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Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection

Page 96

by Jamie Knight

  “What must you think of me?”

  If I were her, I would think I was a desperate slut.

  “Let me see your face.”

  I lifted my still flaming face until our eyes met. She tilted her head to one side and took me in, from the tips of my toes to the top of my head.

  She nodded as she looked into my eyes.

  “What I think is that you’re a good choice for Kane. I’ve nagged him for the longest time to find someone. He can’t work at the top of his game unless he does. And, now he’s found you. You’re perfect. The right mix of sexy and submissive.”

  I swallowed hard.

  “I’m still not really sure what I’m getting myself into, or what’s happening right now.”

  “Right now, you and I have to have a little chat,” she said, sounding very business-like. “Kane’s never taken a pet from the employee pool before. Come to my office, and I’ll explain more. From what he’s told me, he’s had his eye on you for a while. We have a few things to chat about before you see Mr. McKenzie.”

  Melissa strode through the once concealed door, and I shuffled behind her, feeling every bit as drab as I looked. My Anne Klein Goodwill ensemble seemed like a moth-eaten hand-me-down compared to Melissa’s chic outfit.

  Once inside her office, I had to make an effort to stop my jaw from dropping open. The area was three times as big as my apartment. Sleek, streamlined furniture filled the space and abstract art filled the walls. She sat down on a plush gray sofa and patted the seat beside her.

  “Come, sit, sweetie. I promise I don’t bite.”

  She gave what I could only describe as a tinkling laugh.

  “Well, most of the time, I don’t.”


  Instead of sitting beside her, I positioned myself on the sofa opposite her and then sat on my hands. Otherwise, I would have fidgeted with my fingers and picked at my nails—a nervous habit I’d never been able to kick. A coffee table with a black folder and a pen placed in the center separated us.

  “There’s no need to be so nervous,” Melissa said, trying to reassure me. “And there’s nothing to be so anxious about. You can stop looking like a deer caught in the headlights, but I understand that all of this this must seem incredibly bizarre and overwhelming.”

  “Just a little.”

  I nodded.

  “When Sloane said she was on her way up to talk to Kane, I was convinced he’d been playing a joke on me.”

  “No joke. Miss Sloane needs to learn some manners. Little upstart. Girls like her think they can have anything they want. She’s a stuck-up cow. I don’t understand why her father insisted she work here, and I don’t understand why Kane agreed. She has more money than sense and doesn’t need to work a day in her life. Plus, no tits or ass.”

  Melissa gave a dramatic eye roll.

  “She seems to be a lights off, eyes closed kind of gal. Not the right fit for someone like Kane.”

  “And I am? The right fit I mean?”

  I brought my hands around and folded them primly in my lap.

  “You’re more than the right fit. And I’m so glad he decided you were the one. Thank God he was at the gallery on Friday night and thank God he got rid of Simon. He’s been a pain in my backside ever since he started working here.”

  “From what Kane said, he knew Simon was taking me there. Agreeing to go anywhere with that jackass was a mistake. I had a lucky escape. I’ve already gone to the police, but it seems like he’s skipped town.”

  “You were extremely lucky,” she said, followed by a grimace. “He’ll get his comuppance. Now let’s get down to business, shall we?”

  “I’m sorry if I seem dumb and naïve, but can you please explain what I’m getting myself into?”

  She slid the folder across the table. “I’m more than happy to explain everything, but before I do, I need you to sign a non-disclosure agreement.”

  I frowned and looked down at the coffee table. “Why do I have to sign an NDA?” I opened the folder and flicked through the pages not seeing what was on them.

  “Kane is a billionaire with fingers in several pies. He’s a man with particular tastes, and he needs someone like you to fulfill those tastes. We must trust you won’t go running to the media or to any of his rivals with stories or insider information.”

  “What do you mean by someone like me?”

  “Someone who is open-minded and liberal.”

  She pursed her lips thoughtfully and then continued, “He said your video demonstration showed that’s exactly what you are. And he believes from what happened in the restroom on Friday that you know how to follow orders. He needs someone inexperienced but open to new things and eager to please.”

  I bit my lower lip in contemplation.

  “I’d hardly call myself Snow White. I mean, I’m not a virgin, I’ve had sex.”

  “He’s not looking for a virgin with zero experience. He’s looking for someone who wants to learn and who likes kink. You do want to learn, don’t you?”

  I nodded but said nothing.

  She clasped her hands together and bounced them on her lap.

  “I’m just so happy Kane has found someone. It’s been such a long time for him.”

  “You mean he hasn’t had sex in a while?”

  “Heavens no. Kane is a red-blooded man, and he satisfies his carnal needs as much as possible. But he hasn’t committed to anyone in years.”

  “Why? I mean, look at him, he’s gorgeous.”

  “Yes, he is rather yummy. But I’ll let him explain his reasons for staying single.”

  “You said he hasn’t committed in a while. Does he want to commit to me?”

  “That’s the plan. As I said, he works best that way. You’re just so pretty and sweet, and I’m certain you’ll make him extremely happy.”

  Something about the way Melissa talked about him set the hair on the back of my neck on end.

  “Are you a couple?” I asked her. “Is sleeping with and sharing employees a fetish you share? If that’s your thing, I’m not interested in getting involved in some kind of weird threesome.”

  “Goodness no. We’re not a couple. Never have been and never will be. Kane and I have known each other for what seems like eons. And besides, he’s not my type. I’m more of a Harley riding, leather jacket wearing bad boy who keeps me on my toes kind of girl. The rougher, the better. No white-collar men for me.”

  She smiled and gave me a happy sigh before continuing.

  “For the past few months, I’ve been in a relationship with the most wonderful man. He can be a bit of a bastard, but I do love him.

  “I apologize,” she said, with a shake of her head. “That was a bit personal. Sometimes my mouth runs away with itself.”

  “It’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”

  I smiled. Maybe Melissa and I could be friends. I was glad she wasn’t into Kane as anything more than a friend and boss.

  “What else can you tell me?”

  “I can promise you that if you commit to being Kane’s pet, your life will change forever and for the better. He’ll treat you like a queen, and if your relationship ends, he’ll make sure you’re taken care of for life. But there are things he needs in return. He’ll never purposely hurt you unless you ask him to. He’ll always respect you, your needs, your wants, and desires. In the bedroom, as with the boardroom, he’s in charge always. What he says goes.”

  What she said he was offering was more than I could ever have hoped for. More than I even knew I wanted, but still, I had reservations.

  “This is all so… wow… I assume Kane wants to keep everything about our relationship quiet. What if people find out? People like Sloane. If she finds out Kane is paying me that kind of attention, she’ll make my life hell. She’s already accused me of getting Simon fired.”

  “Don’t worry about Sloane.”

  Melissa waved her hand dismissively.

“If she gets uppity, I can ruin reputations with one phone call, no matter who the parents or connections are.”

  “I’ll continue my job as usual? Clock in and clock out?”

  “Nothing changes in that regard, but you’ll be required to go on business trips with Kane, and when he calls, you’ll be required to come up to his office without hesitation.”

  It all sounded very exciting to me. And it made me horny. I clenched my pussy, to keep wetness from dripping out. I couldn’t wait to see Kane.

  She stopped talking and pressed her fingertips to her red lips.

  “I’ve said too much. I’m afraid I can’t discuss anymore until you sign on the dotted line.”

  I picked up the NDA and pen. “And if I don’t sign?”

  She shrugged.

  “Then tomorrow you go back to your cubicle and back to the life you already lead. Of course, you’ll spend the rest of your life asking what if, but you don’t strike me as a what if kind of girl.”

  I flicked through the papers again.

  “Is there anything in here I should be made aware of?”

  “It’s a standard NDA. Don’t talk about your relationship with Kane and all will be fine.”

  I grasped my lucky pendant, hoping for divine guidance, and mentally crossed my fingers. Signing a contract without reading it was naïve at best, but Melissa was right, I wasn’t a what if person.

  To hell with it.

  What was the worst that could happen?

  Losing my job and starting off fresh somewhere new?

  Sure, it was a risk, but it was one I would grasp with both hands. And it wasn’t as if it would be the end of the world. I had a lot of experience and I was a hard worker; I was sure I could find another job if need be.

  I picked up the pen and initialed where indicated before scrawling my signature at the bottom of the last page.

  I set both the agreement and the pen on top of the table.

  Only then did I say, “Okay, it’s signed. Tell me everything I’m supposed to do and what’s expected of me.”

  Chapter Thirteen - Reese

  The sound of a door opening came from behind me. I glanced over my shoulder and watched as Kane strolled in.

  God, he was even hotter than I remembered. He moved his tall frame with such grace, like a stalking tiger. My eyes took in the sight of his muscular form in the dress shirt he had chosen for the day. It fit perfectly, from the swell of his broad shoulders to the narrow V that was right above his hips.

  “You’re going to do whatever I require. That’s what’s expected of you.”

  He rolled up the sleeves of his baby-blue shirt, giving me a glimpse of his sinewy forearms and his oddly sexy wrists. He loosened the knot on his silver-colored tie and undid the top two buttons.

  At the sight of the tuft of chest hair poking out, my fingers curled, aching to run all over him. Rough stubble covered his jaw, and the urge to lick my tongue over his cheeks was almost overwhelming.

  In three long strides, he covered the distance between the door and the sofa, but he didn’t sit down beside me, he sat next to Melissa. Casually stretching his arms over the back of the sofa, he turned his gaze on me. He looked to be patiently awaiting my answer.

  Not knowing what else to do, once again, I sat on my hands. Should I have gotten up and gone to him? Should I have fallen on my knees and crawled to him, or should I have pretended I was perfectly fine and nothing about the situation fazed me?

  Melissa stood and reached for the agreement. She flicked through the pages and then smiled warmly in my direction. I decided she and I would become best friends.

  “It seems my job is done.”

  She turned towards the desk at the far side of the room.

  “I really like her,” she said, addressing Kane.

  For a second, she turned her attention back to me and gave me a gracious smile.

  “Welcome to the family, Reese. It’s going to be a lot of fun having you around.”

  “Thanks,” I mumbled. “Happy to be here.”

  I deserved a kick in the ass for acting so lame and insecure.

  Melissa went behind her desk and pressed the wall. A panel slid open, and a safe appeared. She typed in a password, and when the door clicked open, she placed the agreement inside.

  I couldn’t help but wonder how many other NDAs she’d placed in there over the years. A kernel of envy lodged in my throat.

  I told myself I shouldn’t be jealous of the women who had come before me. I needed to focus on the here and now and on the fact that, at this moment, he chosen me. Not Sloane or some other employee—me.

  Melissa grabbed a purse from her desk—a vivid pink Kate Spade design—and slung it over her shoulder.

  “Have fun, you crazy kids.”

  With a wiggle of her fingers, she exited the office leaving me alone with Kane. He had never taken his chocolate eyes off me.

  I still wasn’t entirely sure what he expected of me now that we were alone. To break the silence that stretched between us. I cleared my throat and said, “So, here we are.”

  “Here we are, indeed.” A smile brightened his face, and I could tell he was enjoying my awkwardness.

  “Did you get my video?” I asked, unable to hide the shake in my voice. I knew the answer but wanted to hear him say it.

  “Yes.” He leaned forward, just slightly closing the distance between us. “I enjoyed watching it.”

  “So I’ve heard.”

  My earlier humiliation came rushing back doing its best to incinerate my body.

  “I didn’t really want Melissa to know the contents,” I stated, in a matter-of-fact tone. “It was only meant for you. If I’d known you would tell her about it, I’d never have sent it.”

  “Does it bother you that I told her about it?”

  Kane frowned and leaned back into the couch.

  “I have no secrets from Melissa.”

  His voice was firm. Some of the heat had gone out of his eyes.

  I fidgeted with my nails, nervous to have him displeased with me.

  “I’m more embarrassed than bothered. Until Friday, you were the only other person who’d seen me so intimately, and now your PA knows you’ve had a bird’s-eye view of my pussy.”

  His beautiful lips quirked into a grin. The bastard was enjoying how uncomfortable I was.

  “I like hearing you talk dirty. You should do it more.”

  He leaned forward and placed his fingers on the coffee table.

  “Before you leave today, I’ll give you my personal contact details. If I’d known you had a penchant for making videos, I would have made sure to include my personal information along with your underwear.”

  I cringed and gave a nervous laugh. “It’s not something I’ve ever done before. It was a moment of madness, one that won’t happen again.”

  Kane pulled forward till he was sitting at the edge of the couch. His brown eyes roamed over every part of my body.

  “On the contrary, I want it to happen again and again and again. I want to see how you pleasure yourself when you’re all alone. How you get yourself off when you think about all the things I do and am going to do to you.”

  He loosened his tie even more. I watched how his Adam’s apple bobbed when he swallowed, and it took everything I had not to jump on him and rip open his shirt.

  “Tell me, how much did you enjoy fingering yourself with panties covered with my dry cum?”


  I said nothing else because I needed a few minutes to gather my thoughts. I felt my cheeks flush.

  “Well… I think the video showed how much I enjoyed it.” My legs jiggled with nervousness, and I picked at my nails. “What do we do now?

  “Now we’ll have a drink while we talk about our future.”

  “I could really use a drink.”

  Kane stood and left Melissa’s office, and like a new puppy, I followed.

; He stepped behind the bar in the reception area and selected two highball glasses.

  “Whiskey okay?”

  “Sounds good.”

  It sounded terrible, but I didn’t want to tell him how much I hated the taste.

  After pouring two fingers of whiskey into each glass, he came around the bar and pulled out a stool for me. Like the obedient girl I was, I sat.

  “Why so shy, Reese?”

  He frowned.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re not the same girl I met at the art gallery, or who videoed herself masturbating.”

  “I’m very much the same girl,” I said, taking my glass of whiskey and swirling the amber liquid around a bit. “But you have to give me a few minutes to adjust to everything. I sure as hell wasn’t expecting your PA to know about a video of me fingering myself and neither was I expecting a non-disclosure agreement. Then on top of all that there’s Sloane who wants to kill me. She says everyone thinks I’m responsible for Simon losing his job.”

  Kane took the stool next to me and sipped his drink.

  “I’m sure Melissa explained to you that you can walk away whenever you want. No harm. no foul.”

  He turned slightly and gazed out the window.

  “As for Sloane, I’ll handle her if need be. She’s nothing but a vicious little girl, but her father is a good man. Sometimes owing favors isn’t a good position to be in. If my sources are correct, you filed a police report.”

  I nodded.

  “I did, but like I explained to Melissa, Simon has vanished.”

  “He’ll be found. I promise.”

  I drummed my fingers against the bar top.

  “You wouldn’t get angry if I changed my mind about all of this, would you?”

  Kane sighed, turned to me, and set his glass on the bar. His broad shoulders drooped a few inches as he spread out his hands in an open gesture.

  “Angry, no. Disappointed, yes. You wouldn’t have to worry about your job or your career. I’m not out to destroy lives, unless your name is Simon.”

  He gave me a cheeky smile, one that made me giggle like a silly school girl.


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