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Crave Her Curves

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by Sam Crescent

  Published by EVERNIGHT PUBLISHING ® at Smashwords

  Copyright© 2019 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-913-3

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Curvy Women Wanted, ,14

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2019

  Chapter One


  I never in all my years thought I’d fall in love with a nineteen-year-old virgin, and yet here I am, completely, one hundred percent blown away by her sweetness. Not just how nice she is either, no—her body; damn, she’s so fucking gorgeous. She didn’t have the body of a teenager, but a full-grown woman. Large tits, thick, juicy, fat thighs, curves that I can’t wait to get a hold of. Whenever I’m near her, all I want to do is pin her to the nearest surface and sink my cock so deep inside her. When it comes to Ava, I can’t think straight. I’m the kind of guy who sees a woman, beds her, and forgets her.

  Yet with Ava, I can’t stop fucking thinking about her. She drives me crazy with need, and I ache for her. Watching her this past year has been torture. I haven’t been able to touch her because of her father. He’s nothing more than an acquaintance, but he knows how much I want her. David is a grade-A asshole. I fucking hate his guts, but what made me stay close over these three years was Ava. David saw my attraction to her. It’s the only time I’ve ever shown any weakness. David set to exploit it. So much so, he demanded I pay for his debt. Don’t worry, I paid for the debt, but now he has to deliver his daughter to me. She’s not allowed to know any other details. It’s all part of our agreement. He doesn’t have to worry about getting broken bones, and I get Ava. If he interferes at all with my plans, the debts I’ve paid, I can call back in, and his ass will be in the line of fire. He doesn’t care about his daughter. He’s just using her, and once he’s done, he’ll be on his merry way, out of our lives.

  Holding onto the doorframe, I watch the gravel path waiting for signs of their arrival. In a few short hours, she’ll belong to me. I don’t want her to know what I’ve done to get her, but at least her father won’t get in my way.

  Ava deserves someone a lot better than him. I’m determined to give her a life she deserves, one that won’t be filled with worry about if food is going to be on the table. The summer at my cabin is going to be one of the best of her life. I’m not going to fail her.

  The moment I see the car coming up my gravel drive, I feel my heart race. I’m not nervous. I can’t wait to have her in my arms, at my mercy.

  David keeps the engine running as Ava jumps out of the truck. She’s wearing jeans two sizes too big and a long shirt to hide all those curves. She was bullied throughout high school. I lost count of the number of times I caught her crying because of it. Assholes. It took every single ounce of control not to hurt those motherfuckers for hurting her.

  She tucks her long, blonde hair behind her ear, taking her bag from her father.

  I’m not having her lift a thing. Walking down the steps, I take the bag from her, glaring at David. Doesn’t he know how to be a good father? I have learned that his wife had passed away when Ava was no older than ten. Since then, he’s been doing a piss-poor job of taking care of her.

  Well, now it’s not his concern, but mine.

  “Everything she needs is there,” David says. “Have fun this summer, Ava.”

  Without another word, he turns on his heel and leaves.

  I watch him go, waiting for the car to leave before devoting my full attention to the beauty at my side. One look at her and I see her nerves kicking in.

  “Have you had anything to eat?” I ask.

  “No.” Her stomach growls.

  “Come on. Let’s get you settled in and fed.”

  With a hand at her back, I walk up the steps, heading into the cabin.

  Closing the door, I hear her gasp, and I smile. She once told me how she loved the idea of staying in a cabin for a summer, to read, relax, and not have to worry about the world around her. Well, I’ve granted her wish. There’s nothing but the best for my woman. I’m a rich man, and I don’t even have to be at my company to earn money. Just a couple of emails, telephone calls, and my business is done. I’ve devoted twenty years to my technology firm, and now I can reap the rewards of my hard labor.

  “This is so beautiful,” she says.

  I’ve spent the past year decorating it to meet her requests. Yes, I’m obsessed with this little angel.

  “I’m glad. I also purchased some paperbacks from those authors you told me about.” Taking her hand, I lead her to the small library. Again, I’m granted with another gasp. She releases my hand and rushes to the small table I’ve placed the books on.

  “Oh my, this is … so much. My dad said you were going to help me lose weight?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Yeah, he said you’ve agreed to help me shed this weight. I need to start taking better care of myself because I’m too fat.”

  I grit my teeth so hard, I’m shocked they don’t snap. Oh, baby girl, you’ve got no idea what I want to do to you. Making her lose weight is the last thing on my mind.

  I crave her curves. I’ve spent the past year working my cock with my hand just thinking about how I’m going to devote myself to exploring every inch of her.

  “You’re not here to lose weight, Ava.”

  “I’m not?” When I shake my head, she asks, “Then why am I here?”

  “You’re here because I want you here. I want to spend time with you, to get to know you.”

  “You do?”

  I nod. Taking her hand and pulling her close, I rest my hand on her hip. Just from that simple touch I want so much more.

  “Your father lied to you, Ava. I think you’re perfect the way you are. Why don’t you get settled in, and I’ll fix us something to eat?”

  “I’d like that.”

  It takes great effort to let her go. I don’t want to, but there is no way I could keep hold of her just now. When I pop her cherry, she’ll be spread out and ready, dripping wet before I slide my dick inside her.

  I can’t wait.



  Putting my things away in my room, I’m somewhat overwhelmed by the reason for my being here. My father always had an issue with my weight, and in truth, I was tired of hearing him complain. My mother had been so slender, and seeing as I just seemed to keep on growing, it unnerved him. I don’t get it though. I’m happy. I’ve always been happy. It’s not like I eat for comfort. My size eighteen curves don’t offend me.

  So I’ve got a few extra inches. Who cares?

  I mean, really, it’s not like I’m going to be living with my father for much longer. Before coming here, I’d already saved up six months’ worth of rent money from working my two jobs, waiting tables and working at the local library. The work isn’t exactly taxing, but I like it.

  With my few clothes put away, I tuck my hair behind my ears, wondering if I should get it cut or just pull it back into a ponytail.

  Why would Mitch want me to spend time with him relaxing? He and my dad have been acquaintances for a while. Not too long. They met when I was about sixteen, I think. I’d just come home from school after another day of bullies,
when Dad introduced us.

  I’d never had a crush on anyone in my life. Why would I? All I had known most of my life is guys being dicks.

  Mitch, he’d not been mean or cruel. In fact, every single time I saw him, he made me laugh.

  He was my first crush, which makes this so hard. I’d not seen him for a couple of months, and during that time, I’d tried to date other men. Men who could replace my crush on my dad’s friend.

  Nothing worked.

  I mean, seriously, what was Mitch’s deal?

  Why did he draw my attention so well? It’s like he saw deep down into my soul, and I know that’s so cliché, but come on, the guy’s like a god! Well, maybe not totally like a god, but he could have any woman he ever wanted. He’s been single for as long as I’ve known him, but in this day and age, that doesn’t really mean anything.

  Pulling my hair back, I tie it at the base of my neck, blowing out a breath. I really need to get myself together.

  I don’t know how long I’m going to be here. A few days, weeks, months? It could be anything. The drive up here, my father repeatedly told me how important it was to listen to Mitch, to do as Mitch said.

  My father doesn’t have the first clue about how I felt about Mitch, and what I want him to do to me. I’m nineteen years old, not dead, and certainly not immune to my sexual desires. I’ve never been with anyone, but … I want sex.

  When I’m around him, my body feels so achy, so wet, so ready. Like now, if I slide my fingers inside my jeans, I know I’m going to be wet.

  There are times like this, I really feel I’m the wrong kind of girl. What girl fantasizes about dirty sex? The kind where her man fucks her, and makes her walk around naked, just so he could see her? I’ve watched a lot of porn, and rather than find it gross and disgusting, I … yearn for it. I don’t want this experience with just anyone either, but with Mitch, which is never going to happen.

  Rather than hide out in my new room for however long it will be, I head back out, in time to see Mitch cutting through two large-looking sandwiches.

  “Take a seat,” he says, sitting at the counter.

  Sliding between the counter and booth, placing my hands flat to the surface, I watch him put the sandwiches on plates.

  He sits opposite me, which I don’t mind. I like looking at him. Where I’m blonde, he’s dark. His hair is black with a few strands of grey. He always reminds me of looking sophisticated, cute, sexy, hot. A man full of experience.

  My nipples tighten to hard points.

  Looking away, I grab my sandwich and take a big bite.

  “So, any thoughts of college?”

  With my father’s mounting debts, college hasn’t been in my future. I’d not been able to get a scholarship as my father refused to help me in the funding and application, much to the school’s annoyance. Instead, I’ve worked during the past year, and while I have, I’ve been reapplying to a couple of colleges, hoping to finally get my spot. I doubt I’ll be able to fill them, as there is now another year full of eighteen-year-olds with bright futures.

  “I … I’m thinking I’ll have to take courses online,” I say. “I don’t want to be the only girl who is a year older than everyone else. I missed my chance to go to college.”

  “How about we look over a few things after we’ve eaten? There are amazing colleges, and I’m sure we can arrange something where you can watch lectures online or something like that.”



  He does this smile, making me wonder what he’s thinking about.

  “I’d love to.” I really wanted to go to college. It’s something I remember my mom always talking about and insisting I consider it. “The sandwich is good.”

  Again with the sexy smile.

  I don’t know how long I’m staying here, but I hope I can control my needs. The last thing I’d ever want to do is make a fool of myself. The longer I’m with him, however, the less chance I have of actually accomplishing it.

  Chapter Two


  The following day, I find Ava out by the pool. I stare at her for several seconds before heading outside. She’s wearing shorts with a crop shirt, and for me, it just won’t do. I want her to relax and enjoy herself here, not imagine she has to constantly cover herself up. I want her to be comfortable within her own skin. This is her home as well, and I want her to be happy with being herself, and me getting to see the fruits of that.

  Grabbing a couple of bottles of water from the fridge, I head out, dropping down beside her on the chaise lounge out back. She’s got one of the books I purchased for her, and she places it down the moment I arrive.

  “Morning,” she says. “Did you sleep well?”

  “I did.”

  “I hope you don’t mind me coming out here. It just looked so beautiful, I didn’t want to waste a single moment of the sun.”

  “You know, you should be out here in a bikini soaking up the sun. You must be way too hot in those clothes.”

  “No, I really shouldn’t. It wouldn’t be appropriate,” she says.

  Getting to my feet, I stare into her eyes as I lower my khakis. If I’m going to have to take the lead on this, so be it. I’ve got no problem with that at all. This woman is going to be mine in every single sense of the word. The sooner she realizes there’s no hiding from me, the better.

  With only my swimming trunks, I wink at her. “See, it’s not hard.”

  “It’s easy for you.”


  “You look … good in them.”

  I pause, staring at her, seeing her cheeks flame. “You’re wearing a bikini right now?”

  She nods her head, but I don’t get any sound coming from her lips.

  Taking the book from where it lies against her chest, I hold her hand, bringing her to stand up against me.

  “You think you don’t look good in a bikini.”

  “I know I’m not … really slender. Please, Mitch, don’t worry about it. It’s all fine.”

  “You’re here to have some fun and relax. You’re not here to lose weight. I want to see your bikini.” Gripping the edge of her crop top, I pull it over her head, throwing it off to the side, out of my way. She quickly covers her chest. I don’t even get a sneak peek. I’m right though. Her flesh is really warm. “I’m not going to have you passing out on me because of the heat.” Going to my knee before her, I think it’s very appropriate, but the ring I’ve got picked out for her will have to wait. She’s not ready. Soon, she will be. I know she will.

  Removing her shorts is not a hardship, but staring up her body, seeing her pussy covered by a small patch of fabric, is enough to drive me insane. There’s no sign of her arousal either, but I know with a few touches, I’d have her soaking wet.

  Standing back up, I hold her hand, and she has no choice but to stop covering up her body.

  “See, I don’t see a problem with the way you are. You’re stunning, Ava. Beautiful. You’ve got nothing to hide.”

  She has nice, rounded thighs and stomach, and a curvy ass that I can’t wait to get my hands on, to spread those sexy curves so I can see her for myself. Just looking at her is enough to make my mouth water. I’d give anything to spread her out on the chaise lounge, and take her pussy, licking her all over, and hearing her scream my name.

  All in good time.

  My dick is starting to harden, and I’m not exactly wearing trunks that will hide the evidence of my arousal.

  “Care to join me in a swim?”

  “I’d love to.”

  I turn my dick so she doesn’t see just how hard she makes me. I’ve got to give her time to get used to being close to me. I have to keep repeating those words in my mind, to remind myself not to rush this kind of pleasure. It’s going to be so good when I can finally sink balls deep inside her tight cunt.

  The first time will be tight and she will experience pain, but after that, she’s going to be thrown into such nonstop pleasure she won’t be able to

  Once we’re in the pool, I release her hand and begin to swim to the opposite side of the pool, allowing her some space.

  As I watch her, she slowly does a couple of laps, going through the width of the pool, before taking the length. She’s a good swimmer, strong, confident. After she’s done a couple of laps, she comes to my side.

  “I can’t believe you have a pool here,” she says.

  I listened to every single word she’d said about how she wanted there to be a pool to swim. She hated going to the public bathrooms, and with how she’s affecting my dick, I wouldn’t want her going there either.

  I’m not very good at sharing what I want.

  Ava’s mine, plain and simple.

  “You can enjoy it every time you come here.”

  “Thank you.”

  She’s silent for a long time until she finally lets go of the wall, and moves to float on her back. I watch her tits. Her thighs are pressed together so I don’t get the pleasure of watching her pussy.

  Get it together. She’s yours now.

  As per my agreement with her father, David cannot interfere or in any way manipulate Ava to his own needs. If he tries to destroy the relationship I’ve got with Ava, I’ll call in the debt, and he’ll be homeless and without any means of ever being able to have a comfortable life. In a way, he sold his daughter for comfort. I’m not going to complain.

  She’s mine now, and I have no intention of ever returning her.



  Did I make a fool of myself?

  I’m so nervous.

  Climbing out of the pool, I go in search of a towel to attempt to dry off. My skin is so warm, and my body doesn’t even feel like my own; it’s like I’m someone else, not part of this life.

  I want him so much, and it scares me. He’s older than I am. Old enough to be my dad, but I don’t see him as a dad. I see him as a man, a man I want so desperately.


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