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Broken Hill Havoc: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 5)

Page 13

by Sheridan Anne

  I need to be touched and what’s more, I need my hands on him.

  He moves his lips down to my neck and I reach for his shirt, needing to feel his warm skin pressed against mine. Nate catches my hands and shakes his head. “This is about you, babe.”

  I look into his inviting eyes. “I need to feel you against me.”

  Love shines out through his eyes as he takes in my words and not a second later, he’s helping me remove his shirt over his head. My hand comes down on his strong back, roaming over the tight ridges of muscle. Up over his wide shoulder and down the dip of his spine to his narrow, enticing waist.

  He’s simply perfect.

  Nate pushes himself back until he’s sitting between my legs, looking down at my naked body. His eyes roam over me just as his hands do, tracing patterns over my skin and leaving a trail of goosebumps behind.

  I close my eyes in pure satisfaction as his finger trails over my breast and across my nipple, leaving me desperately wishing he’d suck it into his mouth and do that thing with his tongue that he knows I love.

  His finger continues down between my breasts and he trails it down my stomach, making me gasp at the light touch. But when he moves across my hip, I become a squirming mess, needing him to touch me and relieve the ache that’s been constantly building since the second he touched me. “Nate,” I beg.

  “Patience,” he whispers into the dimly lit room.

  His eyes are heated with desire and I realize taking this slow is killing him but it’s so damn good. I don’t know if I want him to continue slowly torturing the pleasure from my body or to dive in and screw me within an inch of my life. Either one is very welcome right now. I also wouldn’t mind if this torture went on, and on, and on until my dying days.

  Nate’s finger moves from my hip and finds my center. He slips it between my folds and smiles down at me, finding me more than ready for whatever he’s planning on giving me.

  He presses against my clit and I gasp as he starts to move. His other hand comes up and cups my breast before finding my nipple between his fingers and giving it a firm squeeze. I gasp and arch my body up, wanting him to do it again. No, needing him to do it again.

  Nate gives me what I want, but this time, buries two large fingers deep within me, working me from top to bottom.

  Holy hell.

  He licks his lips as he watches my body’s reaction, and I swear, I’ve never seen anything so erotic. Not until he adjusts himself between my legs so he’s laying down with his head right there.

  I can’t look away. Not from the heat in his eyes and certainly not from the way his lips come down on me.

  How the hell does he do this?

  One hand on my breast, squeezing and shooting pleasure right through my body, another hand between my legs with his fingers slowly pushing in and out, rubbing and massaging against every wall I have, and his tongue. Oh, dear god, his tongue running over my clit as though he’s never going to have my body again.

  Pure ecstasy.

  But nothing, nothing, is better than watching the heated desire within his eyes combined with the way he’s working my body.

  I haven’t even come yet and I’m ready to reward him with a medal or two. No. He deserves more than that. An island? A jet? No, that still doesn’t seem enough. I’ll settle for just giving him me. Every ounce of my pleasure is all his. Whatever he wants, it’s his.

  My body begins to shudder beneath him and I curl my fingers into his hair, letting him know I’m close, but I don’t need to, he knows my body. With one more trace of his tongue over that sensitive bundle of nerves, I scream out his name.

  I feel his smile against me but he doesn’t stop there. He lets me ride out my orgasm until I’m completely out of breath.

  And just when I think it’s all over, he starts the process again, but this time, I can’t resist his body. After all, my man deserves to be rewarded for his hard work.

  Nate ducks back down to my lady bits and I sit up, stopping him from entering the promised land. I put my fingers under his chin and lift. He comes up before me with a question in his eyes, wondering what it is that I need, but when I press my hand into his chest and push him onto the bed, it becomes startlingly clear.

  “You had your fun,” I tell him, licking my lips. “Now, it’s my turn.”

  Three orgasms and an hour later, we crash down to the bed, both of us completely and utterly exhausted. “Shit,” he gasps, grabbing me around the waist and pulling me into his side.

  My head comes down on his chest and I hear the heavy thump of his racing heart. “Wow.”

  “Yeah,” Nate agrees, twining his arm around my body until he has a firm grip on my ass. He gives it a good squeeze. “How’s that headache now?”

  I grin up at him. “What headache?”

  He laughs and I rub a hand over my eyes. I should really have a shower, but Nate hasn’t left me a shred of energy to move, not after all that. I mean he rocked my body in ways that I’ve never even imagined before.

  A yawn rips from my body and I snuggle in tighter. “Go to sleep, babe,” he murmurs. “You’ve had a big day.”


  “No. You can catch up on your studying over the weekend. For now, sleep.”

  I let out a sigh. I don’t know how he does it, but one second, I’m ready to fight him tooth and nail, and the next, my eyes are closing as I drift into the most peaceful sleep I’ve had all week.

  Chapter 14

  I pull up at Jackson’s place and look up at the big house with a cringe. This is classified as one of the many football houses that the team rents from the college. Parties are held here nearly every week and I, to be honest, I am a little terrified of what could be found inside this house. I mean, the floors would be sticky with spilled alcohol, there would be DNA splashed over every available surface, and depending on what kind of guys there are on the team, there’s probably the occasional drug here and there.

  I mean, you wouldn’t want to walk into this place with a blue light.

  A shiver runs through me just thinking about it.

  It’s a Sunday afternoon so I’m pretty confident that everyone who was partying here last night should be gone. Jackson is an early riser after a big party, especially when he has a hangover so I don’t doubt he’ll be up. I can’t guarantee what kind of state he’ll be in though.

  But then, I guess it doesn’t matter. After all, I’m not here to see him.

  I get out of my car and make my way up to the big house, hoping I’m not about to walk into an orgy. You know, you can never be too prepared for what you could see in a place like this. Though, I guess it would be worse in a frat house. At least the football team has something to lose if they get caught doing stupid shit.

  I don’t bother knocking, knowing that no matter how long I stand here, nobody is going to bother coming to open the door.

  I push my way through and the room opens up into the living area where the sounds of grunts and laughs echo throughout the house. I walk forward and lean on the back of the couch, watching the screen as Jackson absolutely gets annihilated by Jesse on the PlayStation.

  I curl my arm around Jesse as he continues watching the screen, not prepared to take his eyes off it for even one second. “I thought you’d be here,” I tell him, pulling him into me and giving him a tight squeeze.

  My hair falls down in front of his face and he ducks down, trying to see around it as Jackson laughs. “How’d you know I was here?” Jesse grunts, getting Jackson back for whatever it is he did to him.

  “Because you’re always here now,” I laugh, releasing him so he can play his game properly. “I swear, ever since that whole baby project thing, you two have started a little bromance.”

  “Have not,” Jackson grunts in denial.

  “Yeah, you have,” Kaylah scoffs from the other side of the room. I look up and give her a beaming smile, feeling a tad guilty. I didn’t even realize she was here.

  Jesse rolls his eyes. “So, what if
we have?” he questions. “You jealous you’re not my BFF anymore?”

  I grin down at the little turd, knowing he’s only saying that to get under my skin after I kicked him out of my place the other day. “I’m so not jealous about this,” I laugh, waving my hand between the two. “More like relieved, you two can annoy each other rather than annoying me. It’s perfect. Besides, I think it’s sweet that you guys put aside your differences to wipe each other’s asses now.”

  Jesse hits pause on the game and the boys give each other a sideways glance.

  My stomach drops. You’d think I would have learned not to tease these boys by now. Teasing them individually is risky, but teasing them as a team… I’m fucked.

  I go to make a run for it, but Jesse is too quick. His arm snaps out and before I know it, he’s hauling me over the side of the couch.

  I squeal out but their laughs completely drown out my cry for help. I search out Kaylah to watch her sitting back with a wicked grin. “Do you know how good this is that it’s you and not me for a change?”

  I can imagine, but I don’t have a chance to tell her as Jesse’s fat ass squishes down on me. Jackson gets comfortable too and I find myself used as a seat with Jesse sitting on my back and Jackson sitting on my legs, completely holding me down with their big bodies as they laugh and chuckle between themselves. “Let me go,” I demand with my face squished into the couch that is probably covered in all sorts of shit.

  Jesse grunts. “Do you hear something?”

  Jackson pretends to listen out as I call them every disgraceful name under the sun. “Not me. I don’t hear a thing,” he says as they pick up their PlayStation remotes and continue their game.

  “You big, fat, turds. Let me up.”

  “You know,” Jesse muses. “I’ve been holding on to this massive fart all afternoon, and I think it’s about time I let it free.”

  My eyes widen in pure panic. “I swear to God, Jess, if you fart on me right now, I’m going to punch you in the balls.”

  “You’d have to catch me first.”

  I start wriggling around and squirming, desperately trying to get myself free. I kick the part of my legs that can actually move and manage to hit Jackson in the arm. “Let me go. Let me go. Let me go,” I start repeating it over and over again until the boys move, purely for the fact that I’m being too annoying for their hangovers.

  “What the hell is all this noise?” a familiar voice asks, walking down the stairs.

  I look over the back of the couch to find Lukas walking down with Brooke right behind him, their hands held between them. My eyebrows pull down when I remember that at least five of the guys from the team live here. I shouldn’t be so surprised to see him.

  Lukas' eyes lock on mine and a smirk instantly lifts his lips. Jesse tenses beside me and I latch onto his forearm, holding him in place. ”Cool your jets,” I murmur for only him to hear.

  He grunts beside me and I watch as Brooke blatantly ignores me and walks to the front door. Lukas kisses her and sends her on her way before walking back in and heading to the kitchen. “Wow,” I grunt to the boys. “Funny how just one person can just suck all the fun out of a room.”

  Jesse laughs as Jackson remains quiet. I know Jackson thinks the guy is a douche and seriously wants to beat the shit out of him for what he did to me, but he’s also on a team with the guy and is doing his best to be Switzerland.

  I let out a sigh and collapse back into the couch, this time actually sitting on it and not being used as Jesse’s play toy. I listen to the sound of Brooke’s car taking off out the front and roll my eyes. How could I have missed that her car was out the front?

  “She’ll come around,” Jesse tells me, throwing his arm over my shoulder and pulling me into his side as I make myself busy sulking.

  “I know. It’s just taking longer than I thought,” I whine. I let out another sigh. “I better get going. I told Nate I’d be home when he gets back. You guys want to come?”

  Jesse scoffs. “And watch you and Nate fucking on the couch? No thank you.”

  I shrug my shoulder as I push up off the couch. “Your loss,” I tell him.

  I walk out the door and get myself back home just in time to see Nate’s Mustang pulling up behind me. “Where have you been?” he asks, meeting me on the path and walking with me towards the house.

  “Reminding you brother that he’s still my favorite little guy.”

  “Is he all good?” he questions.

  “He held me down and threatened to fart on me.”

  Nate laughs as he opens the door for me. “He’s good.”

  “Yeah, I’d say so,” I agree.

  “Is he coming over?”

  “No,” I laugh. “He doesn’t want to watch us screwing on the couch.”

  “His loss,” Nate grins. “I was going to screw you on the counter.”

  I roll my eyes as I walk I through the house, quickly realizing that Brooke isn’t here, though I have no idea where she would have gone. Home to visit her mom, perhaps? “Have you eaten?” I ask Nate as I open the fridge and start looking around.

  “Depends,” he says, coming up behind me and taking my hips. “Are you going to cook for me?”

  I turn in his arms. “If you were hoping for the perfect little housewife to cook and clean up after you all the time, you’ve picked the wrong girl,” I tell him. “But, if you ask nicely, I’ll cook for you. I can’t guarantee it will be any good though.”

  He lets out a sigh as he watches me with sparkling eyes. “How about I cook?”

  “That sounds like a smart plan.”

  He laughs and moves me out of the fridge before diving in and pulling out ingredients that I didn’t even know we had. “Where’d all this shit come from?” I question, sitting down on the stool to watch him work.

  “I bought them.”

  “You mean, you brought them from your mom’s house?”

  “No,” he grins. “I bought them from the store.”

  My eyes widen in surprise. “Nate Ryder went to the store himself? No. Not possible. Tell me, did you push your little shopping cart around and chat amongst the stay at home moms? I bet they would have had some great recipes to share.”

  “Shut up,” he laughs before pulling out some pots and pans and getting started on whatever the hell he’s cooking. He fills up a pot with water and puts it on to boil. “Are you just going to sit there and watch or are you going to help?” he questions, looking over his shoulder to peer at me.

  “You said you’d cook.”

  “I say a lot of things,” he laughs. “Now, get that sweet ass over here and start stirring.”

  I roll my eyes and get over there before he decides to take it into his own hands. We work side by side, teasing each other the whole way through, reminding me over and over again just how damn happy I am. You know, even though other things seem to be screwed up for me right now, I’ll always have Nate right by my side, constantly pushing me to be the best possible version of myself.

  We dish up some food and I make sure to make an extra for Brooke when she comes home later, just in case she’s hungry.

  Nate leads me over to the table and we sit down to eat. “Did you get your studying done this morning?” Nate questions as he fills me a glass of water.

  “Sure did,” I tell him.

  “Really?” he says, raising a suspicious eyebrow at me. “You had shitloads to get through.”

  “I know,” I laugh. “I kind of gave up after the first few hours. I can do the rest tomorrow.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah,” I smile. “I’d rather spend the rest of the day with you. After all, I wouldn’t want anyone to accuse me of forgetting to live my life.”

  Nate rolls his eyes. “I’m just trying to look out for your best interests.”

  “I know, and I love you for it.”

  “Speaking of your best interests,” he says, making me look up at him suspiciously. “Have you seen Josh?”

  I shak
e my head. “No, and I don’t want to.”

  Nate takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly. “I feel fucking helpless,” he tells me. “You’re on campus every day, from sunrise to sunset, and I’m at work. He could get to you at any time and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.”

  “Relax,” I tell him. “He’s known I’ve been here for a while now. If he was going to do something, don’t you think he would have tried already?”

  “No,” he grunts. “He knows we’re on edge. He’ll wait until we think it’s blown over and then he’ll come at you.”

  “I don’t think he has the brains for that.”

  “Trust me,” Nate says. “While he’s the biggest fucking moron either of us has ever met, he knows he can’t get at you. He’s tried over and over again and failed every time. To him, this is his last shot and he’s going to be smart about it.”

  “I think you’re overthinking this.”

  “I’d rather overthink it than not think about it at all.”

  “Good point.”

  Nate lets out a heavy sigh as he watches me. “Just… play it safe ok?” he begs. “I’ll keep dropping you off as much as possible, but if I can’t be there, find Jackson and make him walk you to class. Don’t be on your own. Have lunch away from campus. Study at home, not in the library.”

  I cut him off before he can keep going. “If I do all that would it make you feel better about it?”

  “No,” he says. “I’m not going to feel better until the fucker has been sent packing. I don’t want him anywhere near you, and this is where you want to be so it’s up to him to leave.”

  “Couldn’t I just get a restraining order?”

  “You could,” he says. “But do you honestly think a bastard like Josh is going to respect that?”

  “No,” I sigh.

  “So, we have a plan?” he questions.

  “Yeah, but I’m not going to last being a hermit for too long.”

  “Don’t worry about that,” he tells me. “I’ll sort it out. Have I ever let you down before?”

  I raise my eyebrows and smirk. “Well… there was that one time you broke up with me, and that time you shattered me after taking my virginity, and then, of course, the time when-”


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