ever go. We are beings of energy; we are unlimited and unrestricted, living in a field of infinite possibilities. We are a powerful creative being with the complete support of nature. Imagination is home; it is reality, our physical world is merely a projection of our energy life and vibration. From within is where we record our desires and receive the guidance that helps us navigate to them, both intuition and emotions are our guidance systems.
In terms of really having the feeling of what you desire, I mentioned a tool in Week 15 that I believe is so powerful that I will mention it again here. To really uplift your feelings and put you in that imagined reality about your desires, visualize being interviewed where the interviewer asks you “how do you feel about …” What you may find is that it puts your imagination and intuitive senses in overdrive and can throw you into that experience, talking about it to the interviewer as though it already happened; that is very powerful, you might want to try it and see if it does something similar for you. Everything in this program, everything you have ever read, seen and heard about manifesting is all about getting to the feeling. Once you are in the feeling, you are giving direct instructions to your subconscious mind in the form of vibration and it will connect you with all things you desire that equal that vibration - manifestations. Remember feelings are the language of the subconscious mind.
Be very aware that imagination is not a toy, it is a serious tool we have been given for attracting the life we want; use it with care and caution, it can bring you what you don’t want just as quickly as what you do!
To quickly illustrate how imagination works in our life, let’s say you want to buy a car and you have a particular one that you really like. You can see yourself driving it, you can feel yourself sitting in it; all of the ingredients to attract it. But then there are those other images and thoughts and feelings like, “where is the money going to come from”, “what if I need that money for …”, “oh there is something more practical I should put my money into”, “I don’t really need that car”, and the list goes on. These types of thoughts obviously come from a faulty belief because the truth is we have access to unlimited abundance. The effect of each of these thoughts is to keep your vibration low by causing you to be disappointed about not getting the car. This results in you not getting on the same frequency that the feeling of having the car is on and consequently, the car does not show up in your life. Why? You allowed the faulty beliefs to rule your conscious mind and direct your vibration to a frequency different from the car. Where as on one hand you are saying you want a car, those limiting statements
are saying I don’t want the car. If you allow outside circumstances like your bank account or credit rating or something else to dictate the possibility of you getting that car, you likely won’t get it. Remember it is the job of the conscious mind to state what you want and stay in a high vibration, leaving the rest to the subconscious mind to figure it out. It has the resources of the entire universe to make it happen. Those resources are endless and infinite. Your conscious mind cannot even come close to comprehending the ways and means of the subconscious mind. The car could come as an inheritance, it could come from a salary increase, it could come as the result of a new relationship, it could come as a gift. There may not even be a money exchange, you just don’t know the ways it could come and if you use your conscious mind to figure it out, you are only causing a negative effect on your vibration which is preventing you from getting the thing you want. Figuring things out has the energy of ‘I don’t have’ and ‘I don’t trust’ and these energies will definitely not get you what you want. To further illustrate this concept of redirecting our attention and focus and thus experiencing what we don’t want, see the diagrams on my website at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1188 called “What causes what happens”.
Now you can see the tremendous importance of detaching from outside world happenings that do not support your desire or are of a low vibration in any way. If you get emotionally entangled with them, you are only causing yourself to focus on a low vibration which does not allow for the thing you want to be attracted into your life. That is a very high price to pay for indulging in those low vibration influences.