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Maverick (Devil’s Deviants Book 1)

Page 7

by C. M. Allen

  Once we stepped outside the diner, she jerked herself free of my grip. “Listen, I know I called you to help me, but that doesn’t mean you get to act all highhanded and just manhandle me around! I can take care of myself too you know! I—.”

  Pulling her into me so fast, she practically bounced off my chest before putting her hands up to hold me away, I leaned in close. “That’s precious Sweetheart but get in the fuckin՛ car so we can get the hell out of here.” I growled in her ear, feeling the heat of her hands on me. She visibly shuttered at my words and it caused my dick to instantly harden again.


  With my hand on her lower back, I guided her to her car and shut her inside of it before I got on my motorcycle without even a backwards glance at Axle and Roman, who I didn’t even have to see to know both of them were burning holes in my back with their stares.

  After we got to her apartment and checked things out, I knew it wasn’t going to be a safe place for her to stay. When Axle asked if I wanted him to talk to the manager about it, that was when Harper spoke out with her frustrations about me making all the decisions. I explained everything to her as to why that was, and she just brushed me off and got up and left the room. With her gone and Axle now out looking for the building’s manager, Roman and I discussed where the weak points were in the building and a possible solutions.

  When Harper entered back into the room, the shirt she had on over the black leggings, that clung to that fine ass and those toned legs of hers, did nothing to hide the outline of her ample breasts. No matter how baggy it was. Both Roman and I fell silent at the sight of her. She was definitely a beauty. The natural kind. The shirt she wore hung off of one shoulder and she had her hair pulled up into a ponytail, leaving her neck exposed. The subtlety of how sexy she looked right now in something unlike the revealing clothes I had been used to seeing women wear was not lost on me. But when I finally brought my eyes up to hers, I could see the ice in her stare.

  And all the walls she’d put back up once again.

  Roman cleared his throat and spoke up, reading my thoughts before I had a chance to ask him to step out and give us a minute. “I’m goin՛ to go see if Axle found the manager yet.”

  The door shut behind him and I tried not to let myself get sucked into her vortex again. “So, are you guys done now?”

  The tone in which she said those words was not lost on me either. She might as well have just said “I want you three to get the fuck out of here,” and it pissed me right off. “You know—.” Stopping myself quickly when her eyes turned glassy, I took a deep breath, rethinking my words when I realized just how hard this whole situation that she was in must be on someone like her. Someone who’s never had to deal with this kind of shit a day in their life, unlike myself. Changing tactics, I asked. “Look, it’s not safe for you to be here, do you have anywhere else you can stay? A friend’s house maybe, like your friend Ava?”

  “Well, I can—.”

  Her words are brought up short when Axle and Roman burst through the front door. “Visiting hours are officially fuckin՛ over Mav! Just saw two bikes pull up outside on the east corner of the building, and they’re not any of ours.” Axle announced out of breath as if he ran back the whole way to warn us.

  “Which can only mean…” I said reluctantly, knowing exactly what it meant.

  Both Axle and Roman nodded with the unspoken answer I knew was coming.

  Grabbing Harper’s elbow, the panic in her eyes was evident as I led her down the hallway and into her bedroom. “Throw a couple changes of clothes in this,” I barked out, throwing the pillowcase I just took off one of her pillows at her. “And then we need to get you the hell out of here before they figure out which apartment you’re in, if they don’t already know.”

  “Oh my God, they’re really here.” She gasped, freezing in place, visibly shaken.

  Walking over to her, I gripped her shoulders with a gentle shake to get her attention. “It’s goin՛ to be ok. I promise. Do you trust me?” When she nodded her head something inside of my chest twisted, it was a feeling I didn’t recognize. Or maybe one I just didn’t want to. “Good. Now go and get some things you’ll need and do it quickly.” I told her before she rushed into her bathroom, then into her closet, stuffing items into the pillowcase.

  Coming back out, she was hopping on one foot, trying to quickly throw on some shoes. “Are they going to kill us?”

  “Not if they don’t find us. Now follow me and stay close, ok?”

  “Ok,” she answered as I reached out and took her much smaller, delicate, hand in my bigger heavily scarred one.

  Heading back down the hallway to the living room, we quickly slipped out the front door behind Axle and Roman. Just as we were about to head down the stairs, Harper suddenly pulled back on my hand. “Wait! I need my purse and keys. I can’t just leave my purse behind and my door unlocked.”

  “Fuckin՛ Christ! We don’t have time for this shit Mav. We need to go, now.”

  Swinging my attention back at Harper again, the pleading look in her eyes had me doing some seriously stupid shit right now. “Where’s the purse and keys at?”

  “On the kitchen counter.”

  “Ok,” looking at Axle, I pointed to him. “Get her the fuck out of here and down those stairs.”

  “What about you?” Roman asked.

  “I’ll be there in a second. Just get her somewhere safe until I meet up with you at the bikes.” Turning and heading back into her apartment, I could hear footsteps and voices growing closer from the other side of the entrance to her floor. “Shit.”

  Stepping into the apartment, I quickly locked the door behind me and pulled my gun out as I crouched down behind the kitchen counter.

  Remembering Harper’s purse, the whole fucking reason I was risking my dumb ass in the first place right now, I grabbed it and her keys off the counter and tucked them into my cut.

  Hearing a fist pounding on her front door, I waited to see what they were going to do as I held my position. Seeing the door handle jiggling, I knew they were trying to pick the lock.

  Looks like I might be leaving a bloody message in Skull’s own backyard tonight if shit ended up going bad and I got cornered.


  When they finally got the door unlocked, it slowly creaked open. Watching the first fucker stick his head through the door, I’m almost tempted to just take his ass out with a headshot right now, but I knew I needed to play this smart. The last thing I wanted was Skull finding out I was sitting in his territory and starting a war before I’m able to finish what I started.

  The first one comes through the door and then the second one quickly followed, shutting the door behind him. “Looks like no one’s home.” One of them said.

  “We need to be sure. Skull will slit our fuckin՛ throats if we don’t. Let’s start in the bedroom.” The other one said as I watched both of their shadows, the light from the street created, head down the hallway.

  Once they were out of sight, I made my move and slowly walked towards the door. Waiting a few beats to make sure the coast was clear; I quietly turn the doorknob and pulled the door open just enough for me to slide out. Shutting it quickly behind me, I beat a path down to meet up with the others by the bikes




  As soon as Maverick entered my apartment, I was yanked forward by Axle’s painful grip he now had on my arm. “You had better fuckin՛ pray he makes it out of there alive or I will hand your ass over to Skull myself,” he growled at me as he continued to drag me roughly down the stairs behind him.

  I tried to keep up with his much larger stride and didn’t utter a response for fear of what he might do to me if I did. Once we got down by the bikes, it became a very tense waiting game with the two of them sending me threatening glares. “I really hope you’re worth all this trouble lady,” Roman said, shaking his head.

  “Where the fuck is he?” Axle grumbled after a few minutes of wait
ing. “Fuck this shit, I’m goin՛ back up there to see if he needs help.”

  “No help needed. I’m right here, so let’s get the hell out of here,” Maverick announced, rounding the corner behind us and heading our way quickly. “You’re ridin՛ with me,” he pulled me behind him and helped me onto his bike before we took off.

  Riding at night was so different than riding in the daytime. It seemed more thrilling and mysterious, but also a little scary too since you really couldn’t see anything around you on these lesser used highways, they had very little lighting. It made me think of that old movie I saw a couple of years back, The American Werewolf in London, where the creature came out of nowhere in the darkness and devoured you. That thought alone had a shiver running through my body as I scanned the area that was engulfed in darkness around us, trying to see anything that could be possibly moving towards us. It was also a good thing that the weather was still warm, I couldn’t even imagine how cold it would be riding on this thing in the winter months at night.

  Before I knew it, we were pulling up to the familiar clubhouse. When Maverick shut off his bike, he got off and held it for me before putting down the kickstand. “Are you really bringin՛ her in there?” Axle asked, coming to stand in front of us.

  “When I feel the need to explain my decisions to you, I’ll let you know Ax.” Was Maverick’s only response to him before he placed his hand on my lower back and guided me towards the front doors.

  Stopping us just before we entered, I could hear the music playing inside as well as hear the laughter and yelling. “Now, when we go in here, I can’t tell you what the scene will look like. There’s no… restrictions on what we do out here as a club for the most part, so it can get a bit wild in there at times, ok? I just wanted to warn you before goin՛ inside so you would be a little less shocked.”

  I looked towards the doors and my mind took off with images of the possibilities of what was going on behind those closed doors. “Ok.”

  But anything my mind could have conjured up was nowhere near what my eyes were assaulted with when he opened those doors.

  The first thing they landed on was the man sitting on a couch getting a blowjob from a naked woman between his knees. The worst part of it was when he caught me staring at him, he pointed to me and winked.

  Gross! And so creepy.

  I tried not to freak out even more so when I was greeted by the next eye bulging scene of two men having sex with one woman. Even though she looked like she was enjoying it, I still could never imagine myself in her spot. When I tore my eyes away from that scene, I could see the rest of the people in here seemed to either just ignore what was going on around them or they were so used to the activities that went on, that it didn’t faze them anymore.

  Not sure I could ever not notice something like that.

  A few of the other men and women just simply sat and drank while they talked. “Hey Prez!” A guy yelled over the crowd, and then suddenly the room went quiet as all eyes swung in our direction.


  Some of the glares from the women and leers from the men had me slowly tucking myself in behind Maverick.

  “Hey, Pinch. Looks like you guys are enjoyin՛ yourselves tonight,” turning to Axle, he said something to him so low that I couldn’t hear it. Axle just nodded in response and glanced at me one last time with a look in his eyes that clearly expressed just how much he disliked my presence here. Dismissing everyone else, Maverick turned to find me behind him. “No one’s goin՛ to touch you in here. You’re perfectly safe with me,” he assured me, holding my shoulders before I felt his hands begin to gently stroke my arms in a soothing motion. I’m not even sure he realized that he was doing it until suddenly his hands froze midway up my arms and then were quickly ripped away as if it had just dawned on him what he was doing. “Come on,” he pulled me by my hand, tucking me in close to his body as we moved through the crowd of people. When we neared the threesome going on in front of us, the only thing I could think to do was to put my head down and not look.

  But let me just say, while I may have not seen what was going on when we passed by, the noises they made definitely gave me a clue.

  When we got up to the top of the stairs, I spotted several doors down a hallway we entered. Just as we were passing the third door, a woman exiting the room, giggling and not paying attention, ran right into me, practically knocking me on my ass. The only thing that kept me on my feet was Maverick’s hold on me. “Oh shit! So sorry—. Wait, who the fuck are you?” she asked, looking me over with distaste before getting in my face. This woman was tall and very pretty. She had long dark red hair with blue eyes and was definitely packing a couple of purchases she’d made at the plastic surgeon’s office recently, and her outfit left very little to the imagination. She had on a green see-through nighty set that reached the tops of her thighs and only had a thong on underneath to go with it. I didn’t know why, but I had always thought that the women who hung out with these kinds of men would be ugly skanks. “I asked you a question.” She snapped at me when I just stared back at her.

  “That’s enough Roxy. She’s with me and that’s all you need to know, so retract those fuckin՛ claws of yours.”

  Upon hearing Maverick’s voice, it seemed as though she just realized he was with me and her whole demeanor instantly changed into some sultry seductresses as she moved in on him. “Mav baby, you’re back. So… you want to make it a double team tonight?” she asked, shoving her boobs up against his arm and chest, seemingly anywhere she could rub them up against him as she stroked his face, placing kisses up and down his throat.

  Watching her touch him with a familiarity that she had done it before sent a rush of jealousy though me that I hadn’t felt for anyone in a long time, or quite possibly ever, and I didn’t like this feeling one bit.

  Looking back at me as she slid down his chest further with her lips, her face scrunched up at the sight of me. “I can maybe preform a miracle and teach the Virgin Mary here how to really fuck a man’s brains out properly.”

  Grabbing her wrists, Maverick set her away from him. “Not tonight, Roxy. Why don’t you go find Roman.”

  With another glare in my direction, she stroked his chest, “happy to baby. But you let me know if you change your mind later.” She turned to give me one more once over with hateful eyes. “Good luck tryin՛ to satisfy him Hon. You might want to think about uppin՛ that B-cup of yours to a D if you plan on even comin՛ close to somethin՛ a man would want to fuck.”

  “Damn it Roxy! Enough! Now shut your mouth and get your fuckin՛ ass downstairs.” His booming voice didn’t even seem to faze her as she smiled and tossed her hair over her shoulder before finally leaving. “Sorry about her. She can be a real bitch at times.”

  “Really? I hadn’t noticed.” I snapped sarcastically.

  Chuckling at my comment, he pulled on my hand to follow him once again. “Come on, it’s just down here at the end of the hall.”

  “What is?” I asked when we stopped in front of the very last door at the end.

  “My room,” he announced just before he opened the door, and I was once again surprised at what I saw.

  It was actually a really nice space. The décor was mostly black, but then there were accents of gray and white colors splashed throughout. It looked more like a studio apartment than just a room. He had a small kitchen area that had all stainless-steel appliances. A black leather couch and a coffee table. There were rugs with black, gray, and white running through them, a flat screen TV, and a small bar area with several bottles of liquor on it. The biggest surprise was, that it was clean.

  “This… this is really nice.” Once again, not how I saw these kinds of guys living.

  “You say that like you’re surprised. What, did you think I would live in some kind of dump or somethin՛ with cigarette butts and beer bottles everywhere?” All he had to do was look in my eyes and he had his answer. “Figures,” he mumbled, shaking his head with irritation.

; “I’m sorry. I—.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Not like I’m not used to people seein՛ me that way. Anyway, the bedroom is over here.” Brushing my preconceived notions of him off, he walked down the short hallway, and I reluctantly followed behind him feeling like a complete bitch for judging him poorly, yet again.

  Rounding the corner to where his bedroom was sectioned off from the rest of his place, I looked in to see a king-sized bed with a black duvet on it. Two glass nightstands. Another rug with the same colors as the one in the living room like area. And another black leather chair in the corner. “You’ll stay in here tonight.”

  My eyes jerked up to his face. “In here? With you?”

  Striding over to me, he bent down to cup my chin. “Only if you want me to Sweetheart.”


  When all my words did was flounder at his remark about us sleeping together, he let me off the hook. “Relax, I was just yankin՛ your chain. I’ll take the couch.”

  Immediately feeling bad after all that he’s done for me; I knew kicking the poor man out of his bed was just not right. “No, please. I’ll take the couch. You’ve done so much for me already. The least I can do is not kick you out of your own bed.”

  “It’s fine, really. I need to work late tonight in my office anyway, so you stay in here. That way I won’t wake you when I come in tonight.”

  “Ok, and Maverick?”


  “I just wanted to say thank you again for getting me out of there tonight. I don’t know what I… what I would have done if you hadn’t.” Tears began to leak from my eyes at the thought of what could have happened to me tonight if those two guys had showed up while I was home alone, and I couldn’t stop myself from shaking at the thought.

  Reaching me in two short strides, he cupped my chin, pulling my eyes up to meet his. “Hey, I don’t want you to even think about what could have happened tonight, you’re safe now. I don’t even want to think about it myself,” he said, brushing my tears away with the pads of his thumbs. Then he did something that I had never expected he would do, but it was exactly what I really needed right now. Pulling me flush against his chest, he wrapped his arms around me and just held me. At first, I’m so shocked that my body stiffened in reaction, but then I began to relax and slide my arms around his waist. The feel of his protective arms wrapped around me felt so warm… and so safe. When he pulled back, our arms stay locked on one another as we just stood there, staring into each other’s eyes.


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