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Broken Hill Havoc: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 5)

Page 14

by Sheridan Anne

  “Alright,” he rushes in. “You don’t need to list all the times I’ve fucked up. And for the record, I didn’t know you were a virgin.”

  I shrug my shoulders and smile innocently. “I’m just trying to keep you well informed.”

  “Trust me, I’m well informed of everything I’ve ever done to hurt you. I don’t need the reminder. I already feel like shit about it.”

  “Well then,” I smile, leaning across the table and kissing him. “Think of all the lovey-dovey, gooey shit you could do to make it up to me.”

  “Fuck me,” he groans. “This is going to be a long ass night.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “You bet it is.”

  Nate rolls his eyes and wisely changes the topic. “You want to hear something I heard today?”

  I shake my head and look at him in mock horror. “You’re not indulging in childish gossip, are you?”

  “Hell yeah, this shit is juicy.”

  “Fine, tell me,” I laugh.

  “Nah, I don’t think I will now.”

  “Nate,” I yell.

  He laughs and I melt at the smile that brightens his dark features. “After the races were raided last week, it’s officially been closed down. Out of business for good.”

  “What?” I gasp, wide-eyed, unable to believe him. “Are you serious?”

  “Yep,” he says, proudly. “It’s illegal. You know that, right?”

  “Well, yeah, but… wait. Why do you seem so happy about it?”

  He grins and pauses as though he’s trying to build some kind of suspense, but all it does is annoy me. I want an answer and the more he holds it back from me, the more I want to throat punch him. “Well, Maxen and I were talking and he’s planning on starting a new one on his property.”

  “That’s ridiculous,” I grunt. “He’ll get caught.”

  “How?” Nate questions. “I mean, yeah, it’s a risk, but his parents hardly ever go there and when they do, they only stay in the main house, never out the back on the actual property.”

  “I thought his parents lived there.”

  "No,” Nate explains. "They live around the corner from my parents. The property is more of a place for Maxen to fuck around. They bought it when Max got into dirt bikes as a kid and wanted to avoid him riding on the road. We used to do such stupid shit on that property.”

  “I can imagine, but I still don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “I know,” he tells me. “Max knows the risks and he’s still keen to go ahead with it. Who knows? It could be a pretty awesome track. He has the money to make something good of it.”

  “Aaron’s wasn’t?” I question.

  “It was alright. It served its purpose, but it could have been better.”

  “And Maxen’s going to make it better?”

  “Much better.”

  I roll my eyes as a vision of Maxen being carted off in handcuffs rolls through my mind. I mean, at least it would give the guy something to do. He didn’t want to do the whole college thing and he still hasn’t sorted out what to do with his life. He’s been helping Nate at the shop when he needs it but Max needs something to give himself to. Maybe this would be that.

  He could make a legitimate business out of it. Well, mostly legitimate, you know, apart from the whole ‘illegal’ aspect of it. He could charge entry and sell shit. It wouldn’t last forever. He’ll be caught sooner or later, but until he does, he could build something great.

  “He’s going to end up in jail,” I tell Nate as a warning, knowing no matter what my thoughts are on it, Maxen is going to go ahead and do it anyway.

  “Nah, not Maxen,” he tells me. “That bastard is too damn sneaky. You’ll see, he’ll be a fucking star.”

  All I can do is roll my eyes as I raise my fork to my mouth and take another bite.

  Chapter 15

  I sit on my bed which is covered top to bottom in books while I giggle away like a love-sick puppy, chatting to Nate on the phone. I don’t know how he does it, but he somehow manages to pull these emotions from my body that I didn’t even know existed.

  My bedroom door is barged in and I jump at the sudden intrusion. “What the hell?” I gasp as I stare at Brooke in my doorway. It takes me a moment to notice the tears streaked down her face and I let out a heartbroken sigh. "Shit.”

  “What?” Nate demands through the phone.

  I drop the phone on my bed, not bothering to hang up as I race across my room and pull Brooke into my arms. “What happened?” I ask, holding her tight.

  The sobs take over and she struggles to get the words out. I lead her back to my bed and remember my phone. I grab it and shove it between my ear and shoulder. "Hey,” I say to Nate. “I got to go.”

  “What happened?” he snaps, needing answers, most likely thinking the worst.

  “I’m not sure,” I say as I watch Brooke. “But I’d assume she just figured out that Lukas is a piece of shit.”

  Brooke nods and I take her hand. "Shit,” Nate sighs. “Do you want me to come around.”

  “No,” I laugh. "That’s probably the last thing she needs, but when you come home later, make sure to bring some Ben & Jerry’s, preferably the chocolate kind.”

  I can practically hear his eyes rolling. "Alright, message me if you need me.”

  “K, love you,” I say before ending the call.

  I drop the phone down in my lap and pull Brooke down on my bed before snuggling into the warm blankets. “What happened?”

  She wipes her eyes on the back of her hand, smudging mascara all over her face, reminding me that I should probably go and buy her a waterproof one, but then, this is going to be the last time she cries over a douchebag boy. “I went over to his place to surprise him,” she starts.

  “Oh no,” I sigh. I mean, surprising a lowlife is never a good plan.

  I latch onto her hands and hold tight while she tries to compose herself for the rest of her story. “He was with someone else. Like, not just had some girl over, I walked in to see him giving it to her in a big fucking way. I mean, she was bent over, propping herself up against the wall while he slammed into her from behind. He even had her hair wrapped around his hand, forcing her head back like they do in those BDSM pornos.”

  “Ok, that’s way too many details,” I tell her, cringing at the mental image circling my mind. “And for the record, I can’t say that I know anything about BDSM pornos. I’ve never watched one.”

  She wipes her eyes. “You have to. They’re super kinky.”

  “Hard pass.”

  Brooke just lays there watching me with a heart-breaking pout across her face. “I’m sorry,” she finally says. “I thought… I don’t know. I thought there was something special there. I really felt it.”

  “It’s ok,” I tell her.

  “It’s not ok. You warned me and I should have believed you. I should have trusted you. You’re my best friend and instead of acting like a friend, I tore you down.”

  “Brooke,” I say, stopping her as I wipe a tear from her face, hoping my pillows aren’t getting too wet. “It’s ok. I get it. You’re looking for something special and you want it so bad that you forced yourself to feel something incredible, it was just with the wrong guy. Besides, you warned me about Nate in the beginning, so it was only fair.”

  “Yeah, but Nate turned out to be a good guy.”

  “Well,” I shrug. “We can’t all be right.”

  Her bottom lip pouts out again. “I thought he really meant it. I thought I was falling for him.”

  “I know,” I say, trying to soothe her. “That’s what these guys do. They draw you in and wait until you fall. It’s part of their sick game. They don’t give a shit that your heart gets broken for their entertainment.”

  Her eyes flick away from mine and it’s almost as though she looks ashamed of herself, but she’s doing a good job of covering the emotion. “So, he really tried to get you in bed the other week?”

  “Yeah,” I sigh. “He was hoping for a thr

  “Ugh,” she groans. “I love you, but I don’t love you enough to screw you.”

  “Ditto,” I laugh.

  “I’m sorry,” she sighs, repeating herself. “Do you know how hard it was to try and hate you when you kept doing things to make me love you?”

  I grin, knowing exactly what she’s talking about. “You noticed that, did you?”

  “You’re not supposed to make dinner for the person who’s been a bitch to you for the past few weeks, you know? I’ll have to teach you how to hold a grudge.”

  “Nate actually cooked that,” I laugh. “But I can’t help it. You’re my best friend and whether you think I was lying to you or not, I couldn’t bring myself to be mean. You know, except for that one time, but you deserved it. “

  “I know, I just wanted to hate you. I thought you were trying to take him away, and then you were kissing him.”

  “Trust me, I wasn’t kissing him. He was assaulting my face and it was disgusting. I mean, that guy does not know how to kiss a girl.”

  “No,” she laughs. “I was trying to train him. He was getting better.”

  “You weren’t training hard enough,” I laugh. “Why don’t you let me pick the next guy?”

  “Deal,” she laughs. “But I don’t want a pansy who thinks roses and chocolates are the way to a girl’s heart.”

  “Aren’t they?”

  “Not this girl,” she declares.

  “That’s right,” I grin. “You prefer a guy who’s going to throw you down and treat you like shit.”

  “No, I prefer a guy who’s going to throw me against a wall and screw me until my eyes are rolling back, but treat me like a queen outside the bedroom.”

  “Sorry,” I laugh. “Nate’s taken.”

  “Damn, and he can cook too.”

  “Imagine all the other things he can do,” I tell her suggestively before throwing the blanket back and declaring she’s mostly ok. I drag her out of bed and walk down to the living room. “Come on,” I tell her. “I’ll watch ‘The Walking Dead’ with you and pretend it’s my favorite show.”

  Her eyes widen in excitement. “Really?”

  “Yeah, it’s not like I’ve got anything better to do.”

  She stops in the middle of the living room and squeezes my hand. “Thank you,” she says. “Without you, I’d probably be a sobbing mess in my old dorm room.”

  I wink and grin. “And don’t you forget it. Now, do you want to set up the TV or get the popcorn.”

  “Popcorn,” she declares with a knowing grin as she has a theory that I always burn it, which in my opinion is bullshit. I cook popcorn to perfection.

  Brooke sashays off to the kitchen and I grab a blanket from the cupboard, not doubting for a second that we’ll be needing it. As I walk over to grab the remote, a knock sounds on our door.

  I put on my bitch face, assuming it’s Lukas coming to grovel and prepare myself to tell the fucker to get lost. I walk over, feeling proud and ready, making sure to put on my best ‘you’re a loser’ smirk. I reach the handle and rip the door open, only to grunt in confusion at the person on the other side.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I question, looking at Maxen who leans forward onto the doorframe with a cringe on his face.

  “I… uh. Shit.” he sighs. “Can I see her?”

  “What? No.” I blink. “Why?”

  “I was with Nate when you guys were talking. I just want to check she’s alright.”

  I study him for a moment when I notice his cracked and bruised knuckles. Realization hits me like a freight train. Maxen was the one who jumped Lukas.

  He notices what’s caught my attention and a silent message passes between us. “I can’t guarantee that she’ll be happy to see you.”

  “That’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

  “Alright,” I breath. “It’s your funeral.”

  I open the door wider and allow him to pass with a cringe of my own, hoping this is going to be better for Brooke than worse, but I seriously doubt it. Seeing the guy who originally hurt her is probably just going to piss her off and I’m going to be the one to get the blame. Great. At least she loves me again. If I did this yesterday, she would have bitten my head off. Hell, she’ll probably bite my head off now.

  I close the door behind us and walk with Max towards the kitchen. Brooke has her back to us and when she hears the door closing, she calls out over her shoulder, “Who was it?”

  Maxen clears his throat as his eyes nervously flick towards me, making me wonder if he’s having second thoughts. I wave him forward like I said, it’s his funeral. “Hey, Brooke,” he murmurs, cautiously.

  Brooke spins around with her mouth hanging open. She looks between me and Max for a slight moment before focusing on him, making me wonder what the hell is going through her mind. She doesn’t say anything, but her bottom lip pouts out ever so slightly as her eyes fill with tears.

  A determination sets itself behind her eyes and I watch with an intense curiosity. She puffs out her chest and stands taller.

  Oh no. This isn’t good.

  I should warn him to run… or maybe I shouldn’t.

  I wish she was done with the popcorn already, I could really use it right now.

  Just when I think she’s about to let him have it, she breaks. The tears spring free and the determination is ripped away, replaced with nothing but pain. Max watches for a second before rushing in. He wraps her in his arms and I expect Brooke to push him away, only she doesn’t, she curls into him as though his touch is giving her life.

  What the fuck is happening right now?

  “Come on,” Max murmurs. He scoops her up and walks down to her room before I hear the familiar sound of them crashing down onto her bed..

  All I can do is stare after them as I try to work out what’s going on.

  I mean, the way she looked at him and the way she talks about him doesn’t match up. She’s always telling me what a rat bastard he is and how he tore her to shreds, but just now, she looked at him as though he was the sun in the sky. Not to mention, the whole sleeping with each other thing over summer.

  I shake my head to myself. Brooke and I are going to have to talk about this.

  I turn back to the living room and look at the TV with a cringe before sighing. If I’m not spending the night watching people trying to kill each other, and Nate’s not home, I might as well work on a little extra credit for my stupid history professor.

  I lock up the house, not knowing if anyone will be emerging from any bedrooms for the rest of the night and make my way down to my room. As I pass Brooke’s bedroom, I can’t help but take a quick glance. I know I shouldn’t, but what can I say? I’m human and to be curious is only natural.

  For the quick second that I’m walking past, I take in Brooke and Max, wrapped in each other’s arms. Brooke silently cries into his chest as he runs his fingers through her hair.

  I do a double take.

  Then a third.

  This is not the Maxen from high school. The guy I used to know would be taking advantage of her vulnerability and trying to get between her legs, but this, what I’m seeing is pure. It’s one person trying to help another through pain and torment.

  I don’t know what to make of it. I want to hate it, knowing it couldn’t be good for her heart, but on the other hand, I want to let it happen as she clearly needs this moment to heal. Hell, maybe this is what she needs to help her finally move on.

  I try my best to ignore it and make my way down to my room. I leave the door open in case she comes to her senses and needs me to shoo him away and I get back into my work, but the murmurs of voices through the wall steals my attention.

  Crap. I do not need to be hearing this conversation. It’s clearly private between the two.

  I do what I can not to listen in. I focus on my work and shove my head right into the book but their voices are literally the only sound in the whole house with paper thin walls and no closed doors betwee
n us. I have no choice but to hear it.

  “I could fucking kill him,” Maxen’s low voice travels through the house.

  “Don’t,” she replies. “I… just, why? Why are you even here?”

  “How could I not?” he questions. “I was at Nate’s shop and I kind of overheard what happened. I don’t know what possessed me to get in the car and come to you, but before I even knew what was happening, I was at the front door about to bowl Tora out of the fucking way.”

  “She’s a bitch for letting you pass.”

  “Yeah, well, take that up with her.”

  There’s silence for a moment and I wonder if I should start searching all my drawers and cupboards for my iPod and headphones which I haven’t used in forever. Actually, they could very well still be in my old bedroom at home.

  “Max,” Brooke sighs. “What’s going on?”

  Max doesn’t respond for a while and I wonder if he’s shutting down, refusing to give her any answers, or maybe he’s reverted back to his old ways and has her held down with his tongue down her throat making it impossible to call for help.

  No. Brooke is strong, even when she’s hurting, she’d still be able to beat his ass. That woman can certainly handle herself.

  I’m about to get up and close my door when his low murmurs come through the wall, making me feel like an absolute bitch for listening. I mean, I should be punished. Surely this is some sort of crime, right? No matter how innocent it started out.

  “I can’t get past what I did to you,” he finally tells her.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I treated you like shit when we were together. You were the best thing that ever happened to me and I took it for granted. I hurt you in a big way and I’ll never forgive myself for it.”

  “I… I’m confused. Why are you telling me this now? It’s nearly been a year.”

  “Honestly, I wasn’t planning on telling you at all,” he says. “I just wanted to move on and let you go, but then summer happened.”

  “Summer?” she questions with a strange tone in her voice. “You don’t mean?”


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