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105 Desire Dr. (A Cherry Falls Romance)

Page 3

by Hope Ford

  I shrug my shoulders. “For a little while. I usually don’t stay in one place too long. I wanted to come and see my brother and sister, and my little sister asked me to stick around awhile. I couldn’t tell her no.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re here.”

  I sigh, knowing I need to ask the question. “How old are you, Honey?”

  She takes another bite of pie, and the way she moves her tongue across the utensil tells me she’s trying to distract me. “Twenty-four.”

  I choke on the water I’m drinking.

  She gets all huffy when my eyes get big. “What? How old are you, David Cantal?”

  “Thirty-eight.” I deadpan, knowing I need to get up and run from the table and never look back.

  She looks up at the ceiling, and her lips move like she’s counting. “So, uh, that makes you fourteen years older than me.” And then she smiles really big.

  “What are you smiling about? I was right, Honey. I’m too old for you. I’m probably too old to even be sitting with you.” I look around at the other patrons again, and they’re still staring at us as if they’re trying to get in on the gossip.

  “First of all, we’re just sharing pie. Second of all, you’re not too old for me.”

  I laugh then, a sinister laugh. “Yeah, okay. I’m sure your dad would probably disagree.”

  “No, he wouldn’t,” she replies confidently.

  I wait for her to explain, and when she doesn’t, I ask her, “Please, really, I want to know. How in the world do you think he would be okay with you, uh, having pie with me right now?”

  “Easy. Because my dad is fourteen years older than my mom. They got together when she was twenty and have been married ever since.”

  I let her words sink in. She may believe her dad would be okay with it, but I’m sure he wouldn’t. It’s different when it’s your daughter. Heck, I wouldn’t want my sister dating someone fourteen years older. We sit in silence, and I try to look anywhere but at her. The more I get to know Honey, the more I like her. She’s tiny compared to me, but man, she challenges me like no other.

  “Okay, so why do you travel so much now?”

  “It started out that I just wanted to get away. Now I suppose it’s the chance to explore that appeals to me.”

  She nods. “Sounds like you’re looking for something. I hope you find it.”

  I’m pretty sure I already found it. But I don’t deserve you, Honey.

  “Do you get lonely out on the road on your own?” Her voice is soft and soothing, but I still notice the catch in her breath. I get these questions a lot. I used to be able to brush them off and not even worry about it. But now, I almost want to ask myself the same hard questions. Why am I still doing it? At first I did it because of my divorce. Lately, though, I’ve been traveling, but it hasn’t felt like it used to. There’s been times I thought that maybe I should start dating again, but I hadn’t found someone that appealed to me. At least not until I ran into Honey a few days ago. Now I’m imagining all kinds of things with her.

  But I can’t tell her all that, so I keep it simple. “No. I don’t feel as disconnected as I once did. I have a phone on me, and most places have signal these days.”

  The smile and the way she bats her lashes tells me that she wants something. I anticipate that she wants to try the apple pie in front of me and point to it before offering her a bite.

  She accepts the offer, and I watch her mouth close around the fork, my shaft growing so hard I feel a little lightheaded.

  “Mm, that’s really delicious, but that wasn’t what I was going to ask you for,” Honey says.

  “What were you going to ask?”

  She leans forward, and I can see much more of her cleavage than I could before. My mouth waters, and I only register that she’s reached down and pulled my phone from my shirt pocket. “I wanted your phone number, but if I text myself from your phone, that’ll be easier.”

  I see the bulging eyes from the stiff patrons and try to take the phone from her grasp, but she holds on to it. We sit there, my hand wrapped around hers and the phone, and she’s smiling up at me. I know we’re giving the town something to gossip about, but I can’t seem to care right now. “I’ll happily give you my number, and I’d give you anything else I had to give you, but it still wouldn’t be what you deserve.”

  “Oh, there’s a passcode?” she asks, completely undaunted.

  I tell her my four-digit number, and she types it into my phone before putting her number in. I finish my pie and watch with rapt attention as she finishes hers.

  I can’t take my eyes off her perfect bow lips or her tongue that peeks out to lick her lips. As if in a trance, I watch her until she’s completely finished. I know I need to draw out the conversation once she’s finished or everyone in here is going to know exactly what I’ve been thinking when they spot the hard bulge I’m sporting between my legs.

  In order to give myself a few minutes to get my body under control before I walk her out to her truck, I ask her, “What about you? You get lonely out on the farm? Or are you seeing someone?”

  Her smile instantly drops. “You think I’m that kind of girl? Like I have a boyfriend but I’m going to ask you out for pie?”

  “No, I mean, of course not.” I reach for her and then pull back before I touch her. “That was my way of wondering if you had a boyfriend, that’s all.”

  Her lips lift, and she laughs, her sweetness encircling me. “I’m just kidding. But no, I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  Without a doubt, I could ask her out right then and there. She’s funny, sweet and beautiful. I want to date her. I want her to be my girl. Hell, I want to do it all with her. But my own fear stops me. “Noted,” I mutter. “You ready to get out of here?”



  He walks me out to my truck, and he’s going on and on, telling me lies. At least I hope they’re lies.

  He ends with, “We can’t see each other.”

  I stick my thumb up and point toward the restaurant. “I already told you that I’m not worried about them.”

  My luck he’ll pack up and be gone, back on the road by morning, and I’ll be stuck wondering… what if.

  “Maybe you should be worried about me then. I’m a flight risk.” He looks away as he says it, unable to look me in the eye, and it makes me wonder if he’s considering staying longer. Gosh, I hope so.

  We reach my truck, and he’s standing next to me. Without even trying, he makes me feel safe and protected. I want to grab on to him and let him wrap his arms around me, cocooning myself in his warmth. I take a step closer to him and force the words out because I know if I go home without asking him, I’ll be worried about it all night. I slide my hand up his chest, right over his heart. It’s a steady thump, and I curl my fingers into his shirt. “So what? You’re letting me down easy? Is this your way of saying you don’t like me?”

  He reaches up, grabbing my hand but doesn’t move it. His hand engulfs mine. His voice is deep and thick with emotion, sending a tingle down my spine. “I like you.” He says it, but I can tell he maybe didn’t want to. But whatever his reasoning, I still felt it all the way to my toes.

  Reaching up, I pull him down for a kiss before I can think better of it. I anticipate it’s going to be awkward since I’m pulling him in for a kiss he hasn’t volunteered for, but it’s the kind of kiss that makes my toes curl and my mind blur into a haze of fluttering, sparkly glitter. Even before it’s over, I know I’ll never forget it.

  David has a surprised look on his face as I pull back. I almost go for another one but reluctantly let him go. I wave at him before I pull away. I’m all smiles as I drive away. I’m sure he’ll be calling me.


  Caroline yelled at me so many times on shift. I couldn’t blame her. I was so distracted. All I could think about was that amazing kiss Honey laid on me.

  If I had any brains at all I’d hop on my bike, hit the road, and not look back. Then again, with h
ow distracted I am, it’d be safer to head back to the apartment I’m renting at the edge of town.

  I get back to the apartment and find myself cleaning and straightening up, thinking about what Honey would think if she saw my few personal items misplaced. I know I’m being ridiculous. Worse, I’m being selfish and stupid. There’s just no way I can get involved with Honey.

  Only halfway through my cleaning, I get defeated and sit on the couch, my legs stretched out in front of me.

  All afternoon and evening, I’ve only thought of Honey. I press the passcode on my phone and go through the favorites on my contacts, and there she is. Honey McGee. Fuck, even her name makes me hard. Now that I’m by myself, I let my thoughts wander, and of course they go straight to Honey and her sexy body pressed against me when she pulled me in for that kiss.

  I think she shocked herself as much as she shocked me. It’s obvious she’s not used to being forward and flirty, but damn she’s enticing.

  I rub my thumb over her name and then sigh before closing the phone app. I’m not going to call her. I want to. Damn, I want to call her more than anything. But I’m not going to. She seems like she doesn’t care what people think, but she doesn’t realize what a risk I am. I could up and leave at a moment’s notice. That’s what I do. And she doesn’t seem like the type that would want just a one-night stand. And even though it’s not my usual, I can’t imagine it either. I know if I have her, I’m not going to let her go. No way, no how! But can I settle down? Especially in a place like Cherry Falls? I wouldn’t bet on it. Just like Honey shouldn’t bet on me. I’m definitely high risk.

  The image of her smile right when she was reaching up, tugging on the back of my neck so she could pull me down and kiss me fills my head. I’ll never forget the way her lips felt on mine. The way that even though she’s so much smaller than me, she seemed to fit perfectly in my arms.

  Because I can’t resist, my hand slides between my legs, cupping myself in my jeans. Already I’m at half mast and pushing against my zipper.

  I can picture it perfectly, Honey sticking her tongue out to taste my apple pie. I hurriedly undo my pants and free my straining cock. Gripping myself, I stroke it from root to tip. I massage the slick, wet bead of cum over my cock. The heated moisture causes my head to drop to the back of the couch and a groan, almost animal sounding, fills the room.

  I fist myself tighter, stroking up and down, imagining it’s Honey’s lips instead of my hand. My body jerks, and I lift my hips, pushing harder and faster, my thickness pulsating in my hand. All I can think about is Honey. Her in her overalls, her bouncy breasts, her shapely ass, her lips, her eyes. “Uhhh,” I moan as I feel my balls tighten. Fuck, but I don’t stop. If anything, I squeeze harder until I’m jerking erratically and coming into my hand, shooting my seed all in the floor. “Honey,” I moan as the first drops shoot out.

  My arms fall to my lap, and I try to slow my breaths. I just shot my load like some teenage boy that can’t control his needs. But hell, Honey does it to me. I close my eyes and try to force her out of my mind. If only she could see me now, she’d run for sure.



  It’s after one in the morning when I roll over in bed and check my phone again.

  How can he not call? I don’t get it.

  I straighten out my blankets that I’ve rolled into a burrito with how many times I’ve rolled over to check my phone. Then, determined to fall asleep, I close my eyes, promising myself that no matter what, I’m not going to open them.

  Even trying not to think of David, he’s monopolizing my thoughts. Thinking of the kiss we shared, I can practically still feel his lips against mine.

  I sigh deeply, and the sound fills the room.

  I give up.

  I know I’m not going to be able to sleep. There’s no way. I climb out of bed and wander into the kitchen. The small cabin I live in has two bedrooms, living room/kitchen combo and one bathroom. It’s a perfect size for me. Except for tonight. Because all I can do is think about what it would be like to have David here. I look through the open doorway of my bedroom and eye my bed. Would David even fit on that bed?

  I groan in frustration. Why am I worried about it? He’s got to call first, and it seems like he’s not even going to do that. Maybe I read more into our kiss than he did. Maybe he’s right. Maybe we shouldn’t date.

  But remembering the way his heart hammered in his chest when I was pressed against him, I know he felt it too. We could be so good together.

  He might not want to admit that we’d be great together, but at least I’m not going to regret not trying.


  It doesn’t matter how much I want Honey, it can’t happen. I know that the only thing to do is to go and look her in the eye when I tell her that I’m not into her. It’s a lie, but it’ll save us both. I’ve convinced myself of that. It’s all I’ve been able to think about all night, and finally in the wee hours of the morning, I figured it out. It’s the right thing to do.

  Even though it’s early, I know she’ll be up and either setting up at her produce stand or running her business. Dread fills my gut, but I know what I’ve got to do.

  When I see that she’s working the produce stand, I park. Setting my jaw in a hard line, I march across the street, heading for Honey. I’m a man on a mission, and I have to move fast before I lose my nerve.

  She sees me and puts her hand on her hip as she watches me approach. Fuck if she isn’t the most beautiful, spirited woman I’ve ever seen. She has a look on her face like she’s daring me to lie and promising me she’ll see right through it.

  The closer I get, the faster I seem to be moving. Somewhere on the walk from the parking lot to Honey, my heart did a flip flop, but I don’t slow down. Without pausing, I pluck her up right off her feet and kiss her deeply, holding her as close to my body as I can bring her.

  What are you doing? Stop it! She deserves better than this!

  Her arms go around my neck, and I feel her soft hand curl into my hair, holding it tightly. I devour her mouth, angling my head to the side to deepen our kiss.

  Yesterday was good, but fuck now, I’m completely lost in her taste, her tiny whimpers, and the feel of her body meshing to mine. I pull back, lowering her, letting her slide down my body. I know she has to feel how much I want her. It doesn’t make what I’m about to say any easier.

  When her feet touch the ground, I palm her cheek in my hand, wanting her to look at me, even though it makes it harder. “I wish we weren’t so different, Honey. It’ll never work between us.”

  She looks at me like I’m a little crazy, and I can’t say I blame her. I basically just showed her how good it could be between us, and my words are telling her the opposite. But maybe I am a little crazy. At least I feel like I must be since I’m telling her no when all I want to say is yes.

  “Hold on, biker David, you’re overcomplicating what’s simple.”

  “Nothing is simple about this.”

  Honey looks at my mouth and licks her lower lip, making me ache to kiss her again. “Sure it is. Do you like me, David?”

  “Honey, I…”

  She raises her eyebrows at me.

  It’s too sexy not to answer her honestly. “Of course I like you.”

  “Do you want to go out with me?”

  I’d like to do a hell of a lot more than that.


  Her smile is so sexy that I am already lowering my face to kiss her when she whispers, “Show me.”

  I kiss her again, and this time I’m not worried about pulling back. I’m only human after all, and I’ve done everything I could to try and warn her to pass me by.

  As I tilt her head more so I can possess her mouth like I’m aching to do, some guy starts calling out for some service.

  “Sorry, I’ve got to run the stand,” Honey says, and I nod in understanding. “Wait here, I’ll be right back.”

  “Sure,” I agree.

  Honey walks around to
the front of the stand to help the customer, and I walk out and to the side so I can be sure I’m out of the way. The stranger is handsome, young like Honey and he’s flirting with her. She’s smiling up at him, and I fight the urge to punch the guy in the face and force Honey to look at me. I want her smiles. I want them all. I want to be the one that makes her happy.

  It kills me not to intervene, but this is just further proof that she’s out of my league. I walk away, not wanting to stick around and watch another man flirting with what I want as mine.



  I’m surprised and a little hurt when I hear David’s motorcycle fire up. Especially when I look up and see him driving away without looking back.

  I stutter to the guy standing in front of me. David’s departure is definitely throwing me off. Normally, I’d let the guy take his time and walk him around, showing him all his choices. This time, I don’t. “I’ll be at the checkout when you’re ready,” I tell him before quickly walking away.

  I stomp my feet the whole way, still not believing that David left like that. Who does he think he is? He shows up here, gives me the most possessive, heart-throbbing kiss ever… and then walks away. Who does that?

  If it was anyone else, I’d let it go and avoid him. I’ve always thought that when you like someone, it should be easy. Obviously, David didn’t get the memo. It seems he’s downright determined to make it way harder than it should be. I pace back and forth, trying to get my emotions in check.

  If it were any other guy, I might be too furious to reach out again, but with David I get the feeling that he’s pushing away from me because he’s been through things that make him as cautious as he behaves. I want to be the one to show him that he deserves love.


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