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Page 17

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Here?” he murmured, his thumb brushing over the cut spot just above her nipple.

  “Yes.” Tess tried to keep the gasp out of her voice but failed miserably. God, the way he was touching her…so softly…so gently…It had been so long since a man had touched her that way. So long since she didn’t have to worry that the hand which held her breast so tenderly might suddenly turn cruel and pinch or twist her sensitive flesh just to cause pain.

  “May I heal you there?” Garron asked softly.

  “Please…” Tess cleared her throat. “Please do,” she whispered. It’s not sexual, she told herself sternly, trying to quiet the panicked little voice in the back of her skull which said she shouldn’t be doing this. It…it’s medical. That’s all!

  She almost had herself believing it until the big Kindred ducked his head and ran his hot tongue over the hurt place above her nipple. Shivers of tension ran down her spine as he caressed her gently with the tip of his tongue for an endless moment. Then he sat back, frowning.

  “What…what is it?” Tess asked breathlessly.

  “It does not seem to be healing as the others did,” Garron rumbled. “Maybe we waited to long to heal it. Or maybe because it is in such a delicate spot.”

  “Oh, well…” Tess bit her lip. “Maybe…maybe you should try again?”

  He looked thoughtful. “Maybe. I think if I could take the whole area completely in my mouth…”

  Tess’s heart was pounding so hard it felt like it was shaking her entire body.

  “You mean…take my…my nipple in your mouth?”

  He nodded. “I need to be able to give it my full attention—to really concentrate on the hurt area.”

  “I…but I…” Tess didn’t know what to say. “But it wouldn’t be…sexual?” she whispered at last.

  He looked at her, his eyes blazing.

  “Not if you didn’t want it to be,” he growled softly.

  “Well, then…” Pushing away her doubts and fears took an effort but she somehow managed it. “As long…as long as it’s not sexual,” she murmured.

  Garron didn’t answer with words. He ducked his head again and sucked her whole nipple gently into his wet, hot mouth. Then he began to run his tongue around and around the sensitive band of her areola.

  Tess moaned and found that somehow her hands had found their way into his thick, dark hair. The soft strands tickled her fingers as she pressed her chest out, giving him better access to her breasts, mutely begging for more.

  The big Kindred gave her what she was asking for. With a deep, hungry sound, he sucked harder, as though he was trying to get as much of her breast into his mouth as he could. At the same time, his tongue lashed the tender bud of her nipple, sending sparks of pleasure from her sensitive peak straight down to the hot, wet spot between her thighs.

  Tess shifted, pressing her legs together, trying to control her breathing. Moving around and moaning like this when she had been with Pierce had meant an instant “punishment.” But somehow, with Garron, she just couldn’t be still.

  Shouldn’t be doing this, whispered the little voice in her head. It’s bad…dangerous…

  But she didn’t want to stop, not even when she felt his big, warm hand pull down the towel and cup her other breast. He rolled her nipple between his finger and thumb, teasing her, sending more warm showers of sparks straight to her aching pussy. Had she ever felt this hot? This wet and swollen and needy? If so, she couldn’t remember when…

  She had a sudden image of herself reaching out to take his big hand and slipping it between her legs. He would cup her pussy as gently as he was cupping her breast and then those long, strong fingers would spread her swollen cunt lips and find their way to her slippery inner folds. Tess could almost feel his fingertips sliding over the aching bud of her clit, circling it the way his tongue was circling her nipple. And then he would go lower, would slide his fingers deep inside her and fill her up…

  Tess moaned again, then tried to stifle the sound. God, she shouldn’t be reacting this way, shouldn’t be thinking these things! This was going to get her into trouble! She had to stop this…had to stop him before things went too far…

  “Garron…” she said, her voice coming out breathy and high. “I…we…we shouldn’t.”

  The big Kindred looked up at her, his eyes filled with hungry blue fire and her nipple still between his lips. He must have seen the uncertainty in her face because he released her, letting her sensitive peak slide slowly, sensuously from between his lips.

  “Forgive me.” His deep voice was hoarse. “I got carried away. You have such lovely breasts.” He looked down at her nipple which was still stiff and achy from his attention. “It looks healed now though.”

  Tess squirmed uncomfortably. “Um, you can see it? I thought you were just…I don’t know…feeling where it was. In the dark.”

  “It’s not dark in here to me,” he murmured. “I have excellent night vision.”

  “You do?” She risked a quick glance at his face as she pulled up her towel. “How excellent? I mean, I know your eyes glow but I didn’t think… Could you read in this light?”

  “Easily. Why?” He looked up at her. “Does that bother you?”

  “Well, yes,” Tess exclaimed. “I’ve been running around in this damn towel for an hour now and rolling all over the bed and letting you see me topless and uh heal me and…” She felt her cheeks get hot. “I just…I probably wouldn’t have done that if I knew you could see me that well.”

  “Why?” He sounded genuinely curious. “Does it bother you for me to see you as you are now?”

  “Of course it does!” she burst out. “I mean, I’m hardly the right size to go running around in just a towel.”

  He frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean I’m not…not thin.” Tess gestured down at herself with the hand that wasn’t clutching the towel. “Not even close.”

  “I know.” The deep hunger in his voice surprised her. “Your curves are luscious. It’s a shame you feel the need to cover them up.”

  “I…but I…” Tess shook her head. “I don’t understand.”

  “What is there to understand?” he countered, raising an eyebrow. “You’re beautiful—you must know that.” He frowned. “Unless your standards of beauty here on Earth are vastly different from my own.”

  “Um…I would bet they are,” Tess said. “But…it’s nice of you to say so.”

  “I’m not being nice—I’m telling you my feelings. The emotions of my heart.” He put a clenched fist to his broad chest. “You’re gorgeous, Tess. With your full, ripe curves and your sweet scent…” He looked at her, his eyes glowing and half-lidded. “I could lose myself in you. Lose myself completely. Forgive me for going too far while I was healing you. For breaking my vow. I was overcome. Lost.”

  “I…” She bit her lip. “Thank you, I guess. That’s…no one has ever talked to me that way before.”

  “It’s the truth.” He ran one fingertip lightly down her shoulder, making her shiver. “I think you’re healed back and front now. There might still be some bruising but the wounds are all gone.”

  “Thank you,” Tess said softly. “That really was amazing. Thank you for healing me.”

  “Thank you for allowing me to,” he said softly.

  Their eyes met and held for so long Tess wondered if he could hear her heart drumming in her chest. If his eyes were good enough to read in the dark and he could smell how turned on he made her—not that I got turned on—not really, whispered a panicky little voice in her brain—then he could probably hear her heart with no problem.

  “Tess,” he said in a soft, deep voice and she was aware that they had somehow gotten closer. Close enough to kiss. This close she could smell his warm, masculine scent—the same dark spice that had enfolded her when he held her in his arms in the Mother Ship. It seemed to invade her senses, making her helpless to pull away, even when he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers very, very lightly.

  The kiss was soft, sweet, and feather-light but it made her heart pound like it was trying to break out of her ribs and run away. She wanted desperately to lean into it, to return the passion she felt behind his tender gesture. But something stopped her.

  Slut, whispered Pierce’s voice in her head. You want it, don’t you? Of course you do—whore.

  She pulled back abruptly. “I should…I need to get dressed for bed. And then get some sleep. We still have to drive all the way to North Carolina and Asheville…”

  “It’s all right.” He stroked a strand of hair out of her eyes and stood up. “I understand. Forgive me if I took what you weren’t ready to give.”

  “It’s not that, it’s just…” Tess thought about telling him what was really bothering her—the block she tried to put between herself and any kind of sexual desire. Because it was better that way…safer.

  “Yes?” He stood there staring at her, waiting.

  “Nothing.” She looked down. “Would you hand me the duffel please? I need to get something to wear.”

  “Of course.” He gave it to her. “I’m going to go into the fresher for a moment and give you some privacy.”

  “Thank you.” Tess watched him go and then looked down at her bag. Forget it, she told herself. He’s gorgeous and he seems to think you are too but I’d bet a month’s salary that Pierce is still after you. You don’t have time to fall for anybody right now—especially a hot, enigmatic alien who took a vow to be true to the memory of his dead girlfriend. An alien might decide to go back to the Mother Ship at any time. So just forget it, Tess. Forget it.

  She started digging in the duffel, looking for a night shirt, and wishing she could take her own advice. But somehow the memory of those glowing turquoise eyes and the feather-light brush of his lips just wouldn’t leave her mind.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “What the fuck is this?” Detective Pierce Hughes looked down at the metal anti-theft screen—the screen he had personally been assured was completely and totally escape proof by the company rep—lying like a discarded shell outside his house. “What the fuck is going on here?”

  He’d come home from working a case, all ready to continue Tess’s punishment, only to find her gone. The little slut had flown the coop without even triggering either of his booby traps. How in the hell had she managed it?

  Finding the open window and the missing screen had only answered part of the question. How had she managed to get past the anti-theft cage? There was no way she could have kicked it out—she wasn’t nearly strong enough. No one was—no one human, anyway. Was it possible that she’d gotten a friend—maybe that nosy old bitch, Di, to hook a chain to the cage and use a car or truck to pull it out?

  But he didn’t find a chain or any marks where a chain might have been when he examined the thick metal mesh. Besides, there was no room in the little backyard for a car—and no tire marks either. What the hell had happened here? He reached out to touch the heavy thing, hooking his fingers through it and lifting it experimentally.

  The weight nearly pulled his arm out of his socket. It was fucking heavy and completely solid. How had it come out?

  He let the mesh drop with a muted clang and pulled back his hand. There was something sticky on his fingers. He started to wipe his hand on his pants automatically and then stopped.

  Taking a step closer to the open window with its sheer drapes blowing out into the night like ghosts, he held his hand up to the light. Smeared on his fingers was a familiar, dark red substance.

  Pierce frowned and rubbed his fingers together. It was blood—but whose blood? Had someone actually pulled this metal cage right out of the concrete by sheer force? But how the hell could anyone do that? Pierce was sure the anti-theft screens were good quality and had been installed properly—he’d overseen the process himself. So if there were no weaknesses in the materials, the person who had pulled this out must have been incredibly strong.

  He took a sample, scraping it into the plastic evidence bag he had left in his suit pocket from the homicide he’d just worked. Then, looking for answers, he drove to her apartment. It was locked but Pierce had no problem getting it open. Inside it was empty but clean. He frowned. Someone had gotten rid of the mess he’d left as a warning. All traces of their divorce papers and that stupid mutt she’d bought to try and keep him away were gone—wiped clean as if his carefully staged scene had never happened.

  Stalking down the narrow hallway he looked into the bedroom and found a bunch of discarded clothes and knick-knacks on the bed. It looked like his dear little Princess had packed quickly, decided she had too much, and dumped half of it in her haste to be gone. But if she was in such a hurry, why had she taken time to clean up the kitchen?

  The bathroom had splashes of some liquid that wasn’t water on the counter—hydrogen peroxide probably—that was one of Tess’s favorite first aid items. She always had a good supply of it in case he had to break the skin while punishing her. That was her fault though—if she didn’t fuck up so much, Pierce wouldn’t have had to mark her so often.

  Lying across the toilet was something much more interesting. A big white towel—one of his towels from the house—he realized on closer inspection. And on the towel was a huge bloody handprint. A handprint too big to be human.

  He thought of his earlier assessment—that no one human was strong enough to remove the anti-theft cage. That was the key—no one human. And where had Tess been hiding for the past week? Why, up on the Mother Ship with those fucking aliens, the Kindred, of course!

  Could a human man have pulled out the screen or left this handprint? No. But a Kindred now…they were big sons-of-bitches. Big and extremely strong. It was difficult to believe that one of them could have been strong enough to pull a metal screen out of solid concrete but maybe this was a special breed or something.

  Pierce’s hands curled into fists, his fingernails biting into his palms. Tess must have met him up there on that fucking ship—that cheating little whore! Didn’t she know she still belonged to him—to Pierce? Had his punishment with the belt taught her nothing?

  Apparently not. She was probably holed up in some hotel room with him right now, fucking his brains out—the little slut! Spreading her legs for his big alien cock and loving every minute of it…

  “Oh, Princess…” he muttered thickly, staring at the inhumanly big handprint. “I’m afraid you just earned yourself another punishment. And I promise this time, I won’t stop punishing you until I’m done…”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Garron slipped away into the fresher to give Tess time to change into her night clothes. While he was there, he tried to collect himself. He leaned back against the counter that surrounded the sink and took a deep breath, his cock throbbing in the prison of his tight black flight trousers. Gods, she was so beautiful…so perfect.

  Shouldn’t have done that, whispered the voice of his guilt. What about your vow? What about Nella and staying true to her memory?

  He tried to summon the face of his lost love but Tess kept popping up instead. Tess half naked with nothing but that thin piece of fabric between them. The feel of her plump nipple between his lips, her soft, helpless moan as he dragged his tongue across her tender flesh…it made him wonder what kinds of sounds she would make if he licked her pussy. If he spread her thighs and pressed his face to the source of that sweet, feminine scent that was driving him crazy…

  But though her desire had perfumed the air between them when he told her how he wanted to bury his face between her thighs and taste her sweet pussy, Garron had scented her fear as well. For some reason she feared intimacy, even though she craved it. It was a mystery…one he ought to ignore. After all, he wasn’t here to claim her as his own—he was only supposed to be protecting her. And yet he couldn’t help wishing he knew the reasons for her fear of desire. Did it have to do with her ex-mate? Had he…done something to her?

  Garron’s big hands curled into fists at the thought. Gods, what
he wouldn’t do for just five minutes alone with that bastard! He would take the human male apart piece by piece but leave him alive throughout the process, so that each piece could scream for mercy—mercy Garron would never grant.

  He deserves nothing but pain for the way he hurt her…beat her. Nothing but a slow, agonizing death. Which Garron would be more than happy to provide. In fact, he was tempted to go back to Tampa and deal with this male head on. Challenge him to a Y’grin—a fight to the death. But apparently that wasn’t the way things were done here on Earth.

  We’re only running for a little while, he consoled himself. As soon as I get word from Truth that Tess is welcome aboard the Mother Ship, I’ll take her back up where I can keep her safe. She’ll never have to see that bastard who hurt her again.

  And then, once she was safely out of harm’s way…

  Then I’ll come back down and kill him.

  The dr’gin rose within him, agreeing with the violent impulse—begging to be included in the fight. Garron took a deep breath, trying to calm it, to push it back below the surface.

  The beast within him had been rising more and more often lately but that wasn’t so surprising. After all, he had called on it twice just tonight—once to free Tess of her prison and once to heal her wounds. Both times he had gotten the distinct impression that his dr’gin liked her—that it recognized her in some way and wanted to be with her.

  It was a strange sensation—one he had never had before, even with Nella. But then, he’d been so frightened that the dr’gin would kill her during his first turning, he had never dared to call it to the surface before. In fact, he had actually doubted its existance for years.

  He doubted no longer. As his name day drew near once more, he could feel it stirring…waking. I am not O’ahn—I have a dr’gin within me. A powerful, hungry one.

  What would he do when it finally came out?

  But maybe, he reasoned, it didn’t have to come out after all. Not if Tess could tame it. Being close to her, touching her, was like a miracle. She didn’t exactly lull the fierce beast inside him to sleep…it was more like her very presence calmed it down. Made it willing to stay submerged.


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