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Silent Sons MC Box Set

Page 15

by Ambere Sabo

  “She what?” I interrupt.

  “She shot Gears. We didn’t understand it either, but that’s when they told us that Wrecker was the one to take them. He’s long gone, bro,” he says in defeat. “Come on, let’s get you upstairs. I’m sure Prez will want to ask you some questions,” he says helping me up.

  I hate feeling this fucking weak, but I’ve been in a damn cell with shit to eat for over two fucking weeks. As we make our way out of this hellhole, I see the two guards who took the girls, each with a bullet to the back of the head. When we pass the bastard who touched my girl, I spit on him. Damn, I wish I would’ve been able to torture his ass. I would’ve taken his hands for ever laying a finger on her.

  We climb a flight of stairs, then we’re in the basement. I know this room well. The bar keeps extra bottles of alcohol and supplies down here. Right now, there are six dead men in the usually spotless room. Damn, we really were that close to the girls the whole fucking time.

  Making our way up to the main floor, I hear her. My girl is bawling. I don’t think about my lack of strength as I take off in the direction of her tears. I practically slide across the floor trying to make it to her. Falling next to her on the ground, I pull her into my lap from Prez’ embrace. She looks up with the shift. As soon as her eyes find mine, she cries even harder, and I don’t understand it. Stroking her hair, I try to calm her.

  “I’m okay, my love. We're okay. Why are you crying?” I whisper. Her body shakes with sobs, and it's fucking killing me. “Please, baby. Talk to me. How can I fix this?” It feels like forever before she finally answers me.

  “I thought you were dead. For two weeks, I assumed you were gone from this life, and I would never see you again. Then just when I found out you’re still kickin, they tried to take me from you. And there wasn’t a damn thing I could do to stop them,” she responds so quietly that I barely hear her. I know what she’s saying, I didn’t think I’d ever see her again either, and it scared the shit out of me.

  “I know, baby, but we’re both here together. Nothing will take you from me again,” I tell her meaning every damn word. “Baby, we need to go check on Angel and all the other girls,” I say trying to pull her back to the here and now.

  I’ll hold her all night while she breaks down, but I know she doesn’t want anyone else to see her like this. I just want to get her fucking home. But we need to get those poor girls out of those damn cells. Her cries slowly stop, and she tries to gain some composure.

  Looking up, we find that almost all of my brothers have congregated around us, Lil too. And she is in Gunner's arms. Damn, Havoc won’t like that shit one bit. Looking around his is the only face I don’t see besides Dash, but I know where he is.

  “Where’s Havoc?” I question.

  Gunner answers me, “He went off after Wrecker once we knew it was him that took the girls.”

  “Fuck! Did anyone go with him?” I exclaim.

  Prez puts a hand on my shoulder trying to calm my nerves. “Savage and Rev followed him out. Rev has already been in contact with Snoopy at the clubhouse. He’s working on tracking him,” he tells me.

  “Enterrador?” Lilly asks.

  “I’m sorry, honey. I don’t know who that is,” Prez answers honestly.

  “He was the man we were to sold to. A general in the cartel,” Reine explains.

  No one says anything for a moment because everyone is taking in what she just said. We have no clue what kind of blowback we’re going to get about everything that went down today.

  “We need to get the girls from the cells, and then we can talk about all of this at the clubhouse. I want to get the fuck out of here, and I sure as hell could use a shower,” she says.

  There’s my girl! After she’s on her feet and walking in the direction of the stairwell, we all turn to follow her back down to the cells. She stops abruptly and turns around with her hand up motioning for us to stop. “Where do y'all think you’re going?” she asks.

  Prez answers before I have a chance, “We're going with you to get the girls, Cess.”

  “The hell you are. Those women were all taken or sold by men. Some of those men wore cuts very similar to ones you’re all wearing. Do you think they are going to come out if we all go down there to get them?” she exclaims.

  The only girls we have here are Lilly and Reine. And they’ve both been through their own hell, but fuck if she isn’t right. Not that I’ll admit that shit.

  “Well?” she asks when none of us respond. She looks through the group of us before pointing to Gunner, Lynch and a few of the clean-cut prospects. “You can come with us, but stay back and take off your cuts. Keep your guns just in case, but for God’s sake put them in your jeans or something. Lil and I will talk to them first,” she says before continuing her walk.

  What the fuck? There’s no way in hell I’m not at least going down there with her. Just as I’m about to say something, she reaches for my hand and pulls me along with her. Once were down to the first underground floor we have to follow the girls because not a damn one of us knows where the next level is hidden. Lilly opens a door that from the outside looks like it leads to a small closet. At the back of the closet is a door that’s at the top of the stairs leading down to the cells.

  She heads down with Reine who turns around, and with one look we all stop in our tracks. We can watch from here, but she’ll not be letting us down the stairs until she’s sure the girls will come out. We make quick work of taking off our cuts and putting them in a pile next to the door waiting for when our help is needed.

  Chapter 28


  The girls in the cells are back to weeping, not that I blame them. I don’t know what all they could hear down here, but I’m sure the shoot-out put them all in a state of panic. Lilly and I walk past four empty cells, two on each side before reaching an occupied one.

  “Angel?” I ask as gently as I can.

  The girls in the cell in front of me say nothing, but they all look up at me in fear. Walking to the next cell, I say her name again, and she answers from behind me.

  “I’m here. What’s happened?” she questions.

  Turning to look at the third occupied cell, I see a woman place a young girl in the arms of another before standing to come to the bars. I am taken back by her beauty. She is petite with what I think is dark brown hair. But her eyes are what really get to me. Though full of sadness, they are a beautiful, emerald green. All of the girls are in desperate need of showers. They are covered in dirt and wear nothing short of rags.

  Stepping up to the cell she’s in, I tell her, “We’ve come to get you out of here.” The fear flashing in her eyes confuses me.

  “Are they dead? They’ll kill us if we leave these cells,” she responds, stepping away from me.

  I understand her concern, but there’s no way I’ll ever let them be hurt again. Even if that means war with the cartel. Hell, we may already be in one. Hopefully one of the girls can tell us which cartel it is that we’re up against.

  “They have all either fled or are dead. They cannot hurt you anymore. I promise we’ll protect you,” I say trying to calm her.

  “I have been promised protection before. How can I know you’re not the same as the devil who promised it before? Even if what you say is true, do you not know the lengths the cartel will go to get what they think is theirs?”

  Before I have a chance, Lilly steps forward and answers her, “I’m sorry for all the things you’ve been through. There’s nothing we can do to gain your trust at this moment, but please believe me when I tell you that Caine Martinez is dead and Wrecker, the man who worked with him, will follow him to hell as soon as my brother finds him.”

  Angel looks at her in disbelief, but before she can answer, Lilly steps forward and places her hand through the bars.

  “That monster was my father, and I swear to you, I will do everything in my power to make him pay for what he has done to all of us.”

  Angel takes in Lilly’s a
ppearance, and understanding fills her expression as she takes Lilly’s hand in hers and they shake on it.

  I give them their moment while looking around at the three cells. I know my assessment was correct—there are nineteen girls in here. They range in age from maybe early teens to mid-twenties. They’re all beautiful in their own right.

  Angel steps back and turns to one of the older girls in her cell. She speaks to her in Spanish, so I have no clue what she’s saying. Some of the girls scattered out among the other cells seem to understand her as relief replaces fear in their eyes. Those who don’t understand still look at us in terror.

  Angel looks around before switching back to English. “I have been here longer than most of you, but it seems it’s finally time to leave here. What do you need from us?” she says directing the question to me.

  “Do you know where the keys are kept so we can let you out?”

  She points to the end of the cell block at a little box on the wall. “The keys to the cells are in there,” she tells me.

  Thank God, they weren’t on one of the guards. I make my way to the box and open the lid revealing a set of ancient keys. As I walk back to the cells, I look up at bikers at the end of the hall. Before I unlock the cell, I look to Angel and explain, “There are some men with us just down the corridor. They are only here to help and mean no one any harm. I promise you they are not like the others.”

  “Are they like your love? The one who screams a lot?” she asks startling me.

  I can’t help but smile at her characterization of Venom. I’m sure that’s all they heard from him for the two weeks he was down here. “Yes, and he is here,” I say turning to Venom as he makes his way to us.

  He pulls me into a hug, kissing the top of my head as he does. He looks at the women in Angel's cell and his arms tighten around me. “I promise you on my life none of us will hurt you in any way,” he tells her.

  She nods her head in understanding, and I get the door open. I wave Lynch and one of the prospects down, and they help the girls out of the cell while I turn to open the second. The other prospect—I’m pretty sure his name is Colt as he’s the one I scared the hell out of earlier this month—and Venom help me with those in the second cell. I give Gunner and Lilly the keys to open the last cell, and they help the rest of the girls out.

  Some of the women are apprehensive toward the men, but the younger girls seem to cling to them for dear life. Venom and I lead the group out and up to the main floor of Blue Bells. The dead bodies are gone now, thank God. I don’t know if the girls could’ve handled seeing that right now. The ride to the clubhouse will be challenging enough.

  Chapter 29


  Rodeo and Wraith wait for us in the bar area of Blue Bells. As we walk up to them, their eyes take in all the women rising up from their own version of hell. Rage flashes in both their eyes, but only for a moment.

  Most of the brothers that were up here seem to be gone, which is probably a good thing. We need to make these poor girls feel as at ease as possible, and I doubt a large group of tattooed bikers would help with that.

  A girl who can’t be any older than fourteen is locked against my side. Rodeo walks up to me, and the death grip she has on my dirty clothes tightens. He can see the fear in her eyes, and it instantly saddens him.

  “The brothers have all returned to the clubhouses, except for a few outside who brought back the work trucks. We can only fit fifteen between the four trucks, but I didn’t figure they’d want to be stuffed into the vans. Wraith and I still have our bikes, but we’ll have to try to make two trips to the clubhouse” he says.

  I nod my head in response. I can’t even begin to imagine what they’ve been through, and I’m glad he had enough foresight not to put them in the vans even if it would be easier. With Angel’s help, we get the first round of girls in the trucks.

  We coax most of the younger girls in by having Lynch, Gunner, Lilly and the two prospects ride along with them. The brothers who’ll bring the trucks back again rode in the bed of one of the trucks so we could keep as many of the girls together as possible. I watch the trucks roll out taking the girls to freedom and safety.

  Looking down at the little one who’s still attached to me, I assess her features, looking for any visible signs of injury. Finding none, I stroke her long, stringy hair. I’m pretty sure it’s a dark brown color beneath all the dirt. She peers up at me through wary eyes, that somehow still hold onto innocence even with the horrors she has likely endured. The grime on her face clearly exhibits the tracks of her tears, long dried now. I quietly ask her, “What’s your name, precious?”

  She looks up at me but doesn’t answer.

  “Como se llama?” Reine asks as she comes up behind me.

  “Maribel,” she whispers.

  Before Reine can ask her anything else, Angel comes back from seeing the trucks off. “Where are we going?” she asks.

  “We’re going to the clubhouse, so we can get everyone bathed and fed. Then we can figure out our next step,” Reine answers her. “I called some of the girls who work here to bring clothes and help get everyone settled. I think one of the brothers ordered pizzas for everyone to eat too.”

  I turn kissing her head. Thank God, she thought about clothes. I don’t know that we have appropriate clothes at the clubhouse aside from whatever the club whores have or what’s been left by a random fuck. Somehow, I don’t think these women would appreciate wearing any of that shit. Angel nods her head.

  After about ten minutes, the trucks pull back into the drive to get the rest of us.

  We get Maribel and Angel settled into the Ford Ranger I’ll be driving. Just as I’m about to help Reine climb in, Rodeo walks over to us with Wraith trailing behind him.

  “What do we do about this place? I have no clue where all those tunnels might lead,” he says.

  Without looking back at either one of them, she slides into the truck. “Burn it to the ground,” she responds and shuts the door.

  Rodeo and I look back to Wraith. In the end, this is The Reapers’ property, and it’s his decision. He nods his head in agreement and walks over to the shed beside the building. They keep gasoline on hand in case anyone can’t make it to town to fill up their tanks, and right now I’m thankful for it. The brothers still here join me with our respective presidents, grabbing a can each.

  Wraith and I go inside and down to the cells to start the trail. It’s the first time he’s been down here. “Jesus Christ,” he exclaims, taking in the living conditions those poor women were living in. His shoulders sag in defeat, and I know this is all so hard for him to comprehend. I don’t know how I would feel if the club I ran was tied to all this. Even if he didn’t know about it, I don’t think the rift in his club will mend after this.

  We trail the gas up to the second floor and hit all the rooms before making our way up to the basement. There’s enough liquor in here to help the fire along, so I let him make a single trail up to the bar area. The rest of the men have already doused this area, and we make quick work of what’s left and hurry back outside.

  Rodeo pulls a lighter from his pocket and prepares to light the liquid before I stop him, “Wait.” I walk over to the Ranger opening the doors for Angel and Reine. They both look up at me questioningly. Tears run down Reine’s face.

  “Come with me,” I tell them, and they both silently comply. Maribel goes to follow before Angel tells her something in Spanish and she settles back into the truck.

  I walk back to Rodeo and Wraith with them on my heels. Rodeo hands Reine his zippo while Wraith gives Angel his. Reine flicks hers to a flame and Angel mimics her actions. With her free hand, Angel reaches down and grabs Reine’s free hand causing her to look over.

  “You promise me you’ll help me end this?” Angel asks with so much conviction.

  The men around my girl look at her with nothing but respect. Reine nods in agreement, and they throw the Zippos onto the wet trail just outside the door. We all watch
as the gasoline ignites, then walk back over to the trucks. With everyone back in the trucks, Wraith and Rodeo mount their bikes and lead us out.

  By the time we get to the end of the road, there’s an explosion, and I know the flames have reached the alcohol. In the rear-view mirror, I can see the flames as I reach over and grab Reine’s hand in mine.

  Chapter 30


  As we drive away, there’s a part of me that wants to break down and forget everything from the last few months. That part of me wishes I’d never looked into what happened to Pops, that I would’ve just left everything alone and maybe left this damn town and club life in the dust. I know I can’t change the past, and some of the things that have happened in the past few months, I wouldn’t trade for the world, but damn if it hasn’t crossed my mind a time or two.

  I didn’t look back when I heard the explosion at Blue Bells I just couldn’t. That place holds so many memories for me from over the years. Working in a strip club is far from glamorous, but those girls are my family—a family I would do anything to protect. Yet I’ve just taken their livelihood from them with one flick of a flame.

  The Silent Sons have a few mechanic shops, a bar and a tattoo parlor that they work out of, so I’m hoping Rodeo will give some of them jobs until we can figure something out. Blue Bells was the only legitimate business for The Reapers. Otherwise, I know Wraith would help them.

  The weight on my shoulders feels so heavy. I feel like I have so many people depending on me right now, and I just don’t know if I can handle all of it. Besides the girls from Blue Bells, we now have nineteen girls from Lord knows where to take care of. We’ll need Angel’s help in trying to get as many of them home as possible.

  The law will have to be brought in too, no matter how much the brothers hate it. We need to make sure the girls that do have a home to go to are taken care of. I hold Venom’s hand the whole trip to the Son’s clubhouse, but I don’t pay attention to much else.


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