The Yoga Tradition

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by Georg Feuerstein

  Ashoka, 157, 158

  âshrama. See stages of life

  shrama-Upanishad, 71

  ashta-anga-yoga, 23, 208, 216

  Ashtâ-Sâhasrikâ-Sûtra, 163, 164

  ashtâvakra-âsana, 394

  Ashtâvakra-Gîtâ, 22

  Ashvaghosha, 16

  ashva-medha, 101, 128, 379, 418

  asmitâ, 218, 221, 230, 231, 243, 244, 253. See also ahamkâra; ego

  asmitâ-mâtra, 244

  Asparsha-Yoga, 7, 28, 207, 235

  âsrava, 145

  Assam, 402

  Assyria, 99

  asteya, 208, 224, 225, 245, 246, 301

  asthma, 412

  astral body. See subtle body

  astral travel, 229

  astrology, 82, 141

  astronomy, 97, 105, 121, 141

  asuras, 371, 437n. 21, 442n. 37

  Atharvan, 114

  Atharva-Veda, 114-119; ranyakas and, 125; on asceticism, 67, 120; Brâhmanas and, 124; contents of, 102, 114–119, 120, 121, 131, 435nn. 60, 67; date of, 62, 114; “Hymn of Man” in, 103; on initation, 9; on medicine, 79, 80; Purânas and, 296; on rishis, 105; source reading from, 116–119; Upanishads and, 131, 435n. 54

  atheism, 60, 198, 240

  Atîsha, 179, 385

  ativâhika-deha. See transmutation

  atiyoga, 178-179

  tma-Anushâsana, 145

  âtma-dhyâna, 318

  âtman: defined, 453; Jainism and, 143, 144, 145, 146, 151; Mîmâmsâ and, 73; Pre- Classical Sâmkhya and, 198; Upanishads and (see Absolute [brahman], Upanishads on); Vedânta and, 4, 74, 130, 257, 258; Vedas and, 127. See also Absolute (brahman); Being; essence; purusha; Self (transcendental)

  âtma-nivedana, 37

  Atman project, xxvi-xxvii, xxx, 16, 130

  atomization. See miniaturization

  Atri, 23, 104, 434n. 41

  attachment: Bhakti-Yoga and, 36–37; bhûmis and, 431n. 9; Buddhism and, 170; Gîtâs on, 189, 190; greed and, 246; ignorance and, 241; Jainism and, 145; karma and, 189; as klesha, 221, 222; memory and, 246; mind and, 189–190; Moksha- Dharma on, 198, 199; Purânas on, 297; renunciation and, 68, 70; Self and, 189; Shaivism and, 349; Tantras on, 372; Upanishads on, 324; Yoga-Sûtra on, 221–222, 229, 230, 241, 245, 246; Yoga- Vâsishtha on, 305, 306, 307–308

  attention: concentration and, 250; Jainism and, 146; liberation and, 260; Moksha- Dharma on, 202, 205; prâna and, 249; Shiva-Sûtra on, 266; spiritual process and, 287; Upanishads on, 316, 321, 325; Vedânta and, 5; Yoga definition and, 4, 5, 6; Yoga-Sûtra on, 4, 249, 250, 251

  Audumbaras, 71

  Augustine, Saint, 37

  Auls, 292

  aura, 320

  Aurobindo, Sri, xxvi, 28, 55–58, 69, 93, 104, 105, 107, 437n. 9

  aushadhi, 364–365, 367. See also drugs

  authenticity, xxx, 9, 28

  authority, 15

  Avadhûta-Gîtâ, 22, 66, 431n. 37

  avadhûtas, 19, 20, 22–23, 24–25, 66, 71, 325, 421

  âvâhani-mudrâ, 361

  Avalokiteshvara, 165–166, 168, 173, 385

  Avalon, Arthur. See Woodroffe, Sir John

  avatâras, 85–86, 185, 187, 192

  aversion, 221, 222, 241

  Avi, 118, 435n. 56

  avidyâ. See ignorance

  avishesha, 244

  avyakta, 135, 345

  awareness/Awareness, 4, 5, 34, 241, 254, 271, 358, 359, 364

  axial age, xxx, 92

  Ayodhyâ, 183, 184

  yur-Veda, 62, 78–82, 389, 433n. 18

  yurveda and the Mind, 80

  yur-Veda-Sûtra, 81


  Babylonia, 63, 97

  Bâdarâyana. See Brahma-Sûtra

  Bagalâmukhî, 87, 345

  Bagchi, Prabodh Chandra, 172

  Bahûdakas, 71

  Baladeva Mishra, 236

  balance, 7, 29, 32, 242, 390, 393, 399, 408, 419, 422

  balas. See strength

  balis. See offerings

  Bâna, 261

  bandha (bondage). See bondage (bandha)

  bandhas (locks), 395–396; described, 395–396; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 406, 408–409, 417–418; Hatha-Yoga and, 395–396, 423, 424; jalandhâra-bandha, 395, 397, 406, 408, 424; kundalinî and, 317, 417–418; liberation and, 406; mahâ- bandha, 395, 424; mahâ-vedha and, 395; mûla-bandha, 317, 318, 395, 406, 409, 424; Sahaja tradition and, 346; Shiva- Samhitâ on, 424; uddîyâna-bandha, 395, 406, 408, 424; Upanishads on, 317

  Bandhudatta, 164

  baptism, 9, 17

  bardos, 180–181

  Barlaam and Josaphat, 158

  Basava, 264, 390

  Basil, Saint, 19

  basti, 391

  Baudhâyana, 120, 184, 208

  Baudhâyana-Dharma-Sûtra, 209

  Bauls, 279, 292, 384

  beauty, 51, 229

  bees, 370, 398. See also honey doctrine

  begging, 10, 70, 71, 284, 300, 319, 336

  Being: Chain of, 135, 239–241; Classical Yoga and, 241; devotion and, 248; Gîtâs on, 190; Pre-Classical Yoga and, 198; Shiva-Sûtra on, 271; Sikhism and, 334, 335, 336; Supreme, xxv-xxvi; Tantra and, 366, 369; Upanishads on, 126, 128, 129, 130, 132, 135, 257, 311; Vedas on, 101–102, 103, 105, 110; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 310. See also Absolute (brahman)

  Being-Consciousness, 4, 5, 252, 267, 322, 372–373

  Being-Consciousness-Bliss, 9, 311, 321, 323, 325, 343, 353, 364, 369, 399, 458. See also Consciousness-Bliss

  belief, faith vs., 33, 37

  bell, 402, 412, 417, 420

  Benares. See Varanasi

  Bengal, 292, 384, 388, 389

  Bentov, Isaac, 357

  Berendt, Joachim-Ernst, 312

  Bernard, Theos, 249

  Berry, Thomas, 59

  Besant, Annie, 188

  Bhagavad-Gîtâ, 187–196; on action, 47–48, 189–190, 379; lvârs and, 279; Anu-Gîtâ and, 197; on Arjuna’s vision, 38; on asceticism, 247; Atharva-Veda and, 131; Bauls and, 279; Bhâgavata-Purâna and, 279; Bhakti-Yoga and, 40, 50, 191, 192, 196; Brahma-Gîtâ and, 305–306; Buddhism and, 188, 200; Buddhi-Yoga and, 31, 191; commentaries on, 290, 384, 437n. 9; date of, 74, 96, 183, 187, 188; on death, 131, 133, 191; described, 7–8, 40, 105, 187–192, 313; Gîtâ-Govinda and, 279; on God, 190–192, 195–196; Hindu philosophy and, 74; integralism and, 50, 63, 191; Îshvara-Gîtâ and, 298; Jainism and, 188; Jnâna-Yoga and, 31, 50, 191; Karma-Yoga and, 49, 50, 189, 191; Mantra-Yoga and, 53; on merging with the Divine, 38; on mind, 189–190, 191, 247; Moksha-Dharma on, 200; perfection and, xxv; on renunciation, 68, 189; rishis and, 106; Sâmkhya and Yoga and, 31; on Self, 189, 192–196, 243; source reading from, 192–196; Upanishads and, 136, 137, 184; Vyâsa and, 186; Vydsa-Gîtâ and, 298; Yoga definition in, 6–7; Yoga elements in, 96, 190–191, 192; Yoga- Vâsishtha and, 304

  Bhâgavata-Purâna: Classical Yoga and, 281; commentaries on, 291, 292; date of, 281, 296; described, 40, 281–283, 296, 297; Devî-Bhâgavata and, 88, 287; on dvesha- yoga, 37–38, 287; Gîtâs and, 279, 282–286, 297; Rishabha in, 140; source reading from, 283–286; on Yoga, 281

  bhâgavata-yoga, 280

  Bhagavati- Vyâkhyâ-Prajnapti-Anga, 142

  Bhagîratha, King, 65–66, 305

  Bhairava, 261, 262, 265, 266, 270, 374

  Bhairavî, 87, 345

  bhakti. See devotion (bhakti); love

  bhakti-mârga, 36, 41, 61, 64, 291

  bhakti-rasa, 289–290

  Bhakti-Rasa-Amrita Sindhu, 37

  Bhakti-Sûtra, 36, 38, 42–47, 277, 432n. 24

  Bhaktivedanta Swami, A. C., 292

  Bhakti-Yoga, 36–47, 64; Bhagavad-Gîtâ on, 40, 50, 191, 192, 196; Buddhism and, 169, 173; caste system and, 208; described, 36–39; emotions and, 36–37, 38–39, 40, 41, 64, 192, 287, 289; Hatha- Yoga vs., 289; nondualism and, 311; Purânas on, 298; rishis and, 105; Shaivism and, 40–41, 264, 265, 278; Sikhism and, 265, 335, 336; source reading for, 42–47; Sufism and, 61; Upanishads on, 330; Vaishnavism and, 279, 280–293; Val
labha school of, 236

  Bhâmati, 235

  Bharadvâja, 66, 78, 434n. 41

  Bharata, King, 123, 184, 360

  Bhârata war, 185, 186, 234—235

  Bharati, Agehânanda, 52, 175, 358

  Bhârgava lineage, 131

  Bhartrihari, 386, 387

  Bhâsarvajna, 345

  Bhâshyas, 234-236. See also specific Bhâshyas

  bhastrikâ, 398

  Bhâsvatî, 236

  Bhattacharya, Vidhusekhara, 169

  bhâva, 147, 160, 169, 170, 284, 285, 289–290

  bhava-cakra, 160–161

  bhâvanâ. See contemplation; visualization

  Bhâvarthadîpikâ, 290

  Bhâvaviveka, 207

  Bhâva-Yoga, 299

  Bhavishya-Purâna, 296

  bhiksha. See begging

  Bhîshma, 70, 199, 200–205, 234

  bhoga, 78, 365, 366. See also experience; pleasure

  Bhogar, 383–384

  Bhoja, King, 4, 29, 235, 247

  Bhoja-Vritti, 235

  bhrama. See delusion

  Bhrigu, 66, 131, 132

  bhûh, 209, 314, 409

  bhûmis, described, 7–8, 15–16, 121, 167–168, 305, 431n. 9

  bhû-pura, 364

  Bhûta, 265

  bhûta-âtman, 35, 200, 206, 438n. 22. See also ego

  bhûtas. See elements (bhûtas)

  bhûta-shuddhi, 357–358

  bhûta-siddhi, 422

  bhuvah, 209, 314, 409

  Bhuvaneshvarî, 87, 345

  Bihar, 114, 120, 140, 155, 156, 236

  bîja, 273, 454

  Bîjak, 293

  bîja-mantras, 172, 298, 397, 415–416

  bindu: as blue pearl, 417; death and, 400; defined, 34, 312, 454; mandalas and, 177; om and, 312, 314, 317, 409; rajas and, 407–408; Rig- Veda on, 111; Shiva as, 408; Tantra and, 312, 359; visualization and, 398; yantras and, 364; Yoga-Shikhâ- Upanishad on, 330. See also Bindu- Upanishads; seed; semen

  Bindu Nâtha, 389, 390

  Bindu- Upanishads, 311, 312–318. See also specific Bindu-Upanishads

  bioplasma, 249, 351

  birth, 9, 170, 367, 437n. 21. See also reincarnation

  al-Bîrûnî, 235

  bliss/Bliss: Absolute and, 5, 132, 419; amrita-nâdî and, 355; avadhûtas and, 22; Buddhism and, 172, 173; Classical Yoga and, 252; defined, 453; devotion and, 282; ecstasy (samâdhî) and, 218, 252, 253; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 401, 417; mahâ- mudrâ and, 181; maithunâ and, 366; mental purity and, 246; moksha and, 149; Moksha-Dharma on, 202; pleasure and, 148, 341–346; prâna and, 266; prânâyâ- ma and, 398; Reality and, xxvi; samâpatti and, 253; sattva and, 201, 202; Self and, 127, 417; Shakti as, 267, 356; sheath of, 132; Shiva-Sûtra on, 266, 271; supreme, 257, 401; Tantra and, 131, 177, 178, 181, 341–346, 373, 376, 378; Upanishads on, 5, 132, 257, 311, 318, 321, 325

  Blofeld, John, 177, 181

  blue pearl, 320, 321, 417

  bodhi (bodha): defined, 156. See also liberation (enlightenment); understanding

  Bodhi-Caryâ-Avatâra, 167

  bodhi-citta, 33, 167, 179

  Bodhidharma, 174

  bodhisattva ideal, 94, 149, 158, 164–170, 433n. 7

  bodily humors. See doshas

  body; Absolute and, 382; artificial body- minds, 230; yur-Veda and, 80; balance of, 318; Buddhism and, 160, 168, 175, 177, 178, 183; as chariot, 313; Classical Yoga and, 81; as defiled, 382, 442n. 2; dissolving into light, 384; divine, 30, 180, 382, 383, 390, 408; Divine and, 382; ecstasy (samâdhî) and, 29–30; enlightenment and, xxix, 30, 382–383, 390; entering another, 229, 298; fire altars and, 124; God and, 372, 384, 390; Hatha-Yoga and, 29–30, 36, 381–383, 384, 390, 399–400, 420; Integral Yoga and, 56; Jainism and, 144–145, 150–151; Kundalînî-Yoga and, 399; levels of embodiment, 132, 144–145, 350, 420, 431n. 40; materialism and, 382, 400; meditation and, 381; as microcosm of macrocosm, xxxix, 124, 173, 322, 350, 360, 364, 411, 421; narcissism and, 30; perfection of, 229, 247, 297; Purânas on, 299, 442n. 2; Reality and, 382, 390, 399; religious metaphor and, xxix; as Shakti, 399; sheaths of, 132, 144–145, 350, 420; Shiva and, 329, 421; Tantra and, 175, 177, 178, 342, 343–344, 382–383, 384, 399; transmutation of, 36, 137, 275, 328–331, 353, 382–383, 384, 408; Uddhava-Gîtâ on, 284; Upanishads on, 257, 382; verticalism and, xxix, 56, 68–69; Yoga- Vâsishtha on, 306. See also marmans; subtle body; specific body parts

  body cultivation, 81, 258, 383

  Body of Myth, The (Sansonese), xxix

  body-oriented therapies, 31

  Bohm, David, xxvii, 266, 346

  bondage (bandha), 145, 285, 304, 319, 325–329, 335, 454

  books: Jainism and, 148, 152, 153; learning from, 9, 36, 128, 236–237, 246, 312, 329, 341. See also language; study

  boredom, existential, 69

  Brahma: cakras and, 353; described, 86, 185, 310, 454; the Goddess and, 299, 344; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 409, 415; lordship siddhi and, 368; mother of, 23; om and, 409; Self and, 195; shakti and, 409; trinity and, 185; Upanishads on, 133–134, 313; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 304, 310

  Brahma-Bindu-Upanishad. See Amrita- Bindu- Upanishad

  brahmacarya. See chastity (brahmacarya)

  brahma-dvâra, 405

  Brahma-Gîtâ, 305–310

  brahma-loka, 133

  brahman (Absolute). See Absolute (brahman); Being

  brahman (meditation), 104, 118

  brâhmana estate, 9, 11, 60, 101, 106, 157. See also Brahmins

  Brahmânanda, 423

  Brâhmanas, 124–125; date of, 61, 62, 63, 97–98, 123, 124, 435n. 2; described, 24–25, 125; Hindu philosophy and, 73; Maitrâyanas and, 206; on mathematics, 98; oral transmission of, 128; on prânâyâma, 412; on ritual, 39, 63, 124–125, 435n. 1; on Self, 127

  Brahmânda-Purâna, 296

  Brahmanical Age, 63

  brahma-nirvâna, 191

  Brahma-Purâna, 296–297

  brahma-randhra. See brahmic fissure

  Brahma-Samhitâ, 279

  Brahma-Sûtra, 33, 64, 74, 234; commentaries on, 33, 235, 236, 288

  Brahma-Vaivarta-Purâna, 296

  brahma-vidyâ, 11

  Brahma-Vidyâ-Upanishad, 11, 16, 128, 311, 319, 320

  brahmic fissure, 316, 321, 402, 416, 417, 418, 420. See also crown of head; sahasrâra-cakra

  brahmic gate, 405

  brahmins: bhakti and, 192; conservatism of, 105; Jainism and, 145; karma and, 60; kshatriyas and, 86, 133; mathematics and, 97–98; meditation and, 126; memorization by, 128; renunciation and, 70; rishis and, 101, 105; sacrificial rituals and, 39–40, 105, 126; scriptures on, 125, 264, 286, 296; shamans and, 94; Upanishadic Age and, 106, 123; Vrâtyas and, 120; Yoga and, 208. See also brâhmana estate; Vedas

  brain, xxvii, xxx, 57, 249

  breath, 318, 319, 326. See also hamsa; prâna; prânâyâma

  bridal mysticism, 281, 288

  Briggs, George Weston, 387

  Brihad-ranyaka-Upanishad, 128–130; Aitareya-Upanishad and, 133; date of, 125, 127, 435n. 2; described, 10, 70, 124, 126–127, 128–130, 431n. 10; honey doctrine in, 115–116

  Brihadratha, King, 69, 206

  Brihad- Yogî- Yâjnavalkya-Samhitâ (Brihad- Yogi-Yâjnavalkya-Smriti), 411, 422–423, 431n. 42

  Brihatî, 236

  Brihat-Samnyâsa-Upanishad, 70

  Brooks, Douglas Renfrew, 347

  Brunton, Paul, xv

  buddha: defined, 156. See also Self (transcendental); tathâgatas

  Buddha: as Hindu deity, 86; marks of, 156; transcendental, 168, 169, 170, 171. See also Amitâbha; Avalokiteshvara; Gautama the Buddha; Maitreya

  Buddha-Carita, 16

  Buddhaghosa, 159

  Buddhaguhya, 178

  buddhr. Classical Yoga and, 243; as discriminative knowledge, 28, 240; existence hierarchy and, 135; gunas and, 200; as higher mind, 74, 135, 136, 199, 268, 297, 323; as illumined reason, 31, 32, 419; Jnâna-Yoga and, 31, 32; mahat as, 77; Nature and, 200; Pre-Classical Yoga and, 199, 200–204; rishis and, 434n.
41; Sâmkhya and, 77; Self-realization and, 93; Shaivism and, 268, 349; as wisdom faculty, 31, 77, 135, 191, 268, 300, 301, 306, 323; Yoga and transcendence of, 93. See also Buddhi-Yoga; intuition; thought; wisdom

  Buddhism, 155–181; Asparsha-Yoga and, 207; Bhagavad-Gîtâ and, 188, 200; Bhakti-Yoga and, 169, 173; bodhisattvas and (see bodhisattva ideal); Ch’an, 6, 174; Christianity and, 158; Classical Yoga and, 161, 163, 198, 214, 215, 232; crazy wisdom and, 20, 21; deities and, 83, 175; dependent origination doctrine of, 160, 161, 170; eightfold path of, 157, 159, 161–163; emergence of, 63, 64, 92, 120; emotions and, 162; emptiness doctrine of (see emptiness, Buddhism and); focus of, 139, 158, 163; four noble truths of, 157, 159; Hînayâna (see Hînayâna Buddhism); Hinduism and, xvii, 64, 72, 159, 163, 168, 171, 172, 174, 383, 388; history of, 155–158; India and, 59, 74; initiation and, 9; Jainism and, 159, 172, 383, 388; Jodo, 173–174; Kâlacakrayâna, 173; literature of, 157–174; Mâdhyamika, 169, 436n. 19; Mahâsânghika, 171; Mahâyâna (see bodhisattva ideal; Mahâyâna Buddhism); Mantrayâna, 171–172, 174, 358; nihilism and, 162; nirvâna and (see nirvâna, Buddhism and); no-self doctrine of, 159, 160–161, 170, 175; number of adherents, 59, 158; psychology and, 239; Pure Land, 173; Sahajayâna (see Sahajayâna Buddhism); Sâmkhya and, 198; Shankara and, 157, 171; Siddha tradition and, 163, 383, 388; skandhas and, 160, 165–166; source readings on, 164–166, 169–170; suffering and (see suffering, Buddhism and); Tantra and (see Vajrayâna [Tantric] Buddhism); Theravâda, 156, 157, 162, 173 (see also Hînayâna Buddhism); three bodies of Buddha doctrine of, 168; Upanishads and, 159, 160, 164; Vajrayâna (see Vajrayâna [Tantric] Buddhism); verticalism and, 56, 57; Vijnânavâda, 157, 171; Yogâcâra, 157, 171, 174; Yoga vs., 237; Zen, 6, 173–174, 181. See also Buddha; Gautama the Buddha

  Buddhi-Yoga, 28, 31, 48, 304, 405

  budhyamâna. See jîva

  bull, 84, 108, 110, 393, 413

  Byron, Lord, 34


  caitanya. See consciousness; Consciousness

  Caitanya, Shrî, 291–292


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