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by Marcia Bjornerud

  with the youngest rings in ancient wood preserved in bogs and

  archeological sites, the tree ring record can be extended back

  more than 10,000 years, and 14C ages can be adjusted accord-

  ingly. Growth bands in corals (made of calcite, CaCO3) provide

  a somewhat lower- fidelity record than tree rings but make it

  possible to calibrate 14C ages still further back in time. Never-

  theless, the uncertainties for 14C dates are large— on the order

  of hundreds to thousands of years (5% to 10% of an object’s

  actual age).

  Humans have further complicated radiocarbon dating in two

  ways. First, aboveground nuclear tests in the early Cold War

  days injected large amounts of 14C into the atmosphere, which

  must be corrected for in very recent samples. This is why 14C

  ages are typically reported as years before 1950. Second, a cen-

  tury of burning fossil fuels with “dead” carbon has shifted the

  mix of isotope values in the atmosphere. This is called the Suess

  effect, for the Austrian physicist Hans Suess, who first recog-

  nized it in 195514 (and who had been working for the German

  nuclear program at the time of the Manhattan Project in the

  United States). While the Cold War’s 14C will slowly dissipate,

  the Suess effect continues to grow.

  P R O D I G A L D A U G H T E R S

  As mass spectrometers became more accessible to the aca-

  demic masses in the late 1950s and ’60s, geochronology came

  into its own as a new subdiscipline with dedicated faculty lines

  and graduate programs. Among the first isotope systems to be

  widely used for geologic dating was the potassium- 40– argon- 40

  (40K - 40Ar) parent- daughter pair, because potassium is very

  abundant in many igneous and metamorphic rocks, and even

  An atlas of time 53

  lower- precision instruments could detect both parent and

  daughter. The original K- Ar method is still perfectly good for

  young rocks with simple thermal histories. It remains an im-

  portant tool, for example, in determining the ages of sedimen-

  tary deposits containing fossils of human ancestors like “Lucy”

  that are conveniently interbedded with volcanic ash layers in

  the magmatically active East African Rift Valley.

  A problem with the K- Ar system is that the daughter is an

  apple that falls far from the parental tree. Potassium is a large,

  sociable ion ready to offer an electron to other elements, while

  argon is a compact, self- contained noble gas with completely

  filled electron shells and no tendency to bond with anything. So

  given any chance— a position at the edge of a crystal that allows

  an easy exit, a crack that offers a shortcut, a metamorphic heat-

  ing event that opens the crystal’s doors to diffusion— daughter

  argon atoms will leak out. The calculated age for the host min-

  eral will then be younger than the true geologic age, but there is

  no way of knowing by how much. The plus or minus value will

  reflect the analytical uncertainty arising from the limits of the

  laboratory instruments, not the actual imprecision of the date.

  The limitations of K- Ar dating began to be especially clear in

  the 1960s when the method was applied to old rocks from the

  Canadian Shield, which had long, multistage histories of defor-

  mation and metamorphism. Age determinations were some-

  times inconsistent with field evidence for the relative ages of

  rocks. In some cases, so much argon had seeped out of minerals

  deep in the subsurface that it lingered in adjacent rocks, leading

  to cases in which the K- Ar age determinations were actually

  too old. Young- Earth creationists still seize on these ambigu-

  ities and suggest that the whole enterprise of geochronology

  is hopelessly flawed. But by the 1970s, geochronologists had

  developed a powerful variation on K- Ar dating that yields both

  54 Ch a pter 2

  higher- precision ages and provides information about whether

  argon loss (or gain) has occurred.

  In the new technique, a potassium- bearing sample is bom-

  barded with neutrons, and this converts the 40K in the speci-

  men to a short- lived isotope of argon, 39Ar, which then acts as

  a proxy for the parent. The sample is next heated slowly in what

  amounts to the laboratory equivalent of a metamorphic event.

  Both types of argon— 39Ar, representing the parent, and 40Ar,

  the daughter produced by radioactive decay— begin to leak out.

  As the temperature is increased incrementally, the crystal be-

  gins to exhale more argon, which is captured and analyzed in

  batches. The 40Ar/39Ar ratio (really the daughter/parent ratio)

  is used to determine an apparent age of the sample at each

  step. Typically, the ages obtained from the first few samples of

  captured argon— representing the outside of the crystal, where

  geologic argon escape would have been easiest— are younger

  than those for the interior. If the apparent ages obtained with

  continued heating stabilize around a consistent value— what

  geochronologists call an “40Ar/39Ar plateau age”— then there

  is good reason to conclude that the interior of the crystal has

  not experienced significant argon loss and that the age is geo-

  logically meaningful.

  D AT E S W I T H D E S T I N Y

  Probably the most famous application of the argon- argon

  dating method was the conclusive identification of the crater

  formed by the meteorite impact that doomed the dinosaurs at

  the end of the Cretaceous Period. The meteorite hypothesis for

  the dinosaur extinction was first proposed in 1980 by the father-

  son team of Luis Alvarez, a Nobel Prize– winning physicist, and

  his son Walter Alvarez, a geologist at Berkeley. Walter had been

  An atlas of time 55

  working in the central Italian Apennines, where the crinkling of

  the crust into recently formed mountains has raised a sequence

  of late Mesozoic and early Cenozoic marine limestones above

  sea level.15 One of these, the Scaglia Rossa (essentially, “red

  rock”)— a beautiful pink limestone that defines the color palette

  of many Italian houses, castles, and cathedrals— contains an un-

  interrupted chronicle of ocean conditions before, during, and

  after the Cretaceous extinction. There are no dinosaur bones in

  the Scaglia Rossa, since it accumulated on the seafloor on the

  continental shelf of Africa, but the extinction event is clearly

  recorded by an abrupt change in the nature and number of

  microscopic fossils and by a distinctive half- inch- thick dark-

  red layer of clay.

  Walter Alvarez wondered how much time this clay layer— a

  mute witness to global apocalypse— represented. His father

  Luis, another Manhattan Project alumnus, had access to an in-

  strument at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory that could detect

  trace elements in materials at the parts per billion (ppb) level.

  He suggested measuring the boundary clay’s concentration of

  certain rare metals in the platinum group, such as iridium, that

  are delivered to earth�
�s surface mainly by a slow but constant rain

  of micrometeoritic dust (you can even collect micro meteorites,

  many of which are magnetic, from your roof over a period of

  months16). The average rate of this metallic “rainfall” over the

  past 700,000 years is known from Antarctic ice cores, and as-

  suming it was about the same in the Cretaceous, measuring the

  metal content of the boundary clay would allow an estimate of

  how long it had taken that layer to accumulate. The logic was

  essentially the same as that used by Victorian geologists who

  attempted to rebut Kelvin: sum up the total amount of accumu-

  lated stuff (sediment, or iridium) and divide by the best estimate

  of its rate of accumulation to estimate elapsed time.

  56 Ch a pter 2

  To have some idea of background concentrations of iridium,

  the Alvarezes analyzed closely spaced samples not only from

  the clay layer but also from the limestone below and above the

  boundary. They found that the concentration of iridium went

  from about 0.1 ppb in the underlying limestone to more than

  6 ppb in the clay. The absolute amount seems small, but the

  anomalous spike— a 60- fold increase— was dramatic. It meant

  either (1) the clay layer represented a very long period of time

  during which meteoritic dust rained down slowly, yet very little

  normal sediment accumulated; or (2) a very large amount of

  meteoritic material had been delivered all at once to Earth by

  an object on the order of 10 km (6 mi) in diameter. Neither of

  these seemed likely, but of the two, the second seemed less


  However, this deus ex machina explanation ran counter to

  the deeply instilled habit of uniformitarian thinking in geol-

  ogy and its Lyellian aversion to invoking catastrophic causes.

  Also, the seemingly thin thread of evidence— a tiny increase

  in a strange element in a thin clay layer— was not convincing

  to many paleontologists who had spent their lives studying the

  fossil record for clues to the Cretaceous extinction. But as sim-

  ilar iridium anomalies were documented at other sites around

  the world where uppermost Cretaceous rocks are exposed, the

  story gained momentum. The new question became, Where

  was the crater?

  By the late 1980s, a trail of tektites— spheres and teardrops of

  glass formed from the melting of rock in high- energy impacts—

  pointed to the Caribbean region as the most likely location of

  the end- Cretaceous ground zero. But it wasn’t until 1991, more

  than 10 years after the original meteorite impact hypothesis

  was proposed, that a crater of the right approximate age and

  size was identified— a 190- km (120- mi)- wide depression largely

  An atlas of time 57

  buried by younger sediment off the north coast of Mexico’s

  Yucatan Peninsula. It was named the Chicxulub crater after the

  nearest seaside village. The following year, the publication of

  argon- argon ages of in situ melt glass from drill cores taken at

  the center of the crater was enough to change the minds of geol-

  ogists who were still skeptical about whether this was the site of

  the cataclysm. The weighted mean of the 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages

  for three samples was 65.07 ± 0.10 million years— the Inter-

  national Commission on Stratigraphy’s precise chronometric

  definition of the end of the Cretaceous Period.17

  PA R S I N G T H E P R E C A M B R I A N

  In the context of Earth’s history, dinosaurs are like attention-

  hogging celebrities who get a disproportionate share of media

  coverage when there are so many other important stories to be

  followed. While I respect all rocks, I must confess to some prej-

  udices. Having grown up on the edge of the Canadian Shield—

  the old core of the North American continent— I have a deeply

  instilled predilection for rocks with at least a billion years be-

  hind them. Like wine and cheese, rocks grow more interesting

  as they age, accumulating flavor and character. For one thing,

  most Precambrian rocks have survived long enough to have

  been caught up in at least one episode of tectonic upheaval and

  carried to depths far from their native habitats, then against

  all odds, to have found their way back to the surface. Young

  rocks communicate in plain prose, which makes them easy to

  read, but they typically have only one thing to talk about. The

  oldest rocks tend to be more allusive, even cryptic, speaking

  in metamorphic metaphor. With patience and close listening,

  however, they can be understood, and they generally have

  more profound truths to share about endurance and resilience.

  58 Ch a pter 2

  Even before Claire Patterson’s decisive determination of the

  age of the Earth, isotopic dates from Precambrian rocks were

  revealing how greatly the Victorian fossil- based timescale had

  distorted geologists’ perceptions of geologic time. Rocks of

  lowermost Cambrian age were known to be about 550 million

  years old, but rocks in the Canadian Shield were yielding ages

  greater than 2 billion years. And a 4.5 billion- year- old Earth

  meant that the quasi- mystical Precambrian, once viewed as the

  irretrievable infancy of the Earth, actually includes its child-

  hood, youth, and most of its adulthood— eight- ninths of its total

  age. Even today, there is a lingering habit of overemphasizing

  the Phanerozoic— the eon of “visible life,” from the Cambrian

  to today. Most textbooks of historical geology still devote only a

  perfunctory chapter or two to the Precambrian and then move

  quickly on to the “real” story. Little by little, high- resolution

  geochronology, and in particular a new generation of uranium-

  lead analyses, is correcting this persistent temporal bias.

  Just as people have no memory of their birth or first year

  of life, Earth has no direct record of its formation or earliest

  days. Earth’s own chronicle of its past begins with faint, cryptic

  entries from between 4.4 to 4.2 billion years ago, in the form of

  a few tiny crystals of the durable mineral zircon that were pre-

  served as grains in an ancient sandstone in the remote Jack Hills

  of western Australia. The significance of these oldest of all Earth

  objects has been hotly contested since the announcement of

  their discovery in a now- famous paper in Nature in 2001.18

  Zircon is a geochronologist’s dream (and was the mineral

  Arthur Holmes used in the very first geologic age determina-

  tions). It accepts uranium but not lead into its structure at the

  time it crystallizes. And because uranium has two radioactive

  parent isotopes that decay to different lead daughters, there is

  a built- in cross- check for whether any daughter has been lost.

  An atlas of time 59

  If the 206Pb/238U and 207Pb/235U ages match, the dates are

  said to be concordant, and this is good evidence that no lead

  loss has occurred. The precisions of concordant U- Pb zircon

  dates are astonishing: the oldest Jack Hills zircon gave an age of

04 ± 8 million years, or an uncertainty of only 0.1%— far bet-

  ter, proportionally, than 14C dates. Still, all is not lost even if lead

  was lost; statistical analysis of a collection of discordant zircons

  from a given rock can yield not only their crystallization age but

  often the age of the metamorphic event that led to the lead loss.

  In addition, zircon is a physically tough mineral, capable of

  withstanding abrasion and corrosion that others cannot, and

  it has a very high melting temperature, so it can come through

  metamorphism without losing its “memory” of its earlier days.

  As geochronologists are fond of saying, “zircons are forever”

  (in contrast with diamonds, which, as high- pressure mantle-

  derived minerals slowly but inexorably revert to graphite at

  Earth’s surface). Old zircon crystals commonly have con-

  centric zones that are almost like tree rings— the core of the

  crystal records its original crystallization from a magma, and

  the successive rings reflect growth during later metamor-

  phic events (figure 6). The most advanced generation of mass

  spectrometers— the Super High Resolution Ion Microprobe, or

  SHRIMP— can find isotope ratios for individual “growth rings”

  as narrow as 10 microns, less than the width of a hair. The ex-

  tremely old ages obtained for the Jack Hills zircons came from

  the interiors of crystals with complex overgrowths. Just as the

  rings of one old tree may contain a climate record for a whole

  region, a single ancient zoned zircon crystal can chronicle the

  tectonic history of a continent.

  The astounding age of the Jack Hills zircon grains is even

  more surprising in light of the fact that zircon forms almost

  exclusively during the crystallization of granites and similar

  60 Ch a pter 2

  F I G U R E 6 . Zircon crystals with growth bands

  igneous rocks, which are the foundations of the continents.

  Granites represent “evolved” magmas, meaning they are diffi-

  cult to form in just one stage of melting from the Earth’s mantle

  (the ultimate source of all crustal rocks). Today, granitic rocks

  come mainly from the forges of subduction- zone volcanoes

  like Mount Rainier and are derived by partial melting of pre-

  existing crust, usually in the presence of water (more about

  this in chapter 3). So if the Jack Hills zircons were forged in

  this modern way, their existence suggests the dizzying pros-


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