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105 Desire Dr. (A Cherry Falls Romance)

Page 4

by Hope Ford

I groan and throw my head back. What am I thinking? I just met the guy, and this isn’t love. No way.

  “Okay, I think I’m ready.” The man from earlier approaches me, interrupting my thoughts as he sets a basket of fruits and vegetables on the counter.

  “Great,” I say with my teeth clenched. Be nice, Honey. It’s not his fault that David’s an ass.

  “Did you find everything okay?”

  “I did. Oh wait, I just need one more thing.”

  I smile, hoping that it at least looks as if I’m being patient with him when I’m feeling anything but patient. “Sure, what do you need?”

  He crosses his arms over his chest and one side of his lips lift in a grin. “Your number.”

  “Uh, what? My number?”

  He nods. “Yes.”

  I finish ringing him up and ignore his advances. “That will be ten-fifty.”

  He holds out a twenty, and when I go to reach for it, he holds on to it, but I’m not going to play his game. I release the bill and while shrugging my shoulders, I put my hands on the counter and stare at him. I wish I could tell him I’m taken, that I have a boyfriend. But obviously the way David took off out of here that’s not even anywhere close to the truth.

  I stare at the man until he starts to squirm. He lays the bill on the counter and slides it toward me. I wait until he’s picked his hand up before I take the money, put it in the cash register and count out his change. He’s holding out his hand to accept it, but instead, I drop it in the bag with his fruit and hold the back out to him. “Have a nice day.”

  He jerks the bag, and it’s then I notice the wedding ring on his finger. I hold in my gasp, but I barely contain myself from calling him a pompous jerk.

  As soon as I see him get into his car, I pick up my phone and dial David.

  I call his phone, but it goes directly to voicemail. I decide to text him instead.

  HONEY: Where did you go? I thought you were going to wait for me?

  I stare at the screen as if I’m willing him to answer. When he doesn’t, I toss the phone back to the counter.

  I wish Ginger was here. She had something to do today or else I’d call her in and take off into town to chase David down. He’s running, but after that kiss he laid on me, I know it’s not because he wants to. He likes me but for some reason thinks he’s not worthy or something.

  I check my phone several times throughout the morning, but he hasn’t responded.

  I’m not through with you yet, David.


  I haven’t felt so low in a long time.

  Seeing Honey getting the attention of such a young, fit guy, I know that her curiosity about my tattoos and bad boy looks are going to pass. She’ll realize she is meant for bigger and better than I could ever provide. I don’t think walking away from her is easy, but I’m pretty sure it would kill me if I had to watch her walk away from me.

  I’m in completely new territory with this. I never get attached and never consider what’s going to happen tomorrow. Since I’ve met Honey, that’s all I’ve worried about.

  I deleted the text soon after I received it, but that hasn’t stopped me from checking my phone often.

  I finish my shift at the Virgin Street Diner and fall onto the couch in the apartment. I’m thinking about going to the bar, but as soon as my phone rings I answers it.

  Even seeing her name on the caller ID, I don’t even consider not answering it.

  “Do you know anything about tractors?” Honey asks as a hello.


  That wasn’t what I was expecting.

  “I’ve never worked on a tractor, no.”

  “Oh,” she says, then silence fills the air.

  I rub my hand across my beard. “But I know how to work on cars and bikes. Sort of the same thing.”

  I swear I can hear her smiling. “It sure is. Can you come help?”

  Because I can’t tell her no—I don’t want to tell her no—I agree and tell her I’ll be there as soon as I can and then hang up.

  The whole way I’m convincing myself that I’ll fix the tractor and get out of there. It’s not like I could have told her no. I’m sure her family needs it, and I’m a good guy. I like to help people. But even as I think it, I know there’s more to it. I want to be the one that saves Honey.

  She meets me as I come up the drive and park my bike in front of the barn. She has on cowboy boots, jean shorts, and a sweater that hangs off one shoulder, and my first thought is I want to pull her against me and plant my lips on her soft skin.

  This meeting is nothing like the one this morning. My hands are itching to reach out for her, but I control myself. “Where’s it at?” I ask her without preamble.

  She startles at my tone but leads me to the side of the barn. “Here it is. It just won’t start.”

  I grunt instead of answering her and turn to the machine. I climb up the front and open the hood.

  I laugh a little and then stop myself.

  “What was that?” she asks.

  “Oh nothing,” I tell her, grabbing on to the wires and hooking them back up. Obviously they’ve been pulled off the mount. My girl’s got tricks, I tell myself, then immediately shake my head. She’s not your girl, David.



  Crap, he’s done already? I should have caused a leak or something.

  “I really appreciate you coming out here to help. My family depends on that tractor working,” I say. He’s been so quiet I think I may have pushed him as far as he’s willing to go.

  David’s gaze is turned out toward my produce stand, and I wonder if he’s remembering our kiss. Didn’t he like it? I know I did. It’s all I’ve been able to think about since. Well, that and the fact he left the way he did.

  “I missed you today,” I say, deciding to just be honest with him and hoping again to get him to talk.

  David wipes his hands off on the towel he brought with him, and he looks like he’s about to head out. My shoulders sag with sadness and disappointment. He’s hot, then cold. Maybe he’s right, maybe we’re not good for each other. Not if he’s going to make me feel like this.

  He pauses in his stride and turns back. “Are you going out with that guy?”

  “What guy?”

  David’s frown deepens. “That asshole who was at your produce stand earlier. He was probably just the right type and age for you. Bet your family would approve.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. “Is that why you left?”

  His jaw flexes. “I’m not a jealous guy usually, but I couldn’t just watch him panting over you.”

  “Well, that’s too bad because if you’d stuck around, I could have shown you both that you’re the one I like. We could have saved ourselves a lot of grief.”

  He looks anxious and unsure, like he’s afraid to trust what I said.

  “You wanted me to yourself, right? Here I am.”

  David takes the few steps back to me, grabs and kisses me, and again I’m blown away by how much it affects me inside and out. He has me lifted up with my feet off the ground. I do what seems to come naturally and wrap my legs around his waist, my heels digging into his back.

  He groans, and I deepen the kiss this time, pushing my tongue into his mouth as his hands cup my face. He pulls away and rests his head on mine. “Fuck, baby, what do you do to me?”

  “You do the same thing to me,” I admit, running my fingers softly through his beard. “I like you, David. Really like you.”


  I trace my thumb across her lower lip, back and forth. “I like you too. But that’s the problem. I don’t ever stay in one place too long, but I can’t imagine you being a one and done.”

  She throws her head back and laughs. “Is that what you call it? One and done instead of one-night stand?”

  I shrug, and my face heats, almost as if I’m embarrassed about it. “Honestly?” I ask her.

  She nods her head, but she sucks in her breath like she’s exp
ecting the worst.

  “I haven’t been with anyone in a while. I’m not really made for one-night stands, and the way I move from place to place, it’s hard to find that connection, I guess.”

  With her arms twined around my neck, her body held close to mine, and the way my heart feels as if it’s going to beat out of my chest, I know I want more with Honey. One night would not be enough. But that’s not fair to her. Not when I could leave at any time.

  She brings her hand down from my neck and strokes my beard with her fingers. “Well, you’re right. I’m not really a ‘one and done’ type of girl, so maybe we just see where this goes. I like you.” She presses her hips into me, and my hard cock aches as it presses against her sex. She stares back at me wide-eyed and knowing. “And well, I’m thinking you like me. We’ll just keep it casual. Spend time together. See what happens.”

  Once I’ve got her in my arms, I can’t stop myself, not this time. My hands roam over her body as I kiss her, and she gasps against my mouth at my boldness. She doesn’t push me away, so I deepen the kiss as I squeeze her ass, pulling her pelvis against mine.

  We kiss until Honey pulls away, panting for breath, and I let her feet slide to the ground as she’s straightening her clothes. She looks out toward the farmhouse, and I realize that she probably doesn’t want her family to see her all disheveled and being manhandled in the family barn.

  Especially by someone like me. But even knowing that, I still can’t just walk away from her. Not for good.

  She’s blushing as she looks up at me, and I realize even though she can kiss like nobody’s business, she’s not experienced. And knowing that fuels a fire in my veins like never before. I’m not going to hurt her. I can take this slow. As slow as she needs me to. “So I have the early shift tomorrow. Are you free tomorrow night?”

  Her eyes light up. “Are you asking me out on a date?”

  I wait for the panic to settle in. A date sounds like a plan, and I’ve never been a man to make plans. I sort of just “do” and see what happens. But with her looking up at me the way she is, I don’t feel panicked. I feel an urge to do whatever I need to do to keep that smile on her face. “Yeah, I’m asking you out on a date.”

  She takes a step toward me and slides her hands up my chest until they’re looped around my neck. “Well, I’d love to. But I need a kiss first. I don’t want you leaving and getting it in your head that this isn’t a good idea. Because it is. I think we could be good for each other.”

  I start to agree with her. How could I not when she’s already got me wrapped around her little finger like this? But when I start to talk, she shakes her head. “I know. You don’t know how long you’ll be here in town. I get it. But I’ll take you for as long as you are.”

  Fuck me, what this woman does to me. The urge to possess her, claim her, and make her mine is strong. Emotion wells up inside me and settles in my throat.

  My voice sounds thick and heavy, even to myself. “I’d like that.”

  She reaches up as she’s pulling me down, and I kiss her again. When her lips part, our tongues rub against each other, and at her soft whimper, I deepen the kiss. I palm the back of her head, tangling my hand in her hair as I taste her. And hell, she tastes good. I can’t get enough. Our kiss lasts forever or just minutes, I don’t know because I forget everything except pleasing her. Her nails dig into my shoulders, bringing me back to reality and the fact I’m about to take her in her family’s barn. I pull back but only to nip at her lip a few times before resting my forehead against hers. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”

  She whispers, her voice low and husky, “Okay.”

  I let her go and stride away, telling myself not to look back. But obviously I’m weak because I turn and look at her one more time. Her hair is disheveled, her eyes are glossy, and her lips are swollen. I clench my hands at my sides to stop from going back to her. “See ya tomorrow, baby.”

  Her face transforms at the endearment, and whether she realizes it or not, she covers her heart with her hand, nodding her head.

  It’s hard to say goodnight, but I respect her too much to push my desires on her.



  “So you have a date?” my dad asks.

  I don’t know who’s more excited, him or me.

  I haven’t been able to wipe the smile off my face since last night. “Yes, I do.”

  “And he’s picking you up here instead of your house. So I get to meet him, right?”

  “I forgot to tell him that I don’t live in the main house, so yeah, he’s picking me up here.” Which is a huge mistake. I know it. But by the time I realized it, I knew I couldn’t text him and tell him. I’m sure he’s on his bike and wouldn’t get the text.

  My dad walks over to the gun safe and starts punching in the numbers. “Dad! You are not pulling out your shotgun. I’m a grown woman. Mom!” I holler.

  My mom is leaning against the doorway of the living room and speaks calmly to my father. “Marcus, you’re always on the girls about going out. Don’t you think it’s bad form to pull a gun on one of them? I mean, it sort of defeats your purpose, I think.”

  They stare at each other and instantly start walking to each other. “Stop. I’m telling you I can’t deal with a makeout session right now. Can you please wait until I leave?”

  I’m only half joking. My parents love each other. It’s obvious. And a part of me is glad that they’ve always been affectionate and loving to each other. But sometimes they get carried away, and nobody wants to see that.

  “Fine. But as soon as you’re out the door, I can’t make any promises,” my dad says, winking over at my mother.

  “Deal,” I tell him, rolling my eyes before going to look out the window.

  I see the dust in the long driveway before I hear the motorcycle. “Dad, please promise me you’ll be nice. And just so you know, he’s a little older than me.”

  He comes up behind me and looks out the window over my shoulder. “He’s on a motorcycle. How much older?”

  And I can’t stop the rush welling up inside me. “Yes, he is. He’s fourteen years older, and he has tattoos and long hair. But Daddy, I promise he’s a good guy and you’re going to like him. Just give him a chance.”

  “Daddy. She’s not pulling any stops.” My mom laughs.

  “Dad, I’m serious.”

  He holds his hands up. “I got it. Be nice. I can do that.”

  When David stops in the driveway and looks up at the house, I walk out, hoping that my mom and dad stay inside. But of course they don’t. They follow me down the steps, and we all stop in front of David. He’s in dark blue jeans and a button-up shirt. His hair is in a knot on the back of his head, and I swear it takes everything in me not to run to him.

  A part of me is freaking out. He’s not into commitments and relationships, so there’s a pretty big chance this whole scene is going to freak him out.

  He walks toward us with his hand held out. “Hi. I’m David.”

  My dad is eyeing the bike before he finally puts his hand out. “I’m Honey’s dad, Marcus. This is her mother, Misty.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you too, son. Is that a fat boy?”

  “Dad!” I holler, my face flaming. He’s never been known to call someone names. And David’s not fat. He’s just big.

  David laughs, and my dad just shakes his head. “It’s okay, Honey. He’s asking if my bike is a fat boy.”

  “Oh, Marcus, it looks just like the one you rode when I met you.”

  My dad opens his arms, and my mom steps into them. They seem lost in thought, and I know that look. It’s definitely time for us to get out of here.

  “C’mon, David, let’s go.”

  He looks surprised at my abruptness. “But, uh, well, Mr. and Mrs. McGee, it was nice meeting you.”

  David puts a helmet on my head and buttons the strap under my chin. He’s smiling, staring into my eyes the whole time. “Hold on to me.
Lean when I lean.” I nod at him.

  We get onto the bike, and David grabs my arms, pulling them around him.

  My dad walks toward us. “Drive safely. Please take care of her.”

  I rest my head on the back of David’s back. Yep, I won’t be surprised if he kicks me off his bike. Our first date, and my dad’s already acting like it’s something more. I can’t blame David if he changes his mind about this. How embarrassing.

  “With my life, sir.”

  David squeezes my hands that are on his belly before starting the bike. My sex clenches either from his words, the feel of his warm body pressed to mine, or the rumble of the machine between my legs. All I know is I don’t want this feeling to go away.

  We wave bye to my parents, and David travels down the long driveway before pulling out onto Bittersweet Road toward Cherry Falls. I have no idea where we’re going, but I don’t care.

  On the motorcycle I love the feel of wind in my hair, but more than that, I love how close I get to be to David. I snuggle close and breathe in his scent as he takes me on a scenic ride. He takes us through Cherry Falls. I tighten my arms around him and hold on, just happy to be with him.


  I could do this all night. Ride with Honey’s arms wrapped around me. I drive until we get to Kissme Bay and then park in the lot. When I get off, it’s obvious that Honey’s not steady on her feet.

  “You okay?” I ask, holding on to her.

  “Yeah, I’m good.”

  Once she’s steady, I reluctantly release her and unpack the side bags.

  “A picnic? Are we going on a picnic?” she asks, and from the sound of her voice, I know she likes the idea. I chose well.

  I turn, a blanket under my arm and a bag in each hand. She holds her hand out to grab one, and I let her because it frees up one of mine and I reach for hers that is empty. “Yeah, a picnic. Is that okay? We’ve already discovered that I don’t like sharing you, so I thought our first date we could do something just the two of us.”


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