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Silent Sons MC Box Set

Page 13

by Ambere Sabo

  “Is everyone here to pay a debt?” Reine asks.

  “No, some have been taken from beaches and resorts all across Mexico and sold to the cartel. Others were sold by their families for money. There have only been a few here like me. My father didn’t want me to go and would never have sold me.”

  Her voice holds love for her father still, even given the circumstances that brought her here.

  She continues, “We have a small farm outside of El Paso, but it fell under Caine’s territory. When we started having problems with thieves a few months ago, my father went to him to ask for protection not knowing the cost. Every month they wanted more money until we could no longer afford to pay it.”

  Hearing her speak of how Caine took advantage of her family, reminds me of how he took advantage of my mom. Caine has so many hurts and wrongs to atone for. I need to deliver justice on behalf of so fucking many.

  “I think the thieves were Caine’s men, to begin with, but my father didn’t see the devil that I did. He thought Caine was someone who would help us and protect us. Caine came for me as payment when we could no longer pay the amount he asked for. But my father refused him. I came by choice when they threatened to kill him for his disobedience and take me anyway.”

  Damn, she’s brave. I know the desperation of wanting to help a parent out of a shitty situation. I couldn’t help my mom before it was too late. Hopefully, Angel was able to save her dad.

  “My father was a good man, and I didn’t want him to die.” Her voice hitches on the word die, but she soldiers on, “So I came with Caine thinking they would spare him if I did.” Her voice is very quiet by the end of her story, and I can’t help but be pissed for her.

  I slam my fist into the dirty floor. It doesn’t make a sound, but it hurts like hell. I deserve the pain. I should’ve stopped Martinez all those years ago. Who knows how many families he has destroyed in the past fifteen years because I did nothing?

  “I’m sorry, but you said your father was a good man?” Reine questions. How did I miss her use of past tense?

  Angel is quiet for a while, and I start to think she may not answer any more of Reine’s questions. When she finally responds there’s a tremor in her voice, “I was given a present my second week here…” she pauses, and I hear her sniffle. “Even though they took me to cover the debt they felt was owed to them, they still took my parents’ lives. They were all I had in the world. Now the only reminders I have of them are the wedding bands I pulled from their severed hands.”

  Reine gasps, and I punch the fuck out of the wall. Neither one of us ask any more questions after that, as we let her cry in peace. All I can think about is how fucked we are if I can’t get out of this fucking cell!

  I spend the next hour examining every inch of my cell again. Hoping I’ve missed something and will be able to get out of here if they do take Reine to whoever their boss is. Every minute that passes I get more and more enraged, I didn’t miss anything.

  These cells may not be state of the art or anything, but they sure as shit know how to make them. If I had my tools, it would be a different story, but with just my bare hands there’s not a damn thing I can do.

  “Venom?” Reine’s whisper soothes my ears.

  “Yeah, baby?” I answer.

  “If something happens—” she starts.

  “No. Nothing is going to fucking happen, Reine. Don’t talk like that. I will figure this shit out,” I interrupt.

  “Just let me say what I gotta say, damn it,” she reprimands.

  Fuck. I don’t know if I can do this. I cannot say goodbye to the woman I love. But damn if she doesn’t deserve to speak her peace. I can’t imagine how she is feeling right now.

  “Fine,” I huff out.

  “If something happens, I just want you to know that you’re an asshole,” she says.

  “The fuck,” I exclaim.

  She laughs, and then continues, “Yes, you’re an asshole, stubborn as the day is long and hardheaded as hell, BUT you’re my asshole, and I love you more than all the stars.” I hear her beautiful smile coloring her words.

  “Don’t forget broody,” I tell her. She laughs at that. God, I’ve missed the sound of it. Damn, this is killing me, “I love you too baby.” I respond. This cannot be goodbye. I cannot lose this woman.

  Chapter 24


  I want nothing more than to be in Venom’s arms right now, but I’m damn happy he can’t see me. I’m breaking, and I need a fucking minute. I have a date with the boss man, and we don’t have a damn clue who the fuck he is.

  So many thoughts scramble around inside. I don’t know if Lilly is here somewhere or if they left her knocked out in her room. I’m praying for the latter, not only because then I know she’s safe, but when Vic gets home, she’d know someone took me. If she is here, there’s still a good chance Vic will know something is up because there’s no way in hell we would both disappear before dinner leaving the work truck.

  Remembering the truck has me feeling in all my pockets. Damn, that idea might be shot to shit. I don’t have the keys to the truck so they could’ve moved it. How long was I knocked out? I’m assuming it wasn’t long. Maybe somebody is already looking for me. This truly fucking blows.

  The longer it takes for the captors to come get me, the more anxious I get. Not that I want to meet this elusive boss, but I fucking hate waiting. It has me on edge. My mind circles around information, trying to latch onto something helpful. Then it hits me. “Angel?”


  “You said you were moved here about two weeks ago, right?”

  “Yes, why do you ask?”

  “Did you see anything that could let us know where we’re at now?”

  “No, I’m sorry. I couldn’t see anything.”

  Damn it. I should know they wouldn’t be stupid enough to let them see anything that would give them a clue as to their location.

  “There aren’t any windows in the tunnels, so there was nothing for me to see,” she tells me, confusing the hell out of me.

  “What?” I exclaim.

  “The tunnels are dark, so there was nothing to see. The guards had to carry lights just so we could see where we were going and wouldn’t walk into each other,” she explains.

  “You walked here?” I ask. What the hell? They left what I’m assuming was the warehouse and walked to wherever we are now?

  I don’t understand how that’s possible. But I didn’t stay in the warehouse long, so I’ve no clue how extensive the tunnels even are. I know Rodeo had a few of the brothers take the tunnel to see where it went. I remember that they said it came up in a field in the middle of nowhere. Definitely not at another holding location.

  “How long did it take you to walk here?” Venom asks.

  Luckily, for once she answers him, “I’m not sure. I’ve been here so long, that my sense of time is no longer what it once was. I’m sorry.”

  Well, if they walked here then we still have to be in Texas there’s no way they could’ve walked far enough to leave the state. Texas is huge.

  My mind is racing with all of the places we could be and how close to home we actually are, when the door opens and dread automatically fills me. Footsteps echo down the corridor. Nothing could prepare me for who steps into view.

  “Well, look who finally left the fucking hospital,” he says.

  “Wrecker?” I exclaim.

  What the fuck? I’ve known this man my whole damn life. Hell, I played at his house as a kid when he was still with Vic. He was my granddad’s VP.

  “Where’s Lilly?” I demand.

  “Ah, yes. The fucking Princess always thinking she runs shit. Look around you. I run this, and you’ll know what I want you to know,” he hollers at me.

  “Leave her the fuck alone, you piece of shit,” Venom rages from his cell.

  “How sweet. You finally got yourself a boyfriend, Princess. Too bad that won’t last long. I’ve got plans for you, and Caine has plans for that one
,” Wrecker says not paying any mind to the screaming Venom.

  “He’ll get what’s coming to him for ruining our operation all those years ago. The little punk kid should’ve been dealt with when his mama was, but my cousin was dumb enough to let him live. We won’t make that mistake again,” he explains.

  Cousin, what the fuck? I didn’t even know Havoc had any other family. I don’t think he did either. Aside from Lilly, he has five other sisters but they’re all older, I think. I’ve never actually met any of them.

  Wrecker didn’t give a damn about them, or the women who birthed them. He only ever wanted a son, and since they gave him girls, they were kicked to the curb pretty quickly. The only reason he stuck with Vic was because she had Havoc before Lil. Otherwise, he would’ve left her too.

  “You look confused, Princess. Didn’t you know Caine is my cousin?” he asks with a smirk. “No, I guess you wouldn’t. Shows what kind of hacker you got working with you. His mama had a fling with my uncle back in the day. But when he dropped her like a bad habit after she got pregnant, her daddy came up to Texas and killed him.”

  How did Snoop miss all this? My mind works rapidly trying to piece together pieces from over the years that don’t seem to want to fit together. I don’t know what image it will produce when I finally get all the parts in place, but I’m scared.

  “Word to the wise, never fuck with a lieutenant in the cartel’s family. My old man was smarter than his brother. He made friends, not enemies,” he boasts. Like that’s some point of pride.

  “You cost me a lot of money over the years, and it’s about time you made up for it,” he tells me.

  “How did I fucking cost you money?” I exclaim.

  “Watch how you talk to me, Princess. Wouldn’t want to have to bruise up that beautiful face,” he snaps, before answering my question.

  “Who do you think the drugs and hired kills came from huh, Princess? The Reapers were doing jobs for the cartel long before Hawk took over as President, which was fucking bullshit,” he roars.

  “I was fucking VP. When I finally took care of Ace, I should’ve been next in line. I would’ve taken them both out if I had known that’s who he put as his successor!” What the fuck? I swear, they said grandad died from a heart attack. Now, this fucker is saying he killed him?

  “Don’t worry, Princess No one figured out it was me back then either. You ever want to kill someone, a shot of potassium chloride between the toes, and you’re golden. Everyone thought he had a heart attack. The Reapers were going to be mine.”

  How deep did the disloyalty in the club go? I stiffen my spine and stare him in the eyes, determined to show him no weakness, as he continues to speak.

  “I had to do it after that fucker started sniffing around where he shouldn’t. Wanted to know who his bastard son was working with on the force. I couldn’t have him looking into Caine. That asshole didn’t give a fuck about that boy when he was growing up. But of course, he decided to put his nose where it didn’t belong once he was grown.”

  My resolve trembles and I cringe at the mention of Russel. Wrecker catches it.

  “Ah, that’s right you had your own little run-in with him, didn’t ‘ya? Hawk killin’ him actually worked out in our favor. Your stupid boyfriend wanted to go running his mouth about Caine and what he did to his mama,” he continues, glaring in Venom’s direction. Venom hollers and screams at him.

  “Russel turned out to be the perfect fall guy. After what happened with you, no one even questioned everything we planted to make it look like he was a dirty cop instead of Caine. But with the attention that all brought to their partnership, we had to be on the safe side. Wish I would’ve known Russel liked little girls though. Maybe we could’ve brought him into the fold, instead of having Caine hide shit all those years.”

  The thought of Russel being given free access to other girls, makes my skin crawl. I hate listening to Wrecker’s long-winded, cocky ranting. But as long as he’s talking, he’s not touching me. Maybe Venom can come up with a plan.

  “Granted, we had to give Hawk something else to focus on besides looking into his brother’s extra-curricular activities. That wasn’t so hard though, seeing as a few of The Reapers went running their mouths about jobs they’d been doing. It wasn’t a stretch to convince him that the department was lookin’ into how they made their money. He didn’t even look into the shit they were saying about his own blood after that.”

  He steps closer to the bars of my cell. I want to step further away but won’t give him the satisfaction. His fingers wrap around the bars imprisoning me, yet keeping me safe from this monster.

  “Some family you got there, Princess. No loyalty.” He sneers. “Didn’t realize he’d decide to stop taking the jobs and selling the drugs all together.” Shrugging nonchalantly, he continues, “But with Caine out of pocket, we needed to lay low for a while anyhow.”

  I can’t even process everything he’s telling me. The fact that he’s explaining all of this to me, to begin with, isn’t fucking good. He must think I won’t be around to open my mouth, Venom too, if he’s spilling secrets.

  I might be pushing my luck, but if I end up dead today, I’ve got to know, “And my pops, you kill him too?”

  He laughs, and pure rage consumes me. I want to kill this motherfucker with my bare hands. “Ah, Princess. Your pops never scared me. He was weak as hell. You think I didn’t know that you figured out about the missing money? I was actually hopin’ he’d take care of Loki’s ass so I wouldn’t have to deal with him anymore. Just didn’t expect Loki to take him out first.”

  The look of glee on his face makes my blood boil. “Not that he would ever get his hands dirty by actually killing Hawk. Just fucked up his bike instead.”

  I feel a bit better that my instincts were right about Loki killing Pops. But how could I have misjudged just how horrible Wrecker is? I knew he was bad, but I didn’t know he was such a monster. Thank fuck Havoc got the hell away from him.

  “That fucker knew too much about our operation, but he was a smart fucker. Kept enough information to send me to prison or put me on the run from the cartel. None of you ever realized how good Loki is with technology shit. That whole fucking clubhouse is wired.”

  Wrecker’s voice carries a hint of disbelief too. “Never expected him to keep copies of everything though. That’s why we had to burn down his cabin. Destroyed everything he held over our heads. Didn’t hurt that he was inside it with the girls he’d bought from Caine. Two birds, one stone,” he says with a sinister smile.

  I can’t help the surprise that crosses my face at that. I know Loki has been MIA, but no one thought he was dead. And wired? What the fuck? That’s how they knew we were fucking coming. Jesus Christ, how could we have been so stupid.

  “Let’s get this show on the road, Princess. I have a buyer coming for you and Lilly,” he states as he twists a key in the lock, opening my cell. My head snaps up at that.

  “She’s your daughter,” I exclaim.

  “And? Girls ain’t no good to me.” He sneers, “What do you think happened to the other girls, huh, Princess? If they can’t carry on my name, they can at least make me some money.”

  The two armed guards with him actually laugh at that, as he grabs my arm How fucked up in the head is this motherfucker?

  Chapter 25


  “I’ll fucking kill you, you son of a bitch!” I scream. They’re going to sell her. Over my dead, fucking body. I can’t believe everything he just told Reine. I can’t even wrap my mind around most of it.

  As I listen to him talk, I know he’s the third person that was with Loki and Martinez that night at Blue Bells—the night they said they planned to take her. Laying a trap for me, knowing how pissed off I would be about what they were planning to do with my girl.

  I doubt Blue Bells is bugged or Loki would’ve hidden the money he was stealing better. Reine and Hawk always talked about everything outside of the clubhouse. Thank God for that, or
he would’ve known a hell of a lot sooner that they had caught on.

  Those fuckers laugh until the door closes, separating me from them… and her. I scream and cuss, pulling on the bars of my cell. I have to figure out how the fuck to get to her. After trying to get out to no avail, the door at the end of the corridor opens again. Footsteps thud on the floor before the guards come into view.

  “Caine wants you to watch,” one of them says as they open the door to my cell.

  Here’s my chance. I launch at the first guard in an instant, punching him as hard as I can. He falls to the floor, but not before the other pistol whips me causing me to go down with the first.

  Next thing I’m aware of is that I’m in a new room. I think I’m upstairs, and I’m bound to a fucking chair.

  Reine and Lilly are across the room from me. My baby is bound as well. I can tell they bathed her and I want to murder whoever dared to touch her. Her long blonde hair is curled, and they are both in white dresses. She has a bruise forming on her face, so I know she must’ve done something to piss them off. She’s gagged, so I can’t ask her shit.

  The need to kill someone rolls through me as I watch my girl with tears running down her face. Lilly is hysterical, not that I blame her. I don’t know how the fuck Havoc is going to react when he finds out his father is a sick bastard that sold his sisters and best friend to the highest bidder. That’s if he ever finds out.

  We have to get the fuck out of here. But where the fuck is here? I start looking around for any clue as to where we are, now that I have more than concrete and bars to study.

  “Lilly,” I whisper-yell. She’s been up here, rather than down there in the cells with us, so she might have a better idea as to where the fuck we are. “God damn it, Lilly, I need for you to focus,” scolding her pisses off Reine. Anger fills her eyes. Good, an angry Reine is a thinking Reine, rather than a broken Reine that guts me. I know without that gag, I’d get an earful from her, but I’ll deal with that later.


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