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Five Mafia Captors’ Virgin: A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 11

by Casey, Nicole

  It took a few months. I had to get used to Sadie being gone a lot, because she had to spend a lot of time out of the house seeing client after client to get her face out in the Chicago modeling scene. She started out as the girl in ads about laxatives and not giving in to peer pressure in high school, but after ‘heeling’ it as Sadie called it, she finally got picked up by a huge Illinois agency and was working her way back up the ladder.

  Some of the shows she was walking in were for major designers that were known all over the world. Even in spite of all the media coverage that had taken place, a celebrity that she’d met at a party while I was injured called her to star in an ad campaign and runway show for their new clothing line. Apparently, they wanted to use that tiny bit of notoriety to sell her show, and Sadie embraced it and starred as the ‘Mafia Whore’ in a punk-rock themed show. After working harder than I had seen anyone in my circle do in a long time, she was even able to snatch a starting position from a model at the agency that had dropped her back during the scandal. That made her so excited she fucked all five of us from sundown to sunup.

  What didn’t take a few months, was for me to realize that I wanted Sadie to be by my side always. I honestly didn’t see myself ever spending my life with just one woman, but meeting Sadie flipped many things I believed about myself on end. After resounding affirmations from Brix, Kane, and the twins, I decided it was time to take the next big step in our relationship. I invited her out to dinner at her favorite restaurant and even had the place shut down and redecorated just for her. When she arrived she took my breath away.

  “Wow,” I mumbled. She looked resplendent in a peach couture dress she’d gotten from one of the designers she walked for, and a pair of heels I was excited to leave on her later.

  It’d been a while since we just got some time to sit and talk, so I made sure I took the time to do so. Her face was glowing as she excitedly told me all about how work was going, and how excited she was to steal the starting slot from the old agency.

  “See?” I told her with a smirk. “Revenge can be fun.”

  She shook her head. “In my line of work, the only thing I stomp is the runway, and the only thing I kill are other people’s careers.” I laughed, and her head shot up from taking a bit of her salad. “And no one has shot me.”

  I tilted my head. “Someone did kidnap you though.”

  She laughed. “And whose fault is that?”

  I raised my hand, deadpan. “Mine.”

  Dinner passed with delight. I just loved being around Sadie and as I was sitting there with her, there was no doubt in my mind that what I planned to do was the correct choice. Since the first time I laid my eyes on her, traipsing down that runway in clothes that I couldn’t be pressed to remember if there was a gun held to my head, she changed my life. People may think I’m a brat, or that it wasn’t okay to just go out and take what I wanted, but looked what happened when I did. I was sitting across from the most alluring, amazing woman I’d ever known, and my entire family thought so as well.

  “Dante? You okay? You seem distracted,” Sadie said.

  “I’m better than okay,” I responded. “Thanks to you, I’m wonderful.”

  Once the main course was done, I poured us both an additional glass of wine.

  “I’d like to propose,” I said.

  Sadie giggled. “You’ve had a little too much, there. It’s ‘I’d like to propose a toast.’”

  I smiled. “I know what I said.” Sadie looked up at me, a look of confusion on her face that faded to elated shock as I moved out of my chair and down on one knee. “I’d like to propose.”

  “Oh my god,” Sadie huffed.

  “Sadie Hartville…” I started.

  I planned to give her an entire speech about the many ways she’d changed my life, but as I knelt there looking at her, it all seemed so frivolous. Our relationship had spoken for itself and it didn’t feel like any amount of words could accomplish what my actions already had. I pulled a box out of my pocket, and tipped the cover back revealing the $20,000, white diamond ring I purchased for her. I grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it.

  I looked right into her deep brown eyes. “Will you marry me?”

  With tears sparkling in her eyes, Sadie jumped down into my arms, tackling me to the ground. “Yes, I will.” She kissed me, and once we determined that we could wait until we got home to consummate our new engagement, we got back to our chairs and I adorned her ring finger with it’s brand new ornament.

  Sadie stared at the ring for a long time, before tilting her head to the side and looking up at me. “Does our arrangement continue even once we’re married?”

  The question alone had my cock hardening. “If you want it to.”

  She nodded. “I do.”


  Even nearly a year later, my engagement to Dante hadn’t left the lips of most people, it didn’t bother me though. When I wasn’t modeling, I was planning my Christmas wedding. It was just around the corner, and I couldn’t believe that before the new year, I would be Mrs. Marcello.

  That morning had been a tough one, though. I was up early, trying to get some details in order before I had to leave for a photo shoot, and I kept getting sick to my stomach. It was the weirdest thing. I hadn’t eaten anything unusual, and each time I puked, I would briefly feel like nothing was wrong with me at all. I’d go back to planning, and then a few minutes again, it would hit me again like an 18-wheeler. I was fully planning on forcing myself to deal with it during my shoot; it was with a major designer I couldn’t afford to cancel on, but by the time I got to downtown Chicago, I was back to feeling like a million bucks.

  “It sounds like you’re pregnant, dear,” my makeup artist said after I explained my symptoms to her.

  I didn’t respond. It was so obvious. Thinking back, Dante and I never had protected sex. All the other guys used condoms, it was one of Dante’s rules, but for as frequently as my fiance and I had sex, it was only a matter of time. I got through my shoot and then immediately went to a drug store and bought a handful of pregnancy tests. I went home and took them all, and lo and behold, I was pregnant.

  I couldn’t believe it. Despite how I thought I might feel, I was ecstatic. Dante was doing all he could to keep his involvement in ‘the life’ at bay, and now that he was going to be a father, he had even more reasons to stay at home more. I was blissfully looking at all of my positive pregnancy tests when I got a call, to my surprise, from my mom.

  “Hey mama,” I answered.

  My mom sniffled. “Hello, sweetheart. How are you?”

  I smiled. “I miss you.”

  She sniffled some more, clearly crying. “I miss you. I’m sorry your father and I reacted the way we did to you and your sister’s news. I suppose we just didn’t quite know how to deal with everything. We do miss you though. Will you come home for Thanksgiving?”

  I was surprised. I honestly wasn’t expecting it. “Wow, really?”

  “Of course. We always have Thanksgiving together, and we would love to see you. In fact, we’re hoping you’ll bring one of your significant others as well, maybe your fiance?”

  I was blown away. What a far cry from ignoring me. “Yeah, mom. I’ll let him know right away so we can book tickets.”

  “Okay. I can’t wait to meet him,” she said.

  “I can’t wait either. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Sadie. See you in a few days.”

  I couldn’t stop smiling. “Yes you will.”

  As soon as Dante got home, I pulled him into our bedroom. He was disappointed to learn sex wasn’t the first thing on the agenda, though I assured him it was certainly on it.

  “My mom wants to meet you. She invited us for Thanksgiving,” I told him.

  “Wow, she finally called?” he replied. “Of course. I can’t wait to meet your family.”

  I kissed him, my stomach pressing against his reminding me of the other news I had.

  “Oh… Um…” I steppe
d back.

  Dante tilted his head to one side. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Everything’s wonderful, just… Remember how I was telling you I was feeling really sick this morning?” I asked and Dante nodded. “Well, now I know why.” I pulled one of the pregnancy tests out of my pants pocket and held it up to him. “Surprise.”

  Dante’s eyes went wide. “Are… Are you pregnant?”

  I nodded. “Yeah.”

  He swallowed hard. “Is it--”

  “Yes, Dante, it’s yours,” I cut in quickly.

  “I’m gonna be a dad?” he murmured, more to himself than me.

  I placed a hand on his cheek. “You’re gonna be a dad.”

  His shock turned into excitement. “I’m gonna be a dad!”

  I nodded. “You’re gonna be a dad!”

  He bolted over to the door of the bedroom, opened it and screamed out. “I’m gonna be a dad!”

  I could hear the stampede of footsteps making their way towards us as Dante turned around and scooped me up into a warm embrace.

  * * *

  “You could have warned me he was drop-dead gorgeous,” Jada whispered to me as we tag-teamed preparing a couple of salads for Thanksgiving dinner.

  I smiled. I often found myself feeling proud of Dante. “I figured you saw him on the papers and stuff.”

  Jada scoffed. “You know as well as I do that those pictures do nothing for him.”

  “What about you?” I said. “Mr. Rough-And-Tumble-Rancher. He looks more like a male model.”

  Jada side-glanced me. “Yeah he does.”

  We started laughing, and in response to the sound, a small, joyous giggle joined in. I turned around and my new, unreasonably cute nephew was chuckling with us. I walked over to him and started clapping with him. He smiled wide, carrying Jada’s dimples with him, and I couldn’t help but get a little emotional thinking about the baby I was carrying.

  “What’s wrong?” Jada asked, rubbing my back. I turned towards her, my hand on my stomach and her hands flew to her mouth. “No! Shut up.” I nodded and she squealed. “Congratulations!”

  Our mom walked into the kitchen with Dante right on her heels at the screech. “What?”

  I didn’t want to tell my parents about the baby just yet. Jada was right, they couldn’t handle many more surprises for the time being. We had to space them out.

  “I was just telling Jada that we’re planning to have our wedding this Christmas, and I’d love it if you and daddy could be there,” I said.

  Mom put her hands to her mouth and turned to look at Dante. He nodded with a bright, beautiful smile. “We’d love it.”

  “Of course we’ll be there!” my mom yelped, and then she hugged Dante tight and my nephew started to clap and coo again.

  Dante looked at him and then looked at me and I could tell he was imagining our future child as well. I couldn’t wait to see what the future held for me and my soon-to-be-husband, but for now I was going to sit back and enjoy my family. My new, exciting one, including five, sexy, mafia captors.


  Author’s Note

  Dear reader, thank you so much for taking the chance to read Five Mafia Captors’ Virgin - Book 4 in my new Reverse Harem Romance series: Love by Numbers.

  So, for those of you who haven’t read Jada’s story, Four Rancher’s Bride, I strongly suggest that you download it here now. It’s equally sexy as this one if not more, and its setting is in the Montana mountains with four hot ranchers. I think you will enjoy her story too.

  Next book in the series, will be about Sadie’s good friend, Jordan. She’s majored in Children Psychology and she is going to babysit 6 Single Dads’ kids, as well as taking care of their dads. ;)

  It will come soon enough, in December, so please follow me everywhere on Amazon, Facebook and Bookbub now. I’m sure you don’t wanna miss out on this one!

  Last thing, if you enjoyed the book, I would appreciate it so much if you could leave a short review for the book. It doesn’t even have to be long. Just a few words to let me and other readers know how you think about this book and the series so far. I read every single one of them and it really makes my day to read a good review from you.

  Plus, it’d be such a big help!

  I hope you will continue reading the series and enjoy the ride!

  P.S. Turn to the next page to read a few chapters of my best-selling standalone reverse harem fairy tale novel: Snow and the Seven Men.

  Enjoy! xoxo


  While you’re waiting for the next book, have you read this one?

  Sneak Peek: Snow and the Seven Men: A Reverse Harem Fairy Tale Romance


  I never expected to fall in love.

  And with not just one man…

  But SEVEN filthy rich and hunky…drillers. At least that’s what they told me.

  Sasha Snow

  I was sent to Iceland on behalf of Mirror, Mirror Inc. as a scientist.

  Unfortunately, my jealous and evil manager, Queenie was there with me, and she literally turned this magnificent journey into hell.

  The only thing that made me feel better was Hunter Davis, my handsome co-worker, was gonna be there too.

  But what I didn’t know, was that on this isolated island, there lived seven even stronger and sexier men.

  Dan, Graham, Harry, Seth, Bash, Stevie and Jim.

  Rough, rugged, and wild, their bodies were to die for and they were all ready to share.

  The question was: was I ready to handle seven giant…um, drills?

  “Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale.”

  Hans Christian Andersen


  It’s hard to concentrate when you’re in the presence of overwhelming pheromones. I know this as fact—I’m a scientist. Okay, maybe not a pheromone scientist but I know enough to know that when Hunter Davis is around, I can’t focus on spreadsheets and statistical data without shooting him a sidelong look which inevitably strains my eyes, taking me away from my work until I catch Queenie’s deadpan stare from across the room.

  His mere presence affected me on a primal level, sending waves of headiness through my slender frame and raising the temperature of the lab at Mirror, Mirror to an unsterile level.

  Of course, that was all in my head and my workspace was functional and efficient, as documented by the government, no matter what my body was saying.

  Our research was state-of-the-art and evolving, even if my heart was caught in my throat every time I caught a whiff of Hunter’s subtle Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue Eau. He wasn’t supposed to be wearing cologne inside the lab but no one ever called him on it and I certainly wasn’t going to be the one to rat him out.

  That day, however, I didn’t much care that I’d been covertly staring at my workspace companion. There was a charged excitement as we tied up loose ends in preparation for our upcoming trip to Hof, Iceland. Even Queenie seemed to be in a better mood than usual as we scurried around, collecting our research and closing down the shop for the month of December.

  This trip was going to be groundbreaking for so many reasons. Our work on eco-friendly fuel was finally paying off and if all went well, we would come back with the necessary research and hopefully craft a prototype to present to the powers-that-be. We’d been working tirelessly, no one more than me.

  I was the one who had come up with the concept of converting Icelandic moss into energy, if only in theory. Naturally, it took a team of us to put that concept and after two years, we’d been granted the funding to go to Iceland and collect the samples we’d need to make it a reality.

  In my secret heart, I hoped that Queenie’s bosses would notice my hard work and promote me so I wouldn’t be working under that miserable bitch anymore.

  Maybe I’ll take Hunter with me when I go, I thought wryly and while it was an idle thought, my ears turned bright red at the thought.

  Cursed fair skin. Every emotion was as plain as day on my face,
regardless of how I tried to hide it.

  Carefully putting a cache of slides into a case, I was vaguely aware of someone standing behind me.

  Casually, I glanced over my shoulder and my pulse quickened instantly as I peered at Hunter, a strand of ebony hair slipping from my chignon to fall into the thick black lashes over one blue eye. Hastily, I brushed it away and beamed up at him.

  “Hey,” I said. “What’s up?”

  I hoped my voice didn’t depict the nervousness his nearness invoked but it was hard to say. I always felt a little tongue-tied and school girlish around him.

  “Just stopping by to see how you’re coming along,” he replied lightly. “About ready to get going?”

  I glanced up at the clock and realized with amazement that the day was almost over. We’d been so busy with the last-minute prep, the day had flown by, it seemed.

  “I guess I have to be,” I replied, chuckling. “Wow, I can’t believe we’re doing this.”

  Hunter gave me a patient smile and I found myself gazing into his green eyes helplessly. It defied logic that a woman like me, a chemical biologist no less, would be reduced to feelings of puppy love when confronted with a handsome man.

  But he’s not just any man. He’s Hunter Davis and you’ve been hoping he’ll give you more than a charming grin one day. A whole lot more.

  Again, I blushed at the illicit thought and lowered my crystalline eyes back toward the countertop.

  “Are you being paid to stand around?” Queenie barked unexpectedly. Her voice jarred me, even though I was used to her grating tones.

  “No, ma’am, Mrs. Boss,” Hunter replied, saluting her jokingly but Queenie’s eyes were fixed hatefully on me.

  Amanda Queenie had been my superior for two years and in that time, she’d gone out of her way to make my life as difficult as possible.


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