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Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection

Page 95

by Jamie Knight

  I was a fool to think Kane had wanted me or was even remotely interested. Friday night was a fluke. He was just horny and took the opportunity when it presented itself—when I presented myself. And now, on top of it all, he had a video of me masturbating. How fucking awesome was that?! What a fool I had been!

  Dejected, disillusioned, and depressed, I made my way to the elevator. On the way, my phone rang. The number wasn’t one I knew, but I accepted the call anyway.


  “Ms. Peterson, this is Melissa Star, Mr. McKenzie’s PA.”

  “You’re British,” I said, surprised. “You sound like Mary Poppins.”

  Her accent was soft and soothing, and she sounded like she belonged in Downton Abbey or in some other period drama.

  She gave a gentle laugh.

  “Yes, I am British. Mr. McKenzie would like you to come up here asap. I’ll text you the elevator code to the penthouse offices.”

  “But I—”

  “Not another word, Reese.”

  She hung up before I could ask about Sloane’s meeting with Kane.

  Why was he summoning me at the same time he was meeting with Sloane? Anger fired up my veins. Was this all part of some sick game? One that involved me going up to his fancy ass office so all the rich people could laugh at my stupidity and naivety?

  A text message with the elevator code vibrated my phone. A debate raged within me. Should I go up? Should I at least hear what he had to say? Give him the benefit of the doubt? Or should I walk away and never look back?

  The fear of being humiliated decided for me. I wouldn’t go anywhere near him. It was time for me to leave with what little pride I still had intact.

  As soon as I got home, I’d search for another job. I wouldn’t fall for my new boss or have anything but a professional relationship with my colleagues. I especially wouldn’t use restroom breaks for anything other than what they were meant to be used for. And I sure as hell, wouldn’t send my boss dirty videos!

  I was spitting mad, but who was I madder at—Sloane, Kane, or myself?

  Chapter Eleven - Kane

  The hands on the clock moved slowly; anticipation was making me eager and anxious. Concentrating on work had been almost impossible all day, but now the day was almost done and soon I would see Reese again. Idly, I tapped my fingers on the arm of my chair and wondered if she was still wearing the cum soaked panties I gave her.

  “Kane? Kane? Are you even listening to me?” The baritone voice on the phone roused me from my thoughts. Ashton had raised his voice a bit.

  I sat forward and put the phone closer to my ear. This deserved my attention.

  “I’m sorry, man. It’s been a day,” I explained lamely. “Please go on. You were saying?”

  He huffed a little; a small sound I could barely hear over the phone.

  “I was asking if you finished the paperwork I sent over. The finalizing contract for the merger? Did you look it over and sign it?”

  “It’s next on my list, Ash.” I tapped the black folder with the contract sitting on my desk. “It doesn’t need to be signed for two weeks. Calm down a little.”

  Ashton, one of my oldest friends, had a tendency to be a little uptight. We were merging our two companies together next month. I had merged with a lot of companies, but this was a big deal.

  Ashton would be coming in as my equal and business partner. Sharing power was something I usually avoided, but he had database and search tech that I desperately wanted access to.

  “Look, Kane, I know we have time, but I really wanted to start moving my staff over this next week. You see, I’ve got a buyer who is looking at my building and well, no opportunity like the present, right?” he laughed, a little awkwardly.

  “Mmmhmm,” I murmured, agreeing. So, it was a financial deal that was making him press. I could respect that. “I’ll sign it tonight, Ash, after hours, and send it over. You can start moving in as soon as you want. I’ll have the carpet in the second office in the penthouse steam cleaned for you. I know how fastidious you are.”

  Ashton laughed a bit. Cleanliness was an ongoing joke between us. It came from a time in our college days when the hazing ceremony in our fraternity made us both wrestle pigs in the mud. Ever since that time, Ash couldn’t stand to be around dirt. Not like I really cared; it would make him a better partner at the office.

  “Thanks, man,” he said, and I could tell he was smiling. “We’ll talk soon. I’m looking forward to this.”

  I agreed with him and hung up. Spinning my chair so that I could look at the clock, I let out a breath I wasn’t aware I was holding. Five. Finally, it was clocking out time and the building began to empty.

  I didn’t like my employees working late, and I always stressed the importance of a work-life balance. Happy employees made for better employees. However, one of my employees would be working very late tonight.

  Reese had some assignments I expected her to complete. One of those was signing the NDA so we could take things to the next level.

  A brisk knock rattled my office door. I frowned and put away the paperwork I had been working on. I hadn’t been expecting anyone. I knew it wasn’t Reese, because Melissa would talk to her before I saw her. I used my security camera to see who was there.


  I put my hand to my forehead and rubbed my temples a bit. This was going to give me a headache.

  Sloane stood outside. Would she ever get the hint? Every time I changed the passcode for the elevator, she always managed to get it. No matter how often I’d explained there wasn’t a chance for us and that we had no future, she continually tried to get my attention. She just wouldn’t give up.

  Her dad was the brother of my closest fraternity brother. We sometimes golfed. He was a good guy, but his daughter was a spoiled little princess. Something he was well aware of and didn’t do anything about.

  All of this was really getting to be too much. I’d have to talk to him about her. Tell him that the favor of giving Sloane a job wasn’t working out.

  She had to realize my friendship with her father didn’t give her access to me whenever she wanted. Or however she wanted.

  I clicked open the office door, turned in my chair to face it and tapped my fingers on my armrests. She catwalked in with her head held high, which was the usual haughty manner in which she carried herself. It was annoying.

  She smiled in a way I was sure she considered sexy. I considered it simpering.

  “Sloane, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

  And displeasure.

  I didn’t give her a smile or any indication that she was welcome.

  As if completely unaware of my annoyance, she smoothed her hands down the front of her skirt and sat down in the chair in front of my desk, without being invited.

  “So good to see you, Kane.” She grinned, her garishly painted lips parting to reveal horse-like teeth. “It’s always a pleasure being in your office.”

  I hated her familiarity with me, but I’d known her since she was a brace-wearing, gawky tween and my first name was something she’d always used.

  “How can I help you?”

  My question held no warmth. I raised my eyebrows and gave her a bored look.

  She frowned and leaned forward a bit. She ran a narrow finger over the top of my wooden desk, as if she was checking for dust. I knew she was trying to show me her cleavage—a sight I didn’t care to see.

  “Why wasn’t the mentee program made public? And how did someone like Reese get it? She’s not qualified for the position. If you’re looking for someone to mentor, mentor me.” She made a big show of licking her lips. “I’m open to anything and eager to learn.”

  I doubted that very much. I steepled my fingers together and tapped them against my chin. Sloane talked a good game, but kink wasn’t her thing. She would lie and say it was just to get with me, but in reality, she would most likely balk at being spanked, whipped, tied up, or
ordered to do anything.

  “Melissa and I analyzed every staff member and came to the conclusion that Reese was the person we were looking for,” I said, in my most business-like tone. So what if everything I’d just said was a lie?

  “Oh, Kane,” she said, twisting her fingers in a way that I supposed was meant to look girly and helpless. “Surely if a position like that is available, it’s only fair to open it up to everyone. That’s not the way to earn loyalty from long-term employees. I think you—”

  I held up my hand to stop her and glowered.

  “Sloane. Are you telling me how I should run my business? I may be old friends with your uncle and father, but please don’t think you can offer me advice on how to run a multibillion dollar company. Ms. Peterson has the skills I require. You don’t. I needed someone hungry to learn. You’re not. Don’t take it personally. It just means you’re experienced and know how to do things your own way. It’s a compliment.”

  Her lower lip wobbled. Something she always used to get her way. I barely resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Crocodile tears didn’t sway me—ever.

  “Reese Peterson isn’t the right kind of person to be your mentee. You need someone with class, someone who can socialize correctly. Someone who can talk to investors and world leaders. Plus, everyone knows that she’d been leading Simon on for weeks.” Her eyes turned steely and cold. “He’s the innocent party and shouldn’t have been fired.”

  That was it. I was done being nice.

  “Simon is a predator who should be in prison.” I stood and pressed my knuckles onto the top of my desk, doing my best to contain my rage. “Let me make this clear, Sloane; you will not come into my office again. You will not question my decisions about my company again, and you will not harass Reese about her new position. We both know you’re working here until you find yourself a husband. Just as we both know you’re working here because daddy said he’d disinherit you if you didn’t start paying some of your own bills.

  “If I’d wanted a stuck-up daddy’s girl as a mentee, I would’ve come to you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do. If you come here again, you’ll be out of a job.

  “I would hate to tell your father what kind of person you really are, but perhaps he’s already aware of that.” I gave her a wide but cold smile. “Do I make myself clear?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned ever so slightly back.

  “Very clear, Mr. McKenzie.”


  For someone close to tears mere minutes ago, she was now very composed. Without another word, she stood and stormed out of my office.

  “Good riddance,” I muttered.

  I clicked on my security system, hoping to catch a glimpse of Reese. Strange. She was in the elevator, on her way to the ground floor.


  Melissa should have called her to my office by now.

  Watching the elevator move more slowly on my monitor, I reached over and hit the intercom button.


  “Yes, Mr. McKenzie?” her proper English voice replied.

  “Did you inform Ms. Peterson that I expected her in my office right away?”

  “Of course, Kane. I called her just as you requested.”

  The intercom went quiet as I frowned. I crossed my arms over my chest and started tapping my foot on the lush carpet of my office floor. Reese was still in the elevator, heading down.

  Had she decided to give up on our little endeavor? After the video she sent this morning and her incredible performance, not coming when I called seemed odd for her. Maybe she wasn’t the good little pet that I thought she was.

  But then why the hell had she been playing it?

  Chapter Twelve - Reese

  When I stepped out of the elevator, I got a call from another unknown number. I was sure it was Melissa again. I didn’t want to answer, but as always, curiosity got the better of me, and I did.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Kane asked, irritation lacing his deep voice.

  “Home,” I replied tersely. “I don’t like being made a fool of.”

  “And I don’t like to be kept waiting,” he snapped.

  I could feel his annoyance over the phone.

  “When I instruct you to do something, I expect those instructions to be obeyed. I punish pets who disobey me.”


  “You have five minutes to get your ass to the penthouse.”

  Behind me, the elevator doors swished open, and I turned at the sound. Sloane stepped out, thunder covering her narrow face.

  She caught my eye.

  “What are you staring at?” she snapped.

  A bitch.

  “I take it your meeting with Kane didn’t go as expected?” I raised an eyebrow as I looked at her furious face.

  “I’m going to ruin you,” she squeaked. “You don’t deserve to be here, and you don’t deserve to be mentored by Kane. I do.”

  She thrust her arms down, with her slender hands clenched into fists by her sides.

  I rolled my shoulders back and stared her down. No way was she going to question what I did and didn’t deserve.

  “I deserve it as much as anyone,” I told her. “Whatever stick is up your ass, I suggest you pull it out. For years, I’ve busted my butt. Everything I’ve achieved has been because of hard work, and not because my daddy paved the way for me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting with my mentor.”

  I didn’t give her the chance to come back at me. I turned and hopped into the elevator. With a sneer, she stomped—yes, stomped—away. From the hate in her eyes before she left, she wasn’t done with me.

  Women like Sloane didn’t take no for an answer and never backed down, but I’d fight that battle when I had to because right now, I needed to go to Kane and accept whatever punishment he had planned for me.

  On the elevator ride up to the penthouse, I couldn’t stand still. I was anxious and excited. Would Kane throw me over his desk and fuck me? Or would he make me suck his dick while he sat at his desk? All those things sounded too obvious for a man like Kane. He’d have something much more imaginative, dirty and depraved in mind. Good.

  The elevator doors opened. Before stepping out, I smoothed a hand over my hair and down the front of my blouse and over my hard nipples.

  This was it.

  This was where it all began.

  Arousal coated my inner thighs, and my pussy was slick and ready. I was filled with so much desire it was hard to walk.

  The bright reception area of the penthouse office was a stunning mix of modern and old that overflowed with natural light. The floor to ceiling windows gave a spectacular view of Central Park, and a lush terrace garden that looked like it belonged to an upscale restaurant, wrapped around the entirety of the penthouse.

  I peered down one a long, narrow hallway after another hoping to see Kane, but the place seemed deserted. None of the executives appeared to be here.

  To my left, tables and chairs were casually arranged, and a walnut colored bar lined with every kind of liquor imaginable sat against the back wall.

  To one side was a humongous coffee machine, and I was tempted to make a cup. Thanks to four years of slinging beans at college, I could make a mean cup of joe. It was something I was quite proud of.

  With no idea of which direction I should go, I stopped. I stood in the middle of the reception area unsure of what to do. Did I call out his name, or did I try to find him? Was he playing an elaborate game of hide and seek?

  A concealed door in a wall opposite the bar slowly slid open. A stunning brunette, who looked like she belonged on the runway and not in an office, sashayed towards me.

  “Reese, so nice to meet you, I’m Melissa.”

  “Nice to meet you, too,” I said feebly, trying and failing not to appear intimidated.

  She wore a fitted black dress and black pumps with icepick heels. Ruby red gloss coate
d her lips and long dark lashes layered in mascara ringed her eyes. Her hair was cut in a blunt chin-length bob, and it was so shiny I could almost see my reflection. Her age was hard to guess, but if I had to, I would have said mid-thirties.

  The confident way she walked and the way she held her head high left me in awe. When I grew up, I wanted to be just like her. Which was funny because she was only a few years older than me.

  With someone as sexy as Melissa for a PA, I didn’t understand why Kane wasn’t with her. They would have made a beautiful couple. I frowned.

  When she reached me, she held out her hand expectantly and gave me a full smile that went some way to quell the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

  I took her outstretched hand with my own, which she clasped as if we were old friends.

  “Kane really enjoyed the video you sent this morning. He said it was quite the performance.”

  “W-What? Excuse me?” I gasped.

  She knew about that?

  The world around me spun. A meteor needed to crash through the window and strike me dead. So much for my luck changing.

  Trust me to send a video Kane and he then tells everyone about it. I should never ever have filmed myself masturbating, and I should never ever have emailed it in the first place.

  “God, I am so, so unprofessional,” I muttered.

  I reached out and held on to the back of a chair to stop myself from keeling over.

  “I—I’ve never done that before in my life.”

  She gave me a quizzical look, and asked, “Masturbated? I doubt that.”

  “Made a video of myself and sent it to someone.”

  I couldn’t meet her eyes, so I stared at the floor praying a sinkhole would open and swallow me whole.

  “I never thought Mr. McKenzie would tell anyone about it. I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Darling,” she practically purred, “Don’t be embarrassed, you have nothing to be ashamed of, but before you leave today, make sure you get Kane’s personal email and phone number. That way there will be no possibility of mishaps in the future.”


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