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Syd's Wolf Den

Page 8

by K Harris

  “I mean like, JACK-SHIT,” Nix added.

  “Nothing,” Dez said.

  “Nada,” the other ladies chimed in. Whereas I was giving my best smug smile on the outside, the inside was a simmering bucket of pisstivity. To push the envelope, we moved within arm’s reach of the guys. All eyes strayed to us from time to time, with new faces vying for their attention – they were almost pleading for us to save the day.

  “Destiny,” Cage called out breaking the trance that many of the ladies were under. As with every other time that those two lock eyes, everyone else ceases to exist. His straight face gave nothing away but obviously, they had a silent conversation because Dez smirked.

  “Having fun?” She asked and laughed walking closer to where he lounged in the booth. When she sat down on his lap, the smacks of lips could be heard from far away.

  “Ladies, what kind of mischief has Nix presented tonight?” Black asked.

  “That’s a negative, fifty shades of Black – I have been on my best behavior.”

  “Sure, you have,” he chuckled.

  “Tremaine, congratulations. I got you something.” The giddy voice of Amber halted the stare off that we currently had. Before I completely looked away, I noticed the grimace that Wolf displayed.

  “Where are you going?” Nix asked.

  “Away from here, I think I’ve had enough celebrating for tonight.”

  It was clear that the chick wanted to see whose tits were bigger and I wasn’t interested in playing along. When it became clear that she and her bunch of dummies were aiming their attack at me, I wanted so bad to believe that Wolf was as dirty as my father had been. Away from it all, I realized just how dumb that thought was but it was clear that they still had some sort of history. There was definitely some intimacy between them. There was just no telling when it started, how long it lasted, and whether it would be considered as current.

  Wolf was a grown ass man, he didn’t owe me an explanation for anything that he did nor was I looking for one. There was no mass manipulation going on, I wasn’t looking for him to chase me down, but it did feel good to see Amber’s face fall in shock. From what I could gauge she didn’t expect me to come back at her like that. For a split second, I will admit to allowing insecurities to seep in and make me act out, remembering who I am put things back into perspective. A man isn’t a possession if he chooses to spend time with others than that will be just it, his choice. What I won’t do is play the dozens and swap nasty glares over one.

  “Now look who is in my neck of the woods,” I heard from behind me. My eyes were surely going to get stuck inside of my head if I didn’t quit rolling them so hard when fuckery found me. Tonight definitely was not turning out to be my night.

  “Well if it isn’t Gary,” I mockingly said his name. For some reason that only caused him to cheese harder as if I said it in a happy tone. “I must work on my delivery,” I grumbled to myself.

  “What was that?” He asked with a wide grin. His leery, weird homeboys stood nearby uncomfortably staring.

  “Syd,” the girls were closing in pretty fast. They probably spotted creepy Gary here and came to the rescue.

  “DAMN,” he and his crew had the nerve to hiss.

  “If you are ready to go, we can head on home.” Dez said after she rolled her eyes at the fools that gawked.

  “You leaving already, it’s still early. I’m sure we can find something to get into.”

  “How are you, Miss Lady?” One of his boys spoke to Dez. The touch on her arm caused her to give him such a death glare that I thought for sure this fool was well on his way to cremation. “I love a woman with some fire. Why don’t you let me by you a drink?”

  “I don’t drink.”

  “Even better since water is free.” He chuckled.

  “Good cause you need all the water you can get. Thirsty ass,” she mumbled.

  “Bitch, you ain’t all that anyway.”

  “Yet, I got your dry ass attention.”

  “I’m all down for knocking these shitheads off their high horse but we have a group of angry bikers staring in this direction.” Nix hurriedly stated. The other one that tried to get her attention only got the hand in response.

  “So, that’s why you have been dodging my calls,” Gary stated with disdain. I looked to where his attention was and smirked. Wolf was leaning over the banister giving his best death stare.

  “No, that is because our arrangement has run its course.”

  “I didn’t take you for the claiming type.”

  “That has nothing to do with anything. We had fun and now it’s over.” I shrugged.

  “You mean to tell me; you don’t miss the feel of my tongue…” he started but I cut him off.

  “Let me stop you there. Don’t get beside yourself, Gary.”

  “Beside myself, says the sheep.”

  “You really need to move around, this stalker outfit that you are modeling is not attractive. You would be cute if you weren’t so damn desperate.” Nix stated.

  “Desperate? Says the stripper hoe that twerks for a buck.” A few giggles sounded off around the room while a couple of coughs joined the banter.

  “Please believe me when I say that I am not ashamed of how I make my money especially since you have tossed your hard-earned money on to the stage a time or two.” Nix smoothly stated.

  “Let me tell you a little secret Gary.” Walking into his personal space, I got close enough so that he could clearly comprehend every word that I said next. “Your dick game is whack and your tongue was mediocre. Insisting that I sit my sexy ass on your face should have been an indicator. All you needed to do was open wide and let me do the rest. Now fuck off and lose my number.” I said all of this so only he could hear. Anyone that watched the encounter probably thought that I was whispering something sweet into his ear. His aura exuded mortification as he was riddled with broken pride. To the outside, he tried to show that he was unaffected and that I was possibly saying something enticing.

  “Mane, fuck them snooty bitches.” I heard the friend say. The other two tried to shush him but he was having a true temper tantrum, ranting up a storm.

  “Snooty bitches, huh?” Wood said.

  “Care to repeat that?” The low rumbled question came from Cage and it was as if the room stood still to see what would happen next.

  “Uhm, it’s good to see you again, sir.” Gary tried to speak but the look on Cage’s face must have scared him a bit. The hand that was left hanging in the air was slowly pulled back into his body.

  “Have a nice life, Gary.” Leading the charge, we went to walk around the small group of jerkoffs. Leaving them with a group of angry bikers, I quickly vacated the building with my girls in tow. This definitely didn’t turn out the way that we all had hoped.

  Chapter Nine


  This last month has been crucial, to say the least. Countless trips back and forth from Lincoln to Nashville but dealing with the withdrawals from Syd was killing me. The willpower that I have exuded to keep my distance from her has been tested each and every day. It had better pay off dearly because I felt like I was losing my mind. Constant dreams of her sexy body and the things that I could do to drive her mad flowed with ease.

  A whole month had come and gone since we spent our last night together. Whenever I rolled into town now, I had business to take care of. Sticking to Nashville after the gruesome hours in the shop made me a little homesick but it was worth it. The space that was put between us was hopefully making her heart grow fonder. One can only hope but if that greeting hug that I got when they arrived said anything, I was well on my way. And then Amber popped up, I knew then that my night wasn’t going to be as smooth as I hoped.

  “Damn, one night,” Wood hissed and shook his head.

  “Obviously, that isn’t going to happen.”

  “What’s up with this chick?” Santana asked.

  “Man, a jump off that is oblivious,” I groaned.

e certainly know how to pick them, don’t we?” Cage bitterly chuckled.

  “These hoes are pitiful.” Black laughed.

  “They don’t know who they are fucking with right now though,” I commented.

  “Nope,” all the guys cosigned.

  “You may have to put this one in her place sooner rather than later.” Black pointed out Amber approaching the girls a second time. She really wasn’t getting the memo, I see.

  “Now that my apprenticeship is over, I certainly can,” I admitted. “I found out a nut too late that she was the boss’s sister.”

  “Bruh,” they all said in unison.

  “I know, no need to point out that fuck up.”

  “Purposely done,” Wood stated.

  “Sounds about right,” Cage added.

  “I was thinking that, but I didn’t want to seem paranoid.”

  “Syd can handle herself, but you are damn sure gonna have to handle her once it’s said and done.” Cage offered while giving Dez the eye that I was familiar with.

  “Public setting Prez,” I chuckled, and the other men around joined my banter. The man was whipped and finally, he doesn’t give a shit.

  “Fuck y’all,” he mugged us before calling Dez’s name. At this point, the growing crowd of women that circled our area like vultures became annoying.

  “In three, two, one,” Santana counted. Before I could ask him what that was about Amber blocked my viewpoint of Syd. “Lift off.”

  “Open it.” She coerced. The entire time that she was talking, I hadn’t acknowledged shit she said too busy watching Syd walk away.

  “Do what now? Open what?” I asked.

  “Your gift, of course. I got you a celebratory gift.” She cheekily said with only a small semblance of embarrassment at being ignored.

  “Damn, you really are clueless.” Dez laughed and rose from Cage’s lap.

  “Handle your business brother.” Cage growled.

  “Amber, thanks for the gift but that wasn’t necessary.”

  “Don’t be silly. Who would come to a graduation party empty handed?” She giggled to herself, but no one followed along. “Tremaine, I assume these are your friends. Aren’t you going to introduce me?”

  “Here we go again,” Wood grumbled and motioned towards the middle of the bar.

  “No,” following his line of sight, my blood instantly began to boil. “These are my brothers. No introductions necessary.”

  “You sure have a lot of brothers.”

  “You have no idea.”

  “I met your associate. Well, she proclaimed to be your fuckbuddy.” When that descriptive word left her mouth, all eyes snapped back to her.

  “My fuckbuddy?” I asked and stood up to lean against the banister.

  “She said that or are you assuming that is her title?” Santana asked. Amber didn’t have to confirm or deny a damn thing, the smirk on Syd’s face said it all. Even from across the room, I knew she was in a petty mood.

  “Syd said that shit,” I confirmed.

  Everyone else fell into step behind me and we arrived right on time to hear the one friend call them some snooty bitches. Wood didn’t mince words as usual, but his one question made the small group stiffen up. Cage adding his own menacing tone and demand for him to repeat that statement added the final nail. They were shaken but all for different reasons. The shithead in the middle didn’t know who to be more intimidated by, me or Cage.

  His failed attempt at speaking to Cage was met with silence. Syd said one last thing before she walked away, girls in tow.

  “It seems that you didn’t heed my last warning,” I commented.

  “No, she sought me out and approached me.”


  “Look, we don’t want any trouble.” The silent friend raised his hands in surrender.

  “Your boy blew that when he decided to call my woman out of her name.” Cage growled while mugging the one that exploded at the girls. He was also the one trying to get at Dez, a double whammy.

  “My apologies, I wasn’t aware that she was taken.”

  “Even if she were free, where do you get off calling her a snooty bitch.” Black leveled him with the most intimidating gaze of the night whereas he is normally the levelheaded one.

  “Bitch ass move,” Wood snarled.

  “I apologize man, it really isn’t that serious.” The offhanded comment made Cage break into a chuckle. Where we knew that trouble was rumbling from his gut, they thought that it was over, and he found the humor in what he stated. They possibly thought that he agreed but I wasn’t fooled, and neither were the brothers.

  “Umph,” the asshole coughed from the impact of Cage’s fist plunging into his midsection. There was a good chance that his sternum was damaged from that hit. Cage allowed him to lean against his body as if they were engaging in a bro-hug. Many in the room turned towards the commotion but couldn’t decipher just what was happening because we stood together rather tight.

  “Apology accepted, bitch.” Cage firmly patted his shoulder twice before letting him go. The quieter of the bunch went to his aid.

  “See you around, Gary.” I held a hand out for him to shake and the dummy actually accepted it. With all of my might, I squeezed until I heard a pop and pulled him close to me so he could clearly hear my next words. The veins popped out of his temples from the amount of pain inflicted on his hand. “Your days are indeed numbered.” He cradled the now crushed hand against his chest and tried to get control of his breathing.

  “You might want to get all that checked out.” Black joked.

  “You fellas have a good night, yeah.” We made our exit without another word uttered. It was high time that I put Nashville in my rearview mirror, I was over this town and the shit that came along for the ride. Luckily, we were all parked in the same lot, so it made it easier to make some necessary last-minute changes. Since there was so much to cart back to Lincoln, I drove my truck.

  “Syd, ride back with me.” I didn’t give her time to complain or give some witty comeback.

  “Destiny, passenger seat – I’m driving back.” Cage demanded as he lowered the bed of the truck. Then he slid out the bar that was installed to load his bike whenever he needed.

  “Oh, hell no, Black it’s me and you tonight boss,” Nix shouted.

  “No one has ever ridden on the back of Beauty,” he shook his head and laughed.

  “Never too late for some new booty. There ain’t no way I’m riding with the newlyweds.”

  “Really Nix?” Dez questioned like she was really incensed.

  “I don’t blame you,” me and Syd said at the same time.

  “Tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum,” Wood chuckled.

  “Wait which is which,” Syd asked.

  “Get your ass in the truck.” I chuckled.

  “You not gonna keep talking to me like that Wolf.”

  “Oh, I’m not – do tell, what are you planning to do about it?”

  “How about I ride with Black and Nix you ride with Wolf?”

  “The fuck,” Black chuckled. “Why am I steadily getting volunteered to do anything?”

  “The hell you tell, I’m not getting in the middle of this battle of will’s either.” Nix said. “If Black wants to be a little girl about it, I will just Uber my ass home.” She commented and pulled out her phone.

  “Quit being dramatic, bring your ass.” Black snatched her phone from her hand and handed her a helmet.

  “I’m the dramatic one but your hospitality sucks. Instead of having pity on the poor stranded sister/friend, you are bitching me out instead.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Y’all got issues,” Dez laughed.

  After enough back and forth, the bike was loaded onto the truck and we set out for the ride home with Cage in the lead. My truck brought up the rear. Syd and I had yet to utter a word since we began the drive back. The only sound heard was the tires against the road but the conversation raging inside of my head was loud as shit. Heari
ng the words from Amber’s mouth that Syd said that we were nothing more than fuck buddies really messed with me. What if that was all she would ever want to be? That wasn’t what I wanted, and I wouldn’t settle for anything less than her all.


  “Are you going to say something or are you just going to brood all the way?” Syd asked with a huff.

  “Check your attitude Syd.”

  “Check my attitude?” She questioned. “Now that is not what we are going to do, you will not dictate to me…”

  “Sydni, no. Just no.” I cut her off and shook my head for added emphasis. “I have not raised my voice at you or come at you disrespectfully.”

  “What the hell do you call telling me to check my attitude?”

  “The way you lash out is not cool with me. Raising your voice and snapping is not alright when I have done nothing to warrant that behavior.”

  “First you demand that I ride with you, but you don’t speak. Then you tell me to watch my attitude because you don’t like the way I approached the issue.”

  “…” The chuckle that I released was empty, void of all humor.

  “Now you are laughing,” she questioned with a look of shock. “Wow.” Syd jumped out of my truck and stormed to the door like she was a cast member of ‘The Color Purple.’ The thought alone made me laugh to myself just remembering how much my granny loved that movie.

  “What is so funny?”

  “You are what’s funny and this funky ass attitude. You are angry with me but I’m not the one sending the wrong impressions for what we have going on, that is all on you.”

  “Damn, she doesn’t waste time in snitching.”


  “So what if I told her that I was nothing more than your fuckbuddy. She sought me out as soon as we parted from our initial greeting. It was better than laying her ass out, right?”

  “It’s not how you handle yourself with the opposition, it’s what you said that gave me pause.”

  “What, we are just fucking? What’s the big deal?”

  “Oh, word?”


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