The Yoga Tradition

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by Georg Feuerstein

  greedlessness, 208, 224, 225, 245, 246, 301

  grief, 201, 202

  Grihya-Sûtras, 120, 123

  Guenther, Herbert V., 348

  Guhya-Samâja-Tantra, 342

  guilt, 314, 416

  Gunabhadra, 145

  Gunabhâra, 277

  Gunadhara, 143

  gunas: asceticism and, 247; yur-Veda and, 81; defined, 75–76, 370, 432n. 18, 438n. 23, 455; delusion and, 202; Divine and, 432n. 18; doshas and, 81, 433n. 18; ego and, 223; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 404, 413; levels of, 45, 223, 432n. 23; liberation and, 222, 223; manas and, 201; mind and, 200–204; Moksha-Dharma on, 200–204, 438n. 23; pleasure and, 202; pradhâna and, 242; prâna and apâna and, 404; Purânas on, 299; Sâmkhya and, 75–77, 242; senses and, 223, 244; separation and, 370–371; Shiva and, 84; Sikhism and, 334; suffering and, 202, 222; Tantras on, 370–371; Undifferentiate and, 242, 244; Vaisheshika and, 77; Vedas on, 434n. 36; Yoga-Sûtra on, 218, 223, 231, 233, 242, 244; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 306. See also rajas; sattva; tamas

  guna-sthâna, 146–147

  Gupta dynasty, 64

  guru-bhakti, 16

  guru-cakra. See cakras

  Guru-Gîtâ, 16

  Guru-Panca-Shikhâ, 16

  gurus, 8–12; as Absolute, 324; Bhakti-Yoga and, 37, 40; book learning vs., 9, 128; crazy-wisdom, 19–25, 343–344; darshana of, 376; devotion to, 9–10, 15–16, 152, 153, 290, 291, 301, 324, 376, 377, 388–389; as Divine, 11, 12–14, 15, 16; ego and, 11; etymology of term, 11, 324; function of, 8–12, 272; Gîtâs on, 286; grace of, 9, 11, 19, 359, 389, 421; initiation by, 9, 11, 12, 16–19, 358–359, 430n. 28; Jainism and, 148, 152, 153; Jnâneshvarî on, 290; kundalinî and, 290; liberation and, 9, 19; lineage of, 17; mantras and, 358–359; necessity for, 9, 323, 324; offerings to, 10, 14, 131; parama-gurus, 206; Purânas on, 296; qualifications of, xvi, 9, 10–12, 324, 421; Reality and, 18, 430n. 29; root, 206; sad-, 11, 458; sexuality and, 344 (see also crazy wisdom); shakti-pâta and, 17, 268, 459; Shiva-Samhitâ on, 424; Shiva-Sûtra on, 272; Sikhism and, 333–335, 337; source readings on, 12–14, 24–25; Tantras on, 375; telepathy and, 354; transmission of, 9, 15, 16–18, 265, 430n. 21, 431n. 31; types of, 11–12, 430n. 13; Upanishads on, 10, 11, 16, 127, 323, 421. See also discipleship

  guru-yoga, 15–16, 28, 290

  gyulu, 180


  Hacker, Paul, 235

  Hâkinî, 354

  hallucinations, 250, 381

  ham, 354, 404–405

  hamsa, 318, 319, 320, 328, 390, 414, 442n. 12, 455

  hamsa-mantra, 317, 319, 404–405, 414, 442n. 12

  Hamsas, 71

  Hamsa-Upanishad, 128, 311, 319

  Hanumat, 86, 183, 184, 394, 437n. 4

  happiness, xxvii, 37, 80, 159, 257, 410, 416

  Hara, Shiva as, 84, 137, 414

  Haradatta, 260

  Harappa, 63, 96, 99, 100

  Har Gobind, 334

  Hari, 85, 401

  Haribhadra Sûri, 142, 148–149, 151–153, 235, 436n. 7

  Hariharânanda, 236

  Harikesha, 139

  Harimandir, 334

  Hari-Vamsha, 186, 281

  harmony. See balance

  Harner, Michael, 94

  Harsha-Carita, 261

  Hartsuiker, Dolf, 259

  hatha, defined, 352, 390, 442n. 13

  Hatha-Dîpikâ, 400

  Hatha-Ratna-Avalî, 423

  Hatha-Sanketa-Candrikâ, 425

  Hatha-Tattva-Kaumudî, 425

  Hatha-Yoga, 29–31, 381–425; avadhûtas and, 22; yur-Veda and, 80, 81; Bhakti- Yoga vs., 289; definition of term, 29, 390, 455; experimentation and, 237, 328; health and, 80, 81–82; ideal of, 27, 29–30, 382, 390, 399–400, 408; Kundalînî-Yoga and, 28, 399; Laya-Yoga and, 28, 55; liabilities of, 29, 30, 387; literature of, 328–331, 384, 390–399, 400–425 (see also specific works); Nârâyana Tîrtha and, 236; origins of, 328, 381–390, 442n. 9; practices of, 390–400, 420–424; Râja- Yoga and, 29, 30, 329, 399, 423; Shaivism and, 267; Siddha tradition and (see Siddha tradition); source reading on, 400–420; spiritual maturation and, 8, 15, 424; subtle body and (see subtle body); Upanishads and, 128, 317, 328–331

  Hatha-Yoga, 400

  Hatha-Yoga-Pradîpikâ, 11, 30, 55, 389, 393, 395, 397, 400, 423, 424, 442n. 9

  hatred, liberation and, 38, 287

  Hauer, Jakob Wilhelm, 30, 119, 133, 188, 312, 435n. 65, 438n. 26

  Havana. See invocation

  head, 313, 315, 410, 411, 412. See also crown of head

  healers, bodhisattva path and, 94

  health, 10, 62, 67, 78–82, 114, 395, 410. See also illness; longevity

  hearing. See ears

  heart: as âdhâra, 402, 417, 420; adhyâtma- yoga and, 134; anâhata-shabda and, 336, 413; Bhakti-Yoga and, 36, 39, 192; cakra at, 354, 355, 358, 402, 413, 416; cleansing of, 391; consciousness and, 228; devotion to Lord and, 248; element concentration and, 415; gagana at, 412; gate of, 313, 315; Gîtâs on, 282; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 412, 415, 416, 418; Integral Yoga and, 58; jîva and, 403; knot (granthi) at, 147, 355, 371, 390; Krishna and, 192; liberation and, 289, 371; Mantra-Yoga and, 53; moon and, 422; nâda and, 354; ojas and, 81; prâna and, 351, 404; Purânas on, 301; Self and, 403, 422; Shaivism and, 270, 277, 278, 279; Shiva-Sûtra on, 270; Sikhism and, 335, 336; spiritual process and, 289; sun and, 319; Tantras on, 371, 373, 379; Upanishads on, 313, 315, 317, 319, 320, 321, 326; Vaishnavism and, 279, 281, 282, 289; Yoga- Sûtra on, 228. See also Hridaya-Sûtra

  heart attack, mudrâ for, 360

  heart disease, 360, 391

  heart rate, 353

  heat, 81, 95, 356, 398. See also fire; tumo

  heaven, 118, 314, 409, 435n. 63, 459. See also Tushita Heaven; Vaikuntha Heaven

  hedonism, 148, 177, 343, 344, 365, 366

  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 76, 188

  hell, Vedas on, 102

  Hemacandra, 142, 144, 150, 151

  Heraclitus, 231

  herbs, siddhis and, 230, 367

  Herder, Johann Gottfried, 188

  Hevajra-Tantra, 9

  hibernation, 353

  hierarchy of existence. See existence

  Hînayâna Buddhism, 157, 158–163, 164, 167, 169, 173. See also Pali canon

  Hinduism: Buddhism and (see Buddhism, Hinduism and); defined, 59–60, 61; deities and, 83; history of, 59–65; India and, 59; Jainism and, 139, 383, 388; number of adherents, 59; philosophy of, 72–78, 126; religion of, 83–88; Siddha tradition and, 383, 388; Sikhism and, 334; six great traditions of, 6; Tantra and, 64; tolerance and, 61, 72, 259; Yoga and, 72, 75, 77, 78, 83–88, 208

  hiranmaya-prajâpati, 124

  hiranya-garbha, 103, 214. See also Prâjapati

  Hiranyagarbha, 214—215

  Hiranyakashipu, King, 287

  Hittites, 96, 99

  Hixon, Lex, 163

  holy madness, 19–25, 66

  Holy Madness (Feuerstein), xvi-xvii, 20

  homa, 101

  Honen Shonin, 173–174

  honey. See wine

  honey doctrine, 115–116, 131

  hormonal secretions, 29. See also rajas; retas

  horses, 101, 128, 135, 136, 379, 396, 418

  householders, 69, 115, 146, 286, 300, 319

  hridaya. See heart

  Hridaya-Sûtra, 157, 163, 164—166

  hûm, 172, 297

  human goals, 207

  human sacrifice, 120, 262

  Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 188

  humility, 147, 148, 151, 198, 260

  humors. See doshas

  Humphreys, Christian, 156

  hunger, 351

  Huxley, Aldous, 188–189

  “Hymn of Creation,” 66, 103, 104, 112

  “Hymn of Man,” 60, 103

  “Hymn of the Long-hair,” 104, 106, 113–114

  hypnosis, 252


  I-am-ness. See ahamkâra; asmitâ

  icchâ. See will

  idâ- and pingalâ-nâdîs: cakras and, 352; Chinnamastâ
and, 88; described, 352, 390; Goraksha legends and, 386; Goraksha- Paddhati on, 402, 403–404, 410, 418; hamsa and, 390; Hatha-Yoga and, 353, 390; moon and sun and, 352, 390, 404, 422; mudrâs and, 418; nervous system and, 353; prâna and, 352, 353, 356, 410; Shiva-Sûtra on, 275; sushumnâ-nâdî and, 352, 390, 418; Tantra and, 352; Upanishads on, 327

  idealism, 304–305

  identification: with Absolute, 5, 312, 318, 319, 416, 417, 419—420; Bhakti-Yoga and, 36, 38; with body-mind-ego, 5, 11, 19; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 416, 417, 419—420; guru and, 11; Jnâna-Yoga and, 32; of pairs of opposites, 419; with Self, 5, 19, 52, 241, 254, 258, 341, 359, 399, 419; with Shiva, 5; union vs., 342

  ignorance: Buddhism and, 159, 160, 165, 166, 436n. 6; defined, 454; dharma- megha-samâdhi and, 233; ego and, 241; fear and, 170, 204; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 403; as klesha, 221; kundalinî and, 406; separation and, 223, 224; Tantras on, 378; Vaishnavism and, 288, 290; Yoga- Sûtra on, 221, 223, 224, 233, 241; Yoga- Vâsishtha on, 304, 305, 306

  ijyâ. See sacrifice

  îkshâ, 286

  Ikshvâku, 208

  Ilâ, 208

  illness: amrita and, 414; âsanas for, 81, 331, 393, 395, 402, 412; yur-Veda for, 62, 78–82, 389; dhauti for, 391; elements and, 360; eye disease, 392; fever, 368; gastrointestinal disorders, 391, 406; Goraksha- Paddhati on, 402, 408, 412; heart disease, 360, 391; heavy feeling, 360; insomnia, 360; jâlandhari-bandha for, 408; Kâkacandîshvara-Kalpa on, 390; Kalyana-Kâraka on, 389; lauli (nauli) for, 392; magic and, 368; mudrâs for, 360, 406, 407, 414; nâdîs and, 352, 408; nervous tension, 360; phlegm disorders, 391, 392; Prakîrnas on, 141; prânâyâma and, 398, 412; Rasa-Paddhati on, 390; Sat- Karma-Samgraha on, 392; skin diseases, 391; spleen enlargement, 391; throat diseases, 408; tumors, 391; Upanishads on, 329, 331; vasti (basti) for, 391; Vedic medicine and, 78–82; yantras for, 364; Yoga- Bhâshya on, 80; Yoga-Sûtra on, 81, 219, 251. See also deafness; healers; health

  illusion. See mâyâ

  illusionism, 56

  imagination, 170, 251

  I-maker. See ahamkâra; asmitâ

  immortality: Amrita-Anubhava on, 290; amrita-nâdî and, 355; Brâhmanas on, 125; consciousness and, 133; Dhumâvatî and, 345; divine body and, 30, 382; ghee and, 103; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 413, 414; Hatha-Yoga and, 30, 382, 399; hiranya-garbha and, 103; human quest for, 341; India and, 341; kâya-sâdhanâ and, 81; lambikâ-yoga and, 414; liberation equals, 130, 137; Mahâbhârata on, 187; Moksha-Dharma on, 203; nâdîs and, 124, 390; nâthas and, 385; nectar of (see soma [amrita]); prâna and apâna and, 133, 414; Shiva-Samhitâ on, 424; Sikhism and, 334; Tantra and, 382; Upanishads on, 124, 322, 341; Vedas on, 39, 102, 108, 119, 341; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 306, 307

  impatience, 202

  inaction, in action, 48, 51, 189–190, 379

  India, 59–65, 187

  indifference, 20, 149, 151, 152, 169, 247, 305, 317, 372. See also dispassion; renunciation

  individualism, 60

  individuation. See ahamkâra; asmitâ; ego; jîva; nonself (no-self)

  Indra, 39, 101, 102, 106–109, 110, 111, 119, 121, 327, 434n. 32

  Indra Devi, 288

  indriya-jaya. See sense-restraint

  indriyas. See senses

  Indus-Sarasvatî civilization, 27, 61–63, 96–101, 123, 143

  infatuation, 198, 224

  infinity, serpent lord and, 214

  initiation, 9, 16–19; asceticism and, 52; defined, 9, 16–17, 431n. 32; guru and, 9, 11, 16–19, 358–359, 430n. 28; instant, 18; mantras and, 9, 18, 52, 54, 358–359; necessity for, 9, 16, 17, 19; recitation and, 52; Shiva and Mina story of, 385–386; Tantra and, 16–19, 366; transmission and, 9, 15, 16–17; types of, 17–18, 430nn. 28, 29; Upanishads and, 126

  In Search of the Cradle of Civilization (Feuerstein, Kak, and Frawley), 61, 96

  insight, 221, 252, 273, 304. See also dhî

  insomnia, 360. See also sleep

  integral consciousness, 93

  integralism, xxix, 28, 30, 50, 63, 69, 93, 191, 343

  Integral Yoga, 28, 55–58, 69

  integrity, 148, 346

  Intelligence, Shakti and, 356

  introspection, 322, 323, 371

  intuition, 5, 7, 9, 31, 71, 74, 92, 266, 419; Vedas on, 104, 107, 109, 110, 114. See also buddhi

  invisibility, 94, 95, 209, 228, 329, 367

  invocation, 53, 105, 134

  involution, 135, 176, 222, 233

  Isadora, Saint, 19

  Îsha, 354

  îshana, 84, 265

  Îsha-Upanishad, 1, 127, 206

  Isherwood, Christopher, 188

  îshitritva, 368

  ishta-devatâ, 4, 37, 178, 225, 358, 366

  îshvara. See Being; Creator; God; Lord

  Îshvara, air element and, 415

  Îshvara-Gitâ, 40, 298

  Îshvara Krishna, 75–77, 135, 198, 240. See also Sâmkhya-Kârikâ

  îshvara-pranidhâna, 219, 247–248. See also devotion

  Islam, xxvi, 20, 83, 128

  Itihâsas, 295, 296

  Iyengar, B. K. S., 27, 288


  Jâbala-Upanishad, 70, 437n. 2

  jâdya. See unconsciousness

  Jaimini, 73

  Jaiminîya-Brâhmana, 124

  Jaiminîya-Upanishad-Brâhmana, 120

  Jainism, 139-153; Appar and, 277; Bhagavad-Gîtâ and, 188; Buddhism and, 159, 172, 383, 388; Carpâta-Shataka and, 388; deities and, 83, 144, 148; emergence of, 63, 92, 120; existence categories of, 145, 153; five bodies doctrine of, 144–145; focus of, 139; Hinduism and, 139, 383, 388; history of, 139–141; India and, 59; literature of, 141–143; Muslims and, 141, 143; path to liberation of, 146–147; purification and, 143–151; Sâmkhya and, 144; Siddha tradition and, 383, 388; source reading for, 151–153; Tantra and, 64, 149; Vaisheshika and, 77; Yoga and, 148–153. See also gamas

  jalandhâra-bandha, 395, 397, 406, 408, 424

  Jâlandhari, 387, 389

  Janaka, King, 120, 125, 184

  Janârdana Svâmin, 291, 438nn. 20, 21

  japa. See recitation

  Japanese Yoga. See Zen Buddhism

  Japji, 334, 336

  Jaspers, Karl, xxx, 91, 92, 143

  jâti, 160, 169, 230

  Jayâ, 88

  Jayadeva, 287, 291

  Jayâkhya-Samhitâ, 279–280, 440n. 1

  jealousy, 314, 324

  Jesus, 430n. 7

  Jewish Yoga, 6. See also Judaism

  jhânas, 162

  jinas, 139, 147, 152

  jîva: as Being-Consciousness, 372–373; as bull, 413; defined, 455; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 403, 413, 415; Hinduism and, 144, 372–373; Jainism and, 144, 145; Jnâneshvarî on, 290–291; kalâ and, 415; prâna and, 372–373, 404; Sâmkhya and, 198; Shiva as, 372–373, 390; Shiva-Sûtra on, 275; Tantras on, 369, 372–373, 395; Upanishads on, 257, 317, 321, 328; Vedânta and, 4, 144; Yoga definition and, 4. See also ego

  jîva-âtman. See ego; jîva

  jîvan-muktas, 23, 33

  jîvan-mukti, 254, 305, 318, 336, 341, 370, 382–383, 422, 439n. 8, 455

  Jîvan-Mukti-Gîtâ, 23

  Jîvan-Mukti-Viveka, 7, 303, 312

  jnâna: defined, 31, 33, 35, 455; scriptures on, 50, 191, 197, 276, 298, 329, 330, 424; shakti and, 409. See also gnosis; knowledge; wisdom

  Jnâna-Amrita, 400

  Jnâna-Arnava-Tantra, 151, 347

  jnâna-cakshus, 33

  Jnânadeva, 290–291, 384, 437n. 9

  jnâna-dîpti-yoga, 199

  jnâna-indriyas, 268

  jnâna-mudrâ, 360, 418

  jnâna-netra, 36

  Jnâna-Sâra, 144, 147

  jnâna-shakti, 260

  Jnâna-Yoga, 31–33; Asparsha-Yoga and, 207; Bhagavad-Gîtâ and, 31, 50, 191; Buddhism and, 168; Buddhi-Yoga and, 31; consciousness and, 50; described, 31–33, 456; Karma-Yoga and, 50, 68; Râmânuja and, 289; renunciation and, 68; source reading for, 34–36; Upanishads and, 32, 331; Vijnâna Bhikshu and, 213; Yoga-Vâsishtha and, 50, 304. See also Upanishads

/>   Jnâneshvarî, 290, 384, 437n. 9

  jnânins, defined, 7, 32

  Jnâtri-Dharma-Kathâ-Anga, 142

  Jodo Buddhism, 173–174

  Jois, Pattabhi, 288

  Jonah, 386

  joy, 147, 153, 155, 162, 167–168, 170, 191, 200, 201, 202, 205, 272, 306, 378. See also enjoyment; sattva

  Judaism, xxvi, 6, 20

  Jung, C. G., xxx, 65, 252, 263, 344, 350, 441n. 5

  Jyotsnâ, 423, 424


  Kabîr, 292–293, 334, 386

  Kafir-Bodha, 388

  Kagyupas, 21, 178

  Kaikeyi, 184

  Kailâsa, Mount, 84, 113, 376

  kaivalya, 274, 456; Upanishads on, 313, 315, 317, 329; Yoga-Sûtra on, 8, 224, 230, 232, 233, 253, 254

  Kak, Subhash, 105

  Kâkacandîshvara, 389, 390

  Kâkacandîshvara-Kalpa, 390

  kâki-mudrâ, 396

  Kâkini, 354

  Kaksha-Pûta-Samhitâ, 389

  kalâ, 18, 267, 269, 272, 349, 414, 415, 439n. 13, 456. See also time Kâlabhairava, 295

  kâla-cakra, 173

  Kâlacakra-Tantra, 173

  Kâlacakrayâna Buddhism, 172, 173

  kalâ-dîkshâ, 18

  Kâlâmukhas, 40, 263, 439n. 5

  Kâlî, 40, 87, 120, 225, 265, 344

  kâlî-yantra, 365

  kali-yuga, 21–22, 63, 64, 86, 174, 186, 264, 329, 343

  Kalki, 86

  Kallata, 266

  Kalpa-Cintâmani, 368

  Kalpa-Sûtra, 123, 434n. 15

  Kalyana-Kâraka, 389

  kâma. See lust; pleasure

  kâma-avasâyitva, 368

  Kâmadeva, 392

  Kâma-Kalâ-Vîlâsa, 347

  Kamalâ, 87, 345, 441n. 7

  kamala-âsana. See âsanas

  Kamalâlaya, 331

  kâma-rûpa, 402

  kâma-shâstra, 343

  Kâmikâ, 265

  Kamsa, 38, 287

  Kanâda, 77–78

  kancukas, 267, 269, 349

  kânda, 317, 352, 402, 405

  Kane, P. V., 422

  Kânha, 262, 346

  Kânphatas, 319, 386–387

  Kant, Immanuel, 169

  Kanthadi, 389

  kantha-kûpa, 228

  Kâpâla, 261

  kapâla-bhâti, 392

  Kâpâlikas, 40, 261–262, 263, 389–390

  Kapâlin, 389–390

  kapha, 80, 433n. 18

  Kapila, 75, 281–282, 424

  Karana, 265

  Kâravana-Mâhâtmya, 259

  karma: action and, 48–49, 189, 241–242, 378, 379, 456; Angas on, 142; attachment and, 189; attraction to God and, 8; bardos and, 181; Buddhism and, 126, 159–160, 168, 181; caste system and, 60; death and, 49, 50; defined, 47, 48–49; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 254, 412; eightfold path and, 248; existentialism and, 143; fatalism and, 50; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 407; Jainism and, 139, 142, 143–145, 146, 147, 152, 153; Jnâna-Yoga and, 32; justice of, 231; liberation and, 144, 371; mudrâs and, 407; Pâshupatas and, 260; prânâyâma and, 412; samskâras and (see samskâras); Shaivism and, 268; Sikhism and, 337; sleep and, 242; stock of, 222, 242; subconscious and, 241, 242; Tantra and, 181, 371, 372, 378; types of, 143–144, 228; Upanishads on, 126, 129; Vaisheshika and, 77; vâsanâs and (see vâsanâs); Vedas on, 126; wisdom and, 50, 143; Yoga-Sûtra on, 228, 231, 233; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 50. See also action; reincarnation; thought


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