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Silent Sons MC Box Set

Page 12

by Ambere Sabo

  “…a few of the Sons were hit in the exchange…”

  My mind drifts to Venom and Dash and anyone else who rode with them, wondering if they also encountered gunfire at the cabin. Tears still flow silently down my cheeks at the possibility.

  “… they are already with Doc Hansen. Don’t worry, they should all make it through without issue.”

  I didn’t bother to correct them about the source of my tears and worry.

  “With the sister chapters’ help, we outmanned them by quite a bit.”

  MC loyalty across chapters is something I’m glad the guys could count on.

  Havoc echoes my thought, “I thank God for that.” He helps me from the truck and ushers me inside.

  As we climb the stairs, Havoc says, “Martinez and Loki are missing. There was no sign of them at the warehouse. And we don’t know where the girls could’ve been moved to. I’m sorry, Cessy.”

  I have no reply as he tucks me into Venom’s bed to wait. He closes the door softly behind him when he leaves.

  In the end, today was a complete and utter failure. We have no clue how they knew we were coming. The brothers who went to the cabin are still off the grid if they are even still breathing. I curl up and cry in Venom’s bed for hours. I have no clue where he might be. All hope drains out of me with my tears that refuse to stop flowing.

  Eventually, there’s a knock at the door, but I don’t give a damn to answer it. The only person I want to see right now wouldn’t be knocking.

  I feel the bed dip beside me before Havoc says, “Cess, we’re going to send a group out towards the cabin. See if we can find anything. Lynch and a few of the prospects will be here if you need anything.”

  He waits a few minutes for me to respond, but when I don’t say anything, he leans over to kiss my head before leaving.

  Chapter 21


  With a groan, I crack my eyelids open. They catch sight of an unfamiliar ceiling. Where the hell am I? I rub my head and realize that whatever is beneath me is as hard as fuck. When I come fully to, I have no clue where I am or how this all got so fucked.

  I’m in a fucking cell. Getting up from the floor, I know my body caught the brunt of the blast, but I’m more worried about my brothers than myself right now.

  I have no clue if Dash got away with his life, as he was riding out in front of the pack when the air exploded. My mind races to process what I can remember from last night and today…

  When I call Rodeo from Blue Bells to change the plan, he isn’t on board initially. He tries to talk me out of going to the damn cabin. I wouldn’t fucking listen to reason. He finally agrees, but only if I take some brothers with me.

  Then before I know it, it’s time to go to Loki’s cabin. After we ride away from where I left Cessy and my heart, we stop for a moment to discuss the plan. I argue with Dash about who should lead the ride. It’s my damn job as Enforcer to accept the ultimate risk. I should be in front. But Dash insists that he knows the way like the back of his fucking hand. He’s been out to the damn cabin, following Loki—that shady fucker—and knows the route best. I give in and allow him to take the lead.

  We ride for a bit before turning onto a dirt road. Dash must have driven over a trip wire because next thing I know is I’m flying through the air off my bike. I glance around and see my brothers are also airborne. Three successive explosions go off within seconds of each other, like a chain reaction.

  That’s all I remember. If Dash is dead, that’s on my fucking head. I can’t blame anyone but myself for this. Rodeo is going to be pissed if we survive this. I should’ve listened to him.

  As I try to stand, my left leg trembles as pain shoots the length of it. I can’t put much weight on it. Stumbling over to the bars, I peer out trying to gauge where the fuck we are and if any of my other brothers are here with me.

  The cell across from me is bigger than mine, and I see three of my brothers in it. I calm a bit when I see them, knowing that some of them are still alive. I can’t see into any of the other cells, but there are at least five more cells down here—one on either side of me and on either side of the one across from me.

  Sobs sound from the other cells around me. It sounds like a woman is comforting someone, but when I call out to them, no one answers me.

  I know we aren’t in the warehouse because these cells are older than the ones in the newspaper article. Aside from that, the only other thing I know is that I’m screwed. I have no fucking clue where we are or who the fuck put us in these cells. FUCK.

  I sit in the corner of my cell with nothing but my own thoughts to keep me company. If this had happened to me months ago, I wouldn’t give a damn about where the hell I am right now. Don’t get me wrong, I would’ve fought like hell to free myself because I have a will to live. But other than my brothers, there wasn’t much of value in my life…

  Not until Reine. Now everything’s different. She makes it all fucking different. Now I want to live and fight for her. I want to make sure she is safe and happy and loved, she deserves that shit. Just last night I told her I loved her and it couldn’t have been truer. My heart breaks knowing that my dumbass decision has hurt her. What the hell am I going to do?


  Chapter 22


  It’s been two weeks, and I’m in fucking hell. When the Sons went out to the cabin to look for Venom and the others, they found the dirt road blown to hell and a barely breathing Dash. No sign of any of the other brothers or Venom. Someone had torched the cabin.

  I’m utterly lost. Just a shell going through the motions.

  There’s been no sign of Loki or Martinez.

  The Reapers are in an uproar now that Wraith has told them what went down at the warehouse and what he knew about Loki. There are a few of The Silent Sons who think Wraith is involved with this shit show because we still can’t figure out how the fuck Loki knew we were coming. To say tensions are high right now, is a huge fucking understatement.

  No one’s working together anymore. I’m certain they are going to start shooting each other any day now. Hell, a joint church meeting between the clubs couldn’t help create harmony. More than one member leaves broken or bloody. All because of questions about who’s involved with Loki. The sister chapters are almost all gone except for the two who are missing members because they followed Venom to the cabin.

  Blue Bells is closed and has been since the warehouse raid, which isn’t normal for a strip club. The holiday season is usually a busy time for us, but I refuse to work until we find Venom. And the girls won’t work until they know Loki won’t hit the club in retaliation, so it's closed.

  Christmas is this week, and I don’t give a damn about the holiday. I spend most days here at the hospital waiting for Dash to wake up. If he does, that is. When they brought him in, he was unconscious, having suffered head trauma and a broken collar bone.

  He’s in a medically induced coma until the swelling in his brain comes down. Meanwhile, there’s no way to know if there’s any long-term damage. Best we can figure, he flew from his bike into a tree. Either way, we’re lucky he’s still fucking breathing. For now, it’s just a waiting game to see if his body can pull through.

  “Cess, you really should go home and get some sleep,” Rodeo says from the doorway of Dash’s hospital room.

  “I have been sleeping,” I say gesturing to the pull-out thing they call a bed in this place.

  He sighs, “I meant in your own bed. You need to get some food and a good night’s rest. I can stay with him tonight. I’ll let you know if anything changes.”

  I just shake my head no. I’ve already had this argument with Havoc, and I’m sure he sent Rodeo here to see if he would have better luck trying to convince me to leave.

  I just can’t go. He’s the only one who knows what happened that day. The only one who can tell me where Venom might be.

  “At least go see Vic and Lilly for a bit. They’re worried about you just as much as we are. Ple
ase, Reine, you need to eat,” he pleads.

  As if on cue, my stomach rumbles. Hospital food blows. “Fine, I’ll go for dinner, but then I’m coming back. And if anything changes, you better fucking call me,” I concede.

  After threatening his manhood and a few other things he loves, he promises he’ll call me if anything changes. I head out to the club’s work truck.

  It doesn’t take me long to get to Vic’s. As soon as I’m in the door, she sweeps me up in a hug. Lil walks up and joins her. They hold me for a long moment before letting go. When Vic leans back, she wipes away the few tears I’ve let slip free.

  “I’m so glad you got out for a while. I wasn’t sure your stubborn ass would listen to reason. I’m going to run to the store to get supplies so I can make you your favorite key lime pie. I’ll be back in a jiffy.” She hugs me again before heading towards the door.

  Looking back at me just as she’s about to walk out, she tells me, “Ya know I love ya like you were my own, but take a shower, pretty girl. You stink.”

  I can’t help it, I laugh, and she smiles. Leave it to Vic to tell it to me straight. After she shuts the door, Lil gives me another hug before practically pushing my ass down the hallway. I do as I’m told and take a long hot shower.

  When I get out of the shower, I find Lilly has left me some pajamas on the sink. I dress in some plaid bottoms and a UT tank before heading to the kitchen. It's empty, and Vic’s car isn’t back yet, so I head back to Lilly’s room in search of her.

  I knock before entering and ask, “Lil you in here?” I frown when the door won’t open all the way. I squeeze inside and look behind the door to see what’s blocking it, only to find Lilly passed out on the floor. I don’t have even a second to react before I’m hit in the back of the head. My world goes black.


  God, my head fucking hurts. What the fuck happened? I rub the sizable bump on the back of my head. Opening my eyes, I go into panic mode. I have no clue where I am or how the fuck I got here. Lilly! Shit, where’s she?

  I sit up too fast and my head protests even more, but I can’t focus on that right now. I have to find her. The problem with that is that I’m in a fucking cell. It looks just like the ones under the warehouse but definitely older. The bars are rusted. I walk up to them trying to see out, but I can only see the cell across from me, and there’s no Lilly. Fuck!

  “Hello. Is there anyone here? Where the fuck are we?” I holler in a panic.

  “Reine?” I hear from farther down the hall.

  Fuck me!

  “Venom?” I question, confused as hell.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” he yells back.

  Yup, that’s Venom. Relief fills my heart. He’s still alive.

  “Don’t yell at me, asshole. Do you really think I want to be in a fucking cell right now? I planned on eating myself into a sugar coma from Vic’s key lime pie before going back to the hospital. Not getting knocked out to wake up here with no clue where Lilly is. What the hell are you doing here?” I chastise him.

  “Why would you be at the hospital? What happened, are you hurt?” he panics. Fuck, he isn’t going to like this.

  “No, it’s Dash,” I start.

  He interrupts before I can explain further, “Dash is still alive?”

  “Yes, but he’s not doing too good. He still hasn’t woken up yet,” I admit.

  “Damn it,” he exclaims. A loud clang resounds as he hits something.

  “Venom, what the hell happened?”

  He tells me about the explosion, which we sort of figured out, but we didn’t realize it went down as it did. Then he tells me about waking up here and what he’s learned over the last two weeks.

  It isn’t much. He knows he and the other prisoners get fed twice a day, but he can’t tell who anyone is. Our captors apparently cover their faces and wear uniforms consisting of jeans and black t-shirts. The only distinguishing mark is an identical tattoo they all have on their forearms. No one talks to him when he yells or asks questions.

  “What about the other brothers?” I ask.

  “They’re gone. When we woke up in cells two weeks ago, they were all taken away.”

  “Where did they take them?”

  Venom bangs the bars in frustration. “I don’t know, and I don’t know why they are still keeping me here.”

  “Is anyone else here?”

  “Girls, best I can tell. But I have no clue how many because they won’t talk to me either.”

  “What’s going on out there, at the clubhouse?” he asks.

  “Things are nuts. Everyone is suspicious and worried as hell.”

  “I’m sorry.” He swallows and then whispers, “What’s going on with Dash?”

  “He’s in a medically induced coma to let the swelling in his brain go down. For now, they don’t know how he will be when or even if, he wakes up.”

  “How the hell did you end up here?” I tell him about leaving the hospital to get some real food at Vic’s. Then about Lilly being passed out and getting whacked on the head. Before I can tell him anymore, a door opens down the hallway. We stop talking. Three men walk in with guns. They leer at me when they walk past my cell.

  Venom is rapid-firing questions at them. “Who are you? Why are we here? What the fuck do you want? ANSWER ME!” He gets more pissed off the longer they stay silent.

  Another man stops in front of my cell with a tray of food—if you can call it that. He slides it under the bars. He has a rolling cart that I focus on rather than the food. I quickly count the trays. They are stacked in three rows seven deep which means there are nineteen other people in this hellhole besides Venom and me. I didn’t hear him drop any trays before mine, so I can only assume I’m in the first occupied cell.

  He continues down the hall, dropping off trays along the way. Once he deposits all the trays, the four of them walk back past mine to leave. One of them stops at my cell. “Don’t get comfortable, Princess. The boss will be down for you shortly,” he says with a chuckle.

  Princess? Who the fuck is their boss? Could it really be Loki? No one outside of the club life calls me Princess. It has to be someone from The Reapers. Maybe one of the old members who hated me when Pops brought me to live with him? Damn it, who the fuck is it?

  “The hell, he will,” Venom yells. They all start laughing at that and walk out leaving us without any other answers.

  Chapter 23


  I will lose my shit if they take her from me again. I may not be able to see her, but being able to talk to her and just knowing she is here with me has calmed me. I know it’s fucked up, but I need her with me… I’ve been losing my fucking mind not knowing if she’s okay.

  Damn Martinez, slippery bastard. With all I know of the fucker, I should’ve known the whole thing would turn out to be a fucking trap. But I let my anger and my heart overrule my common sense. Hearing him talk about my girl at Blue Bells set my simmering rage on fire. It never even crossed my mind that those fuckers might have known we were there.

  Now my rash decision might have cost ten of my brothers their lives. And because I’m stuck in this fucking cell, I couldn’t protect Reine from being taken in the first place or protect her from what’s coming next.

  It’s been two weeks if the brothers haven’t been found, there’s no doubt in my mind they’re dead. Because of me, I let myself react without thinking straight. So fucking stupid. I’m drawn from my self-loathing by a voice I don’t recognize.

  “If the boss is coming for you, you won’t be coming back,” the quiet female voice says to Reine. After two weeks of trying to get someone in the other cells to talk to me, now someone is talking to Reine. But I don’t like what she’s telling her. I think I might prefer their whispers and silence, maybe even the sobbing over what she just said.

  “Why do you think I won’t be coming back? How long have you been here?” Reine asks her quietly. Her voice is calm and soothing like she’s speaking to a frightened animal or
child. Pride swells in my chest. Even with my girl probably scared to death, she’s trying not to spook this girl.

  “I’ve been here for almost three months. Not here exactly, because they moved us here a few weeks ago. At least I think it was a few weeks ago. It’s hard to measure time. I remember it was right before all the men ended up down here with us, but what he says is true. The other men are all gone now besides him. No one who has gone to see the boss has ever come back,” she tells Reine.

  I can’t help it. I don’t think before I open my mouth. I have to see if she knows what the hell is going on. “Who’s their boss? Is it Martinez? Where do the girls go?” I exclaim.

  “Venom,” Reine chastises.

  “What? If what she says is true, we need to know as much as we can to try to get you out of here,” I respond in irritation. We need answers damn it.

  “I’m sorry about him. Can you tell me your name? Maybe why you’re here?” Reine questions gently.

  “My name is Angel, and I was taken by the cartel to settle my father’s debts. A man named Caine is the one who took me from them, but he isn’t the boss here. He works for the cartel, yes. But here someone else runs things. I don’t know who though.”

  I sigh heavily and bang my head back against the cell wall. How the hell am I going to save Reine and these girls, not to mention myself, from someone even higher up than Martinez?

  “I don’t know where the girls go when they leave here, but since I was taken to settle a debt, I would assume I will be sold to whoever offers enough to cover whatever they think they are owed,” Angel explains.

  So many questions bounce around in my head, but since this chick won’t talk to me, I just have to hope Reine can get her to give us more information.

  I wish she knew who the fuck was running this operation. I can only assume these fuckers somehow knew of our plan to raid the warehouse and that’s why the girls were moved to wherever the fuck we are now. How they knew we were coming or that I would fall into their trap of going to that damn cabin, is a whole other issue.


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