Book Read Free

On The Right Side

Page 28

by Tom Sears

  All they are trying to do is attract media attention, and the main stream media will be happy to oblige.

  My advice would be to hold these protest events on private property if at all possible. That way these clowns can be asked or told to leave. Also, make sure that you and others are right there when they are being interviewed by unprofessional, leftist reporters looking for a good story. We have to let them know that these people are in no way part of the decent people who are trying to take this country back and have it become a morally, constitutionally based country once again.

  Last week I was attending a Hartwick College lacrosse match and asked a friend if he was going to any of the Tea Party events. I was disappointed when he said he was an independent and didn’t want to be part of anything as radical as these groups. Sadly, when asked, he said that he had not been to one. This meant that he received his information from only biased, leftist sources, or what the main stream media told him to think.

  I had to point out to him that 46 percent of all Tea Party members were either Democrats or Independents. Sadly, this too fell on deaf ears.

  This example shows why you should attend one of these events and see for yourself what and who are involved. You will come away very favorably impressed and see that the other side is painting demeaning and erroneous pictures of Tea Party members and their cause.

  I am not asking you to fall in love with the alternative news sources I am mentioning below but please listen to them at least two or three times each to get a good idea of the substance they provide.

  Talk show hosts should include Glen Beck, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, the dreaded Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. They all have very good websites to peruse, also. Sean Hannity is on his “Conservative Victory Tour” and has so far been to Minneapolis, Detroit, and New Orleans. In each case they were sellouts and the crowds of typical, average Americans were fired up. He will be in many more cities in the near future.

  Listen to Fox News starting at 5 p.m. at least a few times. You’ll hear factual information that you won’t hear in the main stream media. You will soon see why Fox News is rated No. 1 in cable news and has more listeners than CNBC, MSNBC, and CNN combined!

  Try reading the New York Post editorial and columnist section, The Washington times, The Wall Street Journal Editorial section and Of course you should already be reading “On The Right Side.”

  Columnists to read are Charles Krauthammer, Thomas Sowell, Michael Barone, Larry Elder. Michelle Malkin, and Dick Morris, just to mention a few, taken from a list of more than 100.

  All I’m asking is to please not let the mainstream media and liberals spoon feed you only the information they want you to read or hear. Make your own opinion after you have given both sides a fair chance.

  There are two important Tea Party rallies coming up that I hope you can attend. The first one is in Norwich on Thursday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. It will be at the East Side Park across from the Chenango County Courthouse. Call Gilda Ward at either 607-764-8303 or 607-244-5528 if you need more details.

  Another good one will be held Saturday, April 24, from 1 to 4 p.m. at River Valley Ford, which is located halfway between Oneonta and Otego on Route 7. Contact Tim Shorer at 607-435-1623 if you need additional information. There will be some good speakers at each event.

  Also, please remember that the costs to hold these events are pretty substantial and are being borne by only a few people. If at all possible, try to kick in $4,

  $10 or more to help these individuals out.

  Tea Party Movement Is For Real

  Last Saturday, while attending a Local Tea party rally, my worst fears were confirmed. As I approached the site I could feel the hate generated by the music being played and the people trying to trick me by smiling and conversing, just trying to lure me into their trap.

  Sure enough, as I was directed to my parking spot, the parking attendants also knew the trouble I was getting myself into. Their smiles and their pointing and their comments such as “welcome” and “glad you could make it” even made me more certain that I was being led to my demise.

  As I got out of my car and approached the frenzied crowd (they wanted to appear calm on the outside but I knew it was simply a ruse to fool me) I could feel the anger among them. There they were, sitting in their lawn chairs or standing and talking to each other, smiling and laughing and just waiting for me to turn my back so they could hit me over the head with their signs.

  And talking about their signs! I couldn’t believe the hateful, radical statements that were printed on them. They quoted such radicals as Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and John Adams, among others, and tried to get me to react by saying “smaller government,” “less taxes,” “no Obamacare” and on and on.

  I knew then that I should leave but I was afraid that I would get back to my car and find the windows smashed and my tires slashed, so I stayed near the front where I knew I could rush to the highway and flag down a passing motorist if I had to flee for my life.

  The speakers were also in on the act. They pretended to be patriotic and talked about topics such as the Constitution, the Second Amendment, a less intrusive government, but I could see right through them. I knew that underneath their jackets they had pro-Obama, Reid and Pelosi re-election buttons. It’s a good thing the media warned me about all of this ahead of time.

  And guns! They were everywhere! Well, no, I can’t say I saw any, but I knew they had to be there, hidden under everyone’s shirts or in their pocketbooks. I’m so glad I was warned by the press ahead of time.

  I take it back, the NRA was there and raffling off what appeared to be a collector’s item. I couldn’t believe the organizers allowed that organization to participate! After all, they do express support of the Second Amendment and provide programs such as hunter safety education for youth. Just the sight of that unloaded rifle sitting there almost made me faint of fright. You can bet I steered clear of that tent.

  Ok libs, you can breathe again. No, you don’t have a new convert. I just had to point out the ridiculousness of your statements when you write to the editor. But you should be worried about the growth of the Tea Party movement. We are for real; we are a danger to your socialist agenda, and will keep growing in spite of your feeble attempts to label, insult, or demean us. As a matter of fact you might deserve the credit for causing us to grow as fast as we have been.

  From the first rally last year in Milford that had about 50 people attending, to the second one that year held in Oneonta attracting 250 people, to the one (of many more rallies this year) held last Saturday drawing over 1,300 participants, it is obvious we won’t be running out of steam or be intimidated by you elitist radicals.

  Yes, we do stand for a lot of things. Only a blind liberal or a person preferring to keep his or her head in the sand thinks we are the party of no. We are for a smaller, less intrusive government, a strong defense, secure borders, and lower taxes. We happen to believe in the Constitution and the rule of law. We happen to be true patriots rather than like those who pretend to be but still let their country slide down the slippery socialist slope.

  And yes, there is a grain of truth when one says we are simply against everything. We are against everything that your leader, Barack Obama, that bastard child of Marxism, stands for. But in less than two years he will go the way of his predecessors.

  After the 2010 elections you will find us to be more demanding and more of something you liberals should fear.

  Ignore Protesters; Arizona Law Protects Citizens

  Congratulations go out to Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer and the state’s legislature

  for having a backbone and passing a tough new law dealing with illegal immigration.

  What else was Arizona to do? It simply passed a law that mirrored an existing federal law that makes it a federal offense to be in the country illegally. It is now a state violation also. The federal law was to protect citizens. Unfortunately, Obama chooses to not honor (again) the oath he t
ook and favors illegals as potential voters over the lives and well-being of his lawful constituents.

  If Obama and his minions had the integrity to secure the border and enforce already existing immigration laws, Arizona wouldn’t have had to take the action it did. It’s as simple as that.

  What is Arizona to do Barack? Their economy is going bankrupt and is experiencing 9.4 percent unemployment. The cost to educate the illegal aliens’ children has to be bankrolled by hard working taxpayers.

  Hospitals have to close because they simply can’t afford providing free health care to illegals while being unable to provide services to citizens (which include legal immigrants). Gangs are running rampant, illegal drugs are flowing across the border, and Arizonans (including law enforcement individuals) are being murdered.

  Got any ideas, Barack? I’ll bet the teleprompter doesn’t have any suggestions, either. Is this your idea of spreading the wealth and providing social justice for all?

  Meanwhile, don’t listen to the loud, arrogant protesters. Seventy percent of Arizona citizens (including minorities) support the law, and a new Rasmussen poll shows 60 percent of Americans also support the bill. The same poll shows that 56 percent of Americans believe that federal government policies actually encourage illegal immigration and 83 percent of Americans are angry, not at the illegal aliens, but at the federal government over illegal immigration.

  Now what does the law actually say? If you actually read it you will see that police officers may only question a person’s immigration status after they have already made a lawful contact (some other violation committed) or have “reasonable suspicion” and “may not solely consider race, color, or national origin” to believe that the person is in the country illegally.

  The activists think they are going to have a field day with this, but the Supreme Court in 1968 ruled that the Fourth Amendment prohibiting unreasonable searches and seizures is not violated if a police officer stops a suspect and searches him without probable cause to arrest if the police officer has a reasonable suspicion that the person has committed, is committing, or is getting ready to commit a crime. Darn, libs! Laws always get in the way of your emotional overreactions, don’t they?

  You might also want to check the 10th Amendment, which states “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Shoot Barack! There’s that darned document that is always getting in your way.

  As was to be expected, the professional activists came out in droves. Give them a sign, a slogan to chant, a camera to demonstrate in front of and they’re ready to go. Speaking of chants, they actually came up with the recycled oldie “power to the people.” Maybe they should have checked out the polls I mentioned earlier before they used that one.

  And this is really special. Before they had done any research on the bill itself they were calling for a boycott of all things Arizona. There were actually airheads calling for a boycott of Arizona Iced Tea. Great idea, except that it is brewed in New York.

  These are probably some of the same people who voted for Obama because he could read a teleprompter really well, had charisma, could strike a great pose of him looking regally off into the distance, and promise everything to everyone. Try research next time.

  Maybe we 70 percent of Americans should take some action ourselves. I’m going to try to take a trip down to Arizona as soon as I can. We all should. The state has plenty to offer. Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tucson, the Grand Canyon, lots of old Wild West history, and on and on.

  How about a boycott of our own? San Francisco wants to restrict city employee travel to Arizona. I think maybe people should boycott California wines for the immediate future.

  Even better news. Georgia is considering a similar law (480,000 illegal aliens, sixth in the nation) as are other states. Never forget the power we patriotic Americans have over these radical secularists.

  Important! More good people are organizing a Delaware County Tea Party. It is being held Saturday, May 22, from 3 to 6 p.m. at West 38 Restaurant, West Street, Walton, NY. Call 865-6003 or 865-5657 for more info.

  Change Is Happening, But Not the Change That Liberals Want

  Change is happening but not the change Obama intended. From the New Jersey and Virginia governorship wins, the Massachusetts Senate upset, Dodd resigning to avoid embarrassment and possible prosecution, Arlen Spector rejected by his own party, Rand

  Paul defeating the Republican backed candidate, to Senator Blanche Lincoln forced into a runoff with 56 percent of Arkansas voters voting against her, the tidal wave is just getting started.

  Thank you Barack, for campaigning for both Spector and Lincoln. Please campaign for more of your chosen ones this coming fall.

  The results thus far are just the tip of the iceberg. More good news is yet to come. Democrats Reid, Gillibrand, Boxer, Bennett, Murray and Feingold are also vulnerable. Some political pundits are predicting a 40 to 70 seat swing in the House and possibly a Republican majority in the Senate.

  There are only 161 days left until Election Day, and we conservatives, patriots, and Tea Party members can’t let up now. The Tea Party movement is growing daily and there is now a rally scheduled in Walton on June 19 (I want to thank Patricia Breakey and The Daily Star for the balanced coverage the group received). Call Maureen O’Connell at 865-6003 or Susan McNeill at 865-5657 to see if you can help out in any way.

  We have to keep our momentum going, build on our enthusiasm, and maintain our stamina. Yes, we know there will be further attacks and insults by the left, so we have to be sure to support each other and make sure our conservative voices continue to be heard.

  We are winning, and more and more independent voters are supporting us every day. The left has been used to getting in other people’s faces, being loud, arrogant, insulting, and emotionally empty of fact, with no consequence. Those days are over, people.

  And by support, I mean when conservatives run for federal, state, or local positions, including town and village boards and school boards, they are often in the minority. When asked by them, we have to attend those meetings, stand with them, and encourage them to stick to their principles.

  Yes, lots of incumbents of both parties have to be thrown out. However, conservatives can’t afford to form a third party. We must use the Republican Party and make it become the party of conservative ideas once again.

  I would like to say support the most conservative candidate, regardless of party affiliation, but I can no longer do that. Democrat Party members, who claimed to be fiscally conservative, turned tail and voted for Obama’s health care fiasco, supporting the ultra liberal party Democrat leadership rather than what the majority of Americans desired. Also, the socially conservative pro-life Democrats in the House, sacrificed their principles and voted for the bill, using the empty excuse that Obama, the most liberal, anti-life person to come out of the Senate, would issue an executive order banning federally funded abortions.

  That’s not why they voted for the bill. It was an attempt to save face after showing they could be bought, very cheaply it seems.

  The last straw came when the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, came and addressed both houses of Congress and insulted our country repeatedly. The Democrats frequently supported his condemnation of the Arizona law by repeatedly cheering and giving him standing ovations.

  Now please tell me why incumbents will toe the party line instead of supporting their constituents and their country? First, the bill is not the least bit racist, and in fact prevents abuse by prohibiting police to act based on “race, color, or national origin.” Liberals must be blind or simply can’t read.

  Columnist Debra Saunders said it well by stating, “What a spectacle. Senators and House members were cheering a foreign leader for bashing an Arizona law intended to bolster the federal immigration law passed by – who else? – senators and house members.”

  It was a very good column, and yo
u should go on line and read it in its entirety. Liberals, you now have another strong conservative woman to demonize. You will fail as completely as you did with Sarah Palin.

  Remember, Democrat candidates will go out of their way to lie about their conservative credentials. They have a great role model to follow in Barack Obama. Don’t fall for it again. Judge them solely on their past actions and voting records, not their promises. The same holds true for Republican candidates; it is their actions, not their promises, that mean anything.

  This is a four-year test of our resolve. This year we completely change the out of control, unbridled growth of our government and get rid of as many liberal, lobby loving, socialist leaning incumbents as possible. We must stop Obama’s agenda in its tracks. In 2012, we get rid of Obama.

  Politics Often Triumphs Over Principles

  It’s time to mention several topics, rather than just one, in my column this week.

  First of all, please mark your calendars for two important dates. There are two Tea Party rallies being held in Walton this month at Robinson’s Auction Barn from 9am to noon. The dates are June 12th and June 19th. Please make every attempt to participate and give this new group our strong support.

  Another observation: The last few times I have been driving down Main Street in Oneonta, I noticed something different but couldn’t put my finger on it. A good friend, W. S., nailed it for me. He said it was the absence of the anti-war sign wavers that used to be present every week, and he was right. Where did they go?

  I consider myself pretty well-read, but I must have missed the fact that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were over. I double checked and sure enough they were still going full blast, especially in Afghanistan.


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