The Yoga Tradition

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by Georg Feuerstein

  divine body, 30, 180, 382, 383, 390, 408

  Divine Intelligence, Shakti and, 356

  divine will, 335, 359

  divya-deha. See divine body

  divya-drishti. See clairvoyance

  divya-samvid, 219

  divya-sharîra. See divine body

  divya-shrotra, 229

  dogs, 435n. 65

  dohâs, 172–173, 346

  doshas, 80, 81, 296, 314, 433n. 18

  doubt, 198, 201, 202, 219, 251, 355, 371, 373

  drashtri, 4

  Dravidians, 126

  dravya, 77, 152

  dreams: Fourth and, 273; Moksha-Dharma on, 198; om and, 207; Shiva-Sûtra on, 265, 269, 270, 273; Tantra and, 177, 180; Tripurâ-Sundarî and, 345; Yoga-Sûtra on, 220, 269; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 304, 305

  drig-dîkshâ, 18

  drik-sthiti, 318

  Drishti-Vâda-Anga, 142

  drugs, 82, 92, 93, 177, 364–365. See also alcohol; herbs

  dualism: gamas and, 265; Bhakti-Yoga and, 36, 39; Classical Yoga and, 4–5, 77, 198, 241, 258, 439n. 8; deities and, 4; fear and, 207; jîvan-mukti and, 341; materialism and, xxix; mental consciousness and, 93; Nature and, 4; nondualism and, 236, 408; Sâmkhya and, 75–77, 198; Self and, 4, 77; Shaivism and, 265; Vaishnavism and, 289. See also Râja-Yoga

  duhkha. See pain; suffering

  Durgâ, 40, 87, 344, 360

  Durvâsa, 23

  duty, 190, 306–307

  dvandvas, 249, 296, 419, 421

  dvâras, 411, 423

  dvesha, 221, 241

  dvesha-yoga, 38, 287

  dvija, 60, 101

  Dyczkowski, Mark S. G., 347

  dynamism, 346, 356, 382, 390

  Dyson, Freeman J., xxviii

  dzogchen, 178–179


  eagle, 114, 393. See also Garuda

  ears, 353, 360, 391, 404, 412, 413. See also senses

  earth, 101, 200, 201, 314, 353, 357–358, 396, 409, 415. See also elements (bhûtas)

  East-West dialogue, xxix-xxx, 64–65

  Eckehart, Meister, xvii, 304

  Eco-Yoga, 132, 436n. 3

  ecstasy (samâdhî): Absolute and, 399; ânanda- samâpatti, 252, 253; archaic consciousness and, 92; asamprajnâta-samâdhî (supraconscious ecstasy), 55, 218–219, 221, 225, 242, 252, 253, 370; âsanas and, 95; asmitâ and, 218; balance and, 29, 399, 419; bhûmis and, 431n. 9; as bindu of mind, 312; bliss and, 218, 252, 253; body and, 29–30; Buddhism and, 162; cakras and, 249, 355; Christianity and, 4; concentration and, 199, 252; conceptualization and, 370, 399, 419; consciousness and, 3; defined, xxix, 3, 225, 252–253, 370, 398–399, 419; deities and, 253; devotion and, 248; dharma- megha-samâdhi, 147, 233, 253; ego and, 254; emptiness and, 254; existence and, 252; experiences of, xvii; Gheranda- Samhitâ on, 391, 398–399; Goraksha- Paddhati on, 412, 418–420; grace and, 254; Hatha-Yoga and, 398–400; Hatha-Yoga- Pradîpikâ on, 399, 423; hypnosis and, 252; innermost center of nose and, 275; invincibility and, 419; Jainism and, 145, 147; karma and, 412; kundalinî and, 352; Laya- Yoga and, 55; liberation and, 221, 391, 398, 399, 412; Light and, 412; maithunâ and, 366; Mantra-Yoga and, 54; meditation and, 252, 370, 412, 418–419; memory and, 252; mind and, 29, 30, 312, 370, 399, 419; myths and, xxix; Nature and, 218, 253; nirânanda-samâpatti, 253; nirasmitâ-samâ- patti, 253; nirodha-samâdhi, 224; nirvicâra-samâdhi (suprareflective), 220, 253; nirvikalpa-samâdhi (formless ecstasy), 5, 55, 156, 253, 325, 358, 399; nirvitarka- samâdhi, 220, 253; nirvitarka-samâpatti (supracogitative ecstasy), 253; pain and, 370; parama-samâdhi, 151; pleasure and, xxvii, xxix, 370; prâna and, 399; prânâyâma and, 225, 249, 419; Purânas on, 298, 370; râsa-lîlâ and, 281; reflection and, 218, 220, 253; sa-ânanda-samâpatti, 253; sa-asmitâ-samâpatti, 253; sabîja-samâdhî, 220; sahaja-samâdhî, xxvi, 11, 20–21, 23, 275, 355, 370, 372, 458; samâpatti and, 253; samprajnâta-samâdhî (conscious ecstasy), 218, 221, 252, 253–254; samskâras and, 218, 220, 221, 252, 254; samyak-samâdhi, 162; savicâra-samâdhi (reflective ecstasy), 220, 253; savikalpa- samâdhi (formative ecstasy), 253; savitarka- samâpatti, 252, 253; schizophrenia and, 252; with seed, 220; Self and, 3, 254, 398–399; senses and, 252, 370, 419; Shamanism and, 94, 95, 113; Shiva-Sûtra on, 271; siddhis and, 198, 230, 367; as spiritual freedom, xxvii; states of, 252–254; Tantra and, 370–371; tapas and, 66; trance and, 252; union and, 253; Upanishads on, 206, 313, 314, 315, 318, 325, 331; Vedânta and, 370; Vedas on, 104; visualization and, 355; vitarka-samâdhi, 220; vitarka- samâpatti, 253; vrittis and, 199, 252; will and, 254; wisdom and, 218; Yoga as, 3, 6; Yoga-Sûtra on, 216, 217–221, 224, 225–226, 229, 230, 240, 241, 244, 245, 252–254; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 304. See also concentration

  education, 14–15. See also discipleship; study

  egalitarianism, 60, 335, 336. See also tolerance

  ego: action and, 48; Bhakti-Yoga and, 36, 39; Buddhism and, 159, 160; Classical Yoga and, 240, 241, 244; crazy wisdom and, 19, 20; delusion and, 274; discipleship and, 14; Durgâ and, 87; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 254; emotions and, 287; experience and, 241; goal-orientation of, 7; gunas and, 223; guru and, 11; Hatha- Yoga and, 29–30, 387; identification with, 5, 11, 19; ignorance and, 241; Integral Yoga’s Supermind and, 57; Jainism and, 143; Karma-Yoga and, 48; kundalinî and, 384; magic and, 384; maithunâ and, 366; meditation and, 381; Moksha-Dharma on, 201; narcissism and, 30; Nature and, 48; nondualism and, 5, 74; power and, 384; quantum physics and, 381; Reality vs., xxvi; renunciation and, 67, 68; rishis and, 105; Sâmkhya and, 77, 240; Shaivism and, 268; siddhis and, 198–199; Sikhism and, 335, 336; spirituality and, 30; structures of consciousness and, 92–93; struggle and, 173; suffering and, 159; Tantra and, 343, 376, 378; thoughts and, 48; Upanishads on, 35, 127, 206; Vedânta and, 4; will and, 67; Yoga definition and, 3, 5, 7; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 304–305, 306–308, 310. See also ahamkâra; asmitâ; jîva; nonself (no-self)

  Egypt, 6, 99

  eightfold path: of Buddhism, 157, 159, 161–163; of Classical Yoga, 208, 216, 224, 244—254, 311; Gheranda-Samhitâ on, 393, 424; Purânas on, 298, 299; Shaivism and, 265; Tiru-Mantiram on, 276; Upanishads on, 324–325, 330, 331; Vaishnavism and, 280, 281; Yoga-Shâstra on, 424; Yoga- Yâjnavalkya on, 422. See also fifteenfold path; fivefold path; sevenfold path; sixfold path

  Eisai, 174

  eka, 231, 419. See also Absolute (brahman)

  Eka-Akshari-Sûtra, 172

  ekâgratâ, 226, 250

  Eka Nâth, 291

  ekânta-vâsa, 324

  ekatânatâ, 226, 251, 325

  ekatva, 257, 309, 408

  elements (bhûtas): nanda-Samuccaya on, 422; balancing, 422; cakras and, 353–354, 357–358; Dharma-Shâstras on, 209; enlightenment and, 5; five concentrations on, 396, 414, 415–416; Gheranda- Samhitâ on, 396; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 415–416; illness and, 360; kundalinî and, 55; manipulating, 271; mastery of, 422; Moksha-Dharma on, 200; prânâyâma and, 209, 358; Purânas on, 297; Sâmkhya and, 77; Self and, 35, 201, 206, 438n. 22; Shaivism and, 268, 349; Shiva-Sûtra on, 271; siddhis and, 271, 367, 368; Tantra and, 357–358; transformation of, 227; Upanishads on, 316; Vaisheshika and, 77; Yoga-Sûtra on, 227, 229, 243, 244

  elephant, 100, 353, 354, 396, 412. See also Ganesha

  Eliade, Mircea, 3, 8–9, 89, 93, 94, 252, 382

  emotions: Bhakti-Yoga and, 36–39, 64, 192, 287, 289; Buddhism and, 162; ego and, 287; form and, 51; Jainism and, 146; Krishna and, 192; mantras and, 51; nine predominant, 289; ojas and, 67, 81; Pâshupatas and, 260; Self and, 287; Tantras on, 376; Uddhâva-Gîtâ on, 282–283; Upanishads on, 314; Yoga- Vâsishtha on, 304. See also specific emotions

  emptiness: Buddhism and, 156, 157, 162, 163–166, 169, 174, 175, 178–179, 180, 346; contemplating, 424; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 254; scriptures on, 270, 307, 318, 418, 424; source reading on, 164—166; Tantra and, 175, 178–179, 180, 343

  endurance, 33, 321

  enemas, 391

  enemies, Vedas on, 114

  energy: asceticism and, 247; cakras and, 351; consciousness and, 84; Hatha-Yoga and, 30; material c
osmos as, 17, 47; supraconscious ecstasy and, 218; ten types of, 80, 422; transmission and, 9, 16, 17; yamas and, 246. See also kundalinî-shakti; ojas; prâna; shakti; Shakti

  England, India and, 64–65

  enjoyment, 20, 226, 399, 434n. 50. See also joy

  enlightenment. See liberation (enlightenment)

  enstasy, 3

  environment, 150, 199, 248, 296–297, 299, 397

  Epic Age, 63, 136, 183–209

  epistemology, xxix, 72

  equality. See egalitarianism

  equanimity, 7, 32, 151, 185, 219, 247

  equilibrium. See balance

  essence, 4, 169, 170. See also sphota

  estates. See varna

  Eternal, defined, xxv-xxvi

  ether, 200, 201, 357–358, 383, 396, 402, 416. See also âkâshas (vyomans); elements (bhûtas); khecârî-mudrâ; nabho- mudrâ; space

  etheric body, 132

  ethics: Buddhism and, 159–160, 161; Classical Yoga and, 245–248; Hindu philosophy and, 72, 73; Jainism and, 139, 143, 145, 147, 151; Pre-Classical Age and, 184, 207–209; spirituality and, 207–208; Upanishads on, 128. See also dharma; morality; Smritis

  Ever-Present Origin, The, 93

  evil, 171, 175, 187, 206, 261. See also good and evil

  evolution, xxx, 57, 75–77, 91–93, 135, 176, 242–244, 346, 357. See also cosmogony; creation; existence

  existence: Classical Yoga levels of, 239–240, 244, 348, 350; Classical Yoga principles of, 243, 244; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 252; Jaina categories of, 145, 153; Kashmiri Shaivism categories of, 267–268; Pre- Classical Yoga categories of, 198; Puranic categories of, 297; Sâmkhya categories of, 135, 198; Tantra and levels of, 348–355, 376; Upanishads on levels of, 135, 330; Vaisheshika categories of, 77

  existentialism, 143

  experience: Buddhism and, 171; Self-realization and, 130, 137, 143; Yoga and, 222, 223, 228–229, 237, 241–242, 252–253, 328, 400. See also bhoga experimentation, Yoga and, 237, 252, 328

  extension (siddhi), 367

  extroversion, desire and, 275

  eyes, 322, 351, 353, 392, 404, 412, 413. See also gaze; senses; visualization


  Fa-hien, 64

  fainting, 407

  faith, 33, 37, 58, 121, 192, 218, 283, 286, 321, 335

  fasting, 71, 81, 140, 148, 151, 199, 247, 298, 406, 419

  fatalism, 50, 144

  fear: cakras and, 355; of death, 409, 418; dualism and, 207; existentialism and, 143; Formless Path and, 181; ignorance and, 170, 204; karma and, 143; liberation and, 38, 132, 143, 320, 420; Moksha-Dharma on, 198, 204; mudra of fearlessness, 176; Purânas on, 299; separateness and, 159; transcendence and, 7, 8; Upanishads on, 315

  feeling. See emotions

  feet, 37, 60

  female hormonal secretions. See rajas

  feminine principle, 64, 163, 344. See also anima; shakti

  fertility, 100–101, 120, 353

  fiery body, 145

  fifteenfold path, 318

  fig tree, 100, 156

  fire: antar-dhauti and, 391; asceticism and, 66, 95, 247; bhûta-shuddhi and, 357–358; cakras and, 353; city of, 403; concentration upon, 396, 415; Dharma-Shâstras on, 209; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 410, 411, 412, 415, 417, 420; Indra and, 106, 108; Jainism and, 148; kundalinî and, 405, 411; light and, 320, 322; mandalas and, 177; nâdîs and inner, 404, 410, 422; navel and, 413, 415; om and, 409; prânâyâma and, 411, 412; purification and, 209, 410; purity and, 184; sacrificial, 66 (see also fire ritual); Self and, 194—195, 423; Shamanism and, 94, 95; Shiva and, 84; of spiritual practice, 14; tumo and, 95, 180; Uddhava-Gîtâ on, 283, 284; Vedas on, 118, 119, 434n. 47; Vrâtyas and, 121; Yoga of, 405. See also agni; Agni; elements (bhûtas); tumo

  fire altars, 97–98, 100, 101, 105, 124–125

  fire ritual, 70, 71, 101, 103, 124, 125, 283, 284, 435n. 1

  fish. See Luipâ; entries beginning with matsya

  fivefold path, Mantra-Yoga and, 53

  Five K’s, 334

  Five M’s, 262, 348, 364–365, 366, 373–374, 378. See also maithuna

  food, 71, 84, 132, 133, 283, 284, 285, 351, 378. See also diet

  fools, holy, 19–25, 330

  ford-makers, 139–140, 147, 152

  forehead, as âdhâra, 402, 420

  forest dwellers, 69, 70, 71, 125, 126, 151, 283–286, 319, 431n. 42

  forgiveness, 198

  form, 5–6, 51, 160, 162, 165–166, 390

  Formless Path, 181

  Fourth, the, 5, 104, 207, 270, 273, 275, 297, 305, 430n. 6, 431n. 9

  Frawley, David, 80, 104–105

  freedom, xxvii, 162, 187, 304. See also liberation (enlightenment)

  free will. See will

  friendliness, 219, 228

  frog, 393, 396

  future: perceiving the, 78, 209, 227, 297; Yoga-Sûtra on, 227, 231

  Future of the Body, The, 368


  gaganas. See âkâshâs (vyomans)

  Gahini Nâtha, 387, 388

  Gana-Kârikâ, 260

  Gânapatyas, 187

  gandharvas, 109, 114

  Gandhi, Mahatma, 49, 50, 188

  Ganesha, 86–87, 128, 187, 188, 360, 433n. 22

  Ganesh-Gîtâ, 279

  Ganges River, 62, 63, 65–66, 84, 97

  Garbe, Richard, 188

  garbha, 117, 271, 420, 431n. 40

  Gârgya Bâlâki, 133

  gârhastya. See householders

  Garland of Letters, The, 359

  Garuda, 265, 298

  Garuda-Purâna, 296, 298

  gates: nine, 411, 423; seven, 313, 315

  gatis, 170, 437n. 21

  Gauda Abhinanda, 303

  Gaudapâda, 7, 171, 206–207, 235, 438n. 28. See also Mândûkya-Kârikâ

  Gaudîya lineage, 292

  Gautama the Buddha, xxx, 16, 60, 86, 92, 93, 155–157, 175, 208. See also Buddha; Buddha-Carita; Buddhism

  gâyatrî-mantra, 130, 131, 171, 209, 313, 314, 438n. 29. See also ajapâ-gâyatrî- mantra

  gaze, 18, 84, 395, 396, 416, 417

  Gebser, Jean, 92–93

  Gelugs, 179

  gender, xix, 140–141, 261, 335. See also women

  genealogies, 296

  ghantikâ, 402, 417, 420. See also râja-danta

  ghata-avasthâ, 424

  ghee, 103, 420

  Gheranda-Samhitâ, 369, 390–399, 423–424, 442n. 12

  Ghora, 131, 140

  ghosts, 437n. 21

  Gîtâ-Bhâshya, 437n. 9

  Gitâ-Govinda, 279, 287–288

  Gîtâs, 279. See also specific Gîtâs

  Gîtâ-Tatparya, 437n. 9

  glance. See gaze

  glossary, 453–460

  gnosis, 31, 35, 74, 125, 126, 191, 197, 240, 276, 329. See also understanding; wisdom

  Gnosticism, 4, 261, 382

  gnostics. See jnânins

  go, 106, 287

  goat, 434n. 49, 435n. 63

  Gobind Singh, 334

  God: lvârs and, 280–281; attraction to, 8; Bhagavad-Gîtâ on, 190–192, 195–196; Bhakti-Yoga and, 36, 37, 38–39, 40, 41, 43–46; body and, 372, 384, 390; Buddhism and, 159; defined, xxv-xxvi; deities and, 83; existentialism and, 143; guru as, 11, 12–14, 15, 16; Hindu philosophy and, 72, 73; Jainism and, 145; Jnâna- Yoga and, 31, 32; Kâpâlikas and, 262; Karma-Yoga and, 49; keshins and, 113; Lingâyatas and, 263–264; Lord vs., 248; love and, 192; Mîmâmsâ and, 73; Nature and, 136–137; nondualism and, xxvi; Nyâya and, 78; Pâshupâtas and, 260–261; Pre-Classical Yoga and, 198; Purânas on, 299; Râja-Yoga and, 29; Sâmkhya and, 60, 198, 240; Sikhism and, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337; Tantra and, 366, 372, 373; technology and, xxviii; Upanishads on, 136–137, 326; Vaishnavism and, 280–281, 292–293; Vedas on, 116, 118, 121; Yoga- Sûtra on, 78, 219, 224, 225, 240; Yoga- Vâsishtha on, 304, 308, 310. See also Absolute (brahman); Divine; Eternal; Lord; Reality; Self (transcendental); Supreme Being; Unconditional

  Goddesses, 87–88, 344–346; assimilating life force of, 358;
cakras and, 353, 354; Great Wisdoms, 87–88, 344–345; as Mother, 344; Purâna on, 88, 287, 296, 299, 433n. 23; Shaktism and, 40, 187, 267, 342; sixty-four yoginîs, 7, 430n. 8; Tantra and, 342, 343, 344–346; Upanishad on, 339; Vedic worship of, 100–101, 103, 113, 118. See also deities; shakti; Shakti; specific Goddesses

  God-realization, xxv-xxvii, xxviii-xxix. See also liberation (enlightenment)

  Gods. See Brahma; deities; Goddesses; Shiva; Vishnu; other specific Gods

  Golden Creator, 124

  Golden Germ, 103, 214

  Golden Temple, 334, 335, 337

  Gomateshvara, 141

  go-mukha, 71, 280, 393

  good and evil, 187, 310, 336, 439n. 8. See also evil

  Goodman, Felicitas, 95

  Go-Patha-Brâhmana, 124

  Gopîcandra, 386, 387, 388–389

  gopîs, 38, 41, 187, 280–281, 282, 293

  Gorakh-Bodh, 421

  goraksha-âsana, 100, 393

  Goraksha Nâtha, 290, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 400–421, 442n. 9. See also Siddha-Siddhânta-Paddhati; Yoga- Bija

  Goraksha-Paddhati, 331, 400–420

  Goraksha-Samhitâ, 348, 400

  Goraksha-Shataka, 400, 443n. 24

  Goraksha-Siddhânta-Samgraha, 443n. 39

  Goraksha-Upanishad, 421

  Goraksha-Vacana-Samgraha, 381, 421

  Gosala, Makkhali, 142, 144

  Gosvâmin, Jîva, 37, 292

  Gosvâmin, Rûpa, 37

  Goswami, Shyam Sundar, 54

  Govinda, 206, 235

  Govinda, Anagarika, 172, 239

  grace: Buddhism and, 169, 174; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 254; guru and, 9, 11, 19, 359, 389, 421; Integral Yoga and, 58; Jnâna-Yoga and, 32; liberation and, 135, 136, 137, 248, 260; Lingâyata meditation and, 264; mantras and, 359; negative emotions and, 38; niyamas and, 248; Purânas on, 297; sacrifice and, 344; Shaivism and, 276; Siddha-Siddhânta- Paddhati on, 421; Sikhism and, 336; Single Cow and, 110; Yoga and, 248

  gracefulness, 229

  grain, parched, 364, 373

  granthis, 147, 355, 371, 390, 423

  Great Wisdoms, 87–88, 344–345

  greed, 146, 198, 202, 209, 246


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