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Page 18

by Evangeline Anderson

  He sighed. The only problem was, her calming influence only seemed to work when she was touching him—when they were making skin-to-skin contact. During the ride up from Tampa, he had felt the pressure building, felt the dr’gin getting more and more restless. Healing her—kissing her back and shoulders, the sweet rounded globes of her ass, and the tender flesh of her thighs—had quieted it considerably. Sucking her nipple to heal it had had an even greater effect—he could practically hear the dr’gin purring with lazy contentment after he finished healing her there.

  But having such intimate contact with her was breaking his vow—the promise he had made to himself to be true to Nella.

  I need to stop. Need to make this the first and last time such intimacy happens between us, he told himself firmly. But…what of his dr’gin? Letting the beast within him out was not an option. If it came completely to the surface and overtook him, causing him to change forms, it would devour the closest person around which would probably be Tess.

  He couldn’t let that happen—he wouldn’t let that happen. He would just go on controlling it and keeping it buried within him as he had been for years. He had never needed to touch Nella to keep it calm…and he wasn’t going to touch Tess either. Not like he had tonight. He would leave her alone and everything was going to be fine. Once they got back up to the Mother Ship, he was certain he would find a solution to his problem. So he just had to hold on until then.

  Everything is all right, he told himself. We’ll be back to the Mother Ship soon…

  * * * * *

  “I am sorry but my answer is no.”

  “What?” Truth stared at Chancellor Terex in surprise and disbelief. “I am sorry, Chancellor—I don’t understand.”

  “I don’t see how I can be any clearer, Warrior. The Earth female is not welcome back aboard the Mother Ship.”

  “But…” Truth shook his head, unable to believe it. He had come to this early session of the Council, certain he would have his request granted in no time. “But she is dream sharing with my brother, Garron. She is most probably his mate which means they belong together.”

  “Let him stay on Earth with her then.”

  “Excuse me, Chancellor.” Sylvan, who had been silent while Truth presented his cast to the Council, cleared his throat. “I believe the female may be in some kind of danger or trouble which is why Garron wishes to bring her back up—that he may better protect her.”

  “That is not our problem.” Chancellor Terex frowned and adjusted the flowing, ceremonial robes that were traditionally worn by the head of the High Council. “The female was banned for a reason—she came aboard the Mother Ship illegally and remained here hiding in the Pairing House for over one solar week for who knows what nefarious purposes. She is not welcome back.”

  “But—” Truth tried once more.

  “The ban stays!” Terex banged the Speaking Rock—the traditional instrument of the Chancellor—down against the steelwood table, making a final cracking sound. For just an instant Truth thought his pale blue eyes seemed to glint a wicked red but it must have been a trick of the light. The next moment his face was back to its stern, stoic expression.

  Truth cast a glance at Sylvan who looked back unhappily and shrugged. Clearly there was nothing more he could do. As head of the High Council, Terex had the final say in every decision and obviously he was not going to change his mind.

  “Thank you, Chancellor,” Truth said stiffly, backing away

  Terex acknowledged him with only the barest nod.

  “And now,” he said, addressing the other Council members. “I understand we have some very pressing business to attend to. What have the governments of Earth been saying about our rights to call brides…?”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Tess woke to the sound of muted voices in the bathroom. Or, no—when she listened more closely, she realized it was just one voice—Garron’s. But he sounded like he was talking to someone. Was he on phone call? Maybe, from the sound of it.

  She normally wouldn’t have listened to anyone else’s call but she had to pee—really badly as a matter of fact. And the longer she laid there in the cheap motel bed, the worse the impulse got until she felt like her bladder was just about to burst.

  Well, maybe she could just knock on the door and ask if she could get in. He didn’t sound like he was doing anything else in there like showering or shaving. Probably he had just taken the call in the bathroom to avoid waking her. That sounded like the kind of considerate thing he would do.

  You know what else is considerate? The way he licked you all over last night to heal you. The way he sucked your nipple into his mouth until you were moaning and squirming all over the bed. That was damn considerate, whispered a naughty little voice in her brain. Not to mention sexy and hot and incredibly arousing…

  Tess tried to push the voice away as she got out of bed, but not too hard. It was one she hadn’t heard for a long time but it was familiar. She remembered having those happy, sexy thoughts during college, before she’d met her ex. Maybe she should name the little voice Tess BP—Before Pierce.

  She’d felt like a liberated woman in those days—living on campus, making her own way, dating whoever she wanted… Although she’d only had two serious relationships before Pierce, she had loved going out and getting to know new people.

  Tess thought wistfully of how happy she was then—of the different person that girl working her way through the LPN program had been. Where had that girl gone to? Had she disappeared the first time Pierce had roughed her up because the waiter was too flirty and he’d thought she was flirting back? Had she gone into hiding the first time he blacked her eye for staying ten minutes longer than she’d promised at the grocery store? Or had Tess BP run away completely after Pierce had dragged her away from her mother’s funeral and broken her wrist for daring to leave town without letting him know?

  She shivered. I don’t want to think about that—about all the bad times, whispered the little voice in her head. How about thinking of Garron instead? What about remembering the gentle way he touched you? The feel of his hot tongue tracing your nipple…?

  Shut up! Tess felt a tingle of desire mixed with fear. I shouldn’t be thinking about that…remembering it…wanting it…But it was hard to push the steamy memory away all the same.

  She finally managed by concentrating on her intense need to pee. God, she didn’t remember drinking that much water last night but she felt like she was about to burst! She tiptoed a little closer to the bathroom door and raised her hand to knock.

  “What do you mean, she’s not welcome back aboard the Mother Ship?” Garron demanded from inside the closed door.

  Tess froze. Was he talking about her? Well who else do you know that was banned from the Mother Ship recently? snapped a sarcastic little voice that sounded a lot more like her normal internal monologue. Garron had to be talking about her. But if she wasn’t welcome aboard the Mother Ship then what was he going to do? Probably go back up without you, whispered the voice. After all, you can’t expect him to hang around here forever.

  “No…no, that’s not an option,” she heard him growl, continuing his conversation. “No, absolutely not!”

  What isn’t an option? Going back? Staying here? What? Hardly knowing what she was doing, Tess leaned closer to the door, listening hard.

  “No, I don’t blame you, Brother. You tried for which I am grateful.” Garron sighed and she could almost see him running a hand through his thick black hair. “Yes, she is well although I did not get to her in as timely a fashion as I could have wished. He…marked her.” His deep voice sounded strangled. “I can say no more about it for now but I have her with me and she is safe.”

  He paused a moment as though listening to remarks made by the person on the other end. Probably the Kindred called Truth since he had called him “Brother,” Tess thought.

  “Yes, I know that giving in to emotion brings the dr’gin closer to the surface. Though you are my older brothe
r, you are O’ahn. Do not think to lecture me about such things. You have no ravenous beast coiled within you, waiting to spring out on your naming day.”

  His other—he’s talking about the thing that lives inside him. The thing he called on to help break me out of Pierce’s house and also to heal me. But what is his naming day? And how close is it? Tess listened even more intently, straining her ears for every detail.

  Another listening pause and Garron spoke again.

  “Of course I would if I thought she was in danger! What kind of male do you think I am? I would not put a female I care for in harm’s way—you know this of me, Brother.”

  A female he cares for, Tess BP whispered in her head and she felt a little thrill run through her.

  “No, listen,” Garron continued. “She tames it. I don’t know how she does it but every time she touches me or I touch her—every time her skin comes into contact with mine—I can feel my dr’gin quieting within me. It’s hard to explain but it’s almost as if it likes her.”

  Wow, so his other likes you too. You go girl—just change your name to Tess Beastmaster…or Beastmistress or whatever… Tess BP cheered.

  Tess frowned—the perky college-aged cheerleader version of herself aside, this might be serious. Garron had talked about his other being dangerous but what exactly was it—what did he turn into? Was he some kind of alien werewolf, doomed to change at a certain time every year or every month? Was he—

  “No, I am not worried, no matter how I sound. I tell you, her touch quiets the burning in my blood.”

  Tess remembered his glowing eyes and the way he had begged her to put her arms around him after pulling the metal cage out of Pierce’s window. He had seemed almost frantic until she’d hugged him. And then, almost immediately, he had relaxed and murmured something about how she calmed his blood.

  “No, of course I cannot tell her what might happen!” Garron sounded offended now. “You have no idea what she’s been through. I don’t want her to fear me. My size and strength are already frightening enough without making physical demands on her.”

  Physical demands… Tess bit her lip. What kind of physical demands? How much contact does he need to keep this…other happy?

  “Besides, I need to remember the vow I made to myself—the vow to remember Nella. I need to control it—even if I must do so without her touch. Yes, I know it’s dangerous. But I promise if—”

  Suddenly Tess felt a tickle in her nose and knew she was going to sneeze. She clapped a hand over her mouth but all she could do was muffle the short, sharp sneeze that burst out.

  Garron was suddenly silent for a moment.

  “Wait,” he said. “I think we had better break the connection. I hear her stirring.”

  Panicked, Tess turned and ran on her tip-toes all the way back to the bed. She dived under the covers and buried her face in the pillows just as the bathroom door opened.

  “Tess?” Garron’s deep voice sounded uncertain. “Are you awake?”

  “Huh?” Tess peeked groggily over the cheap polyester coverlet and blinked at him. “What did you say?” she asked and manufactured a yawn.

  This isn’t right—I should tell him I heard everything. Tell him I know what’s going on. Well, in a limited kind of way.

  Right, but how would the big Kindred feel if he knew she’d been eavesdropping on his private conversation? Tess doubted it would endear her to him and he might get really mad. The old Tess—Tess BP—would have said something. But she’d become a different person in the last few years. A person who cared about self-preservation more than honesty, apparently. So she tried to look sleepy and faked another yawn.

  “I thought I heard you stirring.” He stepped further into the room and Tess suddenly registered that there was something different about him.

  “Hey,” she said, sitting up in bed. “Where’s your uniform shirt? What’s that you’re wearing?”

  “Do you like it? It was the only one that fit but the man at the shop said it would help me blend in with the local culture in this area.”

  He had on a tight black t-shirt that clung to his muscular chest. On it in bold red lettering was the slogan, There’s room for all God’s creatures…on my plate.

  Tess tried not to laugh. “Uh…well, yes. This being the South, I’m sure it’ll help. You couldn’t do much better unless you got a shirt that said, ‘You can have my gun when you pry my cold, dead fingers off it.’”

  Garron frowned. “He did have one like that but it wouldn’t fit me.”

  “Okay, but where’s your actual shirt?” Tess frowned. “You can’t tell me you just suddenly had a hankering to wear a funny slogan on your chest.”

  “No…” He cleared his throat and frowned. “My other shirt is gone. I sold it at the shop we passed on the way here.”

  “What—the pawn shop?” Tess frowned.

  He nodded. “Apparently Kindred memorabilia, as he called it, is in high demand. Especially authentic clothing.” He reached into the pocket of his tight black leather trousers and pulled out a wad of cash. “I believe he gave me a very fair price for it. He wanted to buy my trousers as well but I had nothing else to wear and I didn’t think going bare would be socially acceptable.”

  “Well, you were right about that but oh Garron, honey…” Tess shook her head, not sure what to say. “You didn’t have to do that!”

  “I wanted to.” He frowned stubbornly. “And now I’m glad I did. I just got some news…bad news I’m afraid.”

  “Oh?” Tess tried to look like she had no idea what he was talking about. “What happened?”

  “I just spoke to my brother Truth aboard the Mother Ship.”

  “And…?” Her heart was pounding but she tried not to show it.

  “And unfortunately, the Kindred High Council has refused to lift the ban. So you cannot go back aboard.”

  “Oh, well…” Tess shrugged, trying to seem unconcerned. “That’s too bad. I’ll just go on to the cabin, then. But I guess…” She looked away, unable to meet his eyes. “I guess you’ll want to be getting back yourself, huh?”

  “Are you suggesting that I should go back without you? That I should leave you here?” Garron demanded.

  “Well, sure, I guess…” Tess glanced up and him and looked away quickly, plucking at the cheap coverlet. I don’t care, she told herself sternly. I don’t care if he leaves. It’s no big deal. It’s not like I even know him very well. I don’t care…

  “No.” In two long strides, Garron was at the side of the bed. He sat on the edge and took her hand in his much larger one. “I’m not leaving you, Tess. If you can’t go back to the Mother Ship, I’m not going either.”

  “Oh, well…” She couldn’t ignore the rush of pleasure his words gave her. She looked up at him, unable to hide her smile. “That’s really very…that’s sweet of you to choose to stay.”

  “There is no choice for me.” He looked at her seriously. “Where you are is where I belong.” He captured her eyes with his, looking at her so intently that Tess began to feel breathless.

  “I…um…would you excuse me for a minute?” she said. “I just need to use the restroom really quick.”

  “Don’t be too long,” he said as she hopped out of bed. “I am afraid the first fare comestibles I got you will get cold.”

  “The what?” Tess really wanted to know what the hell he had just said but her bladder was now telling her that she needed to visit the bathroom or burst. “Hold that thought!” she exclaimed as he opened his mouth to explain. “I’ll be right back.”

  After washing her hands, she glanced in the mirror and tried to smooth down her wild auburn hair. Her eyes were a bit puffy from sleeping so hard—thank goodness she hadn’t had any bad dreams—but other than that she didn’t look too bad. Pierce had slapped her across the face several times but for once he hadn’t left any lasting damage—other than her back which Garron had healed. Thanks for nothing, Pierce, she thought, remembering his narrow green eyes, radiating rage as

  No, don’t think about it. Think of something pleasant, she told herself resolutely. Make sure you look okay.

  She was wearing another one of her big t-shirts—a baby blue one this time—and it only came down to the tops of her thighs. Still, she thought she was decent enough. She was wearing panties too, which she normally didn’t sleep in. But last night after the way Garron had “healed” her, she had thought it prudent to make an exception.

  The hotel had provided a couple of those disposable plastic toothbrushes that had the toothpaste already in them so she took a quick minute to brush her teeth. Not like I’m going to be kissing him, she told herself sternly. But still, it’s nice to have fresh breath.

  When she was satisfied she looked okay, she came out of the bathroom and gave Garron a smile.

  “Okay now, what were you saying about first…what was it?”

  “First fare. I believe your people call it breakfast?” He nodded at the tiny writing desk in the far corner of the room and Tess saw that a Styrofoam take out container was sitting there. “Apparently the price of our room also included what the clerk called a ‘buffet’ but they were going to dismantle it at a certain hour. I didn’t want to bother you so I brought you some to have when you woke up.”

  “Oh, Garron…” She felt her heart give a little leap as she sat down at the desk and reached for the first plate. “That’s so…” She opened the take-out box and stared for a long moment before she could finish. “So thoughtful,” she finished weakly.

  Sitting in the Styrofoam container was what looked like a mish-mash of every Southern breakfast food imaginable. On the bottom was a crispy Belgian waffle, which would have been perfect…except that it was piled with scrambled eggs and cheese. Scrambled eggs and cheese with little flecks of onion and ham and jalapeño in them, Tess saw with dismay. On top of the eggs was a layer of grits and on top of that, a generous serving of sausage gravy which was dripping its creamy, meaty goodness everywhere.


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