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The Alpha's Assassin

Page 1

by Rain Itika

  The Alpha's Assassin

  Copyright © 2020 by Englishdoggy. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of Jacques Rossouw or the terms relayed to you herein.

  Englishdoggy, Cape Town, Western Cape, 7441, South Africa

  Table of Contents

  The Alpha's Assassin

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30



  The moon sparkled against the clear night sky, not a cloud in sight. The glow from the moon illuminated the building much better as it stood in the middle of the forest, surrounded by nature. The contrast was distinct, life against modern.

  Lara couldn't help but admire it. Three stories of architectural wonder. She doesn't know anything about that, but what she did know is that the person who designed it spend hours planning so that each line flows into the next, as if it was grown that way.

  "Maybe one day..." Lara whispered to herself. She started to daydream about what her future could look in a place like this when the light on the top floor suddenly went on.

  "Bingo." Her eyes lit up with excitement as she moved like a lion about to kill its prey, edging closer to the building. The leaves below her feet ruffled slightly like it was just the wind blowing it around and not a person walking on them.

  Thank you, ballet, she thought to herself. If it wasn't for those lessons, the noise might have alerted her newest assignment that she was just outside, plotting his death. His name is Roland Catch, a millionaire who uses child labor to make his money. The worst of the worst. Killing him will not only rid the world of scum but make an excellent notch on her kill belt. The picture the company had given her showed a man in his late twenties with blond hair and a chiseled jawline. Sadly, he had worn sunglasses, but she knew behind them was the eyes of a killer. Maybe not by his physical hands but by the way he ran his business. She despised him already. The memory sprung to mind as she edged closer to her destination, the one when she had received the mission. Her previous assignment had taken its toll on her, the mark giving a stronger fight than the ones before. She had placed herself into the chair for not even a second, awaiting debriefing, when the orders came in. Temptation had been strong to deny it but as soon as she heard the reason, anger sparked in her.

  Moving closer to the house with a smirk from her thoughts plastered on her face, Lara could start making out better details of the outside and inside. The walls outside were a washed-out grey and smooth. This will make it harder for her to grasp but luckily each floor had a balcony, making it more accessible to jump up.

  A couple of yards from the building, she stopped, calculating how she would get to the third floor. The intel said that Roland's, aka Uno numero scums room, was at the top facing the north. Taking a deep breath in and out slowly to calm her nerves, she imagined how to get to the top level. Firstly, she would have to sprint until the wall, use the surface to push her upwards to be able to grab the second-story railing, and then push off of that and catch the third level railing.

  "Pft, easy breezy!" she softly mumbled to herself. Since she was small and tall, she had always been better than her classmates. Faster, stronger, quieter. It had helped her in her line of profession but not so much in making friends. As she imagined getting to the top one more time, Lara put her right foot behind, bend down a bit, and pushed away. The light breeze brushed her hair and face as she picked up momentum and got closer to the side of the building. When she was about to run into it, she gave a small jump, both feet planted on the wall, and using her leg muscles, she pushed herself away from it. As she flew in the air, her hands shot out and grabbed the second-story railing. She felt the cold metal cutting into her fingers as she climbed to the top part of the railing. Her lungs were being pushed into overdrive, but she didn't give up. She was so close.

  One more push... She tried to motivate her muscles, but deep down knew that tomorrow would be a bitch. Looking up, she spotted the third-floor railing and mentally thanking the dead man for leaving his light on and showing her the way. Breathing in deep one last time, she jumped up. Fingers wrapped around the last railing, and she let out a sigh of relieve at making it. A few deep breaths later to quiet her screaming muscles, Lara pulled herself up and softly climbed over. Relief flooded her as her feet made contact with the concrete floor. She never usually had to go to these lengths to get to a mark, and she was definitely proud of herself. Pretending she was on stage, Lara gave a deep bow for an imaginary audience, using the seconds to stretch out her limps.

  Grabbing the mask from her back pocket, she pulls it over her sweaty face, hair clinging everywhere. She cannot have anyone seeing her ugly ass face. Tiptoeing to the door, she peeked in through the open curtains. In front of her was the biggest (and softest, she assumes) bed that man could create. Four wood posters held it up with detailed carving, sadly standing too far to be able to see the details. On the right of the bed was floor to ceiling windows and wedge between them a small side table. Two doors were placed on the left wall. One door had light peeking through the bottom and steam rolling out from underneath the crack. That was the bathroom and where she needed to go.

  Knowing where the target was now, she tried opening the door, and to her luck and amazement, it was unlocked. It would suck to have to break open this beautiful piece of architecture.

  Stepping inside softly, she reached behind her again and grabbed the knife that was held in her pants. She gently removed it from its sheath, holding it up to the faint light emitting from the side table, admiring the precise details. She had paid handsomely to custom make it, and Roland would be the lucky one to try it out for the first time. Only 6 inches long but just as deadly in her hands.

  As she crept forward, she strained her ears to listen to what was happening behind the door. The sound of rushing water informed her he was busy showering and would make this a much easier kill. Most people were at their weakest when they were naked and wet. She reached out and wrapped her fingers around the door handle, counting to three in her head before she proceeds. She was about to turn it to enter when her hand was ripped from the handle and the door swung open violently. Her eyes met a smooth, muscled chest. And as they traveled upwards, she came in contact with simmering green eyes that held anger and death in them.


  He could smell him before he heard him. Not the wretched scent of a human but also not that of a wolf. He was curious about who or what was outside the bathroom but h
is anger was beginning to boil and the urge to kill the intruded would take over before he could ask questions. Turning on the water to full blast, Roland stood entirely still, almost statue-like, and listened to the footsteps getting closer. He placed his ear against the door, the erratic heartbeat on the other side telling him where this person is. He was standing next to the door, and that is when Roland took action.

  Wrenching open the door while almost pulling it off the hinges, he came face to face with the intruder. Standing in front of him was one of the smallest men he had ever seen. He did not even reach his shoulders and was clad in all black with a mask covering his face. Roland was so full of rage, the thought of a stranger in his house made him see red and he did not click when he looked into this man's eyes. He could admire this person's balls for standing up to the Alpha, but he would surely die for this behavior.

  "Who the fuck are you?" Roland's voice came out with a deep growl. As he gave the man his famous Alpha stare, which is full of dominance and anger, a glint in the man's hand drew his attention.

  This pathetic human was here to kill him, an Alpha. Roland thought to himself. It seems like he would have to teach him a lesson. Not even giving him a second to breathe, Roland jumped forward, colliding with his soft, small body.


  She could not believe her eyes. Right in front of her was a Greek God. The picture she was given did not do him justice, especially being able to fully see his eyes. He was all muscle all the time and was the closest thing to perfection her eyes had laid upon.

  She was distracted by his emerald eyes that when he spoke, she did not hear his words, but the deep growl that followed pulled her out of the trance. Remembering why she was here, her hand lifted slightly, bringing the knife into her view and seem to be in his sight as well since before she could take action, he jumped at her.

  Being better trained than him, she managed to step to the left quickly, but not fast enough. Her body shook as his hard shoulder bumped into her arm, making the knife slip from her grasp.

  Spinning around to catch her balance, she faced the beast of a man who had only murder in his eyes. Not waiting for another second, she punched him with as much power as she had. Her fist met his face, but no crunch, no pain, not even a flinch from him, only her hand throbbing. He must be made out of steel, she wondered. A glint distracted her in the corner of her eye and she quickly turned around, bending down to grab the fallen knife on the floor. She can finally end this fight, but turns out turning her back on the beast of a man was not such a good move.

  A wall of solid muscle tackled her side, sending her down hard and letting the hilt slip from her fingers. Before she hid the ground, she felt him twist them in the air so that she would land on her back and not her side. The impact onto the hard floor knocked the breath right out of her, with a headache following suite and her sight turning black for a second. When the black spots were finally receding, she came to her senses. Noticing he was on top of her, pressing his body down on her, disabling her from moving. Both her hands were held in a steel claw, pinned above her head.

  "Who send you?" He demanded, his voice deep and rough.

  This was the first time a mark had gotten this close, and she did not know what to say, so she stayed silent. Usually, they were dead before they could utter one word, and he was the first. She noticed he was getting impatient with her nonresponse, and his hand gripped her wrists tighter to the point that bruises would definitely show up soon. She tried avoiding his gaze, but it only tipped him over the edge. She needed a plan to get out of this mess now.

  His eyes turned black for a second, not just the pupil but also the white part. Just as fast as it happened, it turned back to its dark green color. She was so mesmerized by what just happened that she looked straight into his eyes, their color hypnotizing her. Deep down, a feeling bubbled, one she had never felt before, a need to pull this man closer to her and never let him go.

  "Impossible..." she heard him mutter softly. In an instant, his hands calmed down. Shifting both her wrists into his one hand, he moved his right hand down lightly, caressing her face all the way down. She froze from the look he was giving and his action making her realize too late what he was doing.

  The mask slides over her face, revealing more to him than she had bargained. As she struggled to stop him, he pressed harder in on her body, making her feel his naked and toned chest digging into her own.

  "Mine," was all he said.

  His expression began to go soft and his eyes brightened. Long gone was the murderous rage but was now replaced with lust. Deep down she knew she was in for real trouble.

  Between one heart beat and the next, his lips were on her. The kiss was rough and demanding, his tongue urging her to open her lips and give him access. She was so shocked by it she automatically began to open them, and taking the advantage his tongue slithered in. He explored her while holding her tight. His actions made her grave more, and she followed what he was doing and kissed him back. A hunger she never knew grabbed on to her and in the heat of the moment his grip slipped, freeing her hands. Instead of pushing him away, she pulled him closer to her.


  A heat she has never felt before assaulted her body and woke up a part that has lain dormant for so long. Their mouths were in a battle to take as much as they could from each other as their hands roamed over any and all parts of the other’s body.

  Her one hand was intertwined in his soft hair, pulling him closer, while the other hand roamed over his back, clawing for more than what he was already giving. She needed it. Whatever he touched on her felt like it was on fire and making sparks erupt over her skin. He started on her arms and moved slowly lower to hungrily grasp her legs. He guides her to wrap her legs around his waist, and she happily obliged, which allowed him access to her butt. He squeezed her hard and gave a slap while he still kissing her, making her feel his bulge that was currently pressing into her heated core. A small moan escaped from her throat, the close contact exhilarating her.

  "My mate..." he whispered against her ear, the words pulling her out of the haze and back to reality. The realization hit her hard. How could she be in a compromised position with the man she was hired to kill, not to fuck him. She used the will power that was left in her and took action.

  Her body shifted around, his weight making it more difficult to get into the right position. He led out a throaty moan as she slid her leg in between his to get into position. She elicited a louder moan from him as his hands roaming up to her breast and her thigh brushing him down there. Before he could reach them, she put all of her strength into her legs and kicked up, kneeing him as hard as she could in his balls. Balls that have filled up with more blood and the pain would be excruciating. He instantly fell off of her, his hands cupping himself and a pained expression on his face. With the distraction, she jumped up and sprinted back the way she came in, a deep and ferocious growl sounding behind her. Without sparing him a second glance, she jumped over the railing. As she gripped the cold metal and push off of the ground, she hoped the bushes she saw earlier were right where she remembered them to be. Otherwise, she would get broken bones instead of just a few cuts and bruises.


  Roland could not believe she had sucker-punched him. The balls on that girl. After the pain had lessened a bit and movement fully returned, he jumped up and followed her footsteps to the open door, watching in disappointment and anger as she rode off in a car. The headlights disappearing into the blackness. Even a supernatural like him could not run fast enough to catch up to a vehicle.

  With a final glance at her vanishing sight, he let out a sigh. He slowly moved back to the bed, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist, taking care to not hurt his already bruised balls. When finished he picked up his phone on the side ta
ble and pressed the speed dial button to call his second in command, Mark. A couple of rings later, he answered.

  "Mark of the saints speaking, how may I sin with you today?" The voice on the other end of phone announced, laughter erupting.

  "It's me. Get the video stream from my room from 20 minutes ago until now and run facial recognition." He replied with no emotion, using his alphas voice to indicate the seriousness.

  "On it alpha. We will call when we have the details." Mark replied, the joking gone and replaced with a serious answer. He knew when his alpha used that voice, shit was about to get real. He pressed the end button and popped the phone absent mindedly onto the bed.

  Roland glanced again out into the night, not believing he had found her, but deep inside, his wolf knew something was off with her. No wolf, let alone an alpha, had ever been mated with a human. The scent he had smelled was clearly not all human, which meant she must have used magic to try and lure him. Big mistake on her part since he would hunt her down and kill her, no matter who she was to him.

  The image of him pressing the life out of her clouded his mind while he got dressed. He needed to leave the house; the safety compromised now. Many knew this place was here, human and wolf. As he got dressed and gathered his few belongings, he couldn't help but wonder more about the girl. Instead of watching her die, he kept seeing her naked, beneath his body, moaning of pleasure.


  The door cracked and the bottom broke off as he kicked out. He let out a frustrating groan as mixed feelings boiled in him. His pride made him want to kill the woman who dared attack him but his body was telling him to claim her, make her his. Sparing no glances to the mess he left, Roland proceeded to his car and got in. The roar from the engine calmed his mind and he pushed the woman out completely, focusing on his pack and getting back there as soon as possible. The light from the car illuminated the empty road ahead and as he shot forward, he watched dial of the speedometer lift higher, the speed making his heart beat faster and empty his mind.


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