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Nights of Lily Ann- Redemption of Carly

Page 5

by L L Shelton

  This time, when she twisted, Lily Ann stood long enough for her dress to drop and for her to step out of it. She wore only her red heels and matching lipstick. She placed her toe on the armrest of Jackie’s chair. Fingers parted her folds, and with the other hand, a single finger rolled over her clit. All the powers in her wanted to close her eyes, but she focused on the two women that eyed the wetness dripping from her.

  Jackie lowered Whitney to her lap, and Whitney whimpered as the hard dildo slipped inside. Lily Ann watched as Whitney leaned back and Jackie grabbed her breast when she started pumping. Jackie stared at Lily Ann as her fingers tweaked her wife’s nipples, pulling them to the edge, then pop back. Whitney rocked back and forth, causing Jackie’s throbbing bud to swell and her breaths to increase while listening to her wife lose herself in moans. “Shit! I’m close,” she growled in Whitney’s ear.

  “Me too. Look at how the fingers slip in and then pull out before circling the clit. Oh god. Take me, Jackie.”

  Jackie widened her legs in the chair, causing the view to increase for Lily Ann. The black dildo thrust deep, filling Whitney’s vagina. Jackie’s hand reached for her wife’s clit as she continued to fuck her.

  “Tell her. Please, tell her!” Whitney begged.

  Jackie breathed the words out between moan. “Lily Ann, we need to see you come.”

  Lily Ann’s long finger stroked her clit. She tightened, her head tossed back, as she exploded. “Yes,” she moaned.

  “Jesus,” the Timbers groaned at the same time. “Look at us,” they demanded as they cried out. As soon as Lily Ann’s eyes opened and found them, they both exploded into each other. Loud moans filled the room until every ounce of pleasure released.

  Jackie and Whitney remained in their chair with the dildo deep inside Whitney. Their breathing hard and gasping. Lily Ann stood, she walked around and leaned close to the two. “Whitney, turn around and face Jackie.” Whitney did as told, but not without the release of a few sensitivity moans. She lowered back down. “Jackie, let me enjoy you taking Whitney’s hard nipple in your mouth. I want to see you suck it.” Jackie moaned as she sucked hard on the swollen bud. Her hips lifted. “Mmm, so beautiful. Are you getting wet again?”

  “Yes,” they both moaned.

  “You like me watching you fuck her, Jackie. I love how you thrust it so deep. The hard dildo is so wet with juices. You have me dripping.”

  “Oh, fuck!” Jackie released the nipple and leaned back, pumping harder. Her eyes found Lily Ann.

  Lily Ann smiled as she walked around to the front, where Whitney cried out with every thrust. “Whitney, your sexy ass pumping on that hard dildo has me needing again.” Lily Ann placed both hands on the chair and leaned over without touching her. “Let her fuck you. Grab her breast.” Whitney spread the silk black pajama top and grasped at Jackie’s breast. She moaned. “Jackie, fuck me. I’m coming.”

  “Me too. Oooh, baby.”

  Lily Ann admired as the two women exploded a second time into each other. “Beautiful,” she said as both women collapsed in each other arms.

  Two hours later, after multiple plays, Lily Ann hung on the edge of the apartment’s door with her body half-turned, facing the two women. She smiled. As always, the lipstick remained untouched along with her body. She completed the task with ease. Giving a small, sexy smile at her two unique clients, she whispered, “Thank you, ladies. See you soon.” Lily Ann waved as she headed to the elevator.

  “Thank you, Lily Ann. Perfect as always. See you next month,” Jackie said.

  “Take care,” Whitney added.


  “Forget it, Jewel. I’m not kissing and telling.”

  “So, you kissed her. I want details.” Jewel sat on the bed. Carly stood by the dresser, putting on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

  “Why do you care, Jewel? Maybe I just wanted to talk to someone,” Carly answered while combing her hair.

  “I call bullshit. You have me to talk to. Give me a name and a description. Give me something.” Jewel flopped back on the bed with an exaggerated dramatic fall. “Let me live vicariously through you.”

  Carly lowered her head and shook it. “Okay, let’s call her Ms. X. I am not telling you her actual name. I’m not sure if the name she gave me was real. She was thin. I can tell you that.”

  “You aren’t a fan of thin,” Jewel added as she sat up.

  It always amazed Carly how much her friend knew about her. Even as a child, Jewel knew what she liked in a girl. “That’s right. I don’t. That’s why we didn’t have sex.” Carly hated telling her best friend a lie, but disclosing the reason for a hired escort was something she didn’t want to reveal.

  “Well, that’s disappointing. Shit.”

  Carly sat on the side of the bed, putting on her socks. “There is someone that I am finding . . .” Her words stopped. Carly squirmed in a fret, but she couldn’t say the words. She wasn’t sure what she was feeling. The only life she knew was one-night stands with a few follow-up fucks. Carly squirmed again. She felt Jewel’s eyes on her, waiting for her to say it. Carly’s feelings for Avery were unfamiliar. There were many nights when she imagined Avery in her arms, but most of all, she wished Avery liked her, despite her blindness.

  “Stop it.” Jewel broke the silence. “You’re sitting there doubting your worth. Girl, you are a catch. You’re one hell of a sexy butch.”

  “But—” Carly started the excuse but got cut short.

  “But nothing. Anyone would be a fool not to be with you. You are giving. Gave that ex-bitch of yours more than she deserved. Tell me more about this woman that has my friend tongue-tied. No, wait. Let’s get some dinner, and you can tell me all about her.

  “Jewel, I don’t enjoy going out.”

  “Well, I do. So we are.” Jewel stood up and waited for Carly to stand, but she didn’t. She placed her hands on her hips. “Oh, come on, buddy. Please. I’m lonely and need an adult beverage with grown-up talk. Been around kids all day, and tomorrow I have parent meetings. I need my best friend.”

  Carly puffed her cheeks out. “Fine, but let’s go to the restaurant here at the marina.”

  “Perfect. As long as the place serves alcohol.” Jewel pulled Carly off the bed.

  “You are a needy bitch,” Carly said.

  “Trust me. I know.”

  Thirty minutes later they sat at the restaurant, where Jeweled smiled at her friend. “Heaven, this Manhattan is delicious. Sure, you don’t want one?” Jewel asked while sipping the sweet alcohol.

  “I will stick with my plain jane domestic beer.” She said with a lift.

  “Okay, spill about this mysterious woman,” Jewel asked.

  Carly inhaled. “We’ve talked twice. She’s a little pushy and bold. I was lying on the deck with Cheddar sleeping on me, and she tried to hit him with a stick. That’s how we met. She is curvy with long brown hair and eyes the color of green grass.”

  “Hmm. How do we know this?” Jewel questioned.

  “Ms. X was with me when she came by the second time. She took over Charlie’s cart while he’s healing and was making rounds.”

  The waitress brought over their dinners, stopping the conversation for a moment. Jewel waited for the waitress to leave before she helped Carly organize her plate. Eating out was always a challenge for Carly. In her kitchen, she could position her food without worrying about fumbling around a plate. Restaurant eating was not the same. Jewel moved the food into the proper position as she has done for the past few years. With the dish divided into a clock, she placed the meat in the six-position — the vegetables at ten and two. Everything separated, not touching. A pet peeve Carly developed as a child. Then she moved the plate so it was finger length from the edge of the table — silverware placed to the right next to the plate. She added the tartar sauce to the top of the fish, and the task was complete.

  “It’s ready, Carly. The fish is at six, fries at two and coleslaw at ten.”

  “Thank you.” Carly placed her
fingers on the edge of the table. She found the plate and the utensils, then dug into the piece of haddock.

  “So, what’s this girl’s name?” Jewel asked before biting down on a fry.

  “Avery. Her name is Avery. Name and looks, that’s all I know. Now, can we eat?

  The door swung open to the restaurant, and Avery strolled up to the counter. “I called in a takeout order. Under the name of Johnson,” she told the waitress behind the counter.

  The young girl fumbled through a few orders before she found the one marked Johnson. “Ms. Johnson, your order is not ready. It will be a few more minutes.”

  “That’s fine. Can I get a house ale?” Avery turned around and smiled when she saw the bleach blonde at a table. She paused when she saw the woman sitting with her. She tilted her head one way and then the other. Friend or girlfriend? She sipped the frost of the beer and studied the two women at a distance. The girl with Carly was cute. Hometown cute with a rich taste. Her clothes screamed designer. Not Carly’s type. Carly’s jeans were tight, and she wore a pink shirt with the sleeves rolled up. She looked hot. Avery adjusted her stance to accommodate the feeling between her legs. Fuck it! Friend or girlfriend, I am crashing the party.

  “Hi. You look nice this evening,” Avery said as she slipped in beside Carly at the table.

  “Excuse me? And you are . . . ?” Jewel asked with a raised eyebrow. Before the answer emerged, Jewel’s jaw dropped. The long brown hair, the eyes, and the curves: Avery.

  “This is Avery Johnson,” Carly answered. “Avery, this is my best friend, Jewel Roberts.”

  Avery stuck her hand out, which Jewel took. “Nice to meet you, best friend.” She placed a strong accent on the words best friend. She smiled. “So, Jewel, what has she told you about me?”

  “I am sitting right here,” Carly interjected.

  “Oh, I know.” Avery placed her hand on top of Carly’s. The heat seared between the two. “I am coming right back to you.” She patted the hand. “Sit tight.”

  Jewel laughed. Carly was fifty shades of blush. “She told me you were bold. That was an understatement. She talked about your long brown hair, and she described your eyes as the color of grass. I will concur with it all. She also said you took over for Charlie’s and tried to hit Cheddar the first time you met.” Jewel leaned with her face inches from Avery’s and whispered, “She said you were cute.”

  “Jewel!” Carly yelled a little louder than needed.

  Avery smiled and leaned back into Jewel, whispering back, “I think she’s cute, too.”

  “Once again, I am sitting right here,” Carly addressed.

  Turning her body to face Carly, Avery placed her hand back on top of Carly’s. “When is our first date?”

  “What?” Carly pulled her hand free. She couldn’t possibly have a conversation while holding hands with this woman. “How did we jump to that question? Plus, have you ever thought about going out with someone like me?”

  Jewel’s knuckles went white as she squeezed the tabletop. Anger festered. She was ready to jump over the table and slap her best friend upside the head. A beautiful woman sat beside her that thought she was hot, and Carly brings the negative Nellie talk. A soft touch on the arm calmed Jewel, and green eyes assured her.

  Avery turned, bringing her eyes back to Carly. “I don’t understand. Someone like you? Would that be the fact you are a sexy butch, or that I can’t stop staring at you when you are near? Oh wait, maybe it’s that you are weird because you have a mouse friend? Or is it the blindness you think I can’t handle?”

  “The latter,” Carly whispered.

  “I will admit, never dated a vision-impaired woman. Safe to say, I will do all the driving on the date.” Jewel chuckled. Avery reached out and grabbed the hand that had pulled away from her earlier. Her thumb rubbed over the knuckles. “Give me a chance to date a woman like you, Carly Hutch.”

  “How . . . ? How do you know my name? I never told you.”

  “The same reason you know what I look like. I have been asking around about this sexy woman that sleeps with a mouse. This handsome butch that I really, really want to get to know better. Come on, give me a date, or you will see my begging skills.” The palm that verged on sweaty got turned over, and Avery spelled a word with her index finger. P.L.E.A.S.E.

  “You better say yes, Carly. That’s the sweetest thing that I have ever seen, and I might just ask her out.” Jewel smiled.

  “You don’t want me to date your passionate friend, do you? She’s a little too femme for me; I like my woman like . . .” Avery paused. “I like them just like you.”

  “Avery, one-night stands, I can do. But I haven’t been on a date in years,” Carly confessed as she pulled her hand from Avery’s grasp. Dating again terrified Carly. The many quickies with a woman with no personalities and no remembered names seemed to work, but to go on a date and get to know a person? That was a whole fresh fish. Though, Avery was a unique fish in a sea of her own.

  The waitress interrupted the moment as she handed a to-go bag to Avery. She also placed a bowl of strawberry shortcake between Carly and Jewel with two spoons. Avery smiled at Jewel then stood. “I best be going. Enjoy your dessert, ladies.” As she walked away, the defeat weighed between her shoulders.

  Jewel leaned over and whispered. “Are you stupid? Carly Hutch, you are chicken shit. Call her back. Now!”

  Carly jumped as Jewel’s last word pierced her thoughts. “Avery!” Carly screamed the name out across the restaurant. She felt when Avery returned beside her. “This Saturday, a double date with Jewel and her flavor of the week. They are having a bull-riding competition at Luna’s Lounge. We can all meet at my boat and leave from there at seven. Okay?”

  “Seven is great.” Avery leaned over inches from Carly’s ear. “Thank you.” She stood up, grabbed Carly’s spoon, and dished a bite of dessert out. “Open your mouth,” Avery rasped. Something in Carly trusted this woman, so her lips parted, and a cold metal spoon slipped between them. Avery eyed them as they tightened around the spoon. The sweet taste of strawberries and cream taken. “That was sexy as hell,” Avery moaned. Standing with the broadest grin, she placed the spoon back in the bowl and gave a wink to Jewel. “See you Saturday.”

  Carly listened to the footsteps fade away, and when the door closed, she released the breath that had remained held. Sinking into the seat, she said, “What have I done?”

  “You lived. Oh, and thanks for dragging me into this.” Jewel laughed and handed Carly one spoon after placing the bowl a finger’s length from the edge for her. They dug into the mixture. They were silent until Jewel broke the silence.

  “She’s hot and that feeding . . . Jesus, she got me wet.”


  Bobby stood near the entrance of his school. “So not fair!” he whined. He looked up at Lily Ann with his big blue eyes while he kicked the curb with both hands buried into his jacket. “There are worse kids in the class. This boy named Drake glued a girl’s hair to the desk, and another boy named Max let the class mascot out of the cage. Now that was funny. The girls thought Shelly the snake might climb up their dresses. They screamed like girls.” Bobby laughed out loud.

  Squatting down so she could be eye to eye with her littlest brother, Lily Ann drew her attention to him. No smile found her face. The expression caused Bobby to lower his eyes and kick the curb harder. “My concern is about Bobby Bailey.” She nudged her index finger in the middle of his chest. “Not the other kids. Your teacher found a reason to bring me here tonight. Got it!”

  “Yes, I got it,” he said with shoulders slumped and defeat in his voice.

  “Good. Let’s get this over with.” As she opened the door to the school, Lily Ann’s buzzer vibrated in her pocket. Not wanting to admit it, she didn’t mind a delay to the meeting, and pulled Bobby over to the side to glance at the message. There were two of them, both from Gayle. The first message was a job. Client number 135 wanted to meet. This request was no surprise. The weather was getting
better, and this specific client called on her during the warmer days. The second message was from Gayle asking for a meeting. Great. Now Lily Ann got called into the principal’s office. She shot off a quick reply.

  I can stop by tonight at 7 pm. Is that okay? - Lily Ann.

  The response popped back up on her screen within seconds.

  Perfect. See you then - G

  Bobby was pretending to read names on the trophies in a display case when Lily Ann walked over and grabbed his hand, which he gave a dramatic sigh to in response. Lily Ann smiled.

  After waiting their turn, Lily Ann walked over with a nervous smile.

  “Hello, Ms. Bailey. I am Bobby’s teacher, Ms. Jewel Roberts.” Jewel held out her hand. “It’s so nice to meet you. Bobby speaks about you all the time.” She gave the woman’s hand a firm shake. “Hi Bobby, long time no see.”

  “Ms. Roberts, did you forget I was here a few hours ago?” Bobby looked up at his sister. “Can I play with my friends?”

  A few parents walked around, admiring their kids’ artwork. A group of children huddled in a corner around a bookcase. Lily Ann glanced at the teacher, and a smile with a nod came as a confirmation. “Go ahead.” They watched as Bobby ran off and jumped into the middle of a group of kids.

  Jewel smiled at the group. “He’s always full of spirit. Have a seat, Ms. Bailey.” Jewel’s hand guided her to the seat in front of her desk.

  “Call me Lily Ann.”

  “You may call me Jewel.” She smiled, taking notice that Bobby’s sister was a looker.

  “I’m sorry for Bobby’s rude comment to you.” Lily Ann noticed the confusion on Jewel’s face. “About being a pain in the butt,” The last four words added in a whisper.

  “Oh, that happens all the time.” She gave a dismissive wave. “That’s not why I called you in. I dealt with that outburst the day it happened. No, I brought you in because I have noticed a delay in Bobby’s learning capabilities.” Jewel searched through a stack of papers on her desk and pulled out a test from the bottom of a pile and turned it around so Lily Ann could look over it. Then another one got placed on the hardwood desk. Then another. “If it were one, I would think maybe he didn’t know the answer. But this happens a lot.” She waved her hand over four papers where the questions remained half answered. “I tried to coach him along, and he thought I was rushing him. That’s when he snapped back at me.” Jewel reached over and touched Lily Ann’s hand. “There seems to be a problem. A few evaluations may be in order. That is my suggestion. He may have a problem testing, or he needs a little more help than others.”


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