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Nier’s view was that although his lead isotope data broadly fol-
lowed the expected pattern, some of the samples had probably
had assimilated extra radiogenic lead (206Pb and 207Pb) derived
from the decay of the “excess” uranium in crustal rocks and
thus didn’t exactly track the evolution of lead isotopes for the
whole planet.
By the late 1940s, Arthur Holmes was a professor of geology
at Edinburgh University, and had largely moved on to other
major questions (such as the driving forces behind mountain
building), but he had been following Nier’s work and saw that it
might allow the age of the Earth to be determined at last. He was
especially intrigued by one specific sample Nier had analyzed,
galena from a very ancient rock sequence in Greenland that had
both low uranium concentrations and low lead isotope ratios.
Holmes, always a big- picture, back- of- the- envelope thinker, was
willing to make the assumption that meticulous Nier was not—
that the Greenland galena provided something close to primor-
dial whole- Earth lead isotope ratios. Conceptually, calculating
the age of the Earth was simple: one just had to determine how
much time it would take for the ratios to evolve from that pri-
mordial starting point to the values in younger galena deposits.
In practice, however, the math was so difficult that Holmes had
to purchase a mechanical computing machine to carry it out.
After months of tedious calculations, Holmes published his
minimum estimate for the age of the Earth: 3.35 billion years.9
Geologists could finally relax into a luxurious abundance of time.
But now there was a new conflict between the timescales
envisioned by geologists and physicists. According to the ex-
pansionary (Big Bang) theory of the Universe, which gained
44 Ch a pter 2
credence in the 1920s with Edwin Hubble’s observation of
galactic redshifts, the age of the Universe can be determined
in a remarkably simple manner— almost trivial, in fact, com-
pared with Holmes’s lead isotope calculations for the age of
the Earth. One just plots the velocity (distance/time) at which
stars and galaxies are receding from Earth versus their distance
from us. The slope of this line is called the Hubble constant, and
the inverse of the slope, which has units of time, is the age of
the Universe. In 1946, when Holmes declared Earth’s age to
be more than 3 billion years, the Universe was allegedly only
1.8 billion years old.10
G E O C H E M I S T S TA K E T H E L E A D ( O U T )
The embarrassing discrepancy between geologic and astro-
nomical time remained unresolved for almost a decade, but
as better estimates of stellar distances were made, and galaxies
farther from Earth could be detected, the accepted value for the
Hubble constant fell, and the age of the Universe grew. Then,
in 1948, a young Iowa- born graduate student at the University
of Chicago, Clair Patterson, struck upon a novel approach to
the age of the Earth question. It was becoming clear that there
were probably no surviving rocks that represent the original
crust of the planet. Arthur Holmes had used the lead isotope
ratios from the ancient Greenland galena as the closest avail-
able approximation to primordial values, but Patterson realized
there was an even better source of information: extraterrestrial
rocks— meteorites.
Meteorites represent preplanetary matter and fragments
of ill- fated planets that formed at the same time as Earth and
the rest of the Solar System. Unlike Earth rocks, which are in
a constant state of modification and reincarnation through
An atlas of time 45
weathering, erosion, metamorphism, and melting, most
meteorites have undergone no alteration in the vacuum of
space since the formation of the Sun and planets. Any thin rind
acquired from their passage through the atmosphere or time
spent on Earth’s surface can be pared off, revealing pristine
material from the earliest days of the Solar System.
Patterson’s approach was to use two different types of me-
teorites, with different compositions, to represent the original
and modern values of lead isotopes in the Solar System, and
then to repeat Holmes’s strenuous calculations. Iron meteor-
ites, which contain lead but no uranium, would provide the
true primordial values. And stony meteorites, which contain
both lead and uranium, would provide the modern bulk- Earth
(well- mixed milkshake) value more reliably than any Earth
rock could (see figure 5).
Once again, the idea seemed simple, but in practice re-
quired Herculean effort. Patterson found that he could not
obtain consistent enough lead isotope results from duplicate
samples to make meaningful age determinations. After sys-
tematically ruling out any flaws in his analytical methods, he
realized what the problem was: there was so much ambient
lead in the lab— on work surfaces, equipment, clothing, skin—
that it was contaminating the meteorite samples before they
could be analyzed. Over a period of nearly eight years, during
which he moved to Caltech and then back to Illinois— this
time to Argonne National Laboratory— Patterson developed
the first “clean lab” (now an essential fixture in countless sci-
entific and medical facilities) with a sophisticated air puri-
fication and ventilation system. In 1956, he finally obtained
the number that remains the accepted age of the Earth: 4.55
billion ± 70 million years.11 ( Requiesce in pace, Darwin). After
attaining, at age 31, the long- sought holy grail that had eluded
46 Ch a pter 2
F I G U R E 5 . The logic behind using meteorites to date the Earth
geologists and physicists since the time of Hutton, Patterson
left academe. He spent the rest of his life crusading to ban lead,
already known then to be a neurotoxin, from paint, toys, tin
cans, and gasoline. Reckoning the age of the Earth would seem
to be a Nobel Prize– worthy accomplishment, but geologists
aren’t even in the running. Patterson did receive the presti-
gious Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement just before
his death, in 1995. Yet it seems understated recognition for
An atlas of time 47
a small- town Iowa boy who had stood up to giants: Kelvin,
Hubble, and Big Oil.
Following the pioneering work of Nier, Holmes, Patterson, and
others, the field of geochronology— the science of determin-
ing the age of geologic materials— expanded to include many
other systems besides the uranium- lead decay series. Among
the 92 naturally occurring elements, there are thousands of dif-
ferent isotopes, and most of these are radioactive (only 254 are
stable). But not all radioactive isotopes are useful as geologic
time keepers. First, the half- life needs to be appropriate to the
lengths of time being measured. Many isotopes have ha
lf- lives
of days or seconds, and using them to measure geologic time
would be like using a 12- inch ruler to measure the Alaska High-
way. Also, because of the exponential nature of radioactivity,
with half of the parent decaying away every half- life, there is
almost no parent left after about 10 half- lives, no matter how
much there was at the start (just as there is a limit to the number
of times one can fold a piece of paper in half, no matter how big
it is). Second, the parent isotope must be present in any rock
or mineral being dated in high enough concentrations that it
can be measured, and also yield measureable amounts of the
daughter. The definition of “measureable” has changed over
time, however; improvements in instrumentation now make
it possible to detect elements that are in parts per billion and
even parts per trillion concentrations in minerals.
Third, the daughter element should, ideally, not be incorpo-
rated into the mineral at the time of crystallization— the starting
time for the isotopic clock— so that any daughter present in
the sample is known to come from radioactive decay of the
48 Ch a pter 2
parent after the crystal became a closed system. This is a bit like
the logic behind requiring students to use much- loathed “blue
books” for exams; it ensures that they wrote all their answers
for the test after they entered the classroom and the door was
shut. (There are, however, mathematical techniques that can,
in fact, correct for initial amounts of the daughter, just as an
astute instructor might detect cheating on an exam.)
Finally, the daughter isotope should not be too prone to es-
caping from the mineral crystal, even though it is usually an
ill- at- ease stranger in that setting. A parent atom, with its par-
ticular diameter and electric charge, will generally have had a
comfortable place in the lattice of atoms in a mineral, bonding
harmoniously with neighbors. But after the parent undergoes
radioactive metamorphosis to a daughter isotope, it no longer
fits in the crystal “chrysalis.” It is a completely different ele-
ment, with a different size and chemical proclivities. Given its
discomfort in its parent’s home, the daughter may try to leave
the crystal, a possibility that becomes more likely if the rock
is reheated sometime later in its history, and the framework of
the crystal becomes more open to diffusion. Because the ratio
of the daughter to parent isotope is the basis for determining
the age of the sample (table 1), any loss of the daughter isotope
will cause isotopic ages to be too young.
Because of these rather restrictive criteria, there only about
a half- dozen parent- daughter isotope systems that can be used
for dating rocks (table 2). These parent isotopes are a lasting
legacy from the time of Earth’s formation, inherited from pre-
cursor stars and solar systems, and some have absurdly long
half- lives. The half- life of rubidium- 87 (87Rb), for example, at
49 billion years, is not only greater than the age of the Earth,
but of the Universe (which is now thought, thanks to revised
Hubble constant estimates, to be 14 billion years). This isn’t an
An atlas of time 49
TA B L E 2 . 2 . Parent-daughter isotope pairs most
commonly used for geologic dating
Daughter Half-life
(millions of years)
(millions of years)
Source: Values from Faure, G., and Mensing, T., 2012. Isotopes: Principles and Applications.
New York: Wiley.
inconsistency— it simply means that only a tenth of a 87Rb half-
life has elapsed since Earth formed, and that just a small frac-
tion of the primordial 87Rb has so far decayed to strontium- 87
(87Sr). But because rubidium is a common trace element in
many minerals, both 87Rb and 87Sr occur in high enough con-
centrations to be measureable and geologically useful.
Some rocks, like granite, have two or more minerals that
can each be dated using a different parent- daughter isotope
system, and it is common to find that these minerals yield dif-
ferent ages. This is another geologic observation that has been
seized upon by Young- Earthers in an attempt to “debunk” the
geologic timescale, but it would in fact be surprising if all the
minerals in an igneous rock such as granite, formed when a
mass of magma cools slowly deep underground, did report the
same isotopic ages. The reason is that the closure temperature
for each mineral— the point at which the crystal “doors” be-
come shut to diffusion— is different for each parent element in
each mineral species. Knowing these specific closure tempera-
tures allows the cooling history of subsurface magma bodies—
called plutons, for Pluto, Roman god of the Underworld— to be
50 Ch a pter 2
reconstructed in great detail. For example, combined U- Pb,
Rb- Sr, and K- Ar dating of minerals from the Tuolumne granites
in Yosemite National Park reveals that they remained above
660°F for more than 3 million years.12 The granites that now
form the sublime peaks of the High Sierra represent magma
chambers that fed mighty Jurassic volcanoes, long since eroded
away. Understanding how long a magmatic plumbing system
may remain active is relevant to predictions about the risk
of eruptions in places like Yellowstone, where mud pots and
geysers hint at unrest in the Underworld.
The best- known isotope used for dating, carbon- 14 (14C), is in
many ways an oddball and differs from other parent isotopes
in several important ways. With an extremely short half- life
of just 5730 years, it can’t be used to date anything older than
about 60,000 years (so its use in geology is limited), and it
doesn’t represent a primordial species— after 4.5 billion years,
it would no longer exist. Instead, it is a cosmogenic isotope that
is continuously regenerated in Earth’s uppermost atmosphere
by cosmic rays— high- energy radiation from space. Cosmic rays
are thought to come mainly from distant supernova events, in
which old stars explode in a spectacular final extravaganza (pro-
ducing new elements and isotopes that may be incorporated
into future planetary systems). Because of concern over long-
term exposure to cosmic rays, pilots and flig
ht attendants are
typically limited to a certain number of long- haul high- altitude
flights each year.
Carbon- 14 is produced when a nitrogen- 14 (14N) atom high
in the atmosphere is struck by a cosmic ray with enough energy
to knock a proton out of the nitrogen nucleus. Some of this
An atlas of time 51
14C makes its way to the surface of the Earth and is taken in
by photo synthesizers (algae, plants) and the organisms that
consume them (fish, fungi, sheep, people). As long as a plant
or animal lives, photosynthesizes, breathes, and/or eats, its
blend of carbon isotopes (stable 12C and 13C, as well as radio-
active 14C) will reflect the relative abundances of carbon in the
environment. But when the organism dies, its carbon inventory
becomes fixed, and the radioactive 14C gradually ticks away
while the stable carbon isotopes remain. In contrast with other
isotopic dating methods, in which the daughter/parent ratio is
used to determine the age of a sample, 14C ages are based on
the activity of the carbon present— the number of decay events
per unit time per gram of carbon. The reason is that 14C decays
back to 14N, a gas that will tend not to be retained in the sample.
Carbon- 14 dating is an important tool in archeological and
historical research and can be used to date a wide variety of ma-
terials containing biogenic carbon: wood, bone, ivory, seeds,
shells, linen, cotton, paper, peat, and the like. Even ocean water
can be dated, because it has a small amount of carbon dioxide
dissolved in it. Some deep- ocean water from the North Pacific
yields 14C ages of 1500 years13— meaning those waters have not
interacted with the atmosphere since before the birth of the
prophet Muhammad.
But the uncertainties in 14C ages are proportionally rather
large compared with geologic age determinations because the
rate of production of 14C in the upper atmosphere has varied
over time owing, among other things, to fluctuations in Earth’s
magnetic field, which partly shields the planet from cosmic
ray bombardment. Carbon- 14 dates can be corrected using
tree rings, those low- tech but reliable timekeepers, because
only the outer part of a tree is actively exchanging carbon with
the environment in a given year, and so each ring will have a
52 Ch a pter 2
different 14C age. By correlating the oldest rings in living trees