
Home > Romance > Devoured > Page 30
Devoured Page 30

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Why?” His eyes were blazing but his voice was soft. He stroked one long finger over her knee, making her shiver again. “You know I love your taste.”

  “I…I know…” She hesitated, nibbling at her lower lip while her heart pounded. Should she tell him?

  Garron inhaled deeply and then gave her an intense, half-lidded look.

  “I can smell your desire, lin’del. Part of you wants this. What’s holding you back?”

  Tess sighed. “Just…a bad memory I suppose. Look.” She sat up all the way and parted her thighs. “See this?” She pointed to the small, white scar on her inner thigh, right below her panty line. It was shaped like a double crescent—almost an oval marking her flesh.

  “I noticed it the first time I saw you. Back when I thought you were a Pairing Puppet.” Garron stroked the scar gently with his fingertip and Tess closed her thighs again, moving away from his touch. He didn’t comment on the way she’d inched away from him. “What happened there?” he murmured, raising his eyes to hers.

  Tess took a deep breath. God, it was hard to tell this. No harder than what she’d told the night before but still…it was an old pain she would have rather kept buried.

  “It happened on my honeymoon—right after Pierce and I got married,” she said, looking down at the silvery blue bedcovering. “Someone had given us a copy of The Joy of Sex as a joke. It’s a book about different sexual positions,” she explained, when Garron frowned uncertainly. “Anyway, I guess whoever gave it to us thought they were being funny but they outlined some stuff in it—mostly the, uh, chapter on, uh…going down.”

  “The male tasting his female, you mean?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Uh-huh.” Tess nodded, plucking aimlessly at the bedcovering. “Pierce saw it and acted like he…well, he acted like he liked it. Like he really wanted to do it. I never…” She cleared her throat. “Never really had a guy, you know, do that to me much. I mean, I had a boyfriend in college but we never…he didn’t express interest in that, so…”

  “But Pierce did?” He frowned.

  “Yeah but it turned out he just…wanted to teach me a lesson.” Tess squeezed her eyes shut, wishing she could forget. “He got me all relaxed, just like the book said. He was, um, stroking my thighs and saying things like, ‘Is this what you want? Is this how you like it?’ I…I hadn’t been with him long. And up until we were married he was still…I guess still trying to keep his true nature under wraps.”

  “Because you never would have committed yourself to such a male if he had shown you his true self.” Garron’s voice was a low, dangerous growl.

  “Right.” Tess swallowed hard. “Anyway…he had me all…all open and…and vulnerable. And then he just…”

  “Just what?” His eyes were glowing again, the rage bubbling just under the surface.

  “He bit me,” Tess said flatly. “Really hard. Hard enough to draw blood.”

  “Hard enough to leave a scar.” Garron’s deep voice was hoarse. “Gods, how could he?”

  Tess shrugged unhappily. “Like I said, he was teaching me a lesson—his kind of lesson.”

  “What did he think he could teach by hurting you so? By savaging you?” Garron’s deep voice sounded strangled, as though he was trying to control his anger. “The bastard,” he growled.

  “He told me only whores and sluts wanted…that done to them. He said I was disgusting to even let him get his face anywhere near my…down there.” Tess could feel her cheeks heating with a miserable, embarrassed blush but she couldn’t help it. “I…bled for the rest of our honeymoon but what hurt more than the pain was the sense of…of betrayal. I couldn’t believe I had married a man who could be so cruel.” A jagged little laugh escaped her. “Of course later, I found out how much worse he could be. But that was the first time. My first clue. God…” She put a hand over her face. “I should have gotten out right then. Why didn’t I?”

  “You didn’t want to believe it. Didn’t want to believe he was a monster.” Garron pulled her hand gently from her face and lifted her chin. “Tess, you don’t have to be ashamed to tell me this.”

  “I can’t help it.” She ran a hand through her hair. “He just…made me feel so dirty. So…unworthy of love. Especially…that kind of love.” She looked at him pleadingly. “I’m really sorry but you understand, don’t you? Why I can’t let you…do that.”

  “I understand your ex-mate was a sadistic bastard.” He sighed and shook his head. “We have to stop talking about him. It makes me too angry—brings the dr’gin too close to the surface.”

  “I’m sorry,” Tess said at once. “I shouldn’t have told you.”

  “No, I wanted to know.” He put one large, warm hand on her arm. “Can I see it again? The scar?”

  “I…guess so.” Reluctantly, Tess unlocked her legs and opened them until the white, crescent shaped scar on her inner thigh was visible. Garron studied it, being careful not to touch, and Tess looked too, even though she didn’t want to. Looking at it too closely seemed to bring back the awful night she’d gotten it.

  She could still remember everything—the sudden, bright pain she had been totally unprepared for because she had been anticipating only pleasure. Her utter disbelief and horror when Pierce’s teeth had locked into her flesh…the way she had screamed and writhed and begged, trying to push him off. And somehow worst of all, his angry, bloody grin when he finally let go and looked up at her.

  “That’s what you get, Princess! For wanting to be a little whore. For acting like a dirty slut. That’s right—that’s what you are—just a dirty slut. I would never put my face between your filthy whore legs. You’re lucky I put my cock there!”

  “Tess…” Garron’s voice called her back and she looked up at him.


  “Don’t,” he murmured. He cupped her cheek and brushed away a tear that had escaped down her cheek with his thumb. “Don’t think about it. About him.”

  “I’m trying not to but it’s hard. I’m sorry.” Tess sniffed, her eyes burning, and started to close her legs again. Garron stopped her with a hand on her knee.

  “Please don’t. Can I…” He looked at her, his eyes glowing softly. “Can I kiss you there? On your scar? If I promise to be very, very gentle?”

  She shook her head. “I’m just…I’m not sure why you’d want to.”

  “I want to heal you…or at least try to,” he murmured.

  “But…isn’t the scar too old?”

  “This isn’t the only scar you bear.” He touched the white crescent lightly. Tess jumped a little but didn’t move away this time. “I just… I want to try and erase his mark on you. If not physically, then in other ways.”

  “Oh Garron, honey…” The sincerity in his eyes made Tess feel like she was melting inside. Against her better judgment, she felt the fist of tension that had been building in the pit of her stomach from the first time his lips had brushed too near her panties, begin to loosen.

  “Please?” he murmured, stroking the top of her thigh. “You know I’ll never hurt you, Tess.”

  “I…all right.” Tess’s heart was beating hard as she leaned back against the silver-blue beanbag bed. It seemed to adapt to her movements, cradling her in a semi-upright position so she could see what was going on. Tess supposed that was best. She felt more in control, less vulnerable like this. She still didn’t fully understand why it was so important to Garron to be allowed to kiss the old hurt but if he really wanted to, she found it easier to relax this way.

  The big Kindred was also getting into position. As the beanbag bed helped Tess stay upright, it seemed to support him as he got to his knees in front of her.

  Tess felt her heart stutter in her chest as he placed one big hand on the inside of her knee, urging her to let her legs fall open. She complied—halfway. Bending her right knee, she let it fall to one side, exposing the ugly little scar.

  “Oh, lin’del,” he murmured softly. Then gently, almost reverently, he leaned down and pressed
his lips to the white crescent stamped on her skin.

  Tess felt her breath catch in her throat as the soft heat of his mouth met her tender flesh. Though she knew Garron was nothing like Pierce, part of her was clenched up inside—waiting for the pain that was sure to come.

  But there was no pain. Only the warm, wet sensation of his tongue stroking over her inner thigh, tracing the scar over and over as though he was trying to erase it.

  Tess’s heart started beating faster and this time it wasn’t fear that caused it.

  “I, um, don’t think you can, you know, get rid of it the way you did the other marks. The ones on my back,” she said, shifting a little. “If…if that’s what you’re trying to do.”

  “I’m not,” he murmured, looking up. “I’m just enjoying your taste…the feel of your skin…” He nuzzled her gently with his cheek. “You’re so soft here. So lovely.”

  “I…” Tess’s mouth was suddenly too dry to speak.

  “Can I kiss you a little higher? Maybe…here?” His fingers brushed lightly over her mound, sending a sudden flash of heat through her. “You don’t have to take these off if you don’t want to,” he added, motioning to her light blue panties.

  “I…um…” Part of her was still fearful. But Garron was so gentle…so tender. And his hand, which had come to rest naturally on her inner thigh, was so warm. “All right,” she whispered at last. “I guess so. As long…as long as I don’t have to take off my, um, panties.”

  “Leave them on as long as you want to.” His voice was a soft, deep growl. He bent his head to her again and Tess waited to feel his lips brush the thin, silky material that covered her mound. To her surprise, he pressed his cheek to her first, rubbing against her almost like a cat, and then inhaled deeply.

  “Um, Garron?” she asked uncertainly, her heart thumping.

  “You smell so good here.” He looked up, his eyes half-lidded and blazing with desire. “Gods, your scent…it’s like a drug. I can’t get enough of it…enough of you.” He inhaled again and then pressed his lips gently to the top of her mound.

  Tess’s stomach quivered as she felt his hot breath blowing through the thin, silky material to bathe her pussy. She was uncomfortably aware that this was making her hot—more than hot. She could feel herself getting wet and swollen under the panties and she wondered if Garron could smell her desire. Judging from the rapt look on his face, it was entirely possible.

  It was still hard to believe that he wanted to do this so badly—that he wanted to put his lips, his mouth, directly between her legs. Ever since Pierce had hurt her, Tess had thought that all men felt like her ex did. That even the ones too nice to say it secretly thought women were unclean, unworthy of such an intimate expression of love and affection. But this clearly wasn’t the case with Garron.

  He looked up at her, his eyes burning with pleasure and need.

  “Gods, your little pussy is so soft and hot. Can I kiss you lower?”

  “Um…” Tess felt like she couldn’t get a deep enough breath. “How…how much lower? Show me?”

  “Here.” One long finger ran gently down the center of her panties, tracing her pussy slit. Tess moaned when it bumped over her clit. God, how could it be that this act—the one she had feared and tried so hard not to think of—was turning her on? And yet, it was. She could feel herself opening under the blue silk panties, could feel her pussy lips spreading like a flower desperate for light.

  “I…I guess so,” she whispered.

  He ducked his head again and nuzzled between her legs. This time Tess could swear she felt his tongue, hot and wet, as it traced her slit through her panties. She moaned and jumped a little, fisting her hands in the bedcovering on either side of her.

  Garron looked up at once.

  “Are you all right? Did I scare you?”

  “No, you…just startled me. That’s all,” Tess assured him. “Are you…are you finished?”

  “Do you want me to be finished?” he murmured, raising an eyebrow.

  “I…I don’t know,” she confessed. “This is…it’s still kind of scary. But…it feels good too.”

  “I want to make you feel good. I want to taste you—so much.” He placed a gentle kiss on the inside of her thigh. “I could do it through the panties if you’re still nervous…” He captured her gaze with his, looking at her intently. “But I’d rather kiss and taste your bare pussy…if you think you could let me.”

  “I…” Tess’s heart was pounding so hard she was sure he could hear it. She certainly could, anyway—it thundered in her ears so loudly she could barely think.

  Don’t, whispered the cautious little voice in her head. Don’t, it’s a trap! It’s dangerous…

  Garron is not Pierce, answered another voice—the voice of Tess BP. He’s gentle and kind and he seems to really, really want to do this. Let him. Take a chance.

  “Tess?” the big Kindred asked and she realized she’d waited too long to answer.

  “You…” She cleared her throat. “You really want to do this?”

  “Gods, you have no idea how much.” His eyes blazed. “From the moment I first saw you—from the moment I first smelled your sweet scent—I’ve longed to taste it from the source.” He stroked her knee. “But we can go slowly…so slowly, lin’del. I can just kiss you at first, if you like.”

  “I…” Somehow Tess found she was nodding her head. “All right,” she whispered at last. “Slowly.”

  “Slowly,” he promised. And then he was hooking his fingers into the sides of her panties and drawing them down her thighs and over her legs.

  Tess’s first instinct when the panties were gone was to close her thighs again. But Garron coaxed them open, caressing her with long, gentle strokes of his big hands, murmuring how beautiful she was and how much he wanted to see her.

  At last she felt herself loosening up again. She let both knees fall open and, for the first time, let him all the way in.

  “Mmm, lin’del…” His voice was hoarse with desire as he stroked her inner thighs, his gaze roving hungrily over her softly rounded mound. Tess was glad she kept it neatly trimmed and a little discomforted by the fact that she was already so hot and wet though he hadn’t even touched her bare pussy yet. Her outer lips were puffy with need and the pink pearl of her clit was on display, peaking boldly out from her inner folds as though it wanted to be kissed…as though it wanted to be licked…

  Tess felt both embarrassed and hot—put on private display just for him. She had expected him to dive right in and start kissing her right away but he seemed content just to look at first, to drink her in as he continued to caress her thighs.

  “Um…Garron?” she asked at last.

  He looked up from his rapt contemplation.

  “You’re so beautiful, Tess. And you honor me so greatly with your trust. I swear I won’t betray it.” He looked at her earnestly. “I will never hurt you. Never be rough with you.”

  “I…I know you won’t,” she whispered breathlessly.

  “Your soft little cunt is so luscious, so sweet…” He traced her slit gently with one fingertip and Tess moaned as he slid over the sensitive bump of her clit. Garron licked her juices from his finger and looked at her. “Delicious. You deserve to be worshiped with reverence and gentleness. Deserve to be pleasured over and over until you give up your honey and come for me.”

  Keeping his eyes locked with hers, he lowered his head and kissed her tenderly, fitting his lips to her pussy almost as though he was kissing her mouth.

  Tess felt the breath fall out of her in a long, slow sigh as she felt the warm, wet heat of his mouth against her most sensitive area.

  “Oh…” she whispered and somehow one of her hands had found its way into his thick, black hair. “Garron, I…”

  “I want to kiss you deeper.” His eyes were glowing with need. “Can I spread you open, Tess? Will you let me kiss your inner cunt?”

  “I…” She could deny him nothing now. Looking down, watching how his broa
d shoulders split her wide, seeing his dark head between her thighs was too much. “All right,” she whispered. “Yes…yes, you can.”

  “Good.” Gently he bracketed her wet pussy with his big hands. Tess bit back a moan as he spread her open with his thumbs, revealing the slippery inner folds of her cunt and the pink bud of her clit. Then he bent his head to kiss her again.

  She couldn’t help moaning this time as his mouth met her open pussy. She could feel him kissing, gently but more insistently, kissing and then licking her inner cunt, bathing her petals with his hot tongue, pressing deeper and deeper as though he couldn’t get enough.

  “Garron…” she gasped breathlessly, her hand fisting in his hair as shocks of pleasure coursed through her. “Oh, God…that feels…feels so good.”

  “And you taste so good.” He licked her again, using the flat of his tongue to slide from the bottom of her slit up to the top, as though she was an ice cream in danger of melting. “So sweet and salty…” His eyes were half-lidded with lust. “But I want to taste the source of your honey, lin’del. Want to put my tongue inside you. Deep inside you.”

  “Oh, uh…” Tess bit her lip, her heart pounding. “All…all right,” she whispered. “If…if you want to.”

  “I need to.” It was almost a growl. And then he was wrapping his massive arms around her thighs and spreading her even wider, tilting her pelvis up so he could penetrate her more easily.

  Tess gasped in surprise but though she was still a little wary, the fear that had haunted her from that awful first night of her honeymoon with Pierce was now gone—erased by Garron’s gentle but intense kisses.

  It occurred to her that even before Pierce had bitten her, she’d had a sense that her ex wasn’t really into the oral thing. She’d thought at first that he was just doing something he thought he ought to do, in order to be romantic. Of course after the bite, she realized he’d had a much more sadistic motivation. But even if he hadn’t been so cruel, she was certain he would never have enjoyed her body the way Garron was currently enjoying it.

  Because it was clear the big Kindred was completely into this. That he was fulfilling some fantasy he’d had for years—maybe most of his life. The way his eyes blazed with desire and the way he rubbed his cheek against her open pussy, bathing in her scent, made it obvious he wanted this—that he wanted her badly. The hot way he explored her pussy, mapping her secret flesh with long, hungry licks and then sucked her clit into his mouth to torture it sweetly with the tip of his tongue made it clear he loved what he was doing.


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