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Crave Her Curves

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  When I walk back out to the pool, my book is waiting for me. Mitch is doing laps in the pool, and I can’t help but watch him. I admire the sheer strength in his body as he commands the water. This is his domain, and I want him.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, I take a deep breath, and quickly sit down, pressing my thighs together. There’s no way I’ll ever be able to have a guy like Mitch. I’ve heard the way some of the women from our neighborhood have spoken about him.

  Even married women.

  They want to bed him.

  To fuck him.

  To do every dirty, disgusting thing with him, and yes, I’m so jealous of them. They have a chance with him. Me? I don’t.

  Staring at the same page of my book for nearly ten minutes, I have to hold in my frustration. Life is so unfair. I’ve never been the kind of girl to have a temper tantrum, but right now, it sounds like a pretty awesome idea. Would it be so bad to scream and shout and cuss?

  I don’t know what to do anymore. It’s so unfair, and I pout.

  “Bad book?”

  I nearly jump out of my skin because he’s right there. His dick is so close to my face. Quickly avoiding looking at him directly, I force a smile to my lips.

  “It’s okay.”

  He chuckles. “I see the kind of books you like. Do you want me to?”

  He holds up a bottle of lotion.

  “What?” I’m confused.

  “Do you want me to rub this on you? Your skin is going to burn really easily, and I don’t want you getting in any kind of pain.”

  “Oh, right.” Having his hands on me is going to be torture, but I can’t see a reason why I should stop him. “Yes, of course.”

  The first touch sets me on fire. There’s no other word to describe it. His hands are the best kind of feeling in the world, and I don’t want him to stop. He’s only at my feet, but how can someone make me feel so much from just touching my feet? It’s almost criminal. Getting my thoughts together, I put the book down, dog-earing the page where I’m at. I hate doing that to books, but his hands feel so good and I forgot to pick up a bookmark. He does each foot first, before going to my left leg and slowly sliding up to my knee. There’s no way this is legal. Something this good can’t be legal.

  He does the same to the right leg, and then, he goes from my knee up. I don’t think it’s possible, but I’m sure for a split second, I stop breathing. His fingers are so close, like, a touch away from grazing my pussy.

  Can he see how wet I am? I don’t know if the bikini bottoms are the kind to show off the evidence, but for my sanity’s sake, I really hope not.

  Gritting my teeth, I try, I really do, to stay in control.

  He moves onto the next leg, and I don’t know if it’s a mistake or not, but he touches my pussy. It’s just his knuckles, as if he’s slipped, but he does, and I can’t help but gasp out. It’s not pain either. This is undeniable pleasure.

  I want him.

  Opening my eyes, I look at him.

  His dark brown eyes are so intense. It’s impossible for me to look away. I don’t want to. He controls me, and I can feel him everywhere.

  I don’t even know if it’s possible to stop this. Does he know how much I want him to touch me?

  I’m dying here, embarrassed. I bet he’s used to more experienced women, not women who crave a man’s touch so much.

  Then, he does something that takes me completely by surprise. Without a single word spoken, his hand touches my pussy. It’s not a mistake. This is blatant. His palm cups my pussy, and he moves up the lounge so he’s close to me.

  “You’re wet for me, Ava.”

  How he says my name, the sexual roll off the tongue, there’s no way I can control my need for him. Licking my lips, I can’t look away, even though I want to. I have to break this connection we have.

  When he slides a finger beneath the fabric of my bikini bottoms, I’m lost. He touches me, and the slow stroke sets me on fire.

  Two fingers glide through my soaking wet slit. I stare down and see his large hand, partially covered by the fabric of my bikini.

  It looks dirty and yet so right at the same time. I can’t stop.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “Why not? You’re old enough, and I know I am. You’re wet for me. Unless you really want me to stop, why should you stop what feels so good?”

  I can’t think. His hand is doing really amazing things. I’ve never been touched by anyone else, and Mitch is making it so good.

  In the next second, his hand leaves my pussy, and I can’t stop the pout from forming on my lips, even though it probably makes me look like a child. I don’t want him to stop.

  He takes the small strings at my hips and loosens them. I lift up, and he pulls the bikini bottoms all the way from me.

  This is really happening. We’re really doing this.

  My heart is pounding, but I don’t regret this. It’s like I’ve woken up in my dream, and now I finally get to have it.

  Chapter Three


  Her pussy feels so good against my hand. I want more. I want to take her cherry so I can fuck her raw, fill her cunt with my cum and watch it flow out of her. With how wet she is, I wonder just how far I can push her. I want everything with her, and I’m so greedy, I don’t think I can wait too long. With how her eyes are glazed in arousal, I know I need to take her now.

  “What’s stopping you? Or is it something else?”

  “I don’t know,” she says, releasing a little whimper.

  “You’re so incredibly beautiful. I want to see you like this, spread open, ready to take my cock. Can I let you in on a little secret?”


  “You’re here because I want you, Ava. I’ve watched you this past year, and I can’t wait another moment. I crave you. I’ve never wanted a woman the way I do you.” Leaning in close, I watch her lick her lips, and I know without a doubt she feels it too.

  She wants me. Craves me. Desires me.

  And I’m fucking hungry for it, desperate for it. I’m in need of her in ways I’ve never been before.

  She doesn’t push me away. I can read the need for me in her eyes. I only hope she has the guts to take what I can give her.

  Her nerves show, but still she doesn’t push me away.

  Putting my hand directly over her pussy without her bikini bottoms in the way, I watch, eagerly waiting to see what she’ll do next.

  “You want me to stop?” She hesitates, and as she goes to speak, I interrupt her, not wanting her to lie to me. “Only the truth. I want to hear what you want. Not what you think I want.”

  “No. I don’t want you to stop.”

  “Good.” I can’t help but smile. This woman has been driving me crazy for far too long.

  I want to see every inch of her. I move on the chaise lounge so that I’m straddling the chair, and she has no choice but to spread her thighs wide.

  Fingering the catch at the front of her bikini top, I flick it open and watch those amazing tits spill out. She’s got gorgeous breasts, with tight little nipples, and they are more than a handful. Cupping them together, I run my thumbs across each mounded peak, relishing the sound of her moan.

  That’s it, baby, I’m going to make every single desire you have come true.

  “Please, Mitch.”

  The moment she says my name in that way, I nearly lose it. She’s everything.

  Gripping her juicy thighs, I stare into her blue eyes. Her blonde hair falls around her in waves. She looks like a beautiful mermaid, all for me.

  She can be my siren.

  My cock is pressed against the confines of my trunks. It’s a tight fit, and I struggle to move.

  “You have any idea what you do to me?” I ask.

  She shakes her head.

  Taking her hand, I place it over my cock. I can’t wait until she gets more confident and can touch me without me having to show her what I want. She’s going to know my body so well.

>   “You’re … hard?”

  Standing up, I push the shorts down my thighs, kicking them off, so she can see just how hard I am for her.

  Her eyes are wide, and she looks so cute, so sweet, and so innocent. I have to remember she’s never been with a man before. That’s okay. After today, I’m not going to wait another minute. I want her so fucking bad.

  Having her outside by the pool is not going to do for me. I pick her up in my arms and smile at her squeal.

  “What are you doing? Put me down. I’m too heavy.”

  I carry her into our cabin, and I don’t get far. Sitting on the chair, I do no more than put her over my knee and spank her ass on each rounded cheek. Lifting her up, I keep her on my lap, cupping her face. “Don’t you ever call yourself heavy again in my company. Do you understand me?”

  “Why did you spank me?”

  “You’re a beautiful woman, and I love your body just the way it is. I’m not going to have you hurting yourself with your words any longer. You will listen to me. If you don’t, I will punish you.”

  “I don’t like getting hit.”

  “I spanked you. I didn’t hit you.” Sinking my fingers into her hair, I grip her head, holding her in place as I claim her lips. Finally, I get to kiss her, and it is as good as I imagined it would be. “You’re mine, Ava.”

  Picking her up, I carry her to our bed and gently place her down on it. Last night I had to sleep alone, knowing she was only a few feet away from me, but at least she was near and I knew I didn’t have to go far to get her.

  Now though, she’s here, in my bed. After tonight, I won’t hold back. We won’t share different beds. We won’t be alone. I’ll finally be able to show her just how much I love her and give her the life she deserves.

  Kissing her plump lips, I move between her thighs, pressing my naked body against hers. This is perfect, and exactly how I knew it would be. Actually, this is better, because she’s finally in my arms, and no longer a fantasy.

  Ava is real.



  Skin to skin.

  Body to body.

  Feeling him against me as he kisses me, this is the thing dreams are made of. I want him so much. His arousal presses against my stomach, and I imagine him just taking me. sliding his cock in deep and I have no choice but to take it.

  I should know better.

  Mitch breaks from the kiss, his lips trailing down my neck, sucking on my pulse. A moan escapes my lips, and I arch up, needing him, hungry for more of him, and I know he’s the only one who can give me what I need. I’ve never been this aroused by a book I’ve read.

  He’s not some fantasy in a book. He’s real, and his lips hover just above my breasts. Keeping my eyes open, I watch him, hoping he won’t call this a joke and leave. I don’t think I could handle him being cruel to me.

  Mitch takes one of my nipples into his mouth and sucks hard. There’s immense pleasure, and as the pain seems to get a little too much, he stops and moves onto my other nipple. His tongue teases over the tight bud before he bites down.

  I scream his name, arching up. I don’t know if I can handle the kind of pleasure he’s determined to give me.

  With his lips on my tits, there’s a pull deep inside me, and I know I can’t let it go. I don’t want to.

  He presses my breasts together and groans. “They’re the best-looking tits I’ve ever seen. So fucking full and ripe. I can’t wait to see them filled up with milk.”

  My heart nearly stops.


  Does he want me to have a baby?

  Is that crazy?

  I don’t know what to say, but my body likes the idea of having his child. There’s no way I would want anything else.

  Mitch doesn’t linger too long on my tits. His lips trail down my body, going to my hips. He presses kisses across my stomach, and I watch him as he grips my ass, holding me up.

  The lips of my pussy are wet. The fine hairs glisten from how wet I am, and I know I should be embarrassed.


  I cry out, flinging my head back as he swipes his tongue through my slit, teasing from my virgin entrance up to my clit. He doesn’t linger on my hole. He moves up, sucking on my clit again, his teeth scoring across my nub.

  The pleasure is instant, intense, and I can feel how close I am to orgasm.

  All it takes is a few strokes of his tongue, and I come. Gripping the sheet beneath him, I shake, crying out his name, needing him to stop as the pleasure hits me hard and fast. I’ve played with myself for hours at a time during the night, to get nothing. Touching from Mitch has awakened this fire within me, and I don’t know if I’m ever going to be the same again. He knows what he does to my body.

  It’s not my own.

  I can’t believe how fast my orgasm has come.

  Before I can register what is happening, he’s between my thighs, his hands grabbing mine as his cock presses against my entrance.

  He’s rock-hard. Large. Bigger than I thought possible.

  When he presses against my core, I cry out.

  He tears through my virginity with ease, but the pain is something I wasn’t expecting. Mitch takes possession of my lips, and I can do nothing but give myself to him.

  I want to throw him off and wrap my legs around him at the same time. I don’t know which I want to do more, only for him to not stop.

  He’s everything I want, everything I need.

  Slowly, achingly slowly, the pain seems to ebb. Mitch hasn’t stopped kissing me, and for that, I’m thankful. I don’t think I could handle him not touching and kissing me in some way. I’m hungry for him and only him.

  “Please, please,” I say.

  “What is it you want, baby?”

  “I don’t know. Please, I need you.” I don’t even know what I’m begging for. I’ve read all the books. The pain has subsided and my body—he needs to move. I have to have him go harder, deeper, anything to drive the pleasure back up.

  Mitch pulls out of me, and he breaks eye contact to look down at his cock. He releases a groan and drives back inside.

  At first, I tense up, expecting pain, only it doesn’t come.

  My body is thrown into heated bliss, and there’s no escape.

  “Oh, baby, I knew you’d be tight, I just didn’t know how much. You’re all mine now. All mine, and I’m not letting you go.”

  His hands let go of mine as he grabs my hips. His grip is strong, almost bruising. He pounds inside me, and rather than lie there, I begin to thrust up against him, wanting to feel him sliding in deep, wanting to feel all that he is, and to take it all.

  I don’t want to just experience it, I want to be part of it all, to thrust into the dirty, the kinky, and to not feel ashamed by my need for him.

  Mitch has been part of my life for so long, I can’t not have him there. Every time I could, I’ve watched him, wishing he could belong to me, and he’s finally mine. I’m in his bed, he owns my virginity, and I don’t want to give it to anyone else. The only person I could ever want is right here.

  For me, this is a dream come true, and I don’t want to lose him.

  He pounds inside me, and I feel the first stirrings of orgasm, and it’s so close. I don’t fly over the edge though as Mitch comes, and I bask as I feel his cum fill me up, flooding my pussy.

  Chapter Four


  After cleaning her up, I climb into our bed and hold her in my arms. Locking our fingers together, I get as close to her as I physically can. I want to be inside her again, but I know she needs to rest. There’s only so much she can take.

  Kissing her head, there are so many things I want to tell her, but I know deep down, she’s not ready. This is all new for her, and I refuse to overwhelm her on the first night of the rest of our lives.

  “How are you feeling?” I ask, loving how she snuggles close to me.



  “I mean, I feel … different
. Is that how it’s supposed to feel? Different?” She tilts her head back and smiles up at me. “I never knew it could be like this. I feel like I’m in a dream.”

  Kissing her lips, I slide my tongue against her mouth, and she opens up to me. She touches me with her tongue, and I growl against her lips.

  “Do you have any idea what it is you do to me?”


  “You make me want to not be a gentleman.”

  “You’re being a gentleman now?” she asks.

  “More than you realize.” I press my face against her chest, licking the path between each tit. I want to see them bouncing in front of my face as she slides down my cock, taking me. “You see, I’m going to wait until tomorrow before I let you have my dick again.”

  She pouts, and it looks so cute and adorable. When I kiss her lips again, she releases a little sigh. “I could get used to this.”

  It’s what I want.

  “So, you think you can … stay?”


  “Where do you see yourself in five years?” I ask, distracting her.

  “I don’t know. I’m hoping to one day go to college, but I doubt it’ll happen.”


  “I can’t afford it. I’m already working two jobs just to get by. I don’t think I can afford college in my future.”

  Oh, dear. She no longer has any job. When I agreed to the terms of the loan with David, I made sure to call her workplaces, and cancel them. I want her to myself, and I don’t share. I have every intention of keeping her to myself for a lot longer than the summer.

  I don’t mind her going to college and pursuing her education, but everything else I want for myself.

  “What if money wasn’t an issue?” It never would be, but we weren’t at that stage yet. One day, she will realize she will want for nothing because I give her everything her heart needs and desires.

  I’ve been in love with her for a year. Now I’ve got her, and there’s no way I’m letting her go.

  “I’d love to be able to go to college, study English. I’d want to be a teacher, or maybe a journalist. I doubt I’d make a good teacher.”


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