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Silent Sons MC Box Set

Page 16

by Ambere Sabo

  As we pull up, I know the Blue Bells’ girls are here because of the variety of cars that litter the parking lot. Wraith and Rodeo rode out in front of us. They are walking their bikes back to the bay so they can come over to help us with the girls.

  I take a deep breath before opening my door. I have to be strong for all these girls right now. Tonight, I can let myself break down in Venom’s arms. I was only in that hell for less than twenty-four hours while all of them were in there a lot longer than that.

  Once the four of us are out of the truck, we walk over to meet the rest of the second group of girls and enter the clubhouse as one.

  Ginger rushes over to me in a second, wrapping me in a hug before asking, “You good chick?” I nod in response. It’s the best I can do right now. I know my girls have probably been told a bit about what happened and are going to be worried about me. I love them for it. I truly do, but I just need to focus on getting everyone else taken care of. If I allow myself to think about it all, I am going to fall apart.

  “I doubt that,” she says with a sad smile, “but I’ll let you have that little lie of yours for the time being. We got all the girls bathed and as comfortable as we could. We all brought pajamas for them because we didn’t know what sizes we’d be needin’. They seem happy with it. The pizza should be here in about ten minutes. Snoop, I think that was his name anyway, bought like twenty-five fucking pies, so we should be covered there.” I grin at the overkill with the pizza order. Knowing these guys though, it will all get eaten.

  Ginger lays her hand on my arm. “FYI, Kat’s been asking about Dash. Poor girl didn’t know he still wasn’t awake yet, so she might need a shoulder later if you’re up to it. Besides that, Amy, Liz, Tash, and Carmen are all with the girls trying to get them settled in the few rooms the prospects cleared out for them. Anything else I can do?” God, I love this fucking girl! She was always my go-to girl when I needed something handled at Blue Bells, and it looks like it’ll be no different with this mess.

  “No, Gin. I think you have it all under control. I wasn’t sure what we’d be walking into when we got here, so thank you. Can you just stay with the girls for now while I get the last batch of them taken care of?” I ask her.

  “I got you, baby doll,” she tells me as she kisses my cheek and heads in the direction of the prospects’ rooms.

  Thank fuck for my girls right now. I don’t think everything would be going so smoothly if we had left the brothers to take care of all of this. Now, it’s time to get everyone else bathed and changed before the food comes.

  I walk over to Angel, who has the rest of the girls huddled around her and say, “Let’s get everyone else cleaned up and changed before the food comes. If we take too long, the men are liable to eat it all.” She nods her head but stays quiet.

  I turn to walk upstairs to the brothers’ rooms with Venom right behind me and the girls trailing behind him. Once we’re at the top of the stairs, he helps sort the girls out pointing them to the rooms where they can bathe and change in. After they’re all settled, Venom pulls me into his.

  “I need to make sure they all have clothes to wear,” I protest, trying to walk back out of the door. He grabs my hand, stopping my retreat. I really need to stay busy.

  “Ginger already took care of all of that. Each room has a few sets of pj’s and undergarments, for them to choose from. And the brothers made sure to put the necessities out in their showers and straighten up a bit before heading to the shop. It’s taken care of, Reine,” he explains.

  Well, that explains the lack of men downstairs. I still feel like I need to do something, anything, to keep my mind occupied. I’m not ready to break yet, to consider what could have happened if even one thing had gone differently.

  Before I can fight him, he pulls me to his chest. “Let me take care of you, baby,” he whispers in my ear.

  Looking into his eyes, I see just how much he is struggling with all of this right now. “You were trapped in that hell longer than I was, Venom. I should be taking care of you, not the other way around,” I mutter.

  Tears well up in my eyes when I think of the hell I was in those two weeks, not knowing where he was. How much worse it must have been for him actually being in hell. I came so close to losing him. I can’t even express how grateful I am that he is alive right now.

  “Then we’ll take care of each other,” is all he says, before leaning down to brush his lips against mine. This may not be the right time for all of this, but damn if I don’t need him just to be with me right now. So, I give in and let him lead me to his bathroom without any more protests.

  Chapter 31


  I know the next time I’m inside her, I won’t be able to stop. But right now isn’t about that. I just want her to be able to breathe and relax for a moment. I want, no I need to take care of her, to reassure myself that’s she is really OK. It’s getting late, and I have no clue how long this night may take. I know we don’t have time for what I long to do to her and with her.

  Church has already been called for later after we get the girls fed and situated, so I know it’s going to be a long fucking night. But I’d really rather just stay here in our little safe haven, loving her in one way or another for the next twenty-four hours.

  Once I get her to the bathroom, I turn the water on to a suitable temperature. I let it run while I turn to her, and we begin to undress one another. Removing one article of clothing at a time, like each piece removed unveils a new precious treasure. I’m far dirtier than she is, and Lord knows I smell, but she doesn’t let on that she notices.

  Once we are both free of all of our clothes, I help her step into the shower following right behind her. I watch as she turns her head up into the stream of water giving myself a moment to take in all that she is. Even covered in dirt and grime, she is the most beautiful thing I have ever laid my fucking eyes on. I don’t know how the fuck I got lucky enough to call her mine.

  I grab the bottle of fruity shampoo that she left here, and pour a sizeable amount into my hands before beginning to wash her hair for her. She groans at the contact of my fingers in her hair, and no matter how hard I try, I can feel myself becoming hard. Ignoring it as much as I can, I start to massage the suds into her scalp making sure to clean the entire length of her platinum-blonde locks. When I’m done, she leans her head back to rinse it clean, and I repeat the process with her conditioner.

  She steps forward, out of the stream of water, allowing me to switch places with her. Then she returns the favor of helping me wash the filth away. I may have to bend over to allow her to help with my hair, but I promised we’d take care of each other, and that’s just what we’re doing.

  Next, we wash each other’s bodies with her body wash and loofa thing. Normally, I would protest the girly body wash and insist on using my own manly soap, but scented might be a necessary evil right now. Once we’re both clean and smelling like lavender, she rinses out the conditioner that’s been left in her hair.

  Looking up into my eyes, I know where her mind is. She confirms it as she reaches for my dick. Gazing upon her naked beauty, my mind is right there with hers. And it takes everything in me for me to step away from her. Pain flashes in her eyes when I stop her.

  “Not now, baby. I won’t be able to stop until I’m inside you. There’s not enough time for that now. We have to check on the girls. But I promise, tonight we can make up for all of the lost time,” I assure her, and the hurt in her eyes turns to gratitude.

  After turning off the water, we make our way into my room to get dressed so we can head downstairs. As we head down the stairs, I glimpse out the window and notice the rows of bikes outside. My brothers have started to return, but they must be staying out of sight because all I can see is females.

  Carmen and Ginger, two of the dancers from Blue Bells, walk over to talk to us. They carry plates piled high with pizza for the two of us. I take mine with me, giving her a moment to speak with them about Blue Bells while I go se
e Prez. I find him in his office talking with Lynch and Wraith. As soon as they see me in the door, Prez comes over to me, pulling me into a hug. He is not normally an affectionate man.

  “We thought you were gone, Venom. It’s so good to see you in one piece, son,” Prez tells me, while Lynch and Wraith nod in agreement. Rodeo steps back to his desk, and I take the last chair in the room.

  “When will we be holding church?” I ask before placing my plate on the desk. I really appreciate the sentiment, but if I eat all of this, I will no doubt end up sick as hell. So I take one of the slices then slide the rest over for the others to help themselves.

  “We’ll begin as soon as the girls are done eating. Ginger and a few of the dancers have agreed to stay with the girls while we hold church,” he explains. “Do you think Reine can get that other girl to come to church, and let us know who were up against?”

  “Angel?” I question.

  “She the one who helped Reine light up Blue Bells?”

  I nod my head in response.

  “Yeah, I think she’s the only one really talking right now. And we need to know whatever she can tell us about this cartel, and what we might be looking at in retribution.”.

  “I’ll talk to Reine and see if she can get her to come, but I can’t promise anything. Anyone heard from Havoc?” I ask, hoping to God he’s good.

  “Rev checked in with Snoopy a little over an hour ago because they lost Wrecker’s trail. He’s trying to convince Havoc to come back for church, but he’s refusing to come. Said he’ll call and get the details of what goes down later.” Rodeo sighs in frustration and concern.

  “Usually, I’d have his ass for missing a mandatory meeting, but I think if I try we’ll be short a brother. And he needs our support more than I need to be a hard ass right now. I can only imagine what went through his head after he found out what Wrecker had planned for Reine and his baby sister,” he finishes with his head down.

  “Believe me, that isn’t even the half of it,” I admit, and he jerks his head up with a look of horror on his face.

  “How could it possibly get any worse?” he snaps.

  “Come on let’s go to church, and we’ll tell you all about the secrets that bastard had,” I say starting to stand.

  As I look to Wraith, I ask, “You coming? There are some things you need to know about your house.”

  “Fuck! Yeah, I’m comin’,” he tells me as I head out to go get Reine and, hopefully, Angel.

  Chapter 32


  Venom walks out of Rodeo’s office with a few of the other men, and I know it’s time for church. No matter how much I want to go back to not being involved in their private meetings, I know I’ll be needed for this one.

  There’s a lot of shit to discuss, and I’d rather know about it first-hand then have to wait for Venom to tell me later anyway. As he makes his way over to me, he has that look he gets when he doesn’t want to tell me something, and I don’t like it one damn bit.

  I prepare to say goodbye to Lil and Vic, who came as soon as she heard we’d been found. Vic’s been blaming herself for everything that happened. Hopefully, it’s all straight now, and she knows that there’s no way what that bastard did is in any way, shape or form her fault. She seems to have seen reason, but I know it’ll take her awhile to get over what happened.

  Venom walks up to my side. I plant one hand on my hip and give him a look. Before he has a chance to say anything, I tell him, “Out with it.”

  “Huh?” he responds looking confused as hell.

  “I know that look, Venom. You always look like that when you don’t want to tell me something, so out with it,” I explain.

  Vic laughs as she gives us her undivided attention. She knows that he has his hands full with me.

  “Um… Well, Rodeo wanted to know if you would…” he pauses as I cross my arms over my chest.

  Still laughing Vic says, “Oh come on, Venom, cat got your tongue? Out with it,” I can’t help but smirk at her comment.

  What the hell could he have to say that has him acting like this?

  “Could you ask Angel to come to church with us,” he rushes out.

  “What?” I exclaim. There’s no way I could’ve heard that right. Why in the hell do they think she would want to talk to them after everything she's been through?

  “Now, just listen to me, baby. Rodeo wants her to come to church with us, not only to tell them what happened to her, but in hopes that she can tell us what the fuck we may have to deal with in the future. Hell, we don’t even know which cartel we could be up against right now.”

  “There’s no way in hell I am going…” I start to chastise him as a throat clears behind me.

  Angel speaks up, interrupting me, “I’ll do it.” I turn to face her, having not heard her walk up.

  “Angel, you don’t have to do it. We can do this another time,” I tell her.

  “No, it’s okay, Cessy. They all need to know. I’ll be fine, I promise,” she says trying to calm me.

  “Fine,” I direct at her, before turning to Venom. “If at any time she wants to leave, or if there are answers she doesn’t want to give, you’ll all respect that. We clear?”

  He nods his head then takes my hand in his, leading us to the chapel.

  Once inside, Venom takes his usual seat, pulling me into his lap. Lynch stands giving Angel his chair, letting her sit next to us. Rodeo slams the gavel down, silencing all the chatter around the table and calling church. He turns to Venom, “Alright this is your show tonight, son. What happened?”

  Venom takes everyone through what he can remember about the ride to the cabin and waking up in the cells. He tells of seeing his brothers in the cell across from him when he came to, then explains that all the other brothers that were with him were taken away after the first day. His voice trembles just a touch when he admits that he has no idea what became of his brothers. The visiting presidents are visibly upset at finding out that more than likely their brothers are dead or have been sold to the cartel—we don’t know which.

  I can feel the tension in Venom’s muscles beneath me. He fidgets with the hem of my shirt. He hates being the one to divulge all the information. I lace my fingers with his and squeeze tightly in a show of support. Then he starts to tell all the information we learned from Wrecker.

  Wraith punches a hole in the wall when he finds out the clubhouse is wired and that’s how they knew we were coming. He calms down a bit when Snoopy promises to sweep the clubhouse to make sure it’s clean. Dead or not, we have no clue where the recordings are saved. The Reapers can’t chance anyone getting ahold of inside information all because the clubhouse was bugged by a dead man.

  The biggest surprise to most is that he killed my granddad. No one ever suspected foul play when it came to his death. No one knows what to do about his other daughters that may have already been sold to the cartel.

  While I miss Havoc, I’m kind of glad he isn’t here to listen to all the horrors committed by his old man first hand. Everyone is disgusted by what Wrecker did under the guise of MC business. The only piece of information that no one fully understands is what Martinez meant when he said I would have a good life if I could give them sons—more soldiers—and not daughters.

  Angel sits quietly and listens the whole time Venom talks, and as the brothers, all make plans about what needs to be done. Not once does she give her opinion. She just takes in everything that is said. When she finally speaks, none of us are expecting her to say what she does. “Diablos Soldados’,” she whispers.

  Venom, and I turn to look at her. “I’m sorry, Angel, what did you say?” I question when all the brothers give her their undivided attention.

  She has more of her voice back when she answers this time. “I said Diablos Soldados’. It means the Devil’s Soldiers and is what the cartel calls their men. They have been keeping some of the women, or in your case buying them, and using them to give them more sons. And in turn, the sons become soldiers f
or the cartel.”

  A shiver runs through me and dread pits in my stomach at the thought of what they had planned for my life. I cannot even begin to imagine what those women go through, or how much worse it could be for them if they have girls instead of boys. Venom’s hold on me tightens, and I know he is on the same train of thought as me. I draw comfort from his touch as we listen for more information.

  “So, it’s the Infierno Cartel?” Snoopy asks tensely. Everyone looks at him with clueless expressions on their faces. It seems he is the only one in the room aside from Angel that has a clue what that means for us.

  She nods her head letting him know he’s right. He breathes out loudly, and then says, “I was hoping that maybe another cartel had a member called Enterrador, but it seems we're as fucked as I was praying we weren’t. Infierno translates to Hell in English, and their leader literally goes by the devil. Not very original I know.”

  I see the Oh, shit thought as it crosses each brother’s face. The guys all exchange worried looks, but they are oddly silent with this piece of information. It seems that maybe there is something in this world that can render them all fucking speechless.

  Snoop continues, “I haven’t heard much about him honestly, just that Enterrador, or the Undertaker as he also goes by, is a ruthless man. He is a general in the Infierno Cartel, and he doesn’t think twice about taking an innocent life. But he is very invested in his family and would take a hit against them as the highest insult.”

  Damn. We are fucked. Venom draws in a shaky breath behind me. I know he shares my sentiment. Using my thumb, I draw circles in the palm of his hand. The motion soothes me, and as I feel him relax, I assume it offers him some comfort as well.

  “I don’t know how close he was to Martinez, but he often surrounds himself with nothing but family. So there’s a good chance one of the two bodyguards Lilly took out was his family.”


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