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Syd's Wolf Den

Page 7

by K Harris

  “Faster, please.”

  “Nah, not tonight.”


  “Deeper it is.”

  “Ooh, no – no – no,” I chanted. Wolf hooked his arms under my knees to keep me from locking them into his hips in an effort to halt his movements. “Oooh GOTDAMN!”

  “Wolf, fuck me, please!” I practically begged with tears in my eyes.

  “Look at me Syd,” he insisted, and I shook my head. As if he found a hidden pocket of untouched terrain, he burrowed in deeper. That spot caused more than my mouth to pop open as I locked gazes with Wolf. “That’s the look I was seeking.”

  “Wh-what,” I questioned desperately wanting to know what he was looking for.

  “Acknowledgement,” his look of determination as he never broke stride astonished me.

  “Oh my,” I panted feeling something foreign even for me come running to the forefront of my fuzziness. “Of,” I squeaked out my question.

  “That. I. Run. This. Shit.” Wolf enunciated each word with a thrust and a kiss to my parted lips. Like a broken fire hydrant, I exploded drenching us both. No matter how bad I would have rather came back with something clever, I was at a loss for words. This time, he won but payback was a bitch. Challenge accepted.


  “Damn, I knew Wolf had your tongue last night but damn he has your daytime attention too.” Nix’s loud ass joked approaching the table.

  “Shut up trick, the real question is, did your kitty get beat Black and blue by you know who?” I had questions of my own.

  “The fuck, uh no ma’am. You already know how I roll in regard to messing around with folks that I have to work with.”

  “The way you were twerking specifically for him, you could have fooled me last night.”

  “Last night was a special, rare occasion. Everybody stepped completely out of the box for a few ticks, look at that damn display that Cage put on last night.”

  “Whew chile,” I laughed at that thought myself.

  “Guh, when he wrapped his huge ass hand around her throat and tongued her down for all to see – I almost lost my shit. Last night, going commando wasn’t the smartest idea.” Nix fanned herself. “Maybe that skank Candie should have seen that shit before she bounced.”

  “From what Wolf said, she obviously saw something popping off between those two from the look he first saw on her face.”

  “Goody for her ass, trifling hoe.”

  “Agreed,” I nodded. The other ladies began to file into the diner and sat in our area. This was supposed to be our meet up day and time, but we weren’t sure if Dez would make it after last night.

  “Good afternoon ladies.” Dez finally trickled into the diner a half hour later. The brightness that beamed from her face told on her all on its own before we caught the slight difference in her walk. It would appear that she is becoming acclimated to dealing with Cage on that level, shit I wish I could say the same.

  “Hey Dez.”

  “Hey Prez.”

  “What’s up girl?”

  “Thundercat, surprised to see you so soon.” Nix beat all greetings with her craziness.

  “I hate you!” Dez laughed with everyone else.

  “Be that as it may, congratulations!” Nix shouted and everyone followed suit. Dez cut her eyes at me and I elaborated further.

  “The first claimed in a very long time,” I added. “That is something else.” And she beamed.

  “Thanks y’all.”

  “Bump that, what did that look mean?” Debra picked up on that.

  “Right, what are you holding close to the vest Dez?” Deloris added.

  “What’s going on?” Several ladies asked.

  “I do have some additional news and there is no time like the present.” Dez began and looked around the diner to see who all was in attendance. “I’m pregnant.” She whispered. The ladies got the gist that she wanted it kept a secret and gave their congratulations with giddiness.

  “This is so exciting!” Earnestine danced.

  “We have so much to celebrate.” Another lady said.

  “How did Cage take the news?”

  “He is excited. I think he may have knocked me up on purpose.” Dez joked but I felt her deep meaning. She believes it and I wouldn’t put shit past his ass. He was crazy with jealousy towards seeing Dez with anyone else.

  “His crazy tale was staking his claim by any means necessary. I ain’t mad at him.” Nix said what was on my mind.

  “Well, it is a wonderful thing either way.” Earnestine sincerely stated.

  “Thanks y’all. Now, what did I miss when the caveman carried me away.”

  “Bitch, don’t act like you weren’t willing to be drug away.” Nix side eyed Dez and she blushed. “Furthermore, you didn’t miss anything. We partied, twerked, and some of us probably got worked over.” She added and pointed at me.

  “Aww shit, so Wolf put the clamp on your ass. You are mighty quiet now that I think about it.” Dez beamed.

  “Uh both of y’all can go head on somewhere,” I rolled my eyes.

  “Yep, he fucked her speechless.” Several women said.

  A flashback from how hard I came in the early hours of the morning shook me in my current state. Wolf had me bound by the hands, taking complete control of our sexual experience and I have no qualms about it. In the beginning, I fought against being tied down and definitely with giving into the power struggle, but now it was an experience that I could certainly get used to. A visible shiver went down my spine recalling his mouth on both sets of lips. His kisses were hypnotic, his stroke game was killer both slow and fast.

  There was no room for another round, the explosive way that we finished that one was good enough. The only downfall, I was currently craving more and more. Wolf spoke like a man that was over the bullshit and he damn sure didn’t dance around shit. He wanted to face issues head on and often dares me to avoid discussing our issues. In hindsight, I guess the issues would rest at my feet. There was still so much to discuss but time wasn’t exactly on our side and distance certainly didn’t help matters. This time he didn’t leave before I woke up but it didn’t sting any less to know that he was headed back out of town.

  “Just know, teasing me about Cage stops here.”

  “For her maybe but after last night, I have several more jokes. Not to mention, you are now carrying a baby Bam-Bam – the jokes are just beginning.” Nix commented causing us all to laugh.

  “I will admit last night was indeed wild but putting into words where we go from here is missing in action.”

  “No matter, everything will become clear over time,” Earnestine said.

  “Meanwhile, we need to discuss travel plans to drive up to Nashville to support Wolf in completing his apprenticeship,” Dez stated. “The guys are planning to ride bikes in support of course. It’s ultimately up to you how you guys want to travel but Cage won’t even entertain me riding my own bike.”

  “You’re not even showing yet,” Arapaho’s wife laughed.

  “Right, we had this huge debate about riding motorcycles this morning. Asshole,” she grumbled softly.

  “So, what does he want you to do?”

  “He has all but threatened to tie me up and put me inside of a truck with his bike on the back. Once we get there, we can ride with everyone else.” She stated his overly cautious plan to keep her safe.

  “That’s so damn sweet yet so damn weird hearing that sentiment coming from the big bad brooding Cage.” Debra joked.

  “Right,” everyone agreed.

  “Those damn Knights,” Earnestine shook her head.

  “Right,” everyone agreed. They may be some big bad bikers, but they loved their women and their family. In Dez’s case, she was looking forward to riding her new three-wheeler.

  “I will take one for the team girl, I will ride with you so Cage can lead the pack.” Nix offered.

  “Me too,” I commented. “Nix can drive us this time.”

his ain’t driving Miss Dezzy and her golden girl-friend.”

  “Petty ass,” Dez and I said at the same time. This was the sisterhood that this town has been missing. Just as the brothers have their bond, this one was bound to happen once Dez got fully involved.

  Chapter Eight


  The ride to Nashville is not a long drive by far but the anticipation of the ride could kill even the strongest person. Cage proudly led the pack into town with us following closely behind. The executive committee led the charge in front, with the SUV that we rode in behind them and ended with the remainder of both clubs that made the trip. It truly was a sight to behold. Many other motorists pulled over on the road to let us pass in which we simply waved in acknowledgment and gratefulness. Several folks were taking pictures as if it were an anomaly to see so many of us riding in unison.

  “I could only imagine how they would act if all our riders were riding together right now. The Sons, Knights, and Lady Ryders,” Dez laughed.

  “A police escort would definitely be needed,” Nix added.

  “Technically we do have an escort, just not one from Nashville police department.” I joked. As the road captain, Torch would often zoom ahead with his flashing lights, badge, and whistle. It worked for funerals, why not use it to our advantage tonight. Though many people easily obliged, there were the ones who wouldn’t give a fuck if the POTUS was riding through. At the current state of our government, I couldn’t much blame them though. He could definitely suck a fat one and choke.

  “I think Torch is enjoying this a little too much.” Nix commented as he zipped past us to get back in position at the front.

  “Though he hardly shows any emotion, I didn’t miss that smirk when we passed him at the intersection.”

  Parking was definitely going to be a tough task as it was a busy strip that the celebration was being held. Luckily for them, everybody didn’t come as they were sticking closer to home to man the fort. The bigger celebration will pop off back home where everyone can attend with ease. Once we were parked and ready to make our entrance, the guys surrounded us. Dez eased up next to Cage without him having to say anything, just a look. Black closed the space on Nix’s side and Wood was on mine. Though we didn’t outwardly pay the onlookers any mind, it was clear that we were stopping traffic from all angles.

  The whispers from people as we passed were actually comical and from what I could tell only the ladies outwardly showed their humor. Crossing the threshold of the bar that was next door to the tattoo parlor, we scanned the room looking for the guest of honor. The bouncer looked around as if he were about to deny us access until Wolf called out that we were his family. Who I could only assume was the owner nodded for him to let us through but the glare he received from the menfolk appeared to have shaken him a bit.

  “Prez, am I glad to see some familiar faces.” Wolf smiled broadly at everyone.

  “Congratulations Wolf,” Cage pulled him into a bro shake and hug. The rest of the brothers followed and then the ladies.

  “Congratulations,” I was the last person for him to reach. Honestly, I didn’t know how to feel about that but considering that I was the one who kept moving out of the way, I would be to blame. Wolf wasted no time stepping into my personal space to hug me as he whispered “thanks” in my ear.

  “Another one bites the dust,” I heard from someone around us but was too lost in the fog to give a snarky remark.

  When we parted from our personal cocoon, he went about introducing us to the people he has worked closely with during his time in Nashville. Everyone was pleasant for the most part, but it was clear that a few of them were judging the group as a whole. Cage was personally acquainted with the owner of the shop and we later found out that they shared a similar fighting background. Apparently, he and Wolf also served in the same branch of the military which they eventually bonded over. He made no qualms on his mission to get Wolf to stay in Nashville.

  In my mind, I silently cursed the man to the moon and back. There was no way in hell that Wolf was staying this many miles away from me. Hell, the little time that he has when he made it back to Lincoln was driving me crazy, I can only imagine how he feels. Not to mention the other work that he does for the club and trying to get his parlor completed.

  “You good,” Dez asked.

  “Yeah, I’m good but you are starting to sound a lot like Wood and Cage.”

  “Anyway, you are awfully quiet. This is a time to celebrate.” She nudged me.

  “Come on, let’s dance.” Nix pulled on my arm until I was standing. The beat dropped and the music was too addictive not to follow the leader. From there we danced until we needed a drink to cool off. From the not so subtle glares from the women that had no affiliation with us, I should have known that it wouldn’t be long before someone felt froggy.

  “Excuse me, I couldn’t help but notice that you all came in with the bikers.” The leader of the rat pack commented.

  “Was there a question in there somewhere?” Dez asked and clasped her hands together. They apparently weren’t expecting such an attitude to come from the one drinking water.

  “We were only making an observation, no need to get snippy.”

  “Normally obvious observations come with a few more words, so get to it. You are seriously killing the vibe.” Nix used her hands for emphasis for them to get to it.

  “Judging by your appearance, I can tell you now that your type of establishment is down the street.” One of the snooty followers had the nerve to say. “Hooker,” she mumbled under her breath.

  “Oh sugar, don’t be mad because your man would rather pay to watch my juicy ass clap than to stare at your stale ass. For a price, I can teach you how to keep a man instead of boring him to tears.” Nix winked.

  “Women like you are a disgrace,” she threw back.

  “And bitches like you are a snooze fest in the making. Find a new role model.”

  “Do y’all have a point for coming over here? If not, please move around.”

  “I didn’t know club whores wore vests or had a title.” Another one commented.

  “Club whores,” Dez laughed. “Girl, you better find some bricks to kick before you permanently need a straw to feed from.”

  “See I told you Amber, these people are nothing, but thugs and you really want to tie yourself down to one.” The same one stated.

  “Right, what the hell kind of name is Wolf anyway?” The other one asked. “I think I heard one of them was named Cage. What the hell Amber?” The main chick that is now identified as Amber tried to shush them.

  “Tremaine is not bad, he’s sweet.” She sweetly stated. My heart literally stopped in its tracks. The way she spoke of Wolf, it was with great familiarity. “I apologize for them. They didn’t mean anything by what they said. Dating a biker would be something new for me, I’m sure you all can understand that. The only thing we know about motorcycle gangs is what they portray on television.”

  “One, referring to the Knights as a gang is very counterproductive, don’t you think? Two, no need to apologize for grown women.” Dez explained in an overly sweet manor.

  “Especially if you are a part of the said group, birds of a feather,” Nix sucked her teeth and gave a sarcastic smile showing all teeth.

  “Three, to answer your first earlier observation – yes we are with the Knights as the sister organization. Is there anything else you would like to know?” Dez asked but didn’t stick around for the answer. She practically dragged me and Nix along with her. It wasn’t missed to any of us that Amber insinuated that she was dating Wolf, my Wolf.

  “This is what I was afraid of,” I admitted aloud.

  “What?” They both asked at the same time.

  “This same thing happened to my mother. My dad traveled and met another woman. He had a whole new life in another city while my mother was pregnant with me. It would appear that history was repeating itself.”

  “Bullshit, girl don’t let them scheming hoes m
ake you believe for one damn minute that her uppity ass is dating Wolf.” Nix grumbled lowly as we approached the area where the boys were.

  “Nix is right Syd, don’t accuse him of anything. Just ask him about the thirsty trick.”

  “What did we miss?” A couple of other ladies asked that came with their guys.

  “Hoes picking is all.” Nix bitterly stated giving them the cleft notes version.

  Before either one of us could utter another word, the ringleader waltzed her ass into the midst. It was obvious that she wanted to stake her claim to Tremaine. What other reason would she continue to barge her way into our little circle? We were minding our own damn business, not bothering no one. No one amongst us was scoping on another’s territory but the looks would accuse us of doing just that. No doubt, she saw the exchange between us when we first arrived. That or one of her minions gave her the rundown. Either way, I wasn’t the one to go pussy slanging. If she thought she had him in the bag, then her fight wasn’t with me but with him.

  “Ladies, I apologize if we got off on the wrong foot.” She started.

  “If?” Nix arched her brow.

  “Look, Amber, I’m sure you are a lovely woman and all but what is it that you are searching for? You have insulted our club, brothers, and in some cases men – please spit it out already.” Dez said. Cage was either rubbing off on her or the hormones from this pregnancy has given her a short fuse.

  “I was hoping that we could start over and formally introduce myself. With Tremaine insisting that he move back to your home base, I’m sure we will be seeing a lot of each other. You know familiar faces and all,” she smiled but her gaze stopped with me.

  “No, what you want to know is whether or not anyone else is fucking with Tremaine. Your goal was to figure out who your competition would be and size them up.” I stated with a smirk. “In your mind that would be me since you keep cutting your eyes at me, the name is Sydni. But don’t worry Wolf and I are nothing more than fuck buddies. It’s nice to meet you though, we’ve heard absolutely jack-shit about you.”


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