Book Read Free

On The Right Side

Page 27

by Tom Sears

  It’s Time to Take Control from Liberals

  Although I am a firm advocate for Cluj-Napoca, Romania, it is still good to be home. It’s hard to be in Cluj during January on crutches with lots of slippery cobblestone streets, and very few elevators. It’s also hard to keep up with the political happenings in the U.S. except by computer, which I had problems with at times.

  A digression please. One enjoyable event was when I was walking (hopping) down the street, and a picture in one of the Romanian newspapers really made my day. It was a picture of Janet Napolitano, our highly unqualified secretary of Homeland Security, actually sleeping during the State of The Union teleprompter reading. It goes to show you what the Romanians think of our state of readiness regarding terrorism.

  Back to the column. I really wanted to follow the Brown/Coakley Massachusetts Senate race, but since Romania is 7 hours ahead, I had to wait until the morning to find out the results.

  And it was certainly worth the wait: A sort-of conservative upsetting the anointed liberal for the most liberal seat in the most liberal state in the U.S. That makes three major victories in a row for conservative candidates going against incumbent liberals’ seats. And the best is yet to come.

  Of course, Obama’s arrogance still doesn’t allow him to admit that these victories have nothing to do with his failing policies. Remember, Barack stumped for all three of his chosen candidates. I guess he believed that his mere presence would carry the day.

  I just hope he keeps supporting all of the liberal candidates and showing up at all the Democratic seats up for grabs, which are pretty much all of them. If it can be done in Massachusetts, it can be done anywhere. I’ll bet the liberal candidates will secretly ask him not to show up.

  Grass roots movements, primarily led by TEA Party Patriots, are making the difference. 2009 was the year of expression of common sense by regular Americans, and 2010 has to be the year of action in order to take the country back from these radicals. And it is going to happen in November. Now is not the time to run out of steam.

  We have to carry this mission to a successful conclusion. We have to have the energy of ACORN, but with ethics.

  You know the liberals are afraid of the TEA Party movement. They have been resorting to name-calling almost from the beginning. As the movement keeps growing, the name calling worsens.

  Harry Reid calls us “evil-mongers.” Nancy Pelosi calls us “un-American.” Instead of recognizing us as the grass roots movement it is, she cleverly came up with the term “Astroturf movement.” She hasn’t used it again since people started laughing at her.

  We’ve been called rednecks, racists, fascists and anything else they can think of. I guess my question is if we are considered such a radical, right-wing insignificant fringe element, why are they spending so much time demeaning us? The answer? They’re scared…. really scared.

  The good thing is this strategy is pushing previously non-politically oriented people, as well as all those who were duped by the lies from Obama, to be involved. Cities where rallies are held have gone from numbering in the hundreds to now numbering in the thousands. People involved number in the millions.

  We must all make a very serious effort to discuss the issues with independents every chance we get, write letters to the editor, get involved in conservative candidates’ campaigns, and shout down the loud-mouthed liberals who only use emotion as a weapon since they can’t be fact based.

  We can’t let up now. There is too much at stake for the country, our children and grandchildren. There is only a little more than eight months to get this done. We have to treat it like a marathon and not a sprint and have energy left right up to Election Day.

  Please, if you haven’t attended a TEA Party rally, make an effort to do so. More than one would be great. You will find the participants to be peaceful, patriotic, everyday individuals who care a lot about their country. The events are well organized and professionally done. You’ll have a very pleasant day and come away feeling good. You will see the nonsense being spread by the left has been nothing but lies.

  Lastly, make sure you thank the people who set up the event. They have been putting in amazing amounts of their time, effort and, especially, financial resources to keep this movement moving and growing. They are the real patriots. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude.

  Conservatism Is On A Roll; Still Work to Be Done

  From all the recent events and their successful outcomes, it seems like conservatism is on a roll. However, now is certainly not the time to become complacent. There is a lot of work to be done over the next 8 months.

  The Republican Party is about to be given a second chance at governing, and they can’t screw it up like they did last time. I hope this time we will have the appropriately strong conservative voices in Congress (and the White House in 2012) to make sure conservative principles are carried out.

  With the primaries and the campaigns coming up, you can be sure the Democrats, especially the liberals, will be doing their best to run away from their past records and instead make wonderful promises, telling everyone they have finally heard the message. This also applies to the Republicans-in-name-only candidates. Don’t believe a word they are saying. They are simply desperate to hang on to their jobs and really don’t care too much about us or the country.

  Lying worked last time, and they think it will work again. They knew they had to look like a conservative to get elected, even though they had no intention of governing as a conservative. Just look at all the lies and promises Barack made during his campaign. It sure worked for him. It worked so well, he still is using this strategy.

  Uh, Barack, it’s not working any more. Just look at your plummeting approval rating which is well below 50 percent. Even the peanut farmer had a higher approval rating for the same time period.

  It is time for conservatives to become activists. We have to tell people every chance we get to not listen to candidates’ promises but rather judge them solely on their track record. Nothing else matters. If we had done this with Obama he would still be a relatively insignificant senator from Illinois, albeit the most liberal Senator in the Democrat Party. He would be back going to his “church” to hear Jeremiah Wright preach hatred and would still be hanging around his left wing radical friends like Saul Alinsky. Maybe he would even have time to spend a weekend or two every now and then for ACORN, counseling people how to get away with illegal behavior.

  Back to our responsibilities as activists. We have to especially talk to young people of voting age who were duped the first time around with Obama. I don’t think they had any idea their future was going to be so heavily mortgaged to the point where they will not have as good a standard of living as their parents now have.

  These are the people who should be invited to the TEA parties so that they can see for themselves the liberals have totally mischaracterized these events, probably out of ignorance or fear, since most have never attended one.

  We also have to be willing to stand up and shout down the liberals when they misstate the truth. Granted, they are loud, but they are relatively few in number and their arguments are pretty much based on emotion and lacking substance.

  We have to make sure that we work tirelessly for conservative candidates, regardless from which party they come. Schumer and Gillibrand could be vulnerable this time, and it is inexcusable for any voter to say they didn’t vote because their vote doesn’t count, or the weather was too bad to go out, or they didn’t have a ride.

  Lastly, make sure you attend at least one, preferably more, TEA parties this season. Make sure to take one or more open-minded friends with you. They will be favorably impressed. I know there will be events in Oneonta, Sidney and Norwich, and if organizers will send me the dates, I will be happy to list them in my column. This offer holds for any other TEA Party event I don’t know about. We all know how difficult it is to get appropriate coverage in the mainstream media.

  Next time (unless Barack gives me something to write
about) I’ll try to make a list of what a true conservative candidate should look like. My observations might be different from other conservatives, but I know we will agree on the basic core values.

  I never realized it until recently that my column printed on The Daily Star web site had a place where comments could be made immediately below it. I want to offer a very belated thank you for all the kind comments I have received from readers. I also get quite a laugh at those who are not quite so kind but at least I know I got their blood pressure elevated. Both types of feedback keep me writing.

  Losses Loom for Left-Wing Lemmings

  Just a little while ago the left’s beloved leader, Barack Obama, said, “Everything there is to say about health care has been said, and just about everybody has said it.” Oh, do I wish you would take your own advice and simply shut up, then. Maybe, in addition to this tactic, you should also listen.

  The public is against the present health bill proposal by a three to one margin but you still don’t listen. The Republicans have come up with plenty of common sense alternative proposals and you don’t listen.

  Only your subservient mainstream media and your delusional left wing followers hang on your every word. The best term to describe these mindless followers would be lemmings.

  The Encarta Dictionary would define the term as a subarctic rodent, but a more apt description is the definition of a lemming as a doomed conformist. “A member of a large group of people who blindly follow one another on a course of action that will lead to destruction for all of them.” You can’t get a more perfect description than that.

  Nevertheless, all their leader needs is a microphone, a teleprompter, the mainstream media and a selected group of followers, and he is so caught up in his own self-grandeur that he is oblivious to everything else.

  On second thought, maybe we should just let him rant away. The 2010 elections will prevent this radical and the leftist, secular leaders in both the Senate and the House from causing any more damage.

  There are many House Democrat seats that are vulnerable, some estimate as many as 60. If the Republicans can gain 40 we can finally say good bye to Nancy “I can’t blink” Pelosi permanently.

  The same holds true with the Senate. Poor old Harry Reid might be gone not only as Senate leader but also as a senator. Who says Christmas doesn’t come early sometimes? And in two more years, 2012, people will begin to forget who this Obama character was anyway.

  And this is where the Tea Party participants have a say. Only candidates with conservative credentials should and will be promoted. The left can rant and rave and call us every name in the book but all we have to do is continue to gain strength and not falter from now up to Election Day. And believe me, as they get more and more scared the worse the rantings will become.

  When independent minded people come and experience one or more of the planned events they will see how wrong the lefty radicals are.

  And speaking of rantings, one has only to look at the feedback under the electronic version of my column on The Daily Star website. All it took is a few brave souled individuals to provide feedback and support, and the crazies came bounding out from everywhere.

  I want to thank those individuals who have written in on my behalf, and if you could only see the number of positive e-mails I get, you would certainly be relieved, knowing that you are the true majority.

  One final question. First let me say that I know many attorneys, and, with the exception of one or two, I have found them all to be ethical and honest individuals. I respect every one of them.

  But I still have to ask, who the heck writes these bills coming out of Congress? I thought the law was supposed to be written so that it was understandable to the reasonable man. Just go online and see if a reasonable man can even begin to read, much less comprehend these laws.

  We have the latest Senate version of the health care bill that is 2,074 pages. This comes after a House version of 1,990 pages and an earlier Senate version that was 1,502 pages. No one in either house has even bothered to read what they contained but still voted for them. Is this responsible behavior?

  We are talking about the government takeover of one-sixth of the nation’s economy! Maxine Waters was made to look like an idiot when she was asked about certain portions of the bill, and she tried to bluff her way through with an answer before finally admitting she hadn’t read any of it. The same experience was repeated with other Democrats.

  I don’t know, but there are two much more important documents that provide guidelines as to how to live that are much clearer and much shorter.

  The most important, my NIV version of the Bible, has only 1,635 pages. Also, I usually carry around a pocket sized version of the Constitution with all the amendments, including a copy of the Declaration of Independence. That booklet is only 58 pages with each page less than a 3x5 card. After these two works, we don’t need any more laws.

  Attend Tea Parties To Find Truth

  What happened on March 21st was the ultimate of big government arrogance. Congress passed a health bill that a large majority of Americans didn’t want. Democrats were bought, threatened and bribed to sell their principles to the devil. They felt they had a choice between being scared of Pelosi, Reid and Obama, or facing the wrath of their constituents. Boy, did they make the wrong choice.

  Watch the attempts the Dems make, spinning how they voted. This law is just one of many nightmarish examples of what happens and will happen again when radical liberals seize control of power.

  Speaking of spinning, I was watching a newscast where a Democrat congressman was trying to explain away a recent poll where Pelosi’s favorable rating was 11 percent and Harry Reid’s was 8 percent. The politician actually said the reason that these numbers were so low was because they took so long to get the bill passed!

  There was a letter to the editor a while back that displayed either ignorance or the lowest level of behavior by attempting to intentionally distort and demean the Tea Party movement. After a letter like this it is even more important than ever for independent thinking individuals to attend a Tea Party event and see for yourself what this movement is really all about.

  The left will stoop to any level in attempting to distort the facts. I attended three events last year and hope to attend more this year. There were no loaded guns, no words of racism, nor any of the other things the writer claimed to have experienced. The good, honest people I was with would not have tolerated such things and would have asked such individuals to leave.

  I think the writer was confusing herself, instead remembering the vulgar

  activity that took place when her kind protested President Bush’s policies.

  Also erroneous was the statement made about the number of attendees at the thousands of rallies across the country last year. All one has to do is go to the Internet and see for himself the postings that reported the cities where the rallies took place and the respective attendees.

  Also, when pictures taken by independent sources, such as those taken at the Washington D.C. event, scare the liberals, what do they do? They simply say the pictures are doctored. Is that the best that these individuals can come up with when exposed? We conservatives have to start fighting back when these vicious smears are attempted. And that is exactly what good, honest, Americans are finally doing.

  But this is what the radical left does best….lie. You can be assured that this summer they will attempt to plant some of their own at the upcoming rallies, pretending to be Tea Party members and try to make the movement look bad. And the media will play right along.

  Also you can be assured that the above writer will, as well as many others of her ilk, claim to have attended such a rally but never really did.

  Remember all those people who claimed to have been at the original Woodstock festival? It was later said that if all the people who actually claimed to have attended actually had, the crowds would have been six times larger than actually were there. The same was true about all the people w
ho claimed to have been at the game when Hank Aaron hit his last home run. There would have had to have been seven stadiums to hold these “attendees.”

  Why do libs do the same thing about the Tea Parties? It seems that they feel the need to lie in order to give their statements credibility. It’s beyond me why they do this.

  Let them spew on. All we conservative Americans have to do is move forward with purpose and determination and we will take this country back in November. We have to make these radical liberals powerless and insignificant for the sake of our

  country’s future.

  218 days to go. Stay strong, stay focused, stay united and this November the Democrat Party will go down in history as a past embarrassment of this country. After seeing the agenda they have planned and the harm they have caused this country, they can never be allowed to lead again.

  Tea Party events that I know about:

  Saturday, April 24th from 1 to 4pm at River Valley Ford, which is about half way between Oneonta and Otego on Route 7.

  Saturday, July 3rd beginning at 10am in Sidney and going on all day. I’ll give directions at a later date.

  I know there is an active group in Norwich, and if a verifiable member will send me a schedule of its future events I will be happy to post the information here.

  Liberals, Leftist Media Spoon-Feed Convenient Info

  I’m getting motivated. The Tea Party season is heating up, and all the events that I know of are predicting three to four times the attendance from last year. I’m bringing 10 people myself; last year I brought one.

  But just as predicted, the liberal, secular left is already planning to do everything they can, using every sleazy trick in the book, to make Tea Party events look bad.

  There is actually a website that provides various strategies to disrupt these events. Some of the tactics include misspelling signs, making vulgar or racially oriented signs, and shouting vulgar chants. Remember the woman who wrote a letter to the editor two weeks ago? All her claims seemed to be suspiciously similar to what the web site suggested doing.


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