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The Alpha's Assassin

Page 2

by Rain Itika


  The beat of the music pumped through her blood. It was calling to her to move with the rhythm and to never stop. To lose oneself, to lose control and, most importantly, to forget for one second what you are and what you do. She had felt empty inside since running away from him, and this was the next best option.

  Bodies and bodies pressed upon themselves. Swaying together to the music to try and get just one moment of pleasure. In the middle of those bodies was Lara, dancing with anyone close enough. Nobody caring who it was or why they are here, just looking for someone willing to join in for the experience.

  Lara just closed her eyes, letting go of her mind. Yesterday's drama had made her cranky. Bill was not pleased by her failure, even if it was the first time.

  "Agent, what persuaded you to leave the mark alive? It sounds like you had the perfect opportunity when he was on top of you." His voice was the angriest she has ever heard.

  "Look, you don't understand..." She tried to explain but was interrupted yet again.

  "No, you do not understand. Not only did you keep him alive, but you also showed him your face. That is all powerful men need to find people. His resources are almost as good as ours. You will have to disappear now. Get out of that town as fast as you can. Meet up in 4 days at home base 3. We will need to think of a new strategy to get rid of him. Sooner rather than later, for your sake. Over and out."

  And so that is why she found herself in a nightclub, her body pressed into complete strangers. Trying to forget her failures, even if it was for one night. She had made it three states away from the target and was only one day drive away from hb3. She had decided to take a little breather, which will be useful for life since, in a couple of days, Bill will probably kill her.

  An arm wrapping around her waist, pulling her from the thoughts of her failure. As she turned her head to the side just a bit, she eyed the guy who it belonged to. Dark hair, sharp cheekbones, and eyes most likely dark since the club was blacked out, but right now, she didn't care at all. Even though he didn't have the green eyes, golden hair, strong bones, and full lips that could tempt even a nun, he had to do.

  The man pushed harder into her back at the same time his hold tightened on her waist, derailing her wicked thoughts, and she had to mentally kick herself for thinking of him. She took the opportunity to enjoy him dancing behind her, and once again imagining it was a certain man. The music was slow, but things were heating up. She felt his bulge pressing into her ass, his hands on her stomach holding her in place, tempting to do more. Hands began roaming up and down her body, only stopping when it landed on her hips, a couple of inches away from her core. Her instinct kicked in and she knew immediately what he was about to do, she used her elbows to push him off. A voice deep down screamed at her to leave and she listened. Turning around to face him, she finally noticed the hungry look in his eyes that wasn’t there earlier. Eyes that said he will take what he wants even if a girl said no.

  "Got to go to the bathroom," her voice screamed over the music. Without waiting for his response, she turned around and pushed her way through the swaying bodies towards the ladies. Double-checking to make sure he did not follow her, she bent herself lower and then shot between the people, making her way past them until the red letter stood out from the darkness. EXIT.

  Fresh air hit her face, sobering her up really quickly. The guy had given her the creepy vibe, just the memory of him sending goosebumps trickling down her spine and making her want to leave. Secretly, she was relieved, since a whole day of driving was in her future.

  Spotting the rental car a couple of yards away, her feet moved on their own accord but just as she almost reached it, a hand grabbed her arm hard out of the blue. Twirling around, she came face to face with the creep from moments earlier. In more light, she was able to make out his face with more detail. Eyes the color black, hair just as dark but very oily and a smile with missing teeth pushed into her face. Probably the result of a lot of drug use.

  "Where you going, baby? We were having so much fun." His words were a bit slurred from all the alcohol.

  "I have work early in the morning, got to go." She stepped back but his grip on her strengthened, his cold fingers digging into her skin, stopping her from getting away.

  "Maybe I can come with you and help with falling asleep." he said while giving a wink. Lara let out a silent sigh as she wondered if the move ever worked on females, let alone sober ones.

  "Listen, pal, it was fun and all, but now I really need to go. So, are you going to let go of me, or do I have to make you?” she slowly spread her feet apart, pushing her shoulders back, getting ready for anything.

  A small smile spread across his face as if he thought it was funny. His reaction to her words fueled her anger. Having enough of this bullshit, Lara quickly grabbed his open jacket, yanking his body towards her while at the same time bringing her flat palm up towards his face, making contact.


  "Oowww," was all he managed to say. He finally let her go, his hands shooting up and covering his nose, blood pouring through his finger cracks.

  "I did warn you.”

  Not giving a spare glance towards him, she turned around and walked over to the car. The alarm beeped as she unlocked it and got in, driving away.

  As the little pussy got smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror, she smiled at herself, just glad that she is still able to kick some ass. If only she had been able to react the same to the green-eyed man.


  Unimaginable pain shot through her whole body. Legs quivering, about to give in. Arms barely able to lift up. Blood smeared across her face. Lara looked up at the boy standing in front of her. He might only have been 11, but he was almost as big as a grown man, and he towered over her, his eyes staring blankly down at her.

  "Again, Lara, but use your strengths. You are fast, so do not let it go to waste. " the instructor belted from the sideline.

  That seemed impossible right now. He was 2 years older than her and almost double the size. Looking around, she hoped someone would step in and stop this madness. With all the eyes on her, she still could not find the pair that belonged to her. Ma and Pa. Of course, they would not be there. They were dead. But there was no harm in dreaming. A dream where they would show up, sweep her in their arms and never again let her go again. Their embrace would protect her from the current nightmare she was living.

  "Lara..." the instructor started again, but without waiting for the rest of the sentence, Lara ran. She ran as fast as she could with anger building up, a hand fisted in a tight ball in front of her, aiming for the boy. She would have hit him, but being smarter than her, he stepped aside and pushed her off balance.

  The ground was hard beneath her head, almost splitting it in two. Blood trickled down her hair, wetting it as it slowly began to pool around her head and blackspots creeping at the edge of her vision. Two faces bent into her slight vision. The boy and instructor stood above her, mouths moving, but the only sound coming out was...


  The room was also dark, making her believe she was still in the dream, only the alarm keeping her attached to the real world.

  She reached out to turn off the alarm and looked around the room, waiting for her eyes to adjust. The dream was still in the back of her mind. One of many that haunted her thru out her life. A little reminder of what she had experienced. A lesson she will never forget and constantly use to fuel her anger.

  All of a sudden heat seared in her. It started from her toes and slowly crept towards her head, making her gasp in pain. It reminded her why she was awake in the middle of the night. The injection.

  With all of her willpower, she commanded her arms to move and to take the
box from the side table. Just that one move made it burn hotter, and the longer she waited, the worst it would get.

  Her fingers wrapped around the syringe and lifted it out, slowly placing it against her hip. One wrong move meant it could break, and the cure could be lost forever, resulting in her untimely death. There was no time to waste on the wipes, the lid popping of as she flicked off and pushed the needle into her skin, pressing down. The heat coursing through her blood masked the pain of the needle piercing her skin, only an uncomfortable flicker brushing over her.

  As she lay frozen in bed waiting for the medicine to kick in, Lara let her mind wander. Not back to her horror of a childhood, but rather the man that made something awaken in her. Never before had she felt something like that or experienced it. The school had drilled it into them that anything sexual was terrible and could lead to death. Even back then, if they were caught holding hands, 20 lashes to the back were given. Luckily for her, she had headed those threads, until now.

  The more she tried, the more his image popped into her head, and she was not keen to think of him. A final glance over to the alarm clock indicated it was too late to fall back asleep and so she did the next best thing. Lara figured she might as well get a head start on the long day ahead.

  Getting up slowly, she bends down and picked up her bag, placing it on the bed. He favorite gun popped out as she unzipped it and a small smile pierced her tired face. She owned many types but because Bill gave this to her as a 21st birthday gift, she treated it like gold. The cold metal stung as she pulled it out of the bag, placing it on the bed next to it. She quickly undressed, the cold air brushing her still headed skin, and took some fresh clothes out, heading over to the bathroom.

  The water was warm and soothing as it rushed down her body. She allowed it to consume her, letting it wash away her thoughts, especially the ones of the green-eyed demon who would lead her to temptation and destruction. She smirked at the thought of calling him a demon since they were merely fiction, her feelings towards him also fiction. Or so she hoped.

  When the water began to turn cold, she finally stepped out. She tried to ignore the mirror while getting dressed in a pair of skinny black jeans and a black t-shirt. The color not only suits her but it also makes it more difficult to get spotted when in a stakeout. Rule 101 of assassination. Her hand tingled as the steamed-up mirror flashed in her side vision, the need to wipe and look great. She already knew there will be nothing new today. Big brown eyes, a round nose, and lips weirdly shaped will still be looking back at her. She would not consider herself a beauty, but the looks she had did sometimes come in handy when wriggling out of compromising situations. Men are and always will be, susceptible to a pretty girl.

  She left the bathroom after a quick look and a comb through the hair, walking over to her bag. Even though the room was dark, she knew where the bed was. Traveling all her life and staying in shitty motels meant you get used to it, and all over the globe, places like this had the same outlay. She placed her PJs in her already open bag, and as she zipped it closed, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up straight. Something felt off and while pretending to find the back interesting, she slowly lowered her hand to where she had left the gun, relieve washing over her as she felt the cold metal brush her fingers. Grabbing the hilt, she spun around the room, keeping it extended out. She scanned the room, her eyes starting to adjust to the dark.

  A shadow crossed her vision, a dark figure next to the bed. She promptly moved towards its direction and aimed the gun right at it.

  "Who are you?" she demanded. Her eyes finally adjusted to the dark and with the help of the moonlight filtering past the curtains, she was able to make out the anonymous figure. He sat quietly in the corner, frozen like a marble God. The green-eyed demon, Roland.

  "You already know who I am." He murmured. His voice was low, but she could feel the power radiating off of his words. Sitting in the chair, he looked like he owned the place. How dare he invade her personal space. She had enough of his superiority and the time finally came to finish the job she wasn’t able to before.

  "Yes, you are dead." She asserted, squeezing the trigger like her life depended on it.


  Finding her was a mission, a mission that had cost him a lot of money. But in the end, it had paid off. He finally stood outside the building, looking up at her dark window. After days of research and manpower, he had tracked her down to a run-down motel, only a few steps away from his mate, his mistaken mate. Fate had dealt him a horrible card, and he was here to rectify it.

  Roland could smell her even all the way out here. The scent of vanilla and oak wood filled his nose. It called to his wolf, his other half, but he knew that it was not right. Mixed in between the scents was a faint trace of nature. It reminded him of the fresh air, the smell of rain hitting the forest floor, the scent of another wolf. It was such a small part that only an Alpha could detect it, only him.

  He got angry just thinking about it, his claws extending from the tip of his fingers, digging into his palm as he fisted them. The blood that slowly dropped from the wound gave him the courage to confront her. That is why he knew she was using magic to lure him into her trap, since having an Alpha at your beck and call meant you also had his whole pack to do what you pleased. He just wondered which coven would lower themselves to help a human. What would they gain?

  With the rage coursing through his veins, fueled by his thoughts, Roland made his way to the stairs that led to the second floor of the motel. She had used a false id to get it. Sarah Haywood. He knew it was fake since she did not look like a Sarah, she was eviler and manipulative. The only sound that echoed in the lonely halls were the slow rising and falling of his heart as he breathed. He dared not making a sound as he slowly crept closer to the door. He could not afford for her to know he was here and run just as he got to her.

  Outside of her room door, he stood quiet and listened. Deja vu hit him hard. Reminding him about a few nights ago when he had also stalked her as she had planned to kill him for unknown reasons.

  He pressed his ear against the door to listen, the movement behind it alerting him that she was awake. With his heightened senses, he heard her go into another room and a door closing. Seconds later, the shower turned on.

  He quickly opened the door with the master key he had managed to swipe from the front desk and made his way in. The room was painted in darkness but seconds later his eyes adjusting immediately.

  A simple room with just a bed on one side and a mini kitchenette on the other side. What one would expect from a cheap place in the run-down part of the city. The shower clicked off, a spark of an idea popping in his head.

  Roland moved around the bed to chair perched the side. Her bag and gun stood out from the boring decor as it sat on the bed. A smile crossed his face, and a brilliant idea came to mind.

  Now was the time to see what she was really made of. If you want to play with the wolves, you have to be prepared to be bitten. And he likes to bite.



  The sound from the blast echoed in her ears and bounced around the room. Her eyes were closed shut, for the very first time in her assassin life. Something about killing this man made her not want to see it happen. It was like he turned her back into the little girl she used to be, too afraid to pull the trigger.

  But she had pulled it and now would regret the second it happened. Knowing the scene in front of her, she slowly opened her eyes and peeked out at him.

  He was still sitting in the chair like he owned the place. That was impossible, even with not seeing where the gun was aimed. She knew she would have made the kill shot.

  "Something wrong, woman?" He asked with a smirk plastered on his face. Laughter mocking her.

e moved to eject the magazine only to see that all of the bullets were missing. Cocking the gun revealed the bullet inside was also missing. Looking back at the man in front of her, she knew he had removed it, which meant he was in the room for a while. What else did he see?

  "Why are you here?" She asked, trying to keep him busy while she figured out a plan to get out of here. Sooner rather than later. Remembering the knife she had left on the table behind her, an idea started to develop.

  "Do not act stupid. Do I really seem like the sort of man to forget about the person who tried to kill me?" He responded, his voice tinted with anger. The chair squeaked slightly as he readjusted his body, trying to calm himself.

  A little chuckle slipped from her, "No, just a man asking for a second chance to get killed."

  With what she was able to see in the dark, his eyes became dark compared to his pale skin, and he gave a smirk like he wanted it to happen.

  “Don't mind if we do..." he started to get up, but before he could proceed, Vanessa threw the gun into his face, hitting him right in the nose, turned around, and sprinted to the counter.

  Just as her hand closed around the handle of the blade, a solid wall slammed into her back, pushing her right into the counter edge. The surface dug into her stomach, forcing the air out of her lungs.

  Hot air brushed her neck as he leaned into her, making goosebumps shiver over her body. Warm lips lightly nuzzled the soft skin between her neck and shoulder, the most sensitive spot for her. His actions caused a heatwave to erupt in her pants. The whole situation angered her, the second time now he managed to get the upper hand and make her body feel like an alien.

  "You like this." His voice purred into her ear, making her heart jump at his words, for she knew he was telling the truth.


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