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Nights of Lily Ann- Redemption of Carly

Page 4

by L L Shelton

  “Is it a neat bun or a messy bun?” Carly asked. Her body sat on the edge of the cushion.

  “Messy bun.” Lily Ann heard the hitch in Carly’s breath. “You like this girl?”

  “No . . . no. We met the other day.”

  Lily Ann smiled.

  “I can hear you smiling at me. Go on. What is she wearing?”

  Lily Ann smiled wider. Carly didn’t care about what she was wearing, but this woman piqued her interest. “She’s wearing a purple tank top with daisy duke jean shorts. It doesn’t look like she works out, but she has a killer figure with curves in the right spots. A slight sunburn spreads over her cheeks, giving her a glow.” Lily Ann got quiet.

  “Don’t stop,” Carly said.

  “Her eyes are the color of green grass, and she is here,” Lily Ann whispered.

  “Hi again,” Avery announced her presence. “Hello. I’m Avery.” She nodded at Lily Ann, who was sitting beside the sexy blonde.

  “Hello, nice to meet you. I’m Lily Ann.”

  “Selling any bait?” Carly asked. The question came out on autopilot as Carly’s thoughts roared. The image Lily Ann built was composing in her mind. Messy bun, sexy curves, perfect smile, green eyes that she could get lost in if only she could. Oh, fuck! What am I doing? The sound of Avery’s voiced ripped her back.

  “Not much. Slow day. Hey, do you know she has a pet mouse? Oh, I am sorry, a mouse that is a friend, not a pet. She lets it sleep on her.” Avery stepped onto the boat, which rocked with her boarding, and sat in the chair across from the two ladies.

  “Come on aboard, why don’t you, and he’s a friend. I don’t own him. He lives here on the boat.” Carly leaned back on the couch; she needed distance between her and Avery. The soap she used this morning was teasing Carly’s nose, and her hair smelled of Prell shampoo. The farther apart, the better. Carly couldn’t concentrate on talking. She swallowed a few times to gather her senses back.

  “No, I can’t say that I have seen a mouse. But we have only been friends for a brief time.”

  “Are you lovers?” Avery blurted out.

  Carly coughed. “Um . . . no. Are you always so abrupt?”

  “I believe in saying what I want to say. No need to pussyfoot around things.” Avery stood. “I better get back to work. Nice to meet you, Lily Ann. I have to say, I am glad the two of you are not lovers. Later, say hello to your mouse for me.”

  Carly sat there wordless. Her jaw dropped. Squeaking cart’s wheels echoed over the planks of the dock. Her stomach twisted in knots. A feeling she locked away for years surfaced. She hadn’t felt this way since Brittney.

  “You okay?” Lily Ann’s voice pushed into the silence that settled amongst them.

  “Yeah. She is something. Bold. Thank you for describing her to me,” Carly whispered. Carly brought her attention back to her date. “So, I will reach out to you for the next appointment?”

  “I can’t wait.” Lily Ann stood. Their time together was over. “Carly, I think Avery likes you.” She waited to see if she had crossed the line. She just met the woman. Who was she to give her relationship advice?

  Carly sat there for a moment in silence and shrugged. “Maybe.” The only word that came out, followed by another segment of silence. “Thanks for coming, Lily Ann. I will be in touch.”

  “I enjoyed our time. See you soon.”

  Carly listened to the footsteps of her escort fade away. She laughed. Jewel would not believe they didn’t have sex. She leaned her head back on the couch and thought of a dark, brown-haired, green-eyed lady.


  David stretched his arms out straight with elbows locked, then lowered himself until his chin touched the grass still wet with dew. He repeated this movement fifty more times before the front door opened and Lily Ann stepped out. David lowered his head, shook it, releasing a laugh at the sight of her, and jumped to his feet.

  “What?” Lily Ann asked.

  “That outfit. Could it be any brighter? You look like a traffic cone.” David smirked.

  Lily Ann looked up and down her body. The running suit was bright orange, and David was right, she looked like a traffic cone, down to the white stripe across her chest. She laughed out loud. “At least people will take notice.”

  “Yeah, and that’s what worries me. Do you need to warm up? I can do more push-ups.”

  “Nah, I’m good.” Lily Ann lifted her knees high in the air one at a time.

  David opened the wooden gate for them, and Lily Ann came to a stop in front of him. She straightened his collar and pressed the sides of his wild red mane to his head. After all the times she has done this to him, he still cringed. She treated him like a child even though they stood eye to eye. “I’m thirteen. You don’t always have to mess with my hair and clothing. Save it for Bobby.” Lily Ann poked him with her index finger in the crevice of his shoulder. He overreacted and fell a step back and grabbed his shoulder. “Be careful. You’re messing with my right hook.”

  “Gimme a break. I’m still your older sister, so count on me fixing your hair and clothes on your wedding day.”

  Lily Ann took off at a steady pace, leaving David behind. It didn’t take long for him to catch her. He picked up the pace, causing his sister to work harder. They headed out of the neighborhood, ran past the farmer’s market preparing for a spring opening with rows of tables covered with tarps, soon to get decorated with homemade goodies from the locals. The farmer’s market was a family outing on the weekends for the Bailey’s. When they hit the hill on Dudley Street, Lily Ann thought David would kill her. Her calf muscles were screaming by the time she reached the top, while David took the incline with ease. He arrived at the crest and turned with a smile. He jogged in place as he waited for Lily Ann to conquer the hill. They entered the city park and passed the chess players that concentrated on their game with intensity.

  “Race you to the fountain,” David said through raspy breaths.

  “Awe shit!” Lily Ann took off at full speed, her feet pounding the pavement in long strides.

  It was mere seconds before David overtook her, leaving her in his dust,

  By the time Lily Ann reached David, he was cooling down in circles with both hands on his hips. She bent over with her hands on her knees, trying to find her air.

  David sat on the concrete of the fountain while Lily Ann joined him. He placed both elbows on his knees before he ran his fingers through the strands of fire. Lily Ann mimicked his sitting position and turned her face toward him.

  “Hey, what’s going on? Remember our deal? You will talk to me. Come on, open up, no holding it in.”

  “This isn’t about Mom and Dad,” he responded without looking at her. His eyes fixated on the laces of his shoe. David shuffled his feet and shook his head before he buried his face into his palms. He took in a deep breath and released a long sigh.

  “Are you crying?” Lily Ann asked.

  “No!” David raised his head to find her eyes. He was red in the face, and sweat crept down his neck. “It’s a girl, okay. I like this girl.”

  “Is this girl named Carmen?”

  “I guess. How do I know if she likes me? Never mind. I forgot in your line of work it’s hard to have a relationship.”

  The thump as her heart fell into her stomach caused her to double over. My work? Her thoughts shot off in twenty different directions at the same time. Does David know that I’m an escort? Fuck! Deal with the girl question first. Don’t panic. Take a breath. Lily Ann cleared her throat, which sounded like a seal cry. “I may not be in a relationship, but I have liked someone and was nervous around them. I made a fool of myself a few times. Does she do anything that could be a sign?”

  David thought for a few minutes. “She gives me her milk at lunch.”

  “See, she could give that milk to any of her friends, but she gave it to you. Is this before she eats or after?”

  “Before,” David answered.

  “Well, next time, ask her to join you for lunch.” />
  “What if she says no? I’ll be embarrassed and look like a fool.”

  “Trust me, David, something tells me she’ll say yes.”

  “She asked me to join her on her morning runs. I always say no,” David admitted.

  “Next time, say yes.” Lily Ann smiled into his brown eyes that carried their father’s twinkle. Her hand came up to cup his still-flushed cheek. “All these nerves are normal. Oh, there will be plenty more. The first time you hold her hand. A first kiss. That funny flutter in your stomach every time you’re near her. It’s like your boxing.” The last sentence drew a raised eyebrow from him. “Every time you throw a punch, you hope it will hit, but sometimes it misses, but you have to throw it anyhow. So, until you put yourself out there with her, take a chance, how do you know the outcome? If you get knocked down in boxing, you get back up. If she knocks you down, I promise, you will get back up.” Lily Ann leaned back as her brother absorbed her words. He nodded, and his shoulders squared with confidence.

  “David,” she whispered his name with hesitation. She didn’t want to start this conversation. She looked at her watch; in hopes, it was time to head back. He needed to get ready for school and her for work, but there was plenty of time. “We need to talk.” It was her time to be nervous.

  “Okay, sis,” he answered, unaware of the blush that overran her cheeks.

  “What did you mean it’s hard for me to have a relationship with my work?” Lily Ann held her breath as she waited for the answer.

  “It’s hard for you to get involved with anyone because you work so much at the day job and night job. No time to meet anyone. I’m sure you can’t meet anyone behind the secretary desk and as far as your nighttime job.” He paused. “I know you help people. You work too much.”

  “I do. I hate being away from the family, but the money is good. I need to make sure everyone will be okay.” Lily Ann’s answer rolled off her tongue. He either didn’t know of her night job, or he would treat it like Suzy. Don’t ask, don’t tell. “You ready to head back?”

  “Yes. I need a shower. Especially if I ask Carmen to sit with me at lunch.” He smiled and nudged his shoulder into Lily Ann’s. “Thanks.”

  “Always here for you,” Lily Ann said just as she took off in a run with David next to her. She smiled with emotions. The fountain talks in the park may become a tradition.

  “Damn!” Carly yelled as the screwdriver stripped the fourth screw in the fishing reel. She needed a break. To relieve the stiffness that built up from five hours of repairs, Carly twisted her back and rolled her neck. She was behind on her work, and there was no excuse except for procrastination. She laid back on the couch with the sun beaming down on her; with the pile of work pushed aside, a few more minutes won’t make a difference. She put her earphones in. “Play audiobooks,” she ordered her phone. An English woman’s voice sprung to life. “Resume last played,” she ordered. As her ears filled with words, Cheddar ran up her leg and snuggled into her neck. She stroked the tiny gray mouse. “Hey, little guy. How are you doing? Listen, I am sorry the young girl tried to scare you with that stick. She won’t do it again. I promise.” Cheddar nudged his small nose against her skin. It was moist and tickled. He curled into a ball and listened to the book with her. He shortly fell asleep. Carly, too.

  Brittney stepped on the boat with light footsteps and paused as the vessel settled from a rock. She gazed at the tall woman stretched out on the couch, asleep with lips parted. She remembered those lips on her. All of her. Brittney felt a pull between her legs. She glared at her once lover before she headed to the cabin.

  In and out. Get the metal box. Simple. The wind arrived before him. Sully swooped down and landed on the ground in front of Brittney. His wings spread and flapped with anger. With a dip of his head, he snapped at her ankles, a near miss by a hair’s breadth. She stepped back and swung her Gucci handbag at him. “Go away, Sully! Get!” Her words squeezed through gritted teeth. Sully hopped, causing Brittney to stumble back. He released three squawks into the air.

  Brittney got herded in the exit’s direction, where the dock awaited her. Carly stirred a few times but remained asleep as her earphones blocked the sounds of the ruckus. Just as Brittney’s leg swung with a low kick, Cheddar jumped on her foot and bit down. “Ouch! You little shit!” She stomped at the little nuisance, while a spot of blood seeped through the pantyhose at her ankle. An awkward turn and Brittney limped in retreat. Sully and Cheddar cocked their heads as she disappeared into the distance. They both turned their attention to their friend who had started to wake.


  Lily Ann sat in front of the high-rise apartments and rolled the blazing red lipstick over her lips. A wink in the mirror, and she was out of the car. Stopping on the sidewalk in front of the complex, she craned her head back and focused on her destination, the penthouse.

  Jackie and Whitney Timbers, clients 155 and 156, were monthly regulars, and they called on Lily Ann’s service for the last sixteen months without a miss. Their eccentric routine took three visits before Lily Ann learned their wants and needs. The two women in their late thirties retired early after making millions in the gaming world. They filled their days with travel and helped develop start-up businesses. Lily Ann enjoyed their company and admired the connection between the two. They were voyeurs and practiced it with a twist, and it was that twist that threw Lily Ann the learning curve in the beginning.

  Her eyes lowered as she pressed the entry button to the penthouse. A few seconds later, a sultry voice came across the speaker. It was Whitney, with a voice so deep, it was hypnotizing. She had all the model looks from the high cheeks, to long legs, and draping blonde hair that made her stunning.

  “Lily Ann?” The name flowed through the speaker like velvet.

  “Yes,” Lily Ann’s only response before the door unlocked for her entrance.

  The wooden door opened for Lily Ann as soon as she stepped off the elevator. In front of her was Whitney in a long silk robe that flowed to the ground. She wore only the smooth material with her nipples prodding at the expensive garment. Her long hair pinned up on the top of her head as a light paint of make-up enhanced her beauty.

  “So nice to see you, Lily Ann. Please, come in. I’ll take your coat. Jackie is in the bedroom waiting for us.”

  Lily Ann slid her coat off, Whitney admiring the chosen attire. The tight red dress stopped at the top of her thigh, a few inches from a reveal, and spaghetti straps held the thin material to her body. Her strawberry blonde hair was loose and flowed down her back. Her lips and dress were the same slate of blaze, with matching three-inch red heels. Tonight, her lipsticks will not smear with lips untouched.

  “Nice to see you.” Lily Ann leaned a little closer. “By the twinkle in your eyes, I see that you approve.”

  “Oh, very much. Jackie will love it, too. I can’t wait to be the subject of her approval.” Whitney gave a wink, before turning on her barefoot heels. She strolled in the bedroom’s direction with Lily Ann in tow.

  As they entered, Jackie was finishing up preparing a pitcher of martinis. She smiled when her eyes caught Whitney walking in. “Is she here?” She stepped around the bar, and her eyes widened at first glance of Lily Ann.

  “Hello, Jackie,” Lily Ann said.

  Jackie wore black silk pajamas with the top unbuttoned displaying her six-pack, her short black hair glistening from a recent shower. “Mmm . . . you are eye candy tonight,” Jackie commented as she admired the beauty in front of her. “Have a seat in the chair over there.” She pointed to a chair placed in the middle of the floor.

  Lily Ann sat as told while Whitney pulled a chair up in front of her and they took the martinis handed to them. Lily Ann watched as Whitney sat and Jackie stood behind her wife. The three sipped on the gin mixture without words until the last drop slipped past their lips.

  “Touch your breast,” Jackie requested of the hired escort.

  Lily Ann reached to pull her strap off, but Jackie’s motioning fing
er stopped her. “No, I want to see your nipple through the material.”

  Lily Ann rolled her finger around the swelling bud then pinched it between her thumb and index finger. Hands palmed her own breast. Lily Ann pulled her nipple to its limit. She looked into the eyes of her watchers and received the nod to touch herself. She spread, revealing her center. No panties covered her as her small blonde curls were wet. Her voyeurs moaned their approval. One hand fell, with an index finger slipping over her folds. Both women stared as she moved her finger deep inside herself. Her ass raised, and she gasped with the filling sensation.

  The sash that held Whitney’s white silk together unraveled with ease, and the robe slipped over her shoulders, her bare breast exposed. Jackie’s hand found her wife’s hardening nipples. She got rewarded with a moan as she pinched them between her fingers. They watched Lily Ann.

  Lily Ann’s strap slipped down. She reached up and unveiled one breast for the Timbers, and they both groaned. Her finger moved faster as her hips pumped. A clit so swollen the mere touch could cause her to explode, but the slow pace was what her voyeurs enjoyed, so Lily Ann flipped to her knees, causing the little red dress to rise over her tight ass. Legs spread with one arm resting on the top of the chair, ass in the air, her hand slipped between her legs with fingers twirling around her curls. Her head turned and her hair flipped to the side as she eyed the two.

  “Fuck,” Jackie moaned. She pulled her bottoms off, releasing her strap on.

  “Yes.” Whitney’s legs spread wide as she touched herself. Her clit throbbed. She took a moment to look up at Jackie, who remained behind her, stroking the dildo. “Fuck me, baby.”

  Jackie slipped to the front and pulled Whitney up, releasing the robe and letting it fall to the floor. She sat in the chair, then pulled Whitney in front, positioning them so both enjoyed the view of the beautiful woman fueling their desires. Jackie peered around her wife’s hip at Lily Ann while her hand slipped between Whitney’s wet folds. “Turn back around, Lily Ann. Take yourself to the edge,” Jackie ordered


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