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Maverick (Devil’s Deviants Book 1)

Page 8

by C. M. Allen

  His fingers brushed the hair away from my face before he slid them down over my cheeks. The rough pad of his thumb glided over my bottom lip, causing the pull I always felt towards him and it had me leaning into him, ready and willing for whatever came next.

  But then the spell was broken by a loud banging sound on his door. “Maverick! We’ve got a problem man!”

  Both of us seemed to snap back to reality at the sound of the man’s booming voice on the other side of the door. Moving away from me, he pointed to a door off the bedroom. “The bathroom is in there and I’ll bring you up something to eat in a minute.”

  And then just like it was all a dream, he was gone.




  Having Harper in my bedroom and so close to my bed, had me feeling and wanting things that I knew I shouldn’t be wanting. But when I could see those same wants and needs reflecting back at me in her eyes, my lapse in judgement had me doing what I really wanted to do, and that was to feel her in my arms, knowing that she was safe and really here with me right now. Her body felt so amazing pressed against mine it was as if her much smaller frame had been made to fit perfectly with my larger one. Pushing away from her, but not letting her go, I looked into her eyes as my fingers seemed to grow a mind of their own and began touching her the way I’d hungered to touch her since the first time I first laid my eyes on her.

  When the pounding on my door began, I realized just how close her lips were to touching mine, and it took every ounce of strength inside of me to pull back from her and answer the Goddamn door. After I told her where the bathroom was and that I would bring her something to eat in a bit, I headed out to deal with whatever the fuck was going on.

  Opening the door, I was greeted by Axle. “What’s goin՛ on?”

  “It’s Butch, man. He and Gunner have run into some serious shit tryin՛ to get that girl down here to her brother. He said that he wants you to call him about sendin՛ a few more guys up his way to help them out.”

  “Shit! Everyone’s ok though? Does he have the girl?”

  “They have the woman and everyone’s fine. Gunner took a bullet in the arm, but it’s nothin՛ he couldn’t fix up himself, just a scrape.”

  Running my fingers through my hair, I hoped like hell I didn’t send my best friend and enforcer to their deaths. I headed towards my office as Axle continued to give me a rundown of what had been going on. “Where are they now?”

  “In a motel just outside Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.”

  Walking into my office, I took a seat behind my desk as Axle sat in one of the seats in front of it. A few seconds later Roman had taken up the other one as I hit Butch’s number in my phone.

  “Hey.” He answered.

  “Hey, what the fuck is goin՛ on up there? Axle said you guys needed backup?”

  Hearing him tell someone that he’ll just be right outside the door, I heard the sound of one shutting before he came back on. “Fuck me Mav. This guy that Nico’s sister, Raven, is or was with is none other than Tommy fuckin՛ Dellucci.”

  “Fuuuuuck! You have to be kiddin՛ me! The last thing we need is to start a Goddamn war with him. Shit! This is on me; I should have asked Nico who she was involved with before I sent you two up there. Thought it was just some punk she was seein՛.” I stood up and started to pace the room, trying to think up a solution to this fucked up situation I’d gotten them into. “Does he have any clue as to who the two of you are?”

  “Shit, we’re smarter than that Mav. We haven’t worn our cuts since we got into New York, just packed them in case we ran into any reason for needin՛ them. But in this case...”

  “Yeah, I hear ya. Listen, let me call Rollins and find out if him and his men are still up your way doin՛ the Divanti deal and see if he can’t provide you two some backup. If he’s still in the area he can get to you guys a hell of a lot faster than me sendin՛ someone from here. Let me call him and see where he’s at. I’ll hit you right back and let you know who to expect. And Butch, if I have to come up there myself and fix this shit you know I will.”

  “I know man. Let me know what the plan is when you figure it out.”

  “Will do. And Hey?”


  “Don’t be goin՛ all Rambo by yourselves up there. Just stay put, and most importantly, stay alive.”

  “Got it.”

  Disconnecting the call, it took everything in me not to throw my phone up against the nearest wall. I was so pissed at myself right now for not finding out exactly who they would be dealing with up there, I almost told Axle to take a swing at me.

  After about three hours of making calls and planning things out, Rollins and his men, who had still been in the area, were more than willing to help Butch and Gunner out of the jam they had found themselves in.

  In between cleaning up my mess, I had asked Chainsaw’s old lady, Emma, to take Harper up some food. She was probably one of the few women in this clubhouse I could actually trust not to be bitchy towards her like Roxy was earlier. If there’s one thing these club whores hated, it was fresh pussy. Not that I saw her like that, and neither would anyone else if they wanted to keep their dicks.

  Another couple hours later I was pretty buzzed from way too much whiskey with Axle, Roman and a few of the others who made their way to my office. Ready to call it a night and get some shut eye, I made my way to my room, keeping a firm grip on the wall as I went.

  Shit, I guess I’m a little drunker than I thought.

  When I walked into my room, I headed straight to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water out, downing it in one gulp before turning and heading down the short hallway to where my bed awaited. Walking into my bedroom, I proceeded to strip out of all my clothes until I was in just my boxers before I slipped into my bed. Feeling a warm body next to me, my mind didn’t even take into consideration who it might be before I reached out and curled my arm around her waist, pulling her ass flesh against the front of me, my dick nestled nicely between her cheeks. Moving my hand up, I found a nice warm, ample tit waiting for me to hold and massage. I began pinching and tweaking the nipple between my fingers before my hand moved to the other one, doing the same. The feeling of soft, warm, smooth flesh under my fingertips had my hands roaming and searching for more of it to touch and squeeze. Sliding my hand south, I found the firm ass that cradled my dick and squeezed it. The moaning sound my action elicited encouraged me on. Shifting her body off her side to lay flat, I immediately pushed her legs apart and inserted my knee between her thighs; making it impossible for her to deny me and what I wanted. What I fucking needed more than anything right now. The heat and wetness I felt on my knee told me all I needed to know, and now I had the pressing need to feel her juices on my fingers. Sliding my hand into her panties, I found my heaven when I slid my rough fingers through her wet folds and over her clit in a circular motion before dipping my middle finger inside her warm, wet and extremely tight pussy. Using my thumb to strum her clit, I slid a second finger inside of her as I finger fucked her and rubbed her clit at the same time. Not long after her back arched up off the bed, pushing her breast perfectly into my mouth. As I worked her over with my mouth and fingers, I could tell that she was close to coming apart with the sounds she made and how hard her greedy pussy gripped a hold of my fingers inside of her. Continuing to move my fingers in and out of her pussy at a faster rhythm, I sucked one of her nipples into my mouth and bit down on it. The bite of pain I gave her proved to be the tipping factor when she screamed out her release. The need to taste her now on my tongue hit me, so I reached down and slipped her underwear down her body. Positioning myself between her spread legs, pushing them back wider, I leaned down and started lapping up her sweet juices.

  I made her come two more times with my mouth before I kissed my way back up her body. I could eat her out all night with how good she tasted; her pussy was like nothing I’d ever had on my tongue before. Taking her mouth with mine so she could taste just how swe
et she was, I dove in deep with my tongue needing the constant taste of her.

  It was when I took out my dick and nudged it against her opening that she called out my name. The sound of her voice felt as though a bucket of cold ice water had been dumped over my head, and suddenly I realized what I had just done and almost did, and to who.

  It was at this very same moment that Harper seemed to realize what was going on by the way her body tensed up just before she bolted out of the bed and into the bathroom.





  When Maverick left the room, I couldn’t help running my finger over my bottom lip, wondering how his lips would have felt against mine, and what else could have happened between us if we hadn’t been interrupted. Giving up at the thought of that ever really happening, I headed to the bathroom to wash up. After I’d finished, I wrapped the towel around myself and walked back out into the bedroom to put on some clean clothes before I dried my hair. “I’m so sorry. I tried knockin՛ but there was no answer.” I heard a woman say, causing me to scream out and almost drop my towel. “Shit! I didn’t mean to scare you like that, I just wanted to alert you to my presence in the room.”

  Grabbing my chest from the near heart attack she’d just given me, I turned to look at her. “Consider me alerted then.”

  “I really am sorry.”

  Seeing she meant it and was nothing like that earlier troll, Roxy, I accepted her apology. “No worries. Just a little on edge, you know.”

  “Yeah, I heard. So glad they found you before Skull’s men did. Those guys are bad news.” Walking closer, she held out her hand. “Hi, my name is Emma. I’m Chainsaw’s old lady.”

  She was shorter like me, a pretty woman with dark hair and dark eyes. She looked to be in her late forties, early fifties and had a kindness you could see in her eyes. Shaking her hand, I introduced myself. “My name’s Harper.”

  “Nice to meet you Harper. Well, I really just came up here to bring you somethin՛ to eat. Maverick thought you might be hungry after everythin՛, so I left it on the kitchen counter. It’s just a sandwich and some chips, I hope that’s ok?”

  “It’s perfect. Thank you so much for doing that, I really appreciate it.”

  “No problem. Well, I had better get back before Chainsaw goes all Neanderthal on me and rips this place apart lookin՛ for me. He’s a little possessive if you can’t tell,” she chuckled. “All right, I’ll see you later.”

  “Ok. And thank you again.”

  After she closed the door behind her, I got changed and went into the kitchen to find something to drink in the fridge. Grabbing a bottle of water out, I sat at the counter and ate my sandwich. As I sat here it seemed like all my mind wanted to do was go one of two ways. The first one being; what really could have happened tonight if Maverick hadn’t saved me. The second one; what could have happened between Maverick and I, had we not been interrupted earlier. The second one was the one that seemed to win the battle in holding my thoughts. When I finished eating the turkey sandwich, the adrenaline that I had been feeling earlier began to slowly drain from my body, leaving me to feel tired, so I headed to the bedroom. After a quick visit to the bathroom, I slipped beneath the covers and fell asleep with all the things I wished would have happened between Maverick and I swimming around in my mind.

  The dream I had about him felt so real, it was as if I could actually feel his rough hands on my body, roaming over every inch of me.

  His hand slid under my panties and in between my wet folds before he started to circle his thumb over my clit and then push one, then two fingers deep inside of me, causing my back to arch up off the bed. The next thing I felt was his mouth cover my breast as he moved his fingers in and out of me faster, causing me to fall over the edge. But it’s after he made me come two more times with his mouth and I felt his cock press against my opening that the dream became too intense for me to take.

  He slanted his mouth over mine, and I felt his cock at my opening, it was then that I realized that this wasn’t a dream at all, that it was real, and I shouted out his name. I’m so mortified by what I’d just allowed him to do to me, that I didn’t know what else to do except run into the bathroom and slam the door shut behind me. Leaning my back against it, I could hear Maverick utter explicit words several times before I heard another door slam shut. Putting my head in my hands, I tried to get my breathing back under control, whether it was from the sudden shock of what we were doing together or the many orgasms I’d had I didn’t know. But my guess was both. Looking down, I realized my underwear, that I went to bed with, were now missing.


  Glancing back up, I caught my reflection in the mirror, and dare I say the flushed color on my skin looked good on me. Shaking my head, I wrapped a towel around my waist before opening and peeking out the door. I found that the room was now empty, Maverick nowhere in sight, and opened it wider to walk back in. Going over to my bag, I grabbed out another pair of underwear and slipped on some leggings before opening the bedroom door and making my way out to the front area. When I did, that’s when I spotted Maverick. There on the couch, he sat, his head buried in his hands, his back muscles tensed.

  Clearing my throat, I attempted to think of something, anything to say, but came up empty.

  He turned to look my way at the sound of me walking in and spoke first. “I don’t even know what to say to you after what I just did to you… other than I am so fuckin՛ sorry. I had a few drinks before I came up here tonight and forgot it was you in my bed and just… just did what I did when I felt you next to me. It’s fucked up I know, but God damn it, I didn’t mean to do that shit to you Harper. I swear. I know that being drunk is no excuse—.”

  “I really thought I was dreaming,” I said, cutting him off with my thoughts out loud. When he stopped and just looked at me, I went on. “While yes I am completely embarrassed about how I let that whole… thing happen… I can’t say it’s not something that I hadn’t thought about since meeting you,” I shrugged my shoulders unsure of how to say what it was I wanted to without sounding pathetic. “I just… I just figured that you… well, you being you and all, that you would—.”

  Getting up off the couch, he stared down at me with those intense, intimidating eyes that always dragged me under. I could feel the burn on my skin as his gaze raked over my body as though his mind was reliving what we did only moments ago together in his bed. Slowly he started to make his way closer, like a predator approaching its prey before it went in for the kill. I didn’t fear the beast I knew he kept caged up inside of him though. I was only curious if I would survive the attack when it scratched and clawed its way to the surface. “That I would what, Harper?”

  Swallowing down any pride I might have had left inside of me, I let the next words fall freely from my lips. “That… that someone like you could be with any woman he wants.”

  “And?” It’s a one worded question that almost sounded like a warning, a dare if you will to proceed on with my thoughts.

  Looking down at my fingers, that were now twisting at the end of my shirt, I saw his feet come into view. Feeling the heat that radiated from his body so close to mine, I looked up and took a deep breath. “And… why would you ever want to be with… someone like me when you can have—.”

  Leaning down, he cupped my face, his features hardening as his brows pinched together. “I don’t like this look on you Harper. Do you even have any fuckin՛ clue how beautiful you really are? Because it’s obvious to me that you clearly don’t.” Hearing his words, I couldn’t help but shy away from the intensity in his eyes and looked down again. “Look at me. I want to see your face when I tell you this.”

  When I brought my eyes back up to his again, he moved in closer; if that was even possible. “You are a beautiful woman Harper. You almost knocked me on my ass at the gas station that day I first saw you. You may think that you’re not or maybe some asshole convinced you that you weren’t, but I’
m here to tell you that you are a very beautiful woman.”

  Moving away from me, he ran his fingers through his hair before turning to look at me. Any flicker of desire he had for me only seconds ago replaced by a cold exterior. “I’m the one who’s not good enough here Harper. Not for a woman like you. My hands are soiled with filth and always will be. What I did to you tonight… that was a mistake. It’s one I can never make with you again. Even if it kills me not to be able to feel your silky skin under my fingers. I can’t put your life in that kind of danger.”

  “In case you hadn’t noticed, my life is already in danger.” I said, trying to understand what he meant.

  “This situation you’re in right now is a temporary one. But it’s my real everyday life. The best thing I can do for you, the only thing I can do for you, is to get this problem with the Slayers solved and get you back to where you belong. Because that’s not here, and it sure as hell isn’t with a man like me.” Running his fingers through his hair, he gripped it tight before a few more explicit words flew from his mouth. Then, with the slam of a door, he was gone.

  Stunned into silence at his words, I swear I could feel any hope I had that he would somehow look at me as anything more than a woman who needed rescuing crumble into dust. We hadn’t even been together, but I still thought he felt… something.


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