Did you ever hear the phrase God helps those who help themselves? This expression like others has its association in the world of energy. You could say it like this; vibration helps those who help themselves. And indeed it does as you have learned. You now know that formless energy is always ready to take the form we impress upon it, but you must help yourself by issuing the impression that will cause the result you want. The formless energy is there and waiting for your command, but it will not move without your command. The reality is that we are constantly issuing commands because virtually every conscious moment, we are in a feeling (the command), so the magic is to be aware of the commands we are issuing. Once we become conscious of the commands we are issuing, we realize that this formless energy will serve us in what ever ways we like as long as we are using it in accordance with the universal laws you have seen in this program.
As a means to gauge the change in yourself from when you started this program until now, you might want to have a quick look at your work from Week 1 where you stated what you don’t like, as a means to clarify what you do. How many of those don’t likes have disappeared or are fading or changed in some way or you simply realize that you don’t have to live with anymore. You are now empowered to cause what you do like to come into your life experience. See the diagram called “Life Change with Vibration” at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1170 to get a better idea of how your life changes with respect to the law of vibration.
You may not be a master of your mind yet but you have the knowledge on how to do so and you now know it is your duty to do so; not only for you but for the sake of all of humanity which you are part of. It is your duty to raise your vibration, follow your heart and influence others to do the same. To become the master of your mind, you must do the retraining that you have been exposed to in this program. Yes you are in training to learn about the natural faculties of your mind and how to effectively apply them. Each day you can ask yourself. Am I trained or untrained? A trained mind will give you peace with how you handle the things in your day and your life in general; an untrained mind will lack it.
As has been mentioned many times in this program, we have been given and accepted many beliefs about life and our self which are mostly fear based. Through lack of awareness, we allow these faulty beliefs to control our thinking and therefore our life. Think about that, our beliefs, which we did not knowingly accept, and are faulty, are controlling our life. That is a huge wake up call. You must absolutely break free of the fear based beliefs; they are like chains around your hands and feet. The only way to do this is through knowledge and study of the truth and then application of it until you master it. This is the importance of Week 19; it helps you to know where you are with your level of mind mastery, therefore, I highly suggest that you use it frequently until you are firmly planted in your new way of thinking and acting.
Exercise 1 of 2 – Knowing who you really are
Mind Mastery Area 1
Since knowing the truth is so vital to your success, below are 5 questions to help you connect with it. Once you can answer them as quickly, accurately, genuinely and easily as you can tell someone your name, it is a good sign that you know who you really are; the power you have and the support for your success. In this knowing, fear will dissolve and be replaced by faith, belief and confidence. This will allow you to express your true self and live the fulfilling life that you came here for, you will be taking charge of your life.
Who are you?
I am a powerful creative being with the ability to manifest anything I choose.
I have access to an unlimited supply (energy) from which I can manifest.
I have the faculties to command energy into form by choosing my vibration (feelings).
I have the full support of nature for my success.
What is your treasure?
It is my natural gifts and talents and my unique purpose to use them. I am unique and therefore the only one that can deliver what is in me, that is seeking expression through me.
What is your highest priority?
To express my gifts and talents in the service of others and to constantly reach for the best feeling I can find, I must chronically care about how I feel and not allow anyone or anything to take me to a low vibration.
What is your duty?
It is my duty to contribute to universal harmony. I do this by living in alignment with the attributes of my source self and purpose which inherently keeps me in a high vibration, and therefore in a life of fulfillment. It also enables me to contribute to others for their fulfillment. This results in everyone living in harmony which then causes universal harmony. This is a fundamental urge within universal intelligence.
How does the universe support you?
1) Supply and demand is a naturally occurring balance in the universe for order and harmony. Therefore, what I innately desire to express (supply) others want to receive (demand). 2) The universe brings to me what I desire using the law of vibration, and guides me to my desire using my emotional guidance system, and intuition.
To sum up this program, it is to get you to know who you really are. In that knowing, you will know why things are the way they are and what you can do to change any aspect of your life. You will know that your life was meant to unfold as easily and effortlessly as a flower; completely secure, certain and confident in a fulfilling life. It will allow you to ignore the negativity in the world and instead shine your light and cause there to be more light in the world. That is what will allow us all to live in love and peace. In fact you will come to realize that the negativity you see is only a reflection of your beliefs about reality. There is not one world, we each have our own world that tends to intersect with some others at certain points of common beliefs. In other words, we are not in the world, the world is in us. Any one that understands the laws, knows that the more people who shine their light, the better for them and for all to see that the world they are in is the one they choose. When we live in alignment with our source self, sickness and disease cannot exist, pain and dissatisfaction cannot exist. They can only exist in the presence of lower vibrations (from misalignment). Higher vibrations support a healthy body and a healthy life.
Let me leave you with this thought. Embrace this truth and you will embrace all of the beauty that this universe is and all that your life was meant to be.
No matter who I thought I was, no matter what anyone else has said about who I am, from now on when I think of me this is what I know. I am an extension of the loving, abundant, pure, whole, complete and creative intelligent energy of the universe, therefore, I am a loving, pure, whole, complete, abundant, creative and intelligent energy being. Because of my very nature I am powerful, beautiful, fabulous, wonderful, fit, healthy, and luminous. As an energy being I can set my energy frequency (vibration) to any level I choose. For this reason I can attract anything I choose into my life because the law of vibration is in place to cause like energy frequencies to draw to one another. I also have unique gifts and talents and a unique purpose to express them in terms of my personal fulfillment and to allow me to serve others in their fulfillment. My body and 5 senses are simply to allow me to experience what I cause to be attracted into my life. I have an emotional guidance system and an intuitive guidance system that help me to navigate to my desires. These systems enable me to maintain alignment with the attributes of my true and natural self. In terms of the physical part of my total self, I simply only need to express my gifts, talents and passions in the service of others, and act on inspiration to experience what I asked for.
Knowing this truth about who I am and my relationship to the universe, it allows me to be kind, loving, compassionate, supportive, helpful and accepting of myself and others. It allows me to have fun and be relaxed as I move through life, always growing, learning, and correcting as needed to achieve my innate dreams and desires and helping others to do the same. That’s who I am.
Exercise 2 of 2 – Awareness of what you are practicing
Mind Mastery Area 3
Here is a list of things that you have been asked to practice throughout the program. You can print it and put in a place where you can see it in the morning and in the evening. This will raise your awareness of what you want to practice and how effective you are at doing so.
Practice the following:
•Ending the day with appreciation and acknowledgement for who you really are
•Ending the day with appreciation for all that you have and all that you imagine
•Starting the morning with appreciation and quiet time to receive insights and inspirations
•Finding something that feels good regardless of what is going on in the physical world
•Having a list of things that felt really good when they happened so you can remember that feeling
•Having a list of things that feel really good to think about
•Using what you don’t like to clarify what you do then reaching for thoughts>feelings that equal it
•Seeing the good in absolutely everything
•Seeing what you want to see (with your conscious imagination) instead of what is
•Being grateful for every little and big thing
•Accepting all of your circumstances as what you manifested with your vibration
•Being grateful for all situations and people for showing you your vibration
•Realizing that when you stop responding to something you don’t like, it will change
•Showing appreciation for all that you have and all that you know is manifesting
•Knowing and trusting the universal laws
•Knowing the truth about you and about abundance
•Giving to others and yourself
•Expressing and letting others know the good things you feel about them - regularly
•Bringing out the best in people
•Seeing the good in people even when their behavior is unpleasant
•Doing your best at everything you do
•Telling your story
•Following your heart
•Visualizing, writing down your world
•Ignoring, pretending, fake it to make, act as though you are
•Listening to your intuition
•Making your highest priority about how you feel
•Making everything OK, alright because it is simply a manifestation, anything can change
•Using your feelings as a guidance system
•Using negative feelings to tell you that you need to shift thinking into alignment with source and desires
•Using positive feelings to confirm you are in alignment with source and desires
•Chilling out, not taking yourself seriously or life for that matter
•Acceptance of things the way they are which frees up your focus to be on what you want
•Defenselessness – allow everyone to have their point of view and to be different than yours
•Non judgment
•High vibration words
•Seeing people as becoming
•Talk about people as becoming
•Letting people know you care
•Influencing people to look for what they want in what they don’t want and raising to that vibration
•Taking yourself out of low vibration conversations and anything that takes you to a low vibration
•Communicating how you feel
•Communicating needs
•Meditation or some quite time of distraction from negative feeling thoughts
•Expressing your self, expressing what you feel
•Being thankful and taking responsibility for the vibrational messages others bring to you with their words and behaviors, no matter what they are
•Using the negative messages you receive from others and circumstances only to shift your vibration
•Taking responsibility for a high vibration response no matter how others treat you
•Rants that have no resistance, generally are easy to feel good about
•Understanding that others only bring to you what you vibrationally ask for
•Self love, acceptance, worth, value, esteem, image
•Self care for the dual purpose of self fulfillment and service to others
•Understanding others point of view
•Talking, thinking, feeling, acting in alignment with source
•Release resistance - turn away, walk away, drive away from all negativity and fill your mind with what feels good
•Acting on inspiration
1)How do we typically learn to use our conscious mind versus the way that nature intended for us to use it?
2)When the quality of your life changes whether up or down, what had to have changed first? And who changed it?
3)What is the process to become the master of your mind? How do you know when you are the master of your mind?
4)What happens when you pay attention to negativity? What must you do about it and why?
5)Why don’t you need to think about how your vision will come to you? In fact why do you need to stay away from thinking about how your vision will come to you?
6)How is it that energy helps those who help themselves?
7)What can you say about the relationship between the rate of change in your dominant vibration compared to the rate of change in your life? Why is it important to understand this relationship?
8)Why do you have a duty to raise your vibration?
9)What is the difference in our life when we have a trained mind versus an untrained mind?
10)What is the key to overcoming fear? Why do you need this key to take charge of your life?
11)What are two base elements that will bring your dreams and desires to you?
12)Why is it easy to love others once you operate from the laws that govern the universe?
13)What does it tell you when you remain calm and at peace versus reacting with negative feelings upon encountering an unpleasant or unwanted situation?
14)How can our life be compared to a flower?
15)What is the truth about you?
ARE YOU TRAINED, a master of your mind and life or UNTRAINED, still practicing to be the master of your mind and life. You will always know by the satisfaction level in the various areas of your life. When your physical life is not equal to what you want (your vibrational life), that is because the dominant vibration in your conscious mind is not at the level of what you desire. This is where you use your tool box to boost your vibration. When your life is flowing as you like then you know that your conscious mind vibration is a match to what you want.
Be sure to use your monitors when things are not going your way to determine where you need more practice in the 4 areas of mind mastery. Then use your tool box of exercises and material by mind mastery area (or back of the book reference of exercises and material for each mind mastery area) to get this practice. This will tune your vibration back into alignment with source and with your desires. Once you do that, things will start to manifest as you want. You now have everything you need to take charge of your life and make it as you want it to be. Your life satisfaction is now in your hands.
My Website Articles Referenced
The Missing Pieces
The Truth of Abundance
Patience – The Road to Your Dreams
Fear versus Faith
Why Everything is OK
Using Your Emotional Guidance System
The Road To Your Dreams
50 plus ways to maintain a high vibration when everything around you is not
Retraining your vibration
Vibration Indicator Article
Law of Vibration and Attraction Cycle
My Website Diagrams Referenced (by diagram)
Diagram Description / Website location
Book Section
Action and Attraction http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1105
Week 18 - Taking Action to Receive Your Desires
Choosing Our Life Circumstances http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1424
Week 10 – The High Vibration of Living in the Present Moment
Choosing Our Life http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=902
Week 17 – Nurturing Your Desires
Effect of Emotions http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1531
Higher Vibrations Program Introduction
Emotional Guidance System Program Article
Life Cycle http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=792
Higher Vibrations Program Introduction
Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 34